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Everything posted by flynfreako

  1. i love this thread ;_; mashed potatoes, fries, and tatortots are my favorite potato foods. and i normally don't like chicken, but it's okay if you put it in tacos with ranch X3
  2. i was collecting the ranma 1/2 manga, but it was so much like the anime i decided to keep buying the anime instead of the manga.
  3. i can't stand gundam 0083 .... that show sucked! >.<
  4. oh! the ending to dragon half is also a super song XDD
  5. i love hiei and killua X3 [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please try and add more detail to your posts in future. Posts that are too short are considered spam and will be deleted as such. It doesn't take much- just explaining why you like a particular character/anime, etc. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  6. openings: hellsing, saiyuki reloaded, outlaw star, FMA closings: wolf's rain, any inuyasha song, cowboy bebop i love those :3
  7. XD this is such a cute topic! my fav is my egyptian cotton down comforter, and i still have my blanky from when i was little :3
  8. i don't really care about being famous myself, but i'd love to have my manga & characters be famous ^.^ i really want to make people happy and to enjoy my babies ;_; lol
  9. yeah, i'd hafta agree that azumanga daioh and fruits basket are my top 2 funniest.... *thinks* there has to be another one that's made me laugh out loud.... i have a problem remembering all the manga i own cuz i own so much >.<
  10. it's the first manga i bought... i really like the art and the characters, and it can be pretty funny sometimes... but i just don't like how it has so many volumes! >.< way too many for my budget....
  11. i really prefer manga. i don't know... it just seems there's a little more depth and storyline to it.
  12. the first manga i ever read/bought was dragon knights. it's kinda funny and has great art, but it's really not worth the 20 some volumes it is >.<
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