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Everything posted by Zhara
If someone would be awesome and make me an Air Force themed set, that'd be great! Danke!
Strange nicknames given and received and how did you get them
Zhara replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Ok, my last name is Wetmore...So I had a teacher in high school and a guy from my tech school that called me Dry Less, *** well as another teacher in high school that called me Mas Agua. Now the Training NCO in my shop calls me Scooter, and I have no idea why...lol! -
I'm currently in the Air Force, an Airman 1st Class, and I LOVE it. I'm living in Germany, and my friends are fantastic...Not to mention my work directly supports the war on terror. My shop fixes the engines of C130's, and without us, trust me, the war just wouldn't be the same. So, yeah, I love my career.
That's the thing, I like all my stuff! I can't decide between Shadow Love, Christmastime 1-3, and all my nature shots, as well as my drawings. :/ Plus, I thought you guys on here might have more fun with no restrictions. I'd add links in here, but I'm sick and running on two-and-a-half hours of sleep...
[quote name='kitsune shojo']You can actually do quite a bit of editing with paint. If you open your desired image on paint, you might be able to do what you're trying to, without anybody's help. I hope that helps.[/quote] The problem with Paint is that it usually ends up looking really terrible, at least compared to what can be done in Photoshop.
Ok, so I don't have Photoshop, and I would dearly like a new banner and matching avatar. The only guidelines I have right now is that it be something from my DeviantArt: [URL=http://zhara-nightshade.deviantart.com/]Clicky[/URL] Thanks in advance!
[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26087&stc=1[/IMG] There we go! Hope you don't mind black and white. Here's my character: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26088&stc=1[/img] Her name's Cassidy (so far) and those are curly things on her bracers. :]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=2]Boot camp! Yay![/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=gray][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=2]So, I've been gone for around seven months, and I have to say, I'm excited to be back. I highly doubt anyone knows who I am, seeing as how I wasn't that prolific even when I visited the OB daily, but I'm going to give everyone an update on my life, and maybe you guys could tell me what's been going on in the forum. ♦ Dumped the boyfriend of thirteen or so months, been with the new one for about six. [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/52292153/]Here he is, in full regalia.[/URL] ♦ Also, I made myself a Deviantart. [URL=http://zhara-nightshade.deviantart.com/]I've definitely improved.[/URL] ♦ I enlisted in the United States Air Force. ♦ Working on getting my driver's liscence. ♦ My eighteenth birthday is tomorrow! ♦ Fought with best friend, renewed friendship after two or three months. ♦ I have a Gaia account now! [URL=http://www.gaiaonline.com/profile/index.php?view=profile.ShowProfile&item=3044013]Woot[/URL] ♦ Watched 300 three times, then got the graphic novel I don't really know what else to say...I guess I'll add more stuff later as I think of it. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]That movie was, in one word, amazing. I loved it, and the fact that they used creature suits as opposed to CG is awesome. I want to see more of that in the future. Anyways, I just about broke my boyfriend's hand watching SH... [spoiler]And when Colin (the janitor) walks out of the bathroom stall, I was seriously [I]that[/I] close to having a panic attack.[/spoiler] I personally, loved and hated the ending. The plot resolution was fantastic, but the cliffhanger ending was rather...aggravating. I know they left it open for a sequel, but really, can't they just have a happy ending? Yeah, I know, no one ever gets a happy ending in SH games, I played SH2 and 4 (Haven't finished it yet, though.). Final thoughts? I would recommend anyone who's played the games to watch the movie, 'cause I agree with Hanabishi Recca on his belief that non-players generally don't like/understand the movie.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Life had changed drastically for Kaenia since the beginning of her assault on Mae's Empire, and it had taken its toll on her. Physically and mentally, she was long since due for a break. But apparently, this was not to be so. Right as sleep calls her name in golden tones, a frightened page rushes into her room, waking herself and her hounds. They immediately set after him, barking and clawing at hind legs. "My lady, the court Magicians have sent me to bring you word of a Skhad they have sensed, someone with immense power!" He struggles to catch his breath. Kaenia wasn't surprised; it was a long walk from one end of the castle to the other. "Th-they say you should greet her yourself...You know, support the cause?" She nods, her eyes half-shut from exhaustion. "Perhaps you should return later...Though I appreciate the effort you put into delivering your message, it's hardly urgent." "Ah, my lady...this Skhad...she's within the borders of our kingdom already...They told me to tell you it was really, really important." She wishes, very briefly, that for once, her life could be as simple as that of a dog?s. Standing up, she tosses the young man a bauble that had been lying on her vanity. [B]?Tell you master you are to have the rest of the night off. I will inform the magicians your task was accomplished.?