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Tyler Koregaten

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Everything posted by Tyler Koregaten

  1. I actually found it by typing in "anime/video game website" and this site showed up, so I checked it out. After I registered, I found this to be my favorite website. I absolutely love this site and I think it's the most unique anime site on the web. 6-25-05 was my one-month anniversary, and I've already completed 103 posts, started 16 threads, and made great pals. This is definately the best anime-oriented site out there, and I'll be on it from now on or until it closes. I'll always be part of this community.
  2. For me, learning English, Russian, Greek, and Armenian was hardest. I was brought up speaking Danish, so I can easily speak other Norse languages, but Asian and Cyriic languages are quite complicated. I had an especially hard time learning Russian. Here's a sample( I can't use the alphabet, so I'll use English letters) [I]Nataktva shineka ustek chena sitka nasa vi?[/I] which means[I]How are you doing today?[/I] or [I]kelda gasa tischtaa gurteska niktet khuutak[/I] which means [I]Isn't the weather nice today?[/I] Complicated, eh? Try Finnish: [I]Gjehesjlaa kiujsha aagy tui khaahujik tuadds sjikaa[/I] whoich means [I]Tommorow is my birthday[/I] ....Complicated, huh? Right.
  3. I would just like to point out these composers are in no order. I believe they're all great. This was just an internet poll I saw. Hey, if you really like classical music, register at [URL=http://www.classicalmusicarchives.com/]this site[/URL]
  4. I would like to put in other languages for my posts, but I can't figure out how. Can you help me out here?
  5. Actually it is legal because I count as a soldier. Even so, the State Alchemists' Treasury covers research and all of that, so I guess that's why. By the way, I don't make elixirs or transmute metals, that's not even alchemy. That's an Ancient Egyptian practice called [I]Al-khemi[/I] whixh was the practice of creating elixirs and transmuting base metals. As you see, many people confused that word as a typo for alchemy, so they used that definition. Almost every source and text uses that definition. This is alchemy's true definition: The complex science of transmuting objects of certan masses into objects of the same mass through use the of alchemic energy. This science follows a code of laws called the [I]Magnus Opus[/I] and is a rare science which is practiced by less than 1,000 people worldwide. Most transmutations are done through the use of a transmutation circle, which harbors alchemic energy based on the arrays within the circle. Th only object that can bypass a transmutation circle is a Philosopher's Stone or a Red Stone. There. You should be getting a clearer picture of my occupation now. Oh, yeah, to become a State Alchemist, you must pass the Stately Certified Alchemist Exam, which takes about 4 and a half hours to do. Oy. :animeknow
  6. My first/current job is as a State Alchemist. I serve in Germany at Gorresfinn-Furtte. (I don't care if you don't believe me because I know that I am and that's good enough for me.) Anyhow, they only pay me 2,000 Euro a month(that's about 670 dollars) I am sooo underpaid for what I do. :animesigh (I make their damn research papers and do all of the work with alchemic research and they pay me 2,000 damn euro a month. Damn cheapskates :mad: ) Does anyone else here get unfairly underpaid for you seemingly important job? Join the club.
  7. Luckily, Shin has a few left that he's selling at 5 BUCKS EACH!!!!! I was able to get a copy, and it's not as good as you'd think. I give it 3 stars. Bummer.
  8. Central Headquarters Tyler stood, saluting, in the presence of the Fuhrer. "Brigadier General," the Fuhrer said, "I need you to handle a special operation." What's that Your Excellency, The Fuhrer?" "I have recieved a report about rebels calling themselves 'Broken Alchemists'. They all have strange alchemic abilities which don't seem to follow the Laws of Alchemy. They're causing trouble all over Southern Amestris. I want you to find them yourself and kill them." Tyler replied "Yes, Your Excellency, The Fuhrer. But, why did you select me for this?" The Fuhrer said "Because you're one of the best State Alchemists we have, and I know you can handle it." "Yes, Your Excellency, The Fuhrer. I will take them out." Two Hours Later "Hey, Tyler, I heard they gave you the 'Broken Alchemists' job." said General Hakuro "Yeah, they did. Even better, the Fuhrer gave me the job personally." replied Tyler " (whistles) Not bad. Must be a top-notch case." "It must be." "Hey, do you think the rumors are true?" "What rumors" "You know, the ones about them being able to bypass the Laws of Alchemy." "Yeah, they've alreadry confirmed it. Damn rebels. Isn't it ironic that [I]they're[/I] the ones who get such powers?" "Yeah it is." "Do you think you can handle it?" "Yeah" "How are you sure?" "Because if they try to use their alchemy or attack me, I'll electricute them." "Oh, yeah, I forgot, you're the legendary 'Thunder Bolt Alchemist'." "You're damn right. I'll get all of those rebel bastards. I'll get them, alright."
