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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Specter didn't know how to tell her that she and him were related if she doesn't remember him.
  2. It was friday and Specter had the weekend to himself. "Maybe I'll take a shortcut through the park near the school." Specter says as he leaves the school. Specter gets to the park as he walks through the park he notcies a familiar face. It was a girl sitting on a bench. Specter walked closer to the girl, it was Alphiya, his lost cousin. "Alphiya?"
  3. Name: Specter Age: 18 Appearence: [URL=http://www.amazingcomics.it/blackpanther_1.jpg]click here[/URL] Weapon of choice : 13 inch dagger Martial Style: Ninjitsu and Panther style Biography: It was a cold winter night Specter was only 8 years old. On that very night somebody had dropped off a package for his parents, but it wasn't an ordinary package, it was a bomb. When his parents opened the door they were ambushed by four men in suits. They tied his parents to some chairs. All the commotion woke Specter. He snuck to the stairway in time to see them arm the bomb and leave. Specter ran downstair when the guys had left, he tried to untie his parents. "Run!" His father said to him. "No, I don't want to leave you!" Specter cried, "I'll be alone!" His mother kissed him on the forehead. "Take my pendant, I will always be with you." Tears were streaming down his and his mother's face. "Run there's only ten seconds left!" His father yelled. Specter ran for the backdoor, but never made it. The bomb exploded killing his parents, but scaring Specter from head to toe. After a year in the hospital he was recrited for assassin training. Specter was allowed to wear a special suit because of his major scars. Extra Notes: He's a loner, never had any friends or girlfriend because of his condition. I the picture that's the suit he has to wear.
  4. Name: Specter Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.amazingcomics.it/balckpanther_1.jpg]click here[/URL] Personality: Loner, can't stand to see women in destress, has a weakspot for beautiful women Weapon of Faith Appearance/Weapon Specifics: [URL=http://www.medievaltimes.com/giftshop/600/26%20conan%20dagger.jpg]click here[/URL] Technique: [B]Shadow Blade[/B] Weapon Power: Increases stealth and agility History Bio: He was raised by ninjas after his parents were murdered. Character Snippet: Specter heads for the village temple. "Master the time has come for me to leave." [I]"I know young one, I know. Good luck on your journey."[/I] "Thank you Master. I will miss the village." [I]"And we will miss you."[/I]
  5. Name: Specter Age: 21 Gender: Male Rank in military: Lieutenant Feild: Spy/Assassin Weapon: Feild Knife Vehicle: None
  6. Name: Specter Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: 1/2 Shadow demon, 1/2 human Appearance: [IMG]http://www.amazingcomics.it/blackpanther_1.jpg[/IMG] Reason: Specter joins Alphiya because he feels connected to her somehow, like they were family. Bio: Specter's father was a shadow demon that came to the human world and just like Alphiya's mother, he fell in love with a human. Alphiya's aunt. Specter only slightly remembers his little cousin. How: Specter meets Alphiya at a park near his High School.
  7. Name: Specter Age: 18 Hair color: Pure Black Eye Color: Black Species: Kitsune Personality: Loves to fight, protects those in need and other Kitsune Bio: When he was five he, his father, and mother were outcast from the Kitsune village. His father and mother hated everyone from the village, but Specter learned to secretly help the poor children of the village by sneeking in and leaving food outside their houses. When the village was attacked his parents were killed trying to warn the village, now Specter wonders the land searching for surving Kitsunes of the same village.
  8. Name: Specter Age: 18 Race-human or demon or both: Half Shadow Demon, Half Human What are your powers: Somewhat like Inuyasha's What time do you come from: Inuyasha's Era What you look like: [IMG]http://www.amazingcomics.it/blackpanther_1.jpg[/IMG] Wepon of your choice: 13 inch Black Dagger Personality: Mix of Maroku & Inuyasha
  9. Name: Specter Race: 1/3 demon, 1/3 angel, 1/3 human Era: Pre-Inuyasha Era Bio: Has been searching for the five elemental jewels to return turn them to their rightful owners. Apperance: (see attachment)
  10. Name- Specter Age- 18 Gender- Male Race- Halfbreed (Elf & Human) Weapon of choice- (see attachment file) Appearence- (see attachments) Bio- When Specter was 7 yrs old both his parents abandoned him with only a dagger to protect himself from wild animals and bandits. For the past 11 yrs Specter has been training himself by wrestling with wils creatures in the forest.
  11. Name: Spencer Jones (Codename: Specter) Age: 18 Occupation: Ex-Umbrella Corps. Experiment Starting point: Umbrella Corps. Raccoon City Offices: Project 13 Infection status: T-virus + Bio: During the Nemesis Project a young man with a heart problem was taken from Racoon City's East Ridge Hospital to the Umbrella Corps. Labratories deep beneath the Racoon City Offices. They called him project 13 because he was their 13th test victim for the Nemesis Mass Production Project. When they introduced some of Nemesis' infected blood cells into Spencer he began to go out of control. So they locked in the "Freakshow Vault" with all the other rejected experiments. Now Spencer's free and he wants to kill off all those who have been infected.
  12. Name: Spencer Jones aka Specter age: 18 weapon: Two daggers made of a special black steel(Neo-Sin issue), Claw-gloves descriptions/picture: (see attachment)Good not evil bio: While out stealing to survive he was captured by Neo-Sin for the super soilder project. They thought they failed and left him for dead abandoning the project. Revenge is best served cold.
  13. Name: Pantha "Specter" Jones Age: 18 Weapon: 13" long dagger Appearance: (see 1st attachment) Limits(Used once in a while): Level 1: Eye of Darkness Level 2: Quick Hands (steals items from target) Level 3: Transformation (see 2nd attachment) Level 4: Panther's Claw Battle Theme: 007 Theme Occupation: Professional Thief Bio: The effects of the Meteor caused him to change into a werepanther when provoked. Being only 18 and not having been caught by the authorities yet he is known as a "Hero Among Thieves," so he wears a cape.
  14. Name: Specter Class: Theif Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Height-5'9", weight-145, Hair colour-black, Eye colour-yellow(werepanther) Personality/Alignment: Good Weapon: 13" dagger Armour: Mythril shoulder and chest plates Bio: Before he was transformed Specter had been like any ordinary thief, human. He was trying to steal a gem, called The Eye of Darkness, from a sorcerer. In the process he was attack by the sorcerers familiar, a panther. When he touched the gem he was fused with the panther, hence his current form. Special ability: Voice of the Jungle, Night-eye.
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