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Tyler Koregaten

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Everything posted by Tyler Koregaten

  1. "Exactly." Tyler replied to the Colonel. "Edward." "Yes, sir?" "I want you to go with Major Armstrong and Lieutenant Havoc, you too Alphonse. The Colonel, Lieutenant Hawkeye, and I will go toward the nearest supposed rebel camp. I'm counting on you, Fullmetal." "Yes, sir." replied, while saluting, both Edward and Alphonse. The two groups parted. "Brigadier General, where [I]is[/I] the nearest supposed rebel camp?" "Supposedly Hessens, about two miles from here." Lieutenant Hawkeye took out her pistol. The Colonel and Tyler turned. There stood ten or so armed men. "You wouldn't be headed to Hessens by any chance, would you, military scum?" Tyler didn't even speak before he raised his right hand and cast a lightning bolt at them. "Now we're sure of their headquaters."
  2. Bravo! The font's fine by the way. I love the way you used the [I]Triumph of Maria de Medici[/I]. Here's mine: [IMG]http://tinypic.com/eamgxd.jpg[/IMG] Here's the drawing I promised you. It's a country-side scene: [IMG]http://tinypic.com/eami9y.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]PARAMETERS:[/U][/B] Words: Toréador, en garde, toréador, toréador! Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant qu'un oeil noir te regarde et que l'amour t'attend, toréador l'amour, l'amour t'attend! Colors: Reds, pinks, and other bright colors (é= hold "alt" while you type "0233" on the number pad, after typing the code, let go of "alt") I'll dedicate another drawing to whoever tells me the song these lines are from, the opera it's from, and who worte it.
  3. [IMG]http://tinypic.com/ea0dw4.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]PARAMETERS:[/U][/B] Colors: very bright; yellows, whites, etc. Words: O Freunde, nicht diese Töne! Sondern, Läßt üns änghemere! Änstimmen, ünd freundenvollere! Freude, schöner Götterfünken, töchter aus Elysium, Wir Betreten, feuertrünken, Himmlische, dein heiligtüm! Deine Zauber, binden wieder, wäs die Möde streng geteilt, Älle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sänfter, Flügel weilt! ~I'll dedicate a drawing to who ever knows who wrote the song that uses these lyrics, the poem it's from, who wrote that poem, and the composer who wrote the song.
  4. My deepest apologies, AzureWolf, you were right.... I found out that WASN'T the senior story line editor that posted that.... It was some con or something....... Anyways, I was watching episode 40 or 41 on my computer the other day and [spoiler]Rose was indeed raped by soldiers. Scar even said it himself.[/spoiler] Once again, I am sorry. Next time I will do further research before starting such a fuss. Thank you.
  5. [IMG]http://tinypic.com/dym4w7.jpg[/IMG] Parameters: Words: The Seven Sins Colors: Dark greens & blacks; optional reds
  6. HEY, you don't have to bite head off! I'm just saying what I read, A little info. If it is indeed a lie, why would the senior story line editor of FMA lie about one of the animes that put them on the map? Whatever, next time I post, .......... :angry2:
  7. Alright... [IMG]http://tinypic.com/dr2lhv.jpg[/IMG] Parameters: Blue and White Words: [I]And the world fell underneath the wrath of the False-God...[/I]
  8. Yes, I'm also glad FMA is returning. It's been a LONG wait and... um........ I'll just say I've almost killed my DVD player with all of the FMA DVD watching... Anways, I too ordered the FMA pocket watch and necklace. I love FMA merchandise................. Oh, yeah, by the way. In Hong Kong they speak Chinese and English, not "Hong Kong-ese".
  9. You're in. By the way, I did sort get the idea for this RPG from Lloyd Aleksaander's [I]Prydain Chronicles[/I], which he based off of Welsh mythology. For this RPG, the Welsh language [B][U]will[/U][/B] be used. Welsh is the national language of the Kingdom of Wales, a country in Europe. Here are a list of common words and pronunciations. [B][U]Welsh Pronunciations:[/U][/B] A- always "ah" B- very solid sound, as in "boot", never silent. C- "kh" if before y,u,i,o, or l "ss" before any other letter D- slightly hard sound, as in bound E- "eh" F- Solid f, as in "four" G- Hard sound, as in "rig"; "kh" at the end of words. H- Medium sound, as in "hat" if after g, makes an "uh" sound (ex. Like Scotland's capital Edinburgh eh-din-boor-uh) I- "ee" J- "y", like Germanic j (ex. German word for yes, [I]Ja[/I]-yah) K- "kh" L- basic l sound M- Hard sound, as in "monster" N- Hard sound, as in "not" O- "ah" except before "o"- "oh" P- Hard sound, as in "package" Q- "kh" never "kwah" R- Trilled, as in Latin-decedened, Slavic, Germanic, and other Celtic languages. S- "ss" or "z" at end of word T- solid- "teh" U- "oo" V- f sound W- "oo" sound, always X- "z" Y- "uh" after consonants, "ee" after vowels Z- "ts" [B][U]Common Welsh Words:[/U][/B] yes- Alwn (ahl-oon) no- Nwzja (noots-yah) Hello- Alath Greblit (ahl-aht greh-blit) Good-Bye- Helmwla al Lithath (hehl-mool-ah ahl lit-aht) The Helm-King approaches.- Albart Halmkonin al atathatwm guil. (ahl-bart hahlm-koh-nin ahl aht-ah-taht-oom gweel) Hope these examples help. Thanks.