  9. Earth, year 2567. Humans have completely industrialized the planet and have forsaken the Gods. The Humans say that the Gods should rule their own otherwordly lands and leave Earth to them. This made the Gods completely furious. The Gods have cut off all ties of friendship with the Humans. The Humans further angered them by destroying all temples, shrines, and statues that once celebrated the Gods. The Gods did not take this lightly. They deployed the feared Sacred Army, which consisted of 10,000,000 angels. They Humans then declared war on the Gods and the Sacred Army by sending 100,000,000 men to fight the Sacred Army on Irius Gandis, the Holy Isle. The Sacred Army plowed into the army of men, killing every man they saw. Even though the Sacred Army was outnumbered, it made no difference. The Gods laughed at their attempts to defeat the Sacred Army. The men swore to defeat them, but the angels were to powerful. Their blessed weapons were forged by Kaldius, the God of the Forge. The men lost that day, but vowed to defeat them soon. They then started inventing new advanced weaponry to use against them. The Humans, angered by their loss, ridiculed the Gods' glory and might. This angered the Gods so greatly that they themselves planned to lead the Sacred Army into battle. The Humans gladly accepted this, and preparde to meet the Sacred Army and the Gods head on. They were going to battle where ever the Sacred Army, and the Gods, appeared. Who shall be glorius and take control of Earth? It's up to you. [B][U]To join,[/U][/B] Name: Age: (if God or angel, you'd be immortal) Gender: Side: (Gods or men) Skills: Weapons: (Humans would use advanced weaponry whilst angels and Gods would use blessed weapons) Ability: (angel only) Description or Picture: Alias: (if God: ex:God of Fire If Human soldier:ex: Wolf) Rank: ( If Human) Biography: (Human only) [B]Here's my sign up:[/B] Name: Dorius Age: Immortal Gender: Male Side: Gods Skills: Can command the other Gods and angels. Weapon(s) A large holy sword made of blessed steel. Description or Picture: [URL=http://www.speedgraphics.net/images/designs/slamwrap/anime-warrior-sm.jpg]click here[/URL] Alias: Supreme God and God of War Easy,right? I'll be accepting: 5 more Gods 15 Humans 10 Angels of the Sacred Army HAVE FUN!!!!- Tyler
  10. Who's seen 3x3 Eyes? Do you like it? What about it do you like most? I absolutely LOVE it! It's a great anime, hands down.
  11. Name: Arius Age: unknown Gender: male description: [URL=http://www.guthwulf.com/images/anime/japanese/vampirehunter-wide-promo2.jpg]click here[/URL] he's the one on the horse Organization: Hellsing Race: Pure-blood vampire(hunts other vampires and undead creatures) Reassignment: He was chosen to go to Sicily for his skills to sense the undead and other vampires. He was also sent for his terrifyingly cunningmind and his overwhelming power and strength. Biography: All that's known is that he trained under Glumius,the Vampire of Herexia and that he's sworn loyalty to Hellsing. How's my character?
  12. Right you are, it [I]was[/I] episode 50. It was Envy who [spoiler]stabbed[/spoiler] Ed. Off topic: I'm afraid Shin doesn't sell Bluebird's Illusion anymore because the license for it was terminated.
  13. [I]"O great Lord of the East, will thou awaken from thy slumber? Thy greatness be summoned, rise!"[/I] The "War of Wars" it was called. The bloodiest campaign in history. It was the War of Kilsius, which lasted 25 years. It began when the country of Clorius, which was in the east, became under the rule of Klamium Daraus, a warrior-king who wanted only power. He was such a fierce warrior that he was called the God of Blood. He spilt more blood than any other man to ever walk the Earth. He ruled using fear. His people were terrified of him, so they obeyed his every desire. Klamium then decided he needed more land, so he launched a campaign on the neighboring country of Khlortius. People thought that the Clorius Military couldn't win, because Khlortius had the largest military in the world. They were wrong. The Clorius Military, led by Klamium Daraus, slaughtered the Khlortius Military. After Khlortius was conquered, the entire world shook in fear. Countries signed treaties with him, hoping to avoid war. Klamium didn't care about peace or unity, his only goal was world domination. Klamium then turned on his "allied" countries of Friesia and Tatiria. He invaded them both the following day. No one dared defy him. He was feared by all. But, there was one group who [I]did[/I] rebel against him. This group was made up of 15 warriors, all from different countries, cultures, and peoples. They fought against him and his army every time he attacked. They rallied people to help the cause. They deliberately put their lives on the line to save everyone else's. They got their wish. They formed an army large enough to wage war on Clorius. This war was called the War of Kilsius. It was fought all over the world, especially in Clorius. How will the war turn out? Join to find out. [B][U]To Join[/U][/B] [B]Name: Age: Gender: Description or picture: Side:[/B] (Clorius army, other army, neutral, rebel, united army) [B]Skills: History:[/B] (optional) Easy, right? Here's my sign-up: [B]Name:[/B] Klamium Daraus (The God of Blood) [B]Age:[/B]29 [B]Gender:[/B]male [B]Description or picture:[/B] [URL=http://www.speedgraphics.net/images/designs/slamwrap/anime-warrior-sm.jpg]Click here[/URL] [B]Side:[/B]His side [B]Skills:[/B] Master swordsman and warrior. Uses sorcery. [B]History:[/B] Unknown. Have Fun!!! :D
