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Tyler Koregaten

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Everything posted by Tyler Koregaten

  1. Name: Hiroyuki Takata Age: 25 Race:Human Dreamland or Japan:starts out in Japan but eventually ends up in Dreamland Weapon or Power: He's a monk so he uses spiritual powers and also uses a blessed staff which can single-handedly slay demons. Appearance: Wears black robes and a golden necklace which is supposed to allow him to pass through demonic barriers. He has black hair. Attitude: He's usually very calm and quiet and has a great respect for nature. However, he can be angered easily... History: He was born during the time when the Band of Seven were annhilating most of northern Japan. His parents were killed when he was 2 years old by a demon. He was then taken in by monks. The monks taught him the ways of spiritual understanding and demon slaying. At age 9, he astonished many people by slaying a 56-foot-tall serpent-demon with a small dagger. He then began training with a blessed staff, which he still uses. At age 18, he set off on his own to slay demons and lure away evil spirits and specters from villages with his spiritual powers. But, on his 25 birthday, he was found unconcious in a field...
  2. Have any of you read the Yu Yu Hakusho manga? I s it as good as the anime? Are there like different characters and whatnot? Please reply.
  3. [quote name='Sapphire Flare'] Alaska? Why Alaska? No one lives there... :animeangr [/quote] Simple. Alaska is closer to Asia than the mainland states. So, Japan ships things here, then Alaska ships them there. Got it? Anyways, the game's great and it only costs $32.97 here! See? There [I]are[/I] perks to living in Alaska! :p :D :animesmil P.S. PM me to join the Anime Lovers 4 Ever Club!(please request to join in your PM.)
  4. Same here! FLCL is great. It's definately the most hilarious anime there is! P.S. PM me to join the Anime Lovers 4 Ever Club!(please request to join in your PM.)
  5. No, remember, Aura_Star said that it was okay as long as the elemental power [I]tied in with your instrument[/I] which mine does.
  6. [I]Long ago, in forgotten times, warriors were summoned from the past, present, and future. They were summoned to slay the evils that infested the lands of the world. These heroes of their times united under one banner to smite these terrible, foul invaders. They must prevail, or we all shall suffer until the end of time.[/I] Will you join the heroes on their quest? Will you unite the peoples of the world? Will you fight for your future? If so, simply post in this thread to join the battle of our time. For together, we shall cast these creatures into the abyss. In your post, place the following information. Name: (You can use your username or create a name) Age: ( age doesn't matter.) Gender: ( male or female) Side: (You can be a hero, a soldier of evil*, or a common person(king, commoner,etc.) Your country and time period: (can be any country and any time period.) Weapon: (spear, sword, gun, etc. or if your character is from the future, you can make up one.) Occupation: (wizard, viking, soldier, etc.) History: (1-3 paragraphs long.) * If you choose to be a soldier of evil, you can choose him/her to be from another planet, galaxy, etc. Simply make up the countries of that planet. I will except: 10 heroes, 11 soldiers of evil, and 10 common people. Here's my sign-up. Name: Tyler Koregaten Age:34 Gender: Male Side: Hero Country and Time Period: Amschbruckenburg, Germany, 2035 Weapon: Alchemy and transmuted weapons Occupation:State Alchemist who's also a Brigadier General in the military History: On July 21, 2001, Tyler Koregaten was born in Uhrrech, Denmark. He moved to Alaska at age 7. There, he began to study alchemy, after reading about State Alchemists. By the time he was 11, he was a genius alchemist. His teacher was Kyulsney Quuqaahad, an Inuit man living in his town. His parents both died when he was 14 years old. He couldn't take it. He studied alchemy viciously, until he passed the State Alchemist Exam and became a State Alchemist. He moved to Amschbruckenburg in Germany. He vowed to find out what happened to his parents. He knew that he would have look under every rock to look for clues. On August 3,2035, he disappeared. Many thought he'd commited suicide. When he awoke, he was in a very old village in a country called Brenesia. He was surrounded by 10 other people, all different. Where was he? Join to find out. I'll post every time I decide who's going to be where. Remember, only a certain few shall be accepted! :D
  7. Name: Tyler Koregaten Age: 34 Gender: Male Appearance: He's(I'm) a very kind-looking man who's also very quiet. He(I) may seem harmless, but, just wait until he plays his(my) music... Side: Rebels Instrument: Cello Skills: He(I) can calm the mightiest storm, control flames by playing an angry tune, or force others to fall into an eternal slumber, if neccesary. History: Tyler Koregaten was born July 21,1970 in the village of Punairias in southern Mundain. At age 5, he took up playing the cello. He was talented at first, but by the time he was 9, he could create flames by playing angry tunes. He always had the dream of becoming the Grand Musician, and worked very hard for over 20 years. When he was age 32, his parents were somehow captured and murdered by Grebcosenian soldiers. After that day, Tyler Koregaten, son of James Koregaten, who was the High Court Musician for the Parniumse region of Mundain, vowed to avenge his parents' death. Then two years later, the Grand Musician Morgana was kidnapped by Grebcosenians. Then, he thought to himself, he could avenge his parents while at the same time help to rescue the Grand Musician. The following day, he joined a rebel group. He then set out on a quest with his companions to take their country back to freedom and glory.