[/B] He smiles, already thinking of the perfect girl to woo with the money he would get from the lady?s expensive sapphire before saluting and backing out of the room. For a moment, Kaenia stares dumbly at her great hunting dogs before dressing in a man?s tunic and breeches and marching out to meet the magicians. Hopefully one of the Arcane Mages would be able to teleport her close to this renegade Skhad. [B]?And with any luck, she?ll be easily persuaded to leave my realm?Or perhaps join me, if she?s as mighty as the dang magicians say she is.?[/B] Approximately two days later, Kaenia glares at another member of her elite group of soldiers, a Passerine and human crossbreed by the name of Avian. [B]"Do you know what I hate most about teleportation, Avian? No matter where you travel to, no matter who you are, it is always raining."[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Garamond](OOC: Any chance I could get a couple of people to switch sides? We only have three followers for Kaenia.)[/FONT]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]"I thought I might enjoy the view, you prisoners have it so lucky," she smiles and leans against the wall, waving her hand at the guard in dismissal. He pivots on his heel, almost falling over, and exits, an anxious look on his face. The poor man distinctly remembered leading the strange captive into his cell shackled. Iris stays silent for a moment, appraising her possible ally. "Her Majesty tells me we might find your particular talents useful in our little 'quest.' Tell me, just what is it that you can do?" "Fire. I am an Elementalist," he states it calmly and to the point, as if it should be painfully obvious. Inwardly, Iris does a victory dance, amazed she had found an Elementalist so quickly. Obviously he was powerful, that was as plain as his discarded chains. But would he join them, and would he be useful? Many powerful magicians were pathetically weak because of poor training or some other factor. [B]'No matter. Should he prove unhelpful, he'll still have his pardon and we'll never have to deal with him again. But how do I get him to join us?'[/B] "Well then, tell me, what will it take to persuade you to join us, Sir...?" [B]'Idiot! You don't even know his name! Wait, no, it's the Empress's fault isn't it? She should have told me his name...I guess I just have to ask.'[/B] "I don't believe we know your name." "My name is Aruj Zale." "Well, Aruj Zale, we were prepared to give you an official pardon for joining our cause, but for some reason, I don't think that's your only way out of this cell." She smiles and winks. "And I've been authorized to use whatever force necessary to convince you to join use." It was stated with a smile on her lips, but she was no less serious than a spymaster interrogating an enemy's agent. "Believe me, I am quiet [I]adamant[/I] you assist us."[/FONT] [/SIZE] [FONT=Garamond](OOC: Sorry it's so short and so late, everybody. I had midterms and just...everything was conspiring against me.)[/FONT]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Jigglyness, I love them! I liked yours, also, Starwind, but I wanted the movie image, not the video game. :3 Thank you so much, both of you![/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Well, the site wouldn't even load for me, so I'm going to load the picture as an attachment. Here's the site I got it from: [URL=http://www.allmoviephoto.com/photo/2006_Silent_Hill_photo7.html]Movie Photo[/URL] [/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Well, the Adventure Square thread is open now!! Signups will be open for a few more days, ending on Friday unless you PM me with a good reason for not posting sooner. (i.e., you were grounded...I know how that feels
[SIZE=1][I][FONT=Century Gothic][INDENT]December 15[/INDENT] The mirror doesn't always tell you who you really are - one look into my own mirror will show a young, proper lady of the Queen's court, but I am so much more. I am a warrior, a sorceress, and a savior. At least, that's what they tell me. Who knows? Maybe they have it all wrong, maybe I'm the wrong person...I would like to think I'm just a regular girl, but all the evidence points to the alternative. It's like Louis...Or maybe it was Lestat?...that said it's pure arrogance for human kind to think nothing extraordinary can happen in their presence. I don't know...It's been so long since I've read a good fantasy novel...I think the last one was [/I]Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. [I]It's depressing, but Empress Mae has promised I can return home when I kill Kaenia. I trust her, but sometimes I wonder if I'll ever finish --[/FONT][/I] A knock sounds at Iris's chamber door, interrupting the chronicling of her new life. She rises to her feet and wraps a wool robe around her dressing gown, as is proper. The knock sounds again, and she grits her teeth in irritation, longing to yell at the perpetrator. But, she reminds herself, a lady must always appear to be gracious and soft-spoken. Opening the door a crack, she spies a messenger wearing the Empress's crest on his tunic. He appears frantic, and Iris figures Her Majesty was having a bad hair day. He bows, making her lip twitch, since, technically, she had no standing in court, and hands her an envelope bearing the royal scribe's signature and the Empress's seal of a flame surrounding a crown. The young boy waits for a moment with an greedy look tainting his innocent face until Iris's resolve falters and she hands him a small coin. He runs off, doubtlessly going to spend his money as quickly as possible to keep it away from the other boys his age. Rolling her eyes at the irresponsible youth, she tears off the wax seal to remove the letter within.