  10. You have all passed the test. I wanted to see how you would handle it, even though some of the posts were a little overzealous(kidding). [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Times New Roman]Since you have passed the test, if you wish, you can PM me to join my NEW CLUB: the Anime and Manga Devotees of the Otakuboards. Thank you.
  11. Tyler, Col. Mustang, Maj. Armstrong, and Lt. Hawkeye were on their way theirway to where they suspected the "Corruption's Demise" headquarters was. "Brigadier General, this radical group, what are their motives?" asked Colonel Mustang. In their messages so far, it's had to do with many things. Alchemists being a branch of the military, the government, wanting to run the country, we're not to sure yet." "It sounds like they're progressing blindly without a cause just to prove that they can." said Lt. Hawkeye. "We've looked into that several times as well, we're still not sure in that, either." Then, their transport car was shot at. The vehicle skeeted to an abrupt halt and the military personnel exited the vehicle. "Show your selves!" yelled Tyler. Three men then jumped up, each bearing arms. "You'll go no father, military scum!" shouted one of the men. "Scum, you say?" The other military personnel stepped back. "I am Brigadier General Tyler Koregaten, the Thunder Bolt Alchemist." "The Thunder Bolt Alchemist!?" "Yes. Now that the introductions are over..." Tyler then raised his right hand, revelaing the palm of his white glove and the transmutation circle on it. The circle began to glow a bright golden color and began to spark. "...It's time to say good-bye." A lightning bolt then flew from the circle and struck the men, bringing their electrocuted bodies to the ground. Now, we know their motives." He said, looking at the blackened bodies.
  12. Tyler stood in the Fuhrer's office, reading the mission briefing he'd given him. "Corruption's Demise, huh?" The Fuhrer then said "It's probably just another radical group, but we have to take them seriously. We're not taking chances. I want you to select who's going with you. Choose 5 State Alchemists and military personnel. You'll also have the Southern Forces at your disposal." "The Southern Forces, at the headquarters in South City, sir?" "Yes, Brigadier General. Now get going." "Yes, Your Excellency. the Fuhrer." He then exited the Fuhrer's office and returned to his own, passing Colonel Mustang in the hall. "Hello, Brigadier General." "At ease, Mustang." he said walking off. "Five, huh? Southern Forces. Military Personnel." After making it to his office, his assisstant, 1st Lieutenant Maria Lesery, asked him what his case was. After telling her, he wrote up reports on who was going. They were Colonel Roy Mustang, Major Alex Luis Armstrong, 1st Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, 2nd Lieutenant Jean Havoc, and State Alchemist Edward Elric. Lieutenant Lesery then delivered them. "I hope this case works out as just being another causeless radical group." He said annoyed.
  13. [IMG]http://tinypic.com/dhfst0.jpg[/IMG] This dark and gruesome enough? [B][U]Parameters:[/U][/B] Words: [I]Adgath n relebile fwss ryjll Gausenhjiwl[/I] [I]Peace will come to all on the Earth[/I] Colors: A Welsh country side, a small creek maybe with lots of green colors and bright flowers, with 2 or 3 trees.
