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Everything posted by SaiyanPrincess1

  1. [QUOTE]I don't know how much hoping actually works.[/QUOTE] I have had cancer for a good 3 years now, and belive me, hoping can save someone's life. My friends hoped that i would get better and, they saved my life. i was giving up, and they reminded me how much people care about me, so i couldn't leave them. i've lived through lung cancer and a surgery to remove it because they belived and hoped.:)
  2. That is totally touching. a few days after my 18'th b-day I was diagnosed with lung cancer. I had a surgery to get rid of it, and it worked. But they didn't realize it had spread to my knee. now i am anticipating my second surgery. But it is this kind of caring from total strangers, that helps me keep going. You guys are the bomb. Oh, what really bites was that I couldn't walk up to recive my phd when i graduated. I had to have two of my friends help me up to get it. but you guys are the bomb. thanks. you might have just changed someone's life.:)
  3. I would slowly cut off his arms and legs then watch him bleed to death. :flaming: :devil: :naughty: I'm very NAUGHTY.
  4. all the teenage druggies in the slums of L.A. (I live on the expensive side of town. he he he he ):toothy:
  5. It annoyz the hell out of me when people who havn't even graduated college say that they're smarter than me and say that anime is childish. (then i kick their stupid little asses):naughty: :flaming: :devil: :angel:
  6. Finnaly, I am out of college! I pity you poor fools! I know, I should be in my last year, but i skipped kindergarden! ha ha ha ha ha ha! I Got phd in forensic science from HARVARD! and now i work for the fbi in la, and i am in the national honor band 1'st french horn. i am a genius!!!1! ha ha ha ha ha ha! ok, my fingers are tired. rebember, i am smarter than you!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drunk: :demon: :devil: -_-
  7. Oh, I was thinking that it was a 50 cent pice with 5 pennies. but, that would be too easy huh. oh, do you guys know how many squares are on a checker board? I do!:devil:
  8. I only have the Epyon one. And I want more!!:bawl:
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