[/SIZE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][INDENT][I]Lady Duvall,[/I][/INDENT] [I]My esteemed guards have recently imprisoned a man with whom I believe you may have the greatest of interest. He has been detained in the prison tower to await your inspection with the assistance of Lord Zagh. Though he has hinted towards nothing of the sort, our court wizards sense upon him a powerful magic. Please report immediately to the tower to speak with him upon the subject of his immediate and irreversible pardon should he choose to join our esteemed cause. Use whatever means necessary. Her Majesty, Empress Mae the Eternal Flame[/I][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]Iris scoffs at the queen's overly formal use of the titles of "Lord" and "Lady" before twitching her brow at the Empress's, or perhaps her scribe's, miniscule vocabulary. "I suppose I have no choice but to go," she mutters, shedding her robe in order to dress more appropriately. Several minutes later, she meets Zagh outside the Tower, a few feet from the bloody stump used for executions. His hand takes her own, and for the hundredth time she marvels at his spindly fae fingers. It was comforting for the short time decorum allowed them to grasp each other before entering the tower and ascending to the higher levels to interview their candidate.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]You know, I usually do this stuff myself, since I [I]hate[/I] bothering with creating a new thread just to have one or two pieces of graphic art, but I don't think I could do this particular request justice. For your viewing pleasure, I have a movie poster of Pyramid Head: [URL=http://images.allmoviephoto.com/2006_Silent_Hill/2006_silent_hill_poster_012.jpg]Clicky[/URL] I want this text on the banner, please: Welcome to Silent Hill Nothing special about the avatar, maybe my username or something. I want Pyramid Head, obviously, but if you for some reason can't do this, a picture of any other monster would work. I always feel so demanding, posting in here, but I hope somebody can do this for me, because that movie PWNED.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Not only is it the job of the parents to protect their children, it's up to the kids themselves to not be idiots about it. For instance, don't link your high school's website to your MySpace if you don't want to be hunted down and raped/murdered. It's the same for chat rooms, and, well, it's the same for everyday life. Personally, I think MySpace should be taken off the web, since it's painfully obvious that we as a whole cannot protect or censor ourselves. And the option that makes it so only your friends can vieew your site? What's to say some perv' from your home town won't make a name that impersonates one of your friends and just steal a picture off their site? It's insanity.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[CENTER][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][B]Name:[/B] Iris Duvall [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race: [/B] Human [B]Physical Features:[/B] She has a few scars from her training, the most prominate one across the back of her right hand, with her left eyebrow missing a tiny section from a run in with the business end of a rock. She also has a crooked nose from a crashing her bike when she was small and breaking her face. [B]Height:[/B] 5'8" [B]Weight:[/B] 157 lbs. [B]Eye Color:[/B] Green [B]Hair Color:[/B] Black [B]Place of Origin:[/B] Earth [B]Appearance:[/B] Although she's pretty, some might even say beautiful, Iris had a few problems with acne as a teen and thinks she needs to lose weight. She has an hourglass figure and her hair is always held up in a tight bun in an effort to portray a sense of control. Her muscles are very well defined, and her skin was once pale, but has since tanned. The occasional blemish does ruin her mood, but normally her skin is rather clear. [B]Loyalty: [/B] Iris! [B]Personality: [/B] Due to her lack of confidence and overall shyness, boys were never particularly paid any attention to her, stunting her social growth considerably. She always likes to have a good laugh, but finds those in short supply in her current situation. Iris's previous inferiority complex made it difficult to make new friends, and accepting a leadership position would have been impossible without Zagh to rely upon. Never before her training would she have been blunt with people, for before, she would hide her emotions to make others feel better. Though that may sound like a trait other people would like, she never made any friends until her second year in high school at sixteen. Due to this, she cannot watch a movie like [I]Lilo And Stitch[/I] because it reminds her of her days as an outcast and she cries everytime. Isis is sensitive to the plights of others and wants to help everyone, all the time. She's overall unconcerned