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Osaka Sakaki

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    Im a video game designer
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    Video game designer

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  1. Ok first of all Otakus are anime fans.i copy some from this from anime insider. Newbie: Attributes:: normal in apperance can fade into a crown without being notice. Behaviors: on a mission to become a true otaku trying to overcome his shame of hentai Likes king dork wanted to one day be like him hot nerd: Attributes atrratcive for a nerd good taste in clothing Behaviors has no problem attracting girls can engae in coversation with normal people for less then 4 minutes before they reliz his a total geek talented at fighting games Craftsman Attributes stocy,but not fat prone to facial hair likes baggy clothes that are easy to work in Behaviors likes classic anime polite to fault has crush on cosplayer buts to shy to admit it King Dork Attributes very thin glasses questionable haircut Behaviors truly believes that anime is the right pursuit will argue anyone about anime no clue of what to do with women proud about his hentai obbsesion The quiet guy Atrributes out of shape overweight shullfes rather then walks The girlfriend Atrributes wears fashionable cloths stays in shape for her boyfriend hangs out with the anime fans because she has a big crush on the hot nerd Cosplayer Attributes loves her costumes maintains her figure Behaviors thinks alot about costumes likes the craftmens buts to shy to admit it ok im done!!!tell me what otaku you are!!!!! :animesigh :animestun
  2. Ok listen to this.the new game came out and then this card game came out.i think there getting their fans back and money to start the show back up.What do you think? Learn more at: digimon.com if it doesnt have a thing to direct it to you copy and paste it in your broswer. P.S.check out my other thread what otaku are you!
  3. well i just to say a couple things to back everybodys story about how the manga if differat then anime. Ok we"ll take DBZ[>].off the back[or off the top of my head].Gohan is Goku ad Chi Chi's first son who is named after Goku"s adoptive Grandfater,but the anime makes up another reason.GreT Kai "Dai Kaiou" is never seen in the manga but is in the anime.Or Kaioshin of the East "Higashu noKaioushin.well thats just a little simple.Oh yeah and the trigun maanga is a oh lot differant.[not really but theres some differances] :animeswea :animesigh :animeknow
  4. Dont worry Naruto will be coming this fall and maybe evn wolf"s rain.A new season of transformers[i hate them but i guess people can stand it]and the old dragonballz eps!if you have g4 the you can watch Gungrave!and if you have toon disney then you can watch Shinzo and beyblade[a little kiddish but its something to watch] and you should be sit.bye......oh wait on nick Avatar the last airbender and Martin Mystery[both really not anime but kidda are.there pretty good though]So try those out! :animeswea
  5. Well a couple of years ago Medabots aired on Fox!i loved that show can anybody tell me what happened! :animecry: :animedepr
  6. Hello my name is Osaka Sakaki but you can call me Osaka!well anyways i have a question?What happened to digimon!i mean i the kinda anime rockhard fan liking shows like gungrave and all the classics.but something sit digimon from the other kiddie shows like pokemon and yugioh.Can somebody tell me???!!! :mad: :o :animeswea :animedepr
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