  8. Series: Fullmetal Alchemist, FLCL, DB, DBZ, DBGT, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Inu-Yasha Gundam(all), Paranoia Agent, s-CRY-ed, and, uh.... any other anime you can think of! Movies: Akira, Cowboy Bebop The Movie, Vampire Hunter D, Blood: The Last Vampire Bio-Hunter, X The Movie, and all the Inu-Yasha movies. :D As for anything I might like in the future "I never think of the future. It comes soon enough."- Albert Einstein P.S. PM me to join the Anime Lovers 4 Ever Club!(Please request to join in your PM.)
  9. Fullmetal Alchemist and the Curse of the Crimson Elixir(I might of put an incorrect name) is out in Alaska! I bought it yesterday! Does anyone else have this game? If you have, do you like it? I'm still trying to decide if it's better than Broken Angel. Well, in other words, has anyone found Easter Eggs on the first FMA DVD? I'm still searching.... You're very welcome. P.S. PM me to join the Anime Lovers 4 Ever Club!(please request to join in your PM.)
  10. Same here. I [I]despise[/I] all rap music. They're just so stupid, vulgar, offensive, and disturbing. My top 5 most hated songs are: 1:"Over and Over" by Tim McGraw and "Nelly" 2: "Mr. Lonely" by (don't know and don't care) 3:"Drop Like It's Hot"(or something) by Snoop(the idiot) Dogg 4: "Toxic" by Britney Spears 5: "Bananas" by (don't know, don't care) Who agrees with me? Those people aren't even artists, they're just low-lifes. [IMG]http://tinypic.com/64qpkz[/IMG] He was a [I]real[/I] artist. Genius comes standard.
  11. The thing I hate the [I]most[/I] on [adult swim] is how often they change their schedule. :mad: The day they took Fullmetal Alchemist off of Saturday was [I]the last straw![/I] I mean sure, Trigun, Paranoia Agent, Samurai Champloo, Inu-Yasha, and FLCL are on, but NO NEW FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!? I will never stop hating them until FMA is brought to Saturday. This their [I]despicable[/I](but alright) schedule: 10:00 P.M.-Inu-Yasha 10:30 P.M.-Samurai Champloo 11:00 P.M.-Paranoia Agent 11:30 P.M.-s-CRY-ed 12:00 A.M.-FLCL 12:30 A.M.-Trigun 1:00 A.M.-4:00 A.M.-repeat 4:00 A.M.- Lupin III 4:30 A.M.- Case Closed (buncha....) :animeangr [IMG]http://tinypic.com/650gp4[/IMG] I want my FMA on weekends back!!!!!! :flaming: :angry2: :cussing:
  12. Does anyone here like FLCL? It's definately one of the most [I]hilarious[/I] animes there is. (SPOILERS AHEAD)[spoiler]A boy who has the odd (and seemingly disturbing) burden of things coming out of his head, a housekeeper who keeps the place running, makes sometimes gut-urching meals, can build almost anything, and crashes at least 15 different ways per episode. Welcome to the life of middle school student Takkun. Jump on in, his nightmare's warm.[/spoiler] If you haven't seen FLCL or are going to criticize it wrongfully, then do not post in this thread. :D You're very welcome. [IMG]http://tinypic.com/64qpkz[/IMG] Genius comes standard. P.S. Criticize me and you pay! :D (State Alchemists rule!:p )
  13. No, I'm afraid old Shin doesn't have a website. He keeps saying he'll get one started, but he doesn't. However, I was in Atlanta earlier today and stopped by. He does have the game for $19.96. He said he was going to get a new PS2 game in Japanese called Fullmetal Alchemist:The Other Side of the Gate. He supposed to have it by August 12. I'll make a new post if I find out anything new. You're very welcome. P.S. Criticize me and you pay! :D (State Alchemists rule! :p )
  14. Yeah, I'm glad we stopped arguing, too... Anyhow, episode 16 does make you cry, doesn't it? Also, thanks for the DVD Easter eggs. SPOILER: [spoiler]Okay, if you go to animenuke.com, and register, you can download Japanese anime episodes, mangas, and music videos!(you can only download one anime episode a day, but mangas and music video downloads don't have a limit.) Trust me, you'll LOVE this site![/spoiler] You're very welcome. P.S. Criticize me and you pay! :D (State Alchemists rule! :p )
  15. Same thing here. When I asked my friends if they knew what anime was, they said, "Is it like a Hawaiian dance or something?" Then I'm like "nevermind." Oh, wait. My friend Kanata Hemmi knew what anime was.(At least [I]one[/I] knew. :animesigh You're very welcome. P.S. Criticize me and you pay! :D (State Alchemists rule! :p )
  16. Attention classical music fans: Who's your favorite composer? This is what some people thought: This poll was taken on the net. (1 person=1,000,000-internationally-) Ludwig van Beethoven:75 people Johann Sebastien Bach:74 people George Friedrick Handel:73 people Antonio Vivaldi:72 people Giacchino Antonio Rossini:72 people Georges Bizet:71 people Jacques Offenbach:70 people Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:75 people Franz Josef Haydn:75 people Franz Liszt:74 people Frederic Francois Chopin:73 people Giacomo Puccini:69 people Giuseppe Verdi:75 people Edvard Hagerup Grieg:75 people Richard Hillchem Wagner:70 people Johannes Brahms:74 people Johann Pachelbel:73 people
  17. You know, I think I saw a game like that for the PC at Shin's Imported Goods in Atlanta. If he doesn't have, maybe he can special order it. But, if he can't get it, he has a lot of Japanese Fullmetal Alchemist games for the Gameboy and PS2. You're very welcome. P.S. Criticize me and you pay! :D (State Alchemists rule! :p )
  18. I agree with you completely, Paranoia Agent is great. I'm still waiting for the next episode. The only thing I dislike is the opening ang ending themes. Not the music, but the animation. It's just weird how everyone's laughing at the beginning in peculiar places and at the end everyone's asleep in a circle. :D then :sleep: weird, huh? You're very welcome. P.S. Criticize me and you pay! :D (State Alchemists rule! :p )
  19. Off-topic: Ima I'm sorry about the hotheadedness I have :) by the way Germany's not my native country, Denmark is. You're right, let's quit our arguing and stick to the FMA.(I was still telling the truth and I'm still not 14.) Anyways.... Episodes 49-51 are my favorite episodes, what are yours?
