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Everything posted by kyo'slove91
Name: Felix Age: 297 Gender: Male Side: loner Weapon: sighs Appearance:He has blood red hair and deep black eyes. He wears all black like a sweatshirt and a pair of baggy black jeans with a bunch of chains hanging off of them. Background: He first became a vampire when he was walking home from a friends house and was attacked by a vampire. So ever since them he has been a self hating vampire that can't kill himself because he is a vampire. His family never liked him and said he was an outcast and that nobody liked him. His family was killed by the killers and he thanked them pretty much. So he went on to become a joksterand then went on with his life and told himself that he would never become a killer or fight he was just there to suck blood and sleep. I hope this is enough
[COLOR=SeaGreen]"No uncle I'm leaving leave me alone."theo said as he slamed the door shut behind him. "Come on griffin lets get out of this place."he said as the giant griffin leped out of the window and onto the street. He walked around for quite a while until he got tired then he walked to the school grounds and sat on the bench. He wasn't there for more than 20 seconds when he saw someone coming. He look at the shirt and he noticed the V on it. "Griffin get ready to fight because here comes trouble."he said as the man got closer. "What do you want?" Theo said as the man reached them. "You Know what I want I want you dead."the man said. "Then we should fight, Go griffin."theo said The man was instantly backed into the fence and clawed across the chest.Griffin came back as the man slid down the fence dead. [/COLOR]
Sign Up The Mourning After [M-V, L very likely]
kyo'slove91 replied to Sir Gawain's topic in Theater
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Name-Theo Daily Age-16 Appearance- He has short spiked black hair with red tips and he has a pale white face.And he has a scar on his left cheek. He wears a black cross around his neck and a black watch on his left arm and it beeps everyday at noon and he doesn't know why. He has a black hoodie with flames down the side and he wears a pair of baggy black pants. Pet name-Griffin Pet appearance-http://www.stitchability.co.uk/griffin.jpeg Bio- he lived with his parents until their death but then he was stuck living with his god mother he hated his life so he compleatly stoped talking period until he met griffin then he freaked out thinking he had gone insane he ran as fast as he could over to his friends house screaming his head off. The griffin caught up with him and pounced Theo ducked and ran for his life. The griffin jumped up in the air and landed right in front of him and he stoped dead in his tracks. "What do you want with me I just want to go home?" he asked. It nugged up against him and stared at him. Theo raised his hand up and started to pet the griffin. The griffin picked him up on his back and they ran home. They became the best of friends but his god mother just hated him being happy so she had to do something but everytime she would try she would chiken out and run. then it happened the people started to attack and he started to fight.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=SeaGreen]OCC-well you guys those are great so far and I again am very thankful you guys signed up. Garret finally realised who they were missing and they all ran off into the fog towards the scream. They walked around for a while and they still couldn't find Katie but then they heard her scream again and ran towards it. "Katie Katie are you there where are you?" They were all screaming. "I don't know where I am but all I know is that I am in a forest and I am being chased by someone so help me." she screamed back Garret and them were running towards her as they heard her voice and befor you knew it Garret had run right into the trees and very loudly he screamed at the top of his lungs. Katie was still running and she could here them behind her and she was not paying attention and looking behind her she ran right into loki feeling emmbaraced she backed off and looked away blushing. "Oh loki sorry I didn't see you there." she said still blushing and looking behind him to see gage being chased by the same people she was being chased by. "Look out loki." She said grabbing his hand and running with gage on the other side. Meanwhile Garret, Colmin, and Tyrone were trying their hardest to find the others who had run the other way an soon after they all ran into each other and decided they were going to try and hide from the guys but they had to figure out where they were going to go.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]OCC- wow I am so happy I am finally getting one of my story's in the square and again thanks to all the people who signed up for it. Everyone woke up from falling from the sky. They all had expressions on their faces that said ow that hurt. "How did we get here and why does it feel like I just got hit with a baseball bat in the back of the head." Garret said looking around at the others. "What did we get our selves into." Said Colmin in a I don't think I care kind of voice. "LEVEL ONE" said a weird voice coming from no where. "Who said that" Said Katie with a stunned expression on her face. It became really foggy and no one could see each other they all of a sudden they heard a weird screaming noise coming from the distance. and the all heard that they were saying things. OCC-All right you guys can take over for now[/COLOR]
Sign Up Game Boost (m for L,V and S if you want it)
kyo'slove91 replied to kyo'slove91's topic in Theater
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Ok guys I highly doubt we are going to get any more people to sign up for the story so I will start the story but leave the sign-ups open just in case. I will send out PM's right today.[/COLOR] -
Sign Up Game Boost (m for L,V and S if you want it)
kyo'slove91 replied to kyo'slove91's topic in Theater