  14. It's the year 267 B.C., and the world's nations are at war. The High Legislation of Xeioxis used powerful magic to summon soldiers from all of time to aid in the war. These warriors were selected by the Grand Priest. They were selected for their courage, valor, honor, bravery, cunning, might, and resourcefullness. These soldiers were the greatest of their times. 15 were selected. The emperor of Xeioxis had major doubts. he believed that Xeioxis would be defeated and conquered by other world empires. After the warriors arrived in Xeioxis, they were welcomed greatly. People bowed to them, women brought them food, the wealthy through gold at their feet. They couldn't believe it. The High Legislation bowed to them as well. Emperor Ticintius III greeted them with worthy gifts. He then said, "Will you fight for our country?" Well, will you? To join, enter the following info.: Name: Age: Gender: Country of Origin: Time Period of Origin:(example:2005) Skills:(example: bowmaster) Weapon(s):3 max Appearance: History: Side:(warrior, neutral, High Legislation member, the emperor, Gautiumas soldier, Xeioxis soldier, Lumius soldier) Easy, right? Here's mine: Name: Jonathan Machnen Age:27 Gender: male Country of Origin: Amestris Time Period of Origin: 2046 Skills: State Alchemist Weapons: alchemy, transmuted weapons Appearance: He wears a State Military uniform and has black hair. He's about 6'7" History: unknown Side: warrior I'll accept 15 warriors and 10 others(side doesn't matter, and if any options are left unpicked, we'll leave them out.) Have fun!
  15. Sure thing! I edited my post already! You should be getting a clearer picture now.
  16. Name: Tyler Koregaten Age: 34 Side: State Job: State Alchemist Alchemist Name: The Thunder Bolt Alchemist Description: Usually quiet and has an encouraging look in his eyes. Even though he's usually harmless, in battle, he's one of the most deadly fighters you'll ever see. He of course wears a military uniform. He has blue eyes that are very reassuring his hair is black and very nicely groomed. Personality: He's very kind and respectfull towards nature. He despises murders and outlaws. If you ever fight him in battle, his face will probably be the last thing you see. Weapons: Transmuted weapons(swords, spears, staffs.) Bio: All that's known is that he started studying alchemy after his parents were killed by thieves. He became a State Alchemist when he was 16 years old. He's been loyal to the military since. Original: No. How's my character?
  17. Who would win in a battle of strength and power, Edward Elric or Kuwabara? Edward Elric(Fullmetal Alchemist) Kuwabara(Yu Yu Hakusho)
  18. No, it [I]was[/I] Lust. She must have her confused with Camilla from FMA and the Broken Angel. No, the dubbed version kept the original names: Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, Greed, Sloth, and Wrath.
  19. Have you tried looking at Best Buy? If it's not there, check either amazon.com or ebay. Believe it or not, I found [I]all[/I] of them on DVD last Saturday at a [I]yard sale!!![/I] Apparently, the owner got tired of anime. He had Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, and the complete FMA Japanese DVD box set!!!!! I bought every bit of anime stuff he had, DVD's, CD's, mangas, and merchandise, and I got it all for $35!!!! The FMA DVD box set was only [I]$10.00!!!!!!!!!!![/I] Now, that's what I call a once-in-a-lifetime deal! Anyhow, I'm [I]really[/I] enjoying it!
  20. Yeah, the Japanese with subs is the only perfect way to watch anime. Question: Who cried and/or was shocked motionless when [spoiler] Envy stabbed and killed Ed in episode 50?[/spoiler] I know i did... :bawl:
  21. Samurai Champloo and Rurouni Kenshin are great, but I'm gonna have to say Fullmetal Alchemist is the best. It is very realistic. Trust me, I know.) And I don't care if you criticize me about saying this(because I'll just criticize you back), but, anyways, I'm a State Alchemist, and I am completely 100% honest. The alchemy in FMA is [I]real[/I] alchemy. I know what you're going to say, though, but This definition, the art of making cures and other elixirs and making base metals into gold, is the definition for the Ancient Egyptian practice of [I]Al-khemi[/I] which was made an art by priests who wanted to become powerful and rich. But, when common people saw this word, they mistook it for the word [I]alchemy[/I] and used that definition. Almost every website, text, and other source says this. How do I know this? Because, like I said, I'm a State Alchemist who is stationed in Germany. You nver hear about them on the news because two reasons: 1: The American Military doesn't have a State Alchemist force. 2: We are elites, so our work is highly confidential(we can tell you what we are, we just can't tell you what we [I]do[/I].) Anyways, that's why FMA's story is the best.
  22. Ed and Al have finally been reunited. Only one thing, they were reunited on the other side of the Gate!!!! Somehow, Al was sent to the other side of the gate along with 10 companions, and now there in the middle of a poverty-stricken land called Deutschland (which is German for Germany.) After Al finds Ed, they explain to each other what's going on. Ed explains to Al that the place they're at is a city named Munich. After Al explains how he was taken there, the 10 others started telling their parts of the story. Ed then explains to Al that alchemy is of no use there, and that's why he had been studying rocketry. Not long after, an explosion goes off in the building next to the one they were staying at. The people who set off the explosion had come from the other side as well! They said they were there to destroy their technology and. most importantly, their people! Will you be one of the people helping to defeat these evil people who are calling themselves the " The Destroyers"? Or will you aid the destroyers in there destruction? The decision's all yours. Simply fill out the following sign-up: Name: Side: Age: Gender: Skills: Motives: Here's my sign-up: Name: Edward Elric Side: Ed and Al's side Age: 15 Gender: Male Skills: As an alchemist, he can transmute objects without a circle. On the other side of the gate, he's good at rocketry. Motives: To reunite with Al (which he does) and to stop the Destroyers. See? As simple as that. Remember: I'll except those who are into it enough to make a good character. I'll except: 11 other companions (including Al) and 12 Destroyers. Have Fun!
  23. Shaman Name: Quuqaahad Naaskaatik Age:29 Gender: male Appearance: He always a very stern, determined look in his eyes and always appears to be thinking about something. He's about 6'10" tall and wears robes made of very fine cloth. He has long silver hair. Personality: He's usually quite silent and calm. But, he can be angered very easily... Abilities: He can control all the elements around him. Motives: To avenge his father's death. Country of Origin: Greenland Weapon(s)- He uses a staff made of frozen glacier steel and a sword made of hardened iron and blessed metals. It was forged by his father. Spirit Guide: Name: Gaataak Jikaanuut Age: 2,094(was seperated from his body at age 57) Gender: Male Appearance: He has a fierce glance in his eyes at all times. He isn't just staring, he's seeing the future. He's about 5-foot-tall and wears a magic cloak and black hair. Personality: He's very stern and hates to be disturbed, but in battle he's a deadly contender Abilties: He can force elements into unstable forms, causing them to explode. Type(species) Elemental Spirit
  24. Who's seen Macross? That question just keeps popping into my head. If so, what's your favorite one? Please, I MUST KNOW! P.S. PM me to join the Anime Lovers 4 Ever Club!
  25. Of all the chimeras created, one survived while the others were destroyed by the military. This chimera is known as the Chimera Lord because it can summon other chimeras and command them. He can also make copies of himself. The ones who created it were soldiers under Brigadier General Fillipino Hausen of the military police. This group is called The Shadow Platoon. The State Alchemists are fighting against them and their army of chimeras. Then you find out that the Chimera Lord is the one manipulating the humans! Will you join the State Alchemists and the military or fight to control Amestris with the Shadow Platoon? The choice is yours. Simply provide the following information: Character: Age: Side: Gender: Skills: Human or Chimera: If chimera- what animals make it up: History: at least 1-3 paragraph Here's my sign-up: Character: Edward Elric Age: 15 Side: State Alchemists and military Human Chimera: Human History: Edward Elric is one of the greatest alchemists to ever live. When he was 11 years old his mother died of a disease. He and his younger brother, Alphonse, were devistated. They then began studying alchemy. They attempted human transmutation, or basically they tried to revive her with alchemy. The results were tragic. Edward lost his left leg, while Alphonse lost his entire body. Edward then sacrificed his right arm to transmute Al's soul to a suit of armor. Edward was then given auto-mail(metal limbs) by auto-mail mechanic and friend of Ed and Al Winry Rockbell. One year later, when Edward was 12, he took and passed the alchemy exam, making him the youngest State Alchemist in history. It's been 3 years, and his life's gotten no better, for his and Al's real journey is ahead. I'll except: 12 state alchemist/ military people and 12 chimeras/shadow platoon soldiers. I'll make a new post to announce who's who.
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