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Everything posted by animebitch01

  1. [QUOTE=Otaku America][COLOR=Navy]The simple fact is, it is an accurate estimation and not some made up number. Any major animation studio can easily pay their artists a 6-figure wage. Production I.G. pays [B]all[/B] their artists over $150,000 DOLLARS. To the topic creator, I suggest you email Production I.G. because they're looking for artists. Just make sure you have what it takes. [/COLOR] :D[/QUOTE] Thanks :animeswea i have lots of time before i'm on to that stage . so in pounds that would be...... £75000-£100000. man! that is a lot. these days they have been stories on site where the artist have claim is really hard work and have been skint eversince they started. thanks for the tip it would help me in the long run. ^-^ heh.........^o^- :D
  2. :( This is been on my mind lately, before i thought nothing but to make my animation come to life. and this is been concerning me, how much do the average anime/manga get paid? i'm wanting to be an anime artist ever since i found out it was called anime. but to become rich to do so is been worrying me that, is this the right route to take? i've been searching in the internet for this answer, so far the average anime/manga artist get paid less than the average japanese labour worker?/ but what about clamp? and other major artist? what do you guys think? :catgirl: what do you think is important, money or to be able to do what you like as an occupation? :animedepr
  3. lol. hey nice to meet you, you rate anime artworks, cool that's great that someone is taking that step forward to rate other people here's some of mines, they not really my past best ones, i try to see if i can do new ones although i had coursework tying my hands, i even have to do some over the summer holidays. ^-^' what do you think? :animeswea
  4. -__-???????/??/??/.................. erm isn't it just a drawing style. i'm confused what are you people on about if it a japanese thing or not. would you guys rather if it kept by the japanese. :animestun japan may have made this style of drawing, but that doesn't mean we can't use it. and what would you call your original anime, if the style is anime but you ain't japanese. it doesn't make sense. i respect that you guys have lot of appreciation for the japanese but still i seem to get the view that you guys feel that the japanese is a higher status than us non- japanese. Have anyone seen peach girl (made by an american) published by tokyopop and christopher hart's book on how to draw manga (alos an american) and both are in the catogory of anime. yes japanese artist often draw better quality of anime but of someone anonymous put in this great anime art, and then you found out he's non- japanese, would you say it is then. let's remember the japanese has shown the world of anime to the world passively, so they would expect that in time there will be other talented artist that are non-japanese. yah?!?/ and yes they really did copy from the american cartoon style!
  5. -_- //??//?/////?/////........................................... aren't they the same thing, i mean manga and anime are very similiar. and there are different styles of drawing manga/anime (to me it's the same thing.)so don't tell they are drawn different. I'm just started to get into the anime world for a year now (yeh i'm new, so i apologise if i speak from my view :animeswea ) and i can't really judge anime and manga, both are really so similiar but manga started it professions earlier. whether they are anime and manga (same thing), i doesn't matter at least they rock at the graphics combined with plot and the music are just beautiful. they are loads of manga and anime series that are good, but rather i would judge the series of these cartoon then the whole thing, cos if i choose manga or anime, it will be like judging the overall thing (containing both crap and awesome! cartoon) it wouldn't be right to put those good cartoon in the bad section.
  6. [SIZE=2]I agree but the only reason anime stick out like a soar thumb unlike the other cartoon is because the drawing technique is way beyond the likes of any cartoon and the story as well, if i compare marvel against anime. anime would wins hands down. and so in anime style, to them it's tens times worser (we have to admit anime IS really getting realistic these days and so the plot and everything else) and if you think about it the plot goes even deeper than other cartoons. like beyblade, is not about tornament and to become number one. they started to go on about how a champion would feel like in under stress of judged as number one. and the battle is getting much more serious than ever. And also lets look at the history of anime OR MANGA! you guys do notice that most series sometimes are rated 15. and i just find it so stupid that anime is always connected to porn! seriously, and that maybe why some over protective parents may think anime is getting too much. (overprotective parent thoughts "if anime is makin porn, imagine what other stuff they might put on) MOST IMPORTANTLY, since ANIME is CARTOON, many would think it is aim at kids. ( they just forgot the part that it is mainly older kids, you know we do watch television ^-^') :animeangr [/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=2]These days you don't see much of male characters than female characters when it comes to original anime and sometimes even in anime series. Female are more often used as one of the main characters in nearly every anime story, and usually the hero. what i really like to ask you guys is what do you find easier to draw, male of female? or most likely to draw? i can draw both gender at ease. male tend to be easier as it doesn't contain curves, however the female, once you get the hang of it, the possible poses and design are endless.And with the anime female taking over the gender, it's hard to resist drawing at least a female, wouldn't you agree ^-^'[/SIZE]
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