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Tyler Koregaten

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Everything posted by Tyler Koregaten

  1. please do not say such things about me. As a band director I've only ever asked three things of my students. 1) do not lie to me 2) do not steal from me 3) do not question my faith I ask the same of you now. My faith in Christ Jesus is the most sincere thing about my life. I'm a lot of things, and have been called a lot things, but above all, I am a Christian. I do not mean to insult anyone, I merely try to share what I think and feel. Many atheistic people say that Christianity or religion in general is an insult to those that don't believe that way. I now say that atheism and atheistic "neutral" outlooks are insulting to me. I cry for those you who don't have Jesus. Might you take Him into your hearts. God be with you
  2. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Tyler, I will hate you for the rest of our lives on OB, I promise you that. Error of their ways? Can you be anymore stubborn? It's the way they are, you can't say "have some god for breakfest, it'll show you you are bad." I believe in god and Jesus, and I believe he's our savior. But no way in hell do I think homosexuality is wrong. I mean "god made them that way!" from what I've learned. And god doesn't make mistakes, cause he's God. Am I right Tyler? I think it makes no sense to think homosexuals are errors, because if your homosexual, and god created you, obviosuly it isn't bad. Unless the devil is in on it, if so then run away! God teaches you to love and respect, not hate and banish. This maybe your opinion, but I disagree completely. You may have said no outrage, but I will not restrain myself from firing back about it. I may be straight, but I don't think homosexuality is wrong at all. In fact, any homosexual is cool with me, I only discriminate if the person is evil or good, cause really that's all that matters. I love god , I'm thankful for what he gave me and thankful for the earth he created, but to believe he thinks homosexuality is wrong? That is not the god I know. Anyways, I belive it should be tought to 10 year olds but I'd hold of on the sex part until they're older. Other than that, I'd be fine learning about it, even though I may get uncomfortable. [/COLOR] I secoond that motion. Who does he think he is? Preaching what's rright an what's wrong. Not to sound mean or anything, but people like him make me sick.[/QUOTE] At least the right people hate me. Anyhow, God did NOT make them that way. Homosexuality is sin, and sin comes from Satan, and homosexuality isn't simply just incorporated into a person's being at a whim, but it is learned and accepted by people through temptation. [I]Thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman, for it is detestable. - Leviticus 18:22[/I] - if you don't believe, be my guest and read the scripture. (chapters 17-20 of Leviticus are the Laws of Sexual Morality) If God did not believe homosexuality was wrong, why would He command that to Moses to be told to the people of Israel? That is the God [I]I[/I] I know. Also, Sandy, that alchemist thing was a JOKE. Good Lord, do you think I actually meant that? Anyhow, I do hope that I've proven my point. I do pray that the Lord might enlighten you and certain others to that which you've gotten wrong. Also, James, you said I know nothing of homosexuality and that I am bashing it. I DO know about it, because my cousin, Geof, was homosexual. However, with the Lord's help, my pastor and I, as well as other great Christian leaders, were able to show him the huge sin he'd gotten himself into. Using the Bible and examples from it, we were able to rehabilitate him and he is now happily married to his wife Clarissa and they have an five-month-old daughter. They are now a happy Christian family and Geof says he is so glad to know that his past his behind him and that he can live in peace with God. Helping Geof through this, I learned a great deal about his struggles and I now help with the Way Back homosexual rehabilitation program at my church. I hope I've shared my points. Thanks and God Bless, Tyler
  3. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I applaud the idea. Finally, kids will know what they're doing going both ways, and we can all enjoy a more educated sex life in our early years. Maybe it'll also nip all the gay sex misconceptions in the bud as well.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I can't disagree more. Homosexuality is wrong. I myself am a Christian and all Christians SHOULD know and understand that homosexuality is wrong. For it to be taught in schools is grotesque, for it will expose kids to things they shouldn't get into. This is probably another atempt to further promote non-Christian behavior and/or exclude Christianity and its morals from schools. Not to mention the fact that the ACLU says prayer should NOT be allowed in schools, yet the University of Michigan, a public university just put Muslim footwashes in the bathrooms. Back on topic, although I do NOT by any means believe in or support homosexuality, I will not hate, but will love them as brothers and sisters (as they are) and pray that the Good Lord might help them see the error of their ways. -- this is not meant as an insult, so no outrage please.
  4. Here's my little form: 1) I wish to become Event Master to give the membership fun things to do that would be released every so often. 2) I believe Community Events are important because they pull us even closer together as the anime family we are. 3) I wouldn't "suck" at the job because I'm a fun and outgoing guy who really likes to spend time with friends, such as the ones I have on OB. I would do my best to give everybody a good time. 4) My favorite memory of OB was when I had that "e-thug fight" with Ima a few months after I signed up for OB. For those who remember that, we sounded so STUPID that I laugh every time I think about it. Pitch: My event idea is [B][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue]OB: Future[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]. The event would begin using one thread for people to give their ideas for something they would like to see in a future version of OB. This process would be allotted one week. After that week, those whose ideas qualified would be notified. The second thread would be used for the qualifiers to explain in heavy detail why their idea should become a part of OB in the future. This process would last the remaining seven weeks. The one whose idea was expressed the best would be declared winner. Of course, like I said above, the ideas chosen would definitely be within reason. This has been an idea of mine for a long time, and I would love to see what the OB?s great minds would express to us. This event would be held for two reasons: to perhaps add to the OB?s already definite awesomeness and to see if we really are the brightest anime and manga community on the web. ------ I sure hope this meets your standards! ~Tyler
  5. That was the video for [I]Explosive[/I] and it was filmed in Cuba. The blackboard that read [I]Transmissión Illegál[/I] referred to an illegal radio broadcast. From what I've read, it represents a lot of clubs broadcasting illegal radio transmissions. The MP's storm in and attempt to take the broadcasters (bond) but fail. [quote name='Decca Music Video Group][I']It represents defiance and the will to be an individual. It's meant to be inspirational.[/I][/quote] That's what I read about it. Ta ta, ~Tyler
  6. Yes, I understand that they're not classical music's first cross-over group, however, I fins their music videos to be modern and they very well exhibit their music. They are very well trained and I, as a professional cellist, I find their music a breath if fresh air. It's something new and exciting. But, of course, my heart will always have a soft spot for classical music. ~Tyler
  7. Bond - One of the most famous (and hot :cool: ) Groups of today, bringing new meaning to classical music. This modern string quartet takes classical sounds and electronic sounds to make a new genre that absolutely ROCKS. What are you thoughts? Which of their songs is your favorite? I love ALL of them :animesmil :D I hope you like them too. :cool: [SIZE=1]If you don't, HA, because I do. :p [/SIZE] Ta ta for now ~Tyler
  8. Nice. I might just have to say your in. Players: please note the map to get an idea of the playing field.
  9. I have to admit the tickets are pricey, it cost me 225 Danish kroner ($187) to go see The Concert Event. I feel that it was worth it, though. It was a great concert. He made good selections of what to perform. edit: Wow, I never realized that nobody liked Yanni... That makes me cry :animecry: he's such a great artist, too :animedepr
  10. Is anyone else here a fan of Yanni? He's one of the best composers of our time, with great songs such as [I]Rainmaker[/I], [I]Keys to Imagination[/I], [I]On Sacred Ground[/I], and [I]Playtime[/I]. He's also a great keyboardist of our age who is known for seeking out the best musicians and leading them in his work, his visions. He's one of my personal favorite modern composers and musicians. His music appeals to all races and ethnicities. His emphasis on combining world sounds creates a new genre of music that is absolutely beautiful. I myself have had the privileges of attending many of his concerts, especially Live at the Acropolis and Yanni Live! The Concert Event at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. I've also met him on numerous occations and have had the privilege of writing music with him. What are your thoughts on this wonderful musician? I'm listening.
  11. Oh I didn't realise I'd made a double post, I could of swore I was editing the one I made. I'm very sorry.
  12. Very interesting character, So, all I can say is you're [B]In[/B]. I'm working on a map of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa to show in the near future. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]*merged posts* - Sandy[/COLOR][/SIZE] The map is up (as hope you've seen) and we still need members! Sign up if your interested.
  13. Hey, people Jones Alchemy now registers domain names! To go to Jones Alchemy Hosting, please click [[COLOR="Red"]Link Removed by Moderator[/COLOR]] We offer many packages, so check it out.
  14. [I]Evil is mixed within the world from corner to corner, so it is for us to slay it.[/I] The year 986 A.D. An uneasy Pope John XV sits upon the Throne of St. Peter. His mind riddled by the plague of vampires currently terrorizing Bulgaria and Transylvania. Before him sits a table, littered with letters sent to him by the kings of Bulgaria, Transylvania, Poland, Hungary and others. He is in deep thought, searching for an answer, the answer to quell the problem at hand. The gate opens. In barges one of the Cardinali di San Pietro in Vaticano, Brother Francisco. [I]"Mi Pontifo,"[/I] he said bowing lowly, with his long gray beard on the ground. "Archbishop Ricardo di Florenza has been murdered by the [I]vampiros[/I]." (vampires) The weary-eyed pontiff looked toward him with a tired but appalled gaze. "What shall we do?" he asked humbly, bowing again. The pontiff said calmly "We have no choice. We cannot let these Godless beasts to roam free. We must enlist [I]them[/I]." The cardinal looked at him and said "Surely you do not say this, [I]Mi Pontifo[/I]?" "[I]Si[/I]. It has come to that. Have a letter delivered to Matteo, he will know what to do. Make sure the letter is stamped [I]Promptus Vaticanus[/I]." "[I]Si, mi Pontifo.[/I]" he answered walking away. The gates pulled shut. The pontiff dove back into his thoughts. They would do the rest, even if it took 1000 years. His part in this story is over. Later that night, having received his letter, Matteo di Parazzi, one of the papal scribes, walks swiftly through the allies of Rome, with the letter crumpled in his hand. He walks to a wooden door and knocks. "[I]Bardius opum cantabile, sanguis orem.[/I]" he spoke nervously into the door. It opened to reveal a tall muscular man with tattered robes and a sword at his hip and a dagger in his hand. "[I]Matteo, letum porus papa?[/I]" "[I]Si[/I]," he spoke, switching from Latin to Italian. He handed the stamped letter to the man, named Vertus. Vertus nodded and Ricardo left in a fast pace walk, disappearing into the night. Vertus read the letter through and handed to a tall slim woman sitting in the corner she read it and nodded toward Vertus. Her name was Marnum. They stood up and vanished into the night, never to be seen again. They were two of the Acridiae, vampire hunters. Their line is forbidden by the world but kept by the Vatican. Their part is not yet over. --------------------------- The year 2986, 2000 years in the future. The vampires have not been quelled. Pope Michael XXXIX sits at the Throne of St. Peter. He reads over documents of the incident of 968. "Why didn't the Acridiae carry out their mission?" he spoke angrily. The gates open and in runs Cardinali di San Pietro in Vaticano, Brother Giuseppe. "[I]Mi Pontifo!![/I] The [I]vampiros[/I] have taken Jerusalem and have destroyed the Church of the Holy Sepulcher!" "So it begins." spoke the pontiff. -------------------------- OK then, let's get started. Simple, to enlist, do the following. We'll use mine as an example: [B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Vertus [B][U]Side:[/U][/B] Vatican (choose either Vatican or vampire) [B][U]Race:[/U][/B] Acridiae (either human, Acridiae, or vampire) [B][U]Skills:[/U][/B] Vampire hunting; scripture; heavy weaponry [B][U]Bio:[/U][/B] None is known. (just short) [U]Characters needed:[/U] Pope Michael XXXIX 2 Cardinali di San Pietro in Vaticano 4 vampiros 2 Acridiae 2 humans These are the essentials. We can have more than that, I encourage more. [IMG]http://www.jonesalchemy.com/images/map.bmp[/IMG] This is a map of the playing field. The Vatican lands are highlighted red. --------------------- Have fun with this! ~Tyler
  15. Well, I graduated from Juilliard. And I've composed quite a few songs with lyrics. When writing lyrics, make sure it something that if you read it, it makes you feel moved, something that motivates you. My musicology professor at Juilliard once said [I]Lyrics are simply your own expressed words set to music.[/I] So basically, if it interests and motivates you, that's all you need. Dankes hvor! ~Tyler