[COLOR=SeaGreen]All of those are really great and I hope to get a couple more sign ups before I start the story. And no that is not what I expected from a person like you. Thank you all for doing this.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=SeaGreen] Far into the future when all the technology on earth had advanced beyond anything that we could have imagined we have virtual reality games but they had not been modified to the where you can just leave the game when you want to you have to win the game yourself. Thus no one is allowed into the game. a group of kids were sneaking around one night and they decided they were going to sneak around the place and mabey get a glimpse of the virtual game but what they found was the game was on the Fritz. It sucked them in and they ended up in the horrible game. No one saw them again after that. Five years later a group of friends who were related to the people had dedicated their lives to finding these people. One of the kids? moms had known where they were going so they went to check there and they found the game and decided they were going in. Here is what you need for the story Name- Age- Gender- Appearance- write or picture is fine add your weopon in this Personality- Bio- here is mine name- Garret michels Age- 15 gender- male Appearance- He is about 6'4" and weighs about 130lb and he is so skinny that he has to always wear a belt or his pants will fall to his knees. He has snow wight hair and glowing green eyes that turn red when he gets mad. he wears a red t-shirt and a pair of baggy black jeans with buckles and chains all down the leg. He also wears a warior braclet around his wrist that glows when ever evil is near that is his weopon. Personality- He is a very mean boy who doesn't get along so well but sometimes he has a very sweet side to him which is very intresting. The only person he is ever nice to are his friends and his sister. Bio- when he was a little kid his parents didn't care for him they left him alone to do anything he wanted but when he needed parents to love and support him he got a big no and after about a year when he was two and rebelious they started to pay a little more attention towards the whole if you don't stop then I will beat you into the ground type of way and he wouldn't listen so they beat him into the ground. By the age of five his sister was 5 years older but she was the princess no one even looked at her wrong she hated it she never wanted her brother to be cast out and almost killed when he was five. He never looked at her the way she looked at him. Later on when he was 10 he had told his sister that he never wanted her to leeve him and she said she wouldn't. That night she had disapeared.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Elie left his room on his way to the briefing room and he was really tired he had went to the work out room and just gotten back and changed. "What is up with this place man the only time you get to relax something has to happen." He said turning a cornner and walking into a wall. "Ok so I guess I have to go up one more turn I am lost I think." He said to someone "Um what are you looking for?" The man asked "I am looking for the breifing room 3 do you know where that is?" He asked "Yah follow me."He said he ended up in the briefing room and sat down in one of the chairs.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Elie was sitting behind a bunch of crates because he was getting shot at and he was only a newbie.Cat came around the conner and she had a tiered expretion on her face. "So tell me what is the purpose of this training facility anyway and why put it on the top level I'm only a newbie so this is a little hard." Elie said as he shot over the boxes. "I guess they just want us to train more and I don't know why they would put it on this high with you being a newbie and all." She said as she also shot over the boxes. After the training session he went back to his dorm room to take a shower all he could think of was what his father said to him the day he died and he looked down at his feet and back up at the shower head and turned it off. He went into his room and changed into normal clothes and layed down on his bed and stared at the selling. He went into the living room and started to watch tv and he got board and wished he was back at home with his family and friends and his girlfriend.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Name- Toby Age- 16 Description- He has white hair with black roots and he has bright blue eyes that shine in the light and he has three necklaces around his neck and he wears a black shirt that is a button down and a pair of baggy black pants that has a belt on it. Bio- When he was little his older brother was the nice to him but his parents compleatly forgot he was there so his brother made up for it but when his brother dissepeared he quit talking but then after a while he got used to it but he still didn't talk as much as he used to so he one day decided that he was going to look for his brother like he said he would his weopon is a long blade.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2]name-Elie sagara age-27 gender-male race-human what world he is from-this one apperance-he is about 6'0" and he weighs about 120lbs and he has white hair with black tips and his hair is spiked and he has bright green eyes. He wears the standard EDRI uniform. personality-He is a pretty nice guy once you get to know him but he spent most of his life in the army so it is a little hard to do so. He hates anyone who jokes about stuff during the wrong times.When he is in trouble he gets to the point where he gets out of control. bio-When he was little he use to practice fighting with his dad because his dad was also in the military. He always use to say that he would be as best as his dad some day. His father died when he was 7 years old. He kept training until he was old enough to be in the military then he could actually train. He joined the military when he got out of high school. After he turned 27 he selected out of many people to be a feild agent at EDRI.