with dignity but obsessed with morals and decency, causing her to be rather rabid when it comes to certain topics. [B]Weapons:[/B] A whip and a scimitar, also is a powerful Manipulator [B]Short History:[/B] Isis's only experienced her first crush when she was fifteen and just in her first year of high school. He was two years older and let her down gently, but after him she had no taste for dating until college. There she met her first boyfriend and dated him for a year. He was the one she left behind in her transition to the Strange World, as she calls it, and she's absolutely terrified of seeing him again. She knows that her extended absence, coupled with her wilderness camping trip will have prompted the authorities to label her as dead. With that knowledge, she cried herself to sleep many nights, until Zagh became more than a tutor-more than a friend. He helped her cope and to grow stronger, as well as breaking her shell of solitude. Now she can roam the cities with confidence and grace. Any one that knew her before the fated camping trip would hardly recognize her for the same awkward girl. Adjusting to her new life and new role was difficult and often times painful, but she knew she had to perservere if wrongs were to be righted and if she ever wanted to go home.[/FONT] [/SIZE][/CENTER]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Her blood ran hot at Magneto's promise of the world, and she looked around at her fellow mutants, her fellow [I]homo superior[/I]. His speech made her feel as if she belonged there, and Magneto's words reinforced ehr belief that mutants were superior to normal people and deserved the Earth. He made her feel like she had a home again, for the first tme since her brother had taken her. So finally, after long years being at the mercy of her brother, she was somewhere she belonged. Seraphim and her were the only females, but she didn't seem like much company; getting up and flying off at the first opportunity. Kurt also slunk off, but with his physical mutation, she couldn't really blame him. Sabertooth was too old and bloodthirsty to try to forge a relationship with on any level, so that left her with Mimic and Gambit. The way Mimic looked at her, he seemed to be...afraid? That was troubling...It reminded her of the few people who knew about her mutation and hated her for it. So, by process of elimination, she was left with Gambit. Not the kind of guy she would have chosen, he was, after all, very scruffy, for lack of a better word. Upon glancing at him, he grins. His eyes were strange, as well. Not necessarily frightening, just strange. She was used to being with clean cut men who valued their appearances, but by the looks of the guys she was with now, Monet was just going to have to readjust. M shook her head and grabbed a book from her messenger bag; a worn book with its cover torn off, but the title page says it was written by John Allerdyce. She looks around for a suitable place to relax, and spots it in the trunk of some huge and strange tree she'd never seen before. Walking to it and sitting down, she opens her book to a random page and reads, clearly it wasn't the first time she'd read it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
Art More of my MSPaint banners and avatars and stuff
Zhara replied to Zhara's topic in Creative Works
I stayed up all night and I don't even have anything to show for it. Pheh. Oh well, here are a few I did a day or so ago. -
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]With the discovery of a strange and beautiful man while camping, my whole concept of reality was torn asunder as I was torn from this world and forced into the role of some kind of messiah. They told me the only way I could return home was to accept my ?destiny? and train until I could take myself to and from the worlds of the Realm. What choice did I have? The empress told me the man that took me here, Zagh, would be my mentor, companion and bodyguard during the long years ahead, and I was afraid at first, seeing as how he was the one who took me there, but once we talked and he explained the fate of his empress was depending on him to bring a savior back. And though I had left behind a loving boyfriend, we quickly forged a relationship that would last throughout the trying years to come. He taught me to harness the latent power slumbering inside me; the ability to warp physical matter according to my whims and defy the laws of physics. He also told me people with power like mine had a name: Manipulators. As I learned to harness my new ability, he would show me his gift, the power to play with a person?s mind and make them believe whatever he wants them to. Calling himself and others like him Perceptionists, his power was the polar opposite of my own and frankly, more than a little frightening. Such did the years pass until I could tear through space to my home. When I told Zagh of my new level of control, he told me the hard part was just beginning. All the years he?d been training me, a dark force had been gathering, a woman by the name of Kaenia bent on usurping the throne from Empress Mae. Four years after my abduction, my mission was finally revealed to me. Gather a group of people who have gifts that could help Zagh and myself, hunt down Kaenia, and, finally, destroy the threat to freedom in my lady?s great Empire. *** Life sometimes calls for us to be greater than what we think we can be, to