  16. I concur. Many shounen series tend to have better supporting characters. FMA is an exception in my opinion however. Many anime today tend to lean toward the grabbing the viewer part, without focusing enough on the show to make it happen. However, once again, I must say that FMA has really done well and overcome these common obstacles. Arakawa did a very good job with the manga, which of course started the mightily influential series we know and love today. The plot of the story was very well coordinated, choreographed, if you will, to work efficiently with the characters, which were all very keen at supporting each other. I am glad to see that other series are beginning to grasp that essential concept as well. Maybe the age of failing shounen anime is coming to an end. FMA is definately one of the Shounen Anime Revolutionary leaders though. It's quite evident that FMA will continue to flourish and stay a favorite of anime lovers everywhere. I knew I was hooked after reading the frist volume of the manga when it came out a while back. I plan to continue to immerse myself in FMA for my enjoyment and anime curiosity for years, no decades, to come. ~Tyler
  17. Classical, new classical (like Bond, TSO, MYSELF, etc.), opera, Danish folk music, and my music that I write. I also like the music of my friend, Tomaso Desiderio (he's quite famous in Rome) Tyler
  18. Very nice. Grunt Salesman, your profile is exceptional. I'm getting a mental picture of your character from your indepth description and the wonderful sample. As far as I can say buddy, Grunt Salesman: You are [B]Accepted[/B] We still need 1 more for Sigma and 2 for Chi, so 3 more and we'll let the "games" begin! ~ Tyler
  19. [quote name='Nekova']Wow! I went into this show with average expectatations, and have to admit I've been pleasantly surprised. The first few shows seemed average, but #'s 5-7 were way above par and now that I'm up to episode 15 I've got to say this anime has me hooked. Although it's had quite a few episodes done mainly for comedic reasons, the plot and background to the series has started to gain a lot more depth. I think this is shaping up to be one of my favourites, at least if it can keep going strong.[/quote] If you think epsiodes 1-15 has you hooked, just wait. Episodes 20-25: will keep you on the edge of your seat Episodes 25-30: bring more humor to balance out the former suspense Episodes 30-49: and you're back on the edge of your seat Episodes 50 & 51: you'll near die from what happens The Movie: you'll be thinking, WHEN DOES THE TORTUROUS SUSPENSE END!? I NEED TO SEE THE ENDING! you'll be lucky if you don't fast forward to the end on the movie ^__^ Hope you enjoyed my quick, non-spoiling summary of FMA. And also, I seriously do have a registered copyright on this summary, so contact me before using it on a site or something. No commercial use accepted. ~ Tyler
  20. Very nice. Everybody so far is [B]Accepted[/B] (not counting that spammer)
  21. YEA. A world government would end many problems. But, however, there is one exception. The capital city of this world-state woulde have to be COPENHAGEN, and Denmark would gbe the most important province of the world-state. The ruler would be the monarch(s) and Prime Minister of Denmark. ;) Sorry, I'm Danish, a soldier, and biased (they promoted me too much :animeswea ) [CENTER]HIEL DANMARKES WELT!![/CENTER] translation: Hail Denmark's world ;) ~ Tyler
  22. Well, I'm afraid I don't have that kind of bad luck with women (as I'm getting married SATURDAY!!!!) But I can share something. If it makes you feel better, I'm in Her Royal Majesty, the Queen of the Kingdom of Denmark's Military (Danish military for short) and have access to files such as that of people. I have access to these files (Since I was promoted to Brigadier General!) , BUT she would have to move to Denmark, Greenland, or the Faeore Islands first :animeswea Maybe I could talk to somebody in the American government.. But most likely not :animeswea So don't get your hopes up. ~ Tyler
  23. Good character profile! If you could edit a few things though: Could you make James's title "Second in Command" and possibly as far as that relationship between our characters, that can be that our characters grew up together in the slums of Metorpolis Sigma (having our characters only being a year apart) and that our characters both swore to keep the friendship between them strong, and I'm often picking your character to head missions and such. Great characters so far! Everybody so far is accepted (with the exception of that spammer's post) Keep posting! We need 2 more characters for Sigma, and 4 more for Chi. bogger3k, please get your character's skills posted soon. So as far as that goes: Keep posting!!! ~ Tyler
  24. You quit bothering me about that! I've already told you that was something I'm not allowed to tell you! If you've got an administrative code given to you by the IMT, PM it to me and I'll have it verified. If not, you're treading military ground, so be careful and watch your step, pal.