  14. [IMG]http://tinypic.com/dgp6cx.jpg[/IMG] [B]Parameters:[/B] Words: Do not question my authority, I rule Colors: black and white(sketch look)
  15. Whoa, whoa, WHOA. I said "what if" not "it will". I'm just trying to get opinions. Great opinions though. Oh, yeah, I meant manga too. [I]Angath roschen adgthyll n revwjll gathagh morag?[/I] [I]The future does await us, are you ready?[/I] -King Twathyll IV of Wales; 2004 independence declaration
  16. NOTE: This is not a retelling or retranslation of Welsh mythology. The foreign language used here is Welsh. Prydain is not Wales, simply a mythological sister of that wonderful place. [SIZE=1][I]Alva gathad rwss ealba froaes a richen sa trwm[/I][/SIZE] [I]And the land shook in fear for what was to come.[/I] The Land of Prydain. A vast and forested country usually peaceful. At least it was. For the War of Wars was destined to play out here, in Prydain. This quest speaks of a young assisstant farm-keeper of the village of Caer Dallben, in the south. His quest unfolds when he meets the prince-warrior Galmathwn[gahl-mah-thoon] Join the quest to rid Prydain of the evil lord, Annuvwn[ah-noo-voon] of Cithyll Anuvinn. Only seven can acompany them, who will? It was a quiet day in Caer Dallben. The assisstant farm-keeper Tarancyll[tah-rahn- kull] was shoveling out Cylbn Ratahjwll[kuh-bin rah-tah-yool]. "I hate doing this." [I]"Carmag zwl kval roleaedab!"[/I] A little later, on his way to collect his 10 krwm from Cylbn Ratahjwll, he was grabbed by a cloaked man on horseback and put on the saddle. "What are you doing!?" "Be quiet! We must leave quickly." "Why?" "I need you. I can't let you die." "Die!? How?" "The armies of the Helm-King march toward here." "How do you know this?" "I barely escaped them earlier." "Fine. Why do you need me?" "You must aid me in the quest to defeat Annuvwn and end the War." "What of my townfolk?" "My subordinates are going to arrive there shortly to move them." "Why do you [I]need me[/I]? Why not someone else?" "Because you have your father's blood. Tryllathyn[trull-ah-tuhn]." "Why does that matter?" "His blood was cleansed by Saint Gwalytt[goo-ah-lutt], so only his blood can defeat Annuvwn." "You must be joking." "I'm not. Get accustomed to it." "We'll need aides in this quest, to better our chances of defeating the evil. We must also make it to Caer Dathyll[surr dah-tull]." "Why?" "Your village-watcher, Dallben, instructed me to ride and speak with Dathyl for his wisdom on this matter, for he too fought Annuvwn long ago." "let me explain this to you. Annuvwn wishes to rule all Prydain, not just his own land. And he can do it. He has the Helm-King as his general to command his armies. He has the Queen of the Pylra[pull-rah] to train his beasts. He even has the Cauldron-Born. He creates them by taking the bones of dead men and brewing them in a cauldron, erasing the memories of when they were alive, thus creating soldiers that feel nothing, and only carry out Annuvwn's will." "How horrible. We must stop him." "Then it's said, we shall gather companions and fight the evil, and liberate Prydain." To sign up: [B][U]NAME:[/U][/B] [B][U]AGE:[/U][/B] [B][U]SIDE:[/U][/B] [B][U]WEAPON(S):[/U][/B] [B][U]SKILLS:[/U][/B] [B][U]PERSONALITY:[/U][/B] [B][U]HISTORY:[/U][/B] Here's my sign up: [B][U]NAME:[/U][/B]Annuvwn [B][U]AGE:[/U][/B]Unknown [B][U]SIDE:[/U][/B]His/evil [B][U]WEAPON(S):[/U][/B]sword, sorcery, curses [B][U]SKILLS:[/U][/B]command over cauldron-born, sorcery, invulnerability [B][U]PERSONALITY:[/U][/B]extremely evil and power lusting, all-powerful [B][U]HISTORY:[/U][/B]unknown I hope you have fun with this! I need: Tarancyll Galmathwn 5 companions Queen of the Pylra Helm-King 3 cauldron born 2 ranking officers in the Helm-King's army
  17. Do you like Classical Music? If so, this thread's a new and improved version of the "Who besides me likes classical music" thread I posted months ago. Below you'll find links to several of my favorite classical music websites. Also, who's your favorite composer? What's your favorite classical music piece(song)? Do you have any links to share? Then this thread's for you. [COLOR=Teal]LINKS:[/COLOR] [URL=http://www.classicalmusicarchives.com/]Classical Music Archives[/URL] [URL=http://www.beethoven.com/]Beethoven.com: The world's classical music radio station[/URL] [URL=http://www.bondmusic.net/]Bond's Website![/URL] Here's my favorite composer, Ludwig van Beethoven I hope you enjoy this thread! [IMG]http://tinypic.com/dghpxz.jpg[/IMG]
  18. The thought is absolutely gut-wrenching, a world without anime. Kind of hard to imagine, huh? Well, let's say that anime dies out. What would you do? What you take interest in? Would you go absolutely insane? I know I would. Here's a couple of quotes I got from American anime voice actors whom I asked the same question: [I]I don't think I could imagine a world without anime, because it's something I love and do, really.[/I] -Vic Mignogna: Edward Elric [I]Fullmetal Alchemist[/I] [I]Anime is something I've devoted myself to that really intrigues me and hightens my sense of enjoyment, I couldn't stand living without it.[/I] -Richard Cox: Inu-Yasha [I]Inu-Yasha[/I] It's your turn now.