  20. Quit criticizing me! You make spelling errors, I do, everyone does, okay!? You know what? I'm going to skip straight to the German: [I]Freude,schoner Gotterfunken, tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein heiligtum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die mode streng geteilt: Alle Menschen werden Bruder, wo dein sanfter Flugel weilt. Seid Umschlungen, Millionen! Diesen Kuss der ganzen Welt! Bruder, uberm Sternenzelt muss ein lieber Vater wohnen.[/I] How'd you like that!? You're very welcome P.S. Criticize me and you pay! :D (State Alchemists rule! :p )
  21. Hey,hey,HEY! Who the hell said I'm fourteen!? I'm 21 years old damn it!! You're the one whp made that grammatically incorrect biography!!!! By the way, that apostrophe in "periods" wasn't right either!!!! And didn't you even read my post!? I explained that that definition of alchemy isn't even alchemy!! Re-read! :mad: You're welcome P.S. I won that one!(state alchemists rule!) :p
  22. Hi! You know, I'm glad you showed me the purity and classical influences of real metal. I found that video you told me about with the two people from the band Children of Bodom playing a Bach minuet on electric guitars.-10 out of 10 stars! Have you heard of the Scandinavian metal band Gjesfor Tajsnier? Well they're a GREAT band who do redone versions of classical pieces whilst the whole band acts as the orchestra. They even played with North French Philharmonic Orchestra in a performance of [I]Carmen[/I]! The instruments in this band are two electric guitars, one bass guitar, one doulble-bass, one piano, one violin, and drums. But they regularly play with orchestras and choirs. Thanks again!
  23. Okay, maybe I overreacted when I said chemistry and alchemy are [I]hardly[/I] related. It's true you have to have a knowledge of elements, minerals, herbs, and whatnot, but that's where the similarities end. And maybe not the [I]whole[/I] series was based on actual happenings. Things like the Gate, the different countries (Amestris, Ishbal, etc.), and the homunculi(which are based on Roman mythology) aren't real, but, you know, they have to add [I]some[/I] fantasy. However, the definition you gave me is of a real practice, but not alchemy. It was actually the definition of the Ancient Egyptian practice of [I]Al-khemi[/I], which many people mistook for the word "alchemy" and used [I]it[/I] as the definition. I don't blame you, though, because almost every text, source, and website on alchemy gives this definition. How do I know this, you may ask? Because, like I said, I'm a State Alchemist serving in Southern Germany.(I'm being serious here, trust me.) Oh, and when you asked me what the alchemists [I]did[/I], I didn't answer you because I couldn't. The Fourteenth Article of the [I]Magnus Opus[/I] (which is alchemy's code of laws) states that "[I]No sworn alchemist under the oath of Gandhiis shall reveal the ways of this science, or he shall be taken of his certification.[/I]" Sorry, it's kind of an alchemist's "taboo", if you will. Thanks!
  24. If I could live in an anime, it would be Fullmetal Alchemist. I just love how they based everything on A TRUE STORY!(Which they did!) Remember, TYLER KOREGATEN HAS SPOKEN
  25. No, it actually was based on a true story. And,no,alchemy is hardly related to chemistry. Be ready for a definition: Alchemy: Science of breaking down an object of a certain mass and rebuilding it into something of the same mass. Alchemiy is also a very precise science, following a code of laws called the[I]Magnus Opus[/I](mahg-noos ah-poos). The three mother laws are The Law of Conservation, The Law of Equivalent Exchange, and The Law of Peretrium(peh-reh-tree-oom).It's also true that alchemy has been practiced for over 1,150 years. And, I wasn't being "sarcastic" when said I'd met the Elric brothers. Thank You
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