  25. [CENTER][I]But Colonel, their lines stand still, even though we've used [/I]it[I].[/I][/CENTER] July 22, 2038, Metropolis Sigma. The memories from that time still remain fresh in my mind. The world was divided among itself. Nations no longer existed. No governments existed to hold order. The world was split into metropoli. These super-cities held millions, sometimes billions, of citizens. 54% of the Earth's surface land was not fit for life. The cities were categorized by Greek letters, depending on size. The smallest was Metropolis Alpha. The largest was Metropolis Omega. This system of world division seemed efficient, however, the metropoli could only hold so many citizens. The world population had risen over the years. It went from around 7 billion in 2006 to about 40 billion in 2038. Because order was mostly abandoned, all but the military, rape and assault were common. A census showed that 40% of the world's 40 billion people in 2038 were the result of rape and unintentional sex. Because of this, the metropoli had to expand as much as they could. Matropolis Omega stretched from Beijing to Shanghai.Even though the metropoli found ways around food and water shortages, wars were still common over supplies and land. I was a soldier in the war between Metropolis Sigma and Metropolis Chi, over a power dispute. The final straw was when Premier (which is basically a dictator of a metropolis) Zoeggliser ordered the military of Metropolis Chi to attack the Plaerium (a newly discovered radioactive element valued for its production of energy) plant beside the Danube (the Danube served as the dividing line between Metropoli Chi & Sigma) because he didn't want Metropolis Sigma to have more power-generating plants than Metropolis Chi. This lead to the Riot, a large violent protest in which the Metropolis Sigma military and citizens crossed the Danube and attacked a mine outside Metropolis Chi. When the military of Metropolis Chi countered, this battle was called the Battle of the Northern European Plain. Our forces were lead by Colonel Johann Sliersson and Brigadier General Robert Szcalkatszcy. I was a member of Special Ops Unit 4, a special unit that's job was to develop weaponry to use against the enemy. All of the weapons we developed we used, except one. One we kept put away until the Colonel ordered us to use it when the Metropolis Chi forces started attacking our citizens. It was a guarded secret, and still is. At first, we didn't use it. But after a while, the Colonel was tired of enemy soldiers coming into the city and raping women and young girls and killing innocent bystanders. But, when we did use it, it didn't work. It backfired. And so, it was locked away. The war still rages on today. I've killed many, and climbed the ranks, yet the pressure of war still seems unbearable. They say to me "Good job Lieutenant Colonel Lerring" Yet, the job I do is anything but "good..." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the sign-up parameters: Name: Age: (at least 15) Occupation: (Military, rebel, citizen) Side (Metropolis): (Chi or Sigma) If military, what division: (special ops, infantry, aerial) If military, what rank (title, too, if there is one): Skills: Here's my own sign-up: Name: Jaafrig Lerring Age: 17 Occupation: Military Side (Metropolis): Sigma If military, what divison: Special Ops 4 If military, what rank (title too, if there is one): Lieutenant Colonel; Commanding Skills: Agility, weapons design, computer hacking, heavy artillery warfare Have fun! ~ Tyler
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