  19. You know, you're right. I've been reading through the [I]Magnus Opus[/I](alchemy's code of laws), and it states here in the Twelfth Article of the 17th Chapter that [I]Death is a mere natural cycle, unpredictable by man and decided by nature only, to maintain the natural balance of this Earth. Hetherfore, it is to be respected and acknowledged as a part of nature, an absolute being amongst man that only accords to nature.[/I] You're right, even the code of the science I've devoted myself to tells me the wrong of punishing myself like this. It also reads here in the Fifteenth Article of te Eighteenth Chapter that [I]The elements and natural bodies are as unpredictable as death, when not fully understood, so even these natural beings of Earth and nature possess the threat of peril and death. These elemets and minerals are to be respected and used wisely, for the good of Alchemy and the Corporal Natural Laws. To understand and respect and wisely-use these natural bodies and Transmute them to a better kind with alchemic energy, your circle, and your understanding of the Laws that govern them, that is Alchemy.[/I] Thanks for helping me Zidargh, I appreciate it.
  20. Do you ever feel like your life doesn't deserve to be in existence? Do you ever blame yourself for things that go wrong? Have you ever lost someone or something special and thought your life was over? Here's the place to admit it. Here, all restraints break and all secrets are let out. I'm going to do so, for all three categories listed above. Yes, I have thought at times that my life isn't worth existing. Yes, I do blame myself at times. Let me tell you my deepest darkest secret: Thiis still eats at me to this day, and I think of it at least an hour every day: Two years ago, I was one of the alchemists selected to experiment with ununquadium, ununhexium, ununoctium, and unununium, all in unstable form. I was checking reactions with ununoctium and ammonia. It began to bubble, then, to make it worse, I accidentally bumped into a test tube of phosphorus which fell into the mixture, creating fumes. There were twenty of us in that lab. The toxic fumes poisoned me and everyone else. 11 died. The rest of us were poisoned and had to stay in the hospital. I still blame myself to this day, and it rips me apart from the inside out, even though the courts stated it an accident, I carry the sin. The mixture of ununoctium, ammonia, and phosphorus was named "Ununoctium Phosphonicide". I was praised for the "discovery" even though those other brilliant scientists died due to my mistake. As for the last one, my brother Jaassenje, died in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, because he was stranded on Interstate 90. His loss eats at me, and along everything else, literally rip me apart. I hope this thread encourages you to not fear exposing your mistakes and secrets.
  21. [COLOR=Blue]FLCL is definately the most [I]hilarious[/I] anime I've seen, I mean, who wouldn't like an anime about [spoiler]a boy named Naota who goes through all of these down-right funny beat-downs with a deranged housekeeper/alien named Haruko(Roharu) who beats him and these strange contraptions with a guitar and crashes at least 15 different ways on an electric bike, not to mention the things coming out of Naota's head.[/spoiler] Whoo... I'm done now. :animeswea Even though it is great, it's not [I]the[/I] best I've seen. Fullmetal Alchemist kind of takes the cake there.[/COLOR]
  22. Come on, guys, we need to bring this back to life! We can't let this RP die out!
  23. I'd like to join. One question, do entries have to be hand made or is computer okay or are both okay? I'm more into the hand-drawn. Does it have to be specific themes, or is anything okay? Please answer me and let me join.
  24. Life really can backfire, can't it? This hurricane has taken too much from me. Even though I'm in Alaska most of the year, I did have a home in Gulfport, MS, which is gone. Most importantly, my brother, Jaassenje, lived in New Orleans and is gone now because his car gave out on the interstate and no one would help him, leaving him stranded, to be taken by the waters of Lake Pontchartrain. I--I can't say anymore because these memories of his passing are eating at me... I'm sorry, I must go.
  25. Who likes Orphen? I do, I mean, anybody would like a manga/anime series about a super-sorcerer/assassin who does jobs for pay and stomps on bratty short people who bother him for their un-earned part of the pay while losing all of his money in rent and food tabs. Right? Definetely. If you like Orphen, this thread's for you.
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