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=3] an unholy war was started by one planet between all of the universe long ago there was a bunch of planets that made a truse with each other and the all joined together in trust but one day that trust was broken by one planet and now they had started an unholy war between the whole universe no one new what to do it had just started. Five years later the planet dauphin had created something it was a school and the name was konjee military school where kids could go to train to fight in the war. They thought that this school would help but they soon found out that the only type of people that they got were people that have had problems in their lives like loss of someone or they were just mean. The things that are mostly studied are mech fighting and magic. Alot of people train to be mech fighter but they all get teams at diffrent times during school. And some people come to control their magic abilities. Here is when it all happened: 2000- all the worlds were joined in by trust but the trust was broken on april 20th 2000. 2005- the war was still going on so the planet dauphin created a school called chronic military school. 2010- it is now 2010 here is what you need for this RPG: Name- Nickname- Age- Gender- Race- like elf, vampire, immortal ect. Appearance- Personality- Power- like what magic element your characture controls Bio- just a short story about your characture here is mine Name- jak bell Nickname- Nightshade Age-13 Gender-male Race- He is a vampire Appearance- He is about 6'3" and weighs about 100lb he wears a black hat and he has blood red hair and he has bright blue eyes and he looks like a gang member because he wears all black clothing and caries around any weopon he can get a hold of. He also carries around a celtic harmonie pendent that stands for spiritual rebirth and he has a tatoo going all the way up his back of 2 snake like dragons around a ying-yang and it is black. Personality- He is a loaner and hates to be touched and he has never told anybody why but he gets pissed off real easily so don't get in his way even if he is only 13 years old. power- shape shifting he can't control it very well Bio- when he was a small child his father died and his mom blamed it on him saying it was his fault his father is dead and he would always scream and cry and ask why his father had to die and leave him with his mother. she would beat him every day and make him do the chores the day his father died he gave him the celtic harmonie and told him to take care of it ever since it has hung around his neck. His mom got a job at the school as the head mistress. so he had to go live at the school and his mom made him take the classes. That is why he is so good with every weopon ever made.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=3]"This place is just as creepy as ever dad why did we come back?" He asked as he walked around. "Yes why did you come back I thought you hated me?" Si said coming up to Tetsume and staring him in the face. Tetsume backed off and walked over to his dad where he grabed his bags. "Just tell me where my room is and don't get in my face." He said as he walked back to her. She showed them to their rooms and tetsume slamed the door shut and started to unpack his stuff. He watched out the window as kokiro got up to go to her room and thought of what she might be thinking "God she must be having it rough I mean she is new and everything." He said still watching out the window as he saw Kyo go by the window. "Hey Kyo whats up?" He asked "Tetsume what are you doing here didn't you leave forever I mean the things Si said to you were super harsh?" He said being careful so Si didn't hear him. "That's what I thought." He said as he looked at the door. There came a knock on the door so he went and opened it. It was yukin.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3]name-jonathan larson age-19 gender-male race-trow weapon of choice-swords appearence-http://ysabet.velvetangel.net/haru/Haru02.jpg bio-he always ran from everything because his father was a very mean person and would hit him so he always did what his father told him to do. He always did the chores and all the stuff that his father would do so he never got around to having a life because his dad would take it from him. When he turned 19 he ran for it and never looked back.so know he set out to find a new place to go. He ended up at the elven castle.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3]The phone rang at the main house and yukin lust happened to be by it. He piked it up. "Hello is this the main house of the sohma family" "Yes this is who is this" "This is tetsume and I am just calling to say we are coming back to live there so if possible could you tell the owner we are coming" "Who is we?" "Me and my dad hatori" There was an okward silence on the other end of the line as yukin was thinking of the name and where it came from since well no one new anything about where they were. "Who know"yukin said with aconfussed look on his face. "Actually don't say it I don't even care oh and your crazy for thinking that I would want to go anywhere near her" "sorry for asking and we will be there in about five four three two one hello" "Hello goodbye"as he said as he walked away" man he doesn't seem like the type of person who likes to talk about his feelings towards people.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Sign Up Fruits Basket 2: The next Generation (M-LVSD)
kyo'slove91 replied to Angel Lover's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3]Name:Tetsume sohma age:18 gender:male apperance:He is hatori's son and he looks like a young him.exept he isn't half blind. background:he never really new his mother who rejected him with her whole body but his father was always there for him in his time of need.He has been living outside of the family.he had a large fight with the family in the main house and him and his father moved away he hasn't been seen by anyone else in the sohma family. fight:Yes he can fight animal:dragon[/SIZE][/COLOR]