step beyond our boundaries and tap into our reservoirs of primal strength. Today, it is you turn to answer the call of fate and to risk life, mind, and spirit for the greater good. *** You can choose from the alternate world or Earth, but if you choose Earth, PM me as to how you got to be trained. A reasonable excuse would be you were born with a latent ability like my character and were raised following the Wiccan religion or something. Places of origin are as follows, with the appropriate ruler in parenthesis. [B]White Fires Empire [/B] (Empress Mae) [B]Olive Barony [/B] (Lord Markus) [B]Platinum Kingdom [/B] (King Droxillian) [B]Angel's Province [/B] (Prophet Juhiro) [B]Sulphur Wastes [/B] (Nomadic tribes) You can be [B]human[/B], [B]fae[/B] (any faery-like creature), [B]passerine[/B] (bird people, they live in Angel?s Province), or [B]skhad[/B] (reptilians from the Sulphur Wastes). Character sign-up goes as follows, and if you don't feel like writing as many paragraphs as I have asked you to, you don't have to. Thos are just recommendations. [B]Name: (Anything, really. First and last name for humans and passerines, first name for fae and first name and clan name for the skhad.) Age: Gender: Race: Physical Features: (Any defining physical characteristics? Does you skhad have horn-like growths or your fae have all black eyes?) Height: (Fae can be small or tall.) Weight: Eye Color: (Normal colors with humans, unless they're some kind of cross-breed.) Hair Color: Place of Origin: Appearance: (Put all the above together in a paragraph or two) Loyalty: (Kaenia or my character, [B]Iris[/B]) Personality: (Include personality quirks or pet peeves - whatever makes your character unique. Two to three paragraphs.) Weapons: (No guns or modern machinery) Short History: (Three to four paragraphs)[/B] Oh. My. God. Oh my God. Jesus Allah Buddha, oh my God. >< I forgot to post the magic types!! (What can I say, I was typing it at four in the morning and I was up all night.) [B]Perceptionists[/B] manipulate sentient creature's minds with their own particular magic, akin to but not the same as a psyonicist can do. [B]Psyonicists[/B] can move things and communicate with their minds, as well as cause someone emotional pain through their memories/fears. [B]Manipulators[/B] can be powerful healers or devastaing weapons, and their power is the ability to move or change living or inanimate matter. [B]Elementalists[/B] can harness the four elements of water, fire, earth, and air to harm or heal, with the most powerful having the ability to summon Elementals. Most Elementalists focus on one element to become proficient in. [B]Mage Arcani[/B] are the garden variety magic user, someone able to use the energy inside themselves and nature to cause effects like light or sharpened hearing. [B]Summoners[/B] can call forth denizens of the other worlds, and are not to be confused with the few Elementalists powerful enough to call forth Elementals.[/FONT] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Sturgeon eggs and triple ply for you and only you! Unfortunately, you seem to have developed a fish egg allergy and you use all your toilet paper because of the diarrhea that never ends. [B]I wish I was the best graphic artist on the OB.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Well, I'm going to pull a Derald and make a thread about one of my obsessions; exotic diseases. Now, there are to be NO images of the symptoms in here, so if you post Smallpox, do [B]NOT[/B] put in a picture of someone with the disease. What I would like you to do, however, is post a picture or an attachment of the pathogen, but you don't have to. You can post viruses or bacteria, just no poisons or toxic chemicals. Oh, and don't plagerise Wikipedia or an encyclopedia for your post, just summarize it. So, now that we have the rules down, I'll post the first disease. [CENTER][B]Q Fever[/B][/CENTER] [IMG]http://gtresearchnews.gatech.edu/images/q-fever_sm.jpg[/IMG] Its scientific name is [I]Coxiella burnetii[/I] and it is one of the most infectious diseases known to man, with the inhalation of only a few of the bacteria causing infection, and only one is needed to cause the disease in some people. Because of that, it's labeled by the CDC as a level B biological warfare agent. Symptoms are usually flu-life in the beginning, accompanied by a fever of 104 to 105○F along with muscle ache, loss of appetite, severe headache and others. The mortality rate is as low as one to two percent, but after the symptoms of the disease have ended, it can resurface with heart complications. A vaccination is available, but only if you live in Australia. It would normally be provided to people working with animals like sheep and goats, seeing as how they carry the pathogen. Well, I think that's about it on Q fever. I wonder why it's called that?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Twenty-four is n't necessarily my [I]favorite[/I] number, but it's the closest I have to one. You see, twenty-four is my OCD number. When I'm reading I have to count the letters and bubbles inside the letters until I reach twenty-four, over and over again. It never stops. No matter where I am, if I see a word, I count up all the letters and bubbles. For example, Zhara would be seven, so I would have to find other words to make seven add up to twenty-four... I need help. :/[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]