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Everything posted by KKKEEENNN3

  1. I actually played the one on the Gamecube version and Xbox 360, but I never played the very first one. Sorry if I don't know anything about the first PS.
  2. I get pumped by fast anime songs like Obsession from .hack and good hip-hop songs like Get Back from Luda.
  3. kaisha is right, that the only way to get it free. I gotten a whole lot of songs from it.
  4. [quote name='BlackTigerGurl][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]That is something I've noticed also. My theory is [spoiler]that Lil Slugger didn't want a copycat. So he dealed away with him giving a warning of anyone else who tried to do his job.[/spoiler] My theory could be wrong though.[/COLOR][/FONT'] :catgirl:[/quote] Your theory is probably right but not 100%. Maybe that Lil Slugger copycat was him but needed to be "releaseed". He probably like Freddy on Elm Street but within a person body twist.
  5. Hey girl, for the LAST time, THIS ROUND IS DONE. Winry already won this round. Go to the next round. ([COLOR=Black] Didn't like her to win anyway)[/COLOR]
  6. So, it was just a [spoiler]nerd from the streets that was basically copying him. And that father gets what he desevre for making pornage of HIS OWN DAUGHTHER. Who in God's name would do a dirty thing like that.[/spoiler] I just sicken me. (PM me for the name of the Opening song of Paranoia Agent.
  7. The only thing that I'll accept from this anime is its manga only. Yesterday, I thought to myself, "What the hell is Naruto", I mean is this anime even worth it. When I watch it, I'll be blow away for now, but head will start telling me that this show SUCKS BADLY.
  8. For me it was Digimon. I really like it back then, but now it feels kinda stupid and have lame kiddesh lessons that we been knew since we were 5. Also reruns of Cowboy Bobop, FLCL, and Dragonball, which they were way better that that crappy excuse of a aniime.. And may the light of Aether serve you well!
  9. NOOOOOOOO!! I just don't understand why they are voting for that crasy blonde girl, man. I pickin Washu due to the reminding me of the old days. But anime fans these days don't know what they are thinking about. And may the light of Aether serve you well!
  10. Anime characters that are just like me is Hibiki from Vandread, Kite from .hack, and Anita from ROD. I know I don't have the sweet hair colors they have but I do mainly have the messy hair they all share and some of Hibiki?s personality of swearing and quick fuses, Kite?s personality of being slient around people, and Anita physical ability of running and jumping around, and also being the youngest of three (I?m the brother). And let the light of Aether serves you well.
  11. Dang. This forum has so much critizing, I just can't thiink what anime is bad. What a minute...X. Yeah, the X movie was so senseless, I don't want to try to read the manga of it. And may the light of Aether serves you well! (I hope) :sleep:
  12. What is the name of that werid chain around Inuyasha's neck that Kagome said to sit when he can behave? Oh, okay, BUT WHAT WITH CALLING Jakkotsu A GUY??? He talks and looks exact like a woman and even says girly things and somehow, they called a guy. This show just get better and better. And may the light of Aether serves you well!
  13. This was a hard desicion because I saw both of them. I giving to Chi though, I mean the anime okay, but not with FMA because it has that [COLOR=Blue]special popuality[/COLOR], like Inuyasha and DragonBall, but I like Chi a bit better because I read the manga story of it and it was pretty good. Just need to see the anime it self now.
  14. THIS SHOW (TELLING YOU RIGHT NOW) IS BEYOND WEIRD. It a show of crackheads, prositutes, hobos, and other people who have no job, no hobbies (good ones in a way), no careers, no future, and probably the end of life for them. In other words, this show really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, FREAK PEOPLE OUT.
  15. Anita sounds more of a ghetto girl name than Naru. Naru sounds like a guy's name or something. And besides, if Anita learns to use defense with her moves and dogdes very well, Naru will just be in the way. That means she does more than paper cuts.
  16. Temari may be a ninja, but they don't have good advantages with vampires, like Ceres. So this one have to go with Ceres
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