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Everything posted by Stryke

  1. Actually, the Kite Look-alike is the AIDA. Haseo is a human.
  2. Well before I explain things, I will point out that a .Hack//G.u thread already exists in the Play It thread. Now that I'm done ranting....>.> Ok the Player you will be playing is a character we only know as AIDA (Artifical Intelligence data Anomaly). [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y205/Dorant/heyas.bmp[/IMG] In the trailer, he is able to switch classes on the fly. So far these are the classes he uses in battle. A Long Arm, [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y205/Dorant/mine.bmp[/IMG] A Twin Blade User, [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y205/Dorant/umsure.bmp[/IMG] and a heavy blade user, with a sword that resembles a giant saw!!! [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y205/Dorant/gottalovethepics.bmp[/IMG] Also, from what we see in the trailer, he had a love, [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y205/Dorant/wavemaster.bmp[/IMG] who was attacked. We do not know the fate of his love though, but we can assume that it was the Zombie Kite that attacked him. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y205/Dorant/hooya.bmp[/IMG] The reason for this being when AIDA sees him, he pulls out his weapons and attacks hiw with a furious barrage of attacks, while through all of this he looks like he wants to kill him right there. Normally if something like that would come out, you'd at least take a look at it first. So its obvious AIDA has encountered the Zombie Kite before. Also keep in mind, our AIDA is a PK'er, so that adds some more into perspective. I hope this helps, and if you need to know anything lse, just ask. EDIT: The AIDA does have a name, and his name is Haseo. Also, the zombie Kite is to be known as Tri - Edge, probably after his twin swords.
  3. ya that show made me laugh alot when I was younger. My parents thought it was really strange though, and always looked at me funny whenever I watched it.
  4. Not only do I go to that site, I'm a member in the forum, and get to see all sorts of sweet stuff early. The three classes he uses are the twin blade which he has the mini saws, a heavy blade which he has that BIG chain saw, and a long arm with the scythe. Since he's an AIDA, we have a theory that he can change classes on the fly, and that would be fun since everybody is sick of being the twin blade.
  5. I am already aware of PvP in MMORPG's. But what made .hack interesting was that you could kill a player whether or not they wished to battle you. While many MMORPG's tried to prevent it (Think back to the Final Fantasy System for its MMORPG), PKing is a part of games. It should be allowed, but with certain boundaries. Such as, no PKing in towns or markets, or near gates. Leave PKing to the fields and dungeons where you would expect something bad to happen to your user. Also, maybe make PKing more dangerous for the PK'er, such as if he gets PK'ed after he PK'ed someone, he would lose his weapons.
  6. Well it might be online. Gu is going to be in a three Cd set, just like how the first four .Hack games were released. The first Cd is supposed to be bigger then Infection through Quarentine combined. That leaves us the remaining two Cds. the last one might be online, and since GU is being released for the PS2, you can bet it'll be free online. My question is, will there be PK'ing if there's an online version? I'd love to Pk players, its fun being hated.
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