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Everything posted by Zhara

  1. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Conrats, Sarah, through a magical wand of undisclosed origins, you are now able to change your hair color at will! Unfortunately, it's only the hair from your neck down, which has also changed from dead protein to living tissue. You can no longer shave. Anywhere. [B]I wish I was powerful enough to help people in need.[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE=Drako]-pets my Alyssa- Very pretty, dearest. Where, precisely, are the ones you did of me...? Hmm? Lol. Love them, lovely.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Garamond]-pokes, prods, and otherwises jostles jammed/broken finger- You have to elaborate on why my art is good on the OtakuBoards, silly. Didn't you read the rules? [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=49049]-linkage-[/URL] I LOVE the Phantom Brave avatar, she just seems so happy and cute. Guess who accidentaly saved her picture files as JPGs?[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Garamond]Name: Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix Codename: M Gender: Female Age: 18 Appearance: [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/cd/Mcomics.png[/IMG] Alliance: Brotherhood of Mutants. Biography: Though her powers are great, Monet wasn't always so superhuman - after the manifestation of her brother's and her own powers, her brother took the name Emplate and kidnapped her. Her brother Marius's power is the ability to feed off of a mutant's lifeforce, and that's exactly what he did to her, that is, until her own powers manifested and she beat the living Hell out of her older brother. [SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]It was, at the very least, the most harrowing event I've ever experienced, and the only way to escape was to become like him - a freak. All my life I was the golden child, my father's favorite and the teacher's pet...And with him, I'm just his next meal. I know if I don't get out of here soon, I'm going to die. But I can't just force my powers to surface! She stifles a sob as a wave of despair washes over her frail body, but this time, her emotions prove too much and she quietly cries to the unsympathetic walls. "It's not fair!" She screams, sitting up and hitting the wall. To her supreme surprise, when she removes her fist from the wall, there is a rather large dent. The next tear that falls from her eye is one of joy. "I'm free?...I'm free!" She whispers, now rabidly possessive of her new powers and escape route. Carefully she punches the wall again, and more of the cement chips away. Two years later and stronger than any person she'd ever met, Monet searches the world for a safe haven. Not knowing where she was when she first escaped was frightening at first, but she soon felt only peace when she saw the sunrise for the first time in several months. After several weeks of wandering, she theorized why it had taken so long for her powers to manifest was her brother had not been feeding on her life force, as she thought, but on her mutant power instead. With this revelation, she finds a village full of kind people, and tough they don't understand each other, she stayed with them until it felt like time to move on. [/FONT][/SIZE] Powers: Telepathic abilities, telescopic and night vision, flight, superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, endurance, and a healing factor. (Yes, those really are her powers...) [COLOR=Purple]Okay, just because this site took me [B]forever[/B] to find, I'm gonna put it in here so nobody else has to look for it. It's a list of some of the mutants that have lost/kept their powers after M-Day. Heehee...M-Day. Makes it sound like Monet did it. [URL=http://www.marveldatabase.com/wiki/index.php/Decimation]Clicky clicky[/URL] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [FONT=Garamond]I forgot how much fun these are to make. ^^ Oh, and Delta? I love you. So much. [/FONT]
  5. [quote name='jigglyness']eh, the first one is pretty cool but the others seem like you just cut them out of regular images. If not, then i can't see what exactly you did with the images.and the kirby sig is kind of confusing...[/quote] [FONT=Garamond] Yeah, I only have PAINT. Sorry to sound rude (I'm not trying to be!), but that is the in the title of the thread. And the kirby one is a bunch of Kirbys with swords, a thing I saw in someone's sig and thought was cool. Apparently, a few people are trying to get the Kirbys or Bunnies to take over the world, and, well, I like Kirby better. And here are a few more thingies. All the cherry blossom ones were for Valentine's day on myO.[/FONT]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Garamond][B]Name:[/B] Roslyn Carroll [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://www.alycedesigns.com/2006s/images/dresses/87649/img0large.jpg]Dress One[/URL] [URL=http://www.alycedesigns.com/2006s/images/dresses/87622/img1.jpg]Dress Two[/URL] [URL=http://www.alycedesigns.com/2006s/images/dresses/8802/img0large.jpg]Dress Three[/URL] Pale skinned and dark haired, her blue eyes entrance and hypnotize. It's because of a pendant she wears around her neck; a ruby enchanted to destroy down the mental defenses of her victim. She's about average height and has an hourglass build with a bit of muscle definition on her arms and stomach. [B]Personality:[/B] Self centered and arrogant, Roslyn rarely thinks of others. People are only useful to her when they serve her purposes, but that's only because she never had a proper childhood or any real friends. Never has she felt love, and she could easily be considered materialistic and sneaky. On the bright side, she rarely feels fearful of anything, and is very confidant in her own abilities. [B]Bio: [/B] Once the main attractions for The Broken Talisman tavern, she was jailed after being caught attempting to assassinate a nobleman enjoying her dancing. It was a messy affair, ending with her under house arrest in her patron's manor. Not too bad of a punishment, unless you count the fact that her execution was scheduled for two days later. During her last few moments of life, she escapes through the basement and into the city proper. It was difficult to avoid the guards, but through guile and sheer luck she made it out alive. Once away from the city, she assesses the damage. First and foremost, she could never work in Badger Duchy again, and would quite possibly have to find a new profession. Secondly, she's a pampered city girl without a clue as to how to function in the real world. She can't even read a map. Dropping her pack on the ground, she stands tall and smiles at the now-setting moon. "I will defeat Lisiae! Then they'll have to let me live, and drop all the charges!" It wasn't exactly well thought out, but the oath was uttered and the little honor she had would hold her to her word. [B]Skills/abilities:[/B] Besides being a dancing girl, and therefore agile and quick, she was taught the ways of stealth and silent assassination. She's an excellent actress, able to fool most of the nobles she was hired to kill without any trouble. But she has yet to test herself against a real person who has had to work for their money and has overcome difficulties in their lives.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]I dunno what to put here... If you want to use these, go ahead, but remember to give me credit.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. A few more of those laws that are on the books but not enforced... 1 - It's illegal to molest a butterfly in California. 2 - In Oregon, you may not whisper dirty things in your lover's ear during sex. 3 - Also in Oregon, you may not towel-dry your dishes. Heh. And now just some stupid facts.... An ostrich's brain is the size of its eyeball. The English word "Salem" comes from the Hebrew "Salaam" which means peace (like JeruSALEM). Ironic how the most famous parts of the American witch hunt took place in a town named for peace? Muy mal.... Chang is the most common surname in the world. Muhammed is the most common first name. The average life span of a breast implant is 10 years. Almonds are related to peaches. Almonds, peaches, apples, and cherry's all contain cyanide in their seeds/pits. It's been found that if you have two copes if the Delta 2 gene, you're immune to AIDS/HIV, and the Black Plague. They're currently reserching how to harness this into a vaccination. 2 dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic. The praying mantis is theonly insectt hat can turn its head. xox Alyssa's friend Rochelle.
  9. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Garamond]Starcraft was the first thing ever to use the word "pwned," which came about after a game designer misspelled it. In Oregon it's illegal to whisper dirty things in your lover?s ear during intercourse. It's also illegal to towel dry your dishes. It's illegal to go whaling in Oklahoma. It's illegal to molest a butterfly in California.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Garamond][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Alyssa Brasoveanu [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Appearance: [/B][URL=http://www.ppshare.com:11110/shadow_hearts/9992_pqle5f7gtm.jpg]{Click}[/URL] [B]Sphere: [/B] Fire Sphere [B]Powers: [/B] She can start fires, but they quickly grow out of control if she doesn't keep a close eye on it. She can also "throw" flames by punching something/someone and engulfing her hand in flame. [B]Country:[/B] Romania [B]Personality: [/B] She's extroverted and fun loving, but her parent's strict regime has kept her purposely cold and stoic. Only at with her two best friends can she truly be herself, and that often times gets her in trouble. Her whole life has been planned for her, right down to her future husband. No one had thought of her as being very impulsive until she came up missing, with most of her things gone as well. It was hard on her, resulting in more than a few sleepless nights, but she knew that if she didn't escape her parent's tyranny she'd snap. On her way she realized she had slowly grown to resent all of the things her parents had given her, all of the material items they got to buy her love. Wanting nothing more than to be free of their rule, she sold all of her things and bought second-hand clothes. They weren't what they were used to, but she wore them with pride rooted in her new-found independence. [B]Weapon: [/B] It's a thin, rapier-like sword with a red blade and a grip styled to resemble an arm with the pommel looking like a hand holding a peice of obsidian. It was the only thing given to her by her parents that she didn't sell or throw away. [B]Bio/Snippet:[/B] The wind was whisking her hair into knots that cold winter night, and she had forgotten to bring anything with her to tie back her brownish-red mane. She shook her head and trudged through the snow, hoping to get to Bucharest by the end of the week and on a train to Budapest in Hungary from there. It would set back her funds, but getting out of the country by any means possible is absolutely fundamental to her plans. After Budapest it was off to Prague in the Czech Republic; then she'd be just another statistic, never to be found again. No one knew she had planned all of it in advance, without the help of any of her friends and her route all planned out. Slowly she'd been saving up enough money to make it that far with a little bit to spare. After a long and exhausting two months, she found herself on the border of the Czech Republic and Germany without a penny to spare. With out a backward glance she stealthily avoided the border guards and found herself in Germany. It took a long, long time, but she finally found a place where she didn't always worry if she was breaking some rule or disappointing her family's name. Eventually she made her way to Dresden and settled down for a while to experiment with the strange powers she had discovered on her journey. For some reason she had never grown cold and when her sleeve caught fire from a match, she wasn't burnt. It was exciting and frightening at the same time, and most nights her dreams were about nothing but fire. One of them she dreamt that the ocean had turned to flame and she was swimming in it. She tried to coax the people on the beach to join her, but they were screaming and writhing in pain. She looked down only to find the sand had turned to glass. Upon awakening, she found her makeshift bed had caught on fire and was spreading to the rest of the homeless shelter she was in. It was in that moment she decided to never endanger anyone else with her power and forsake human contact forever.[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Garamond][CENTER][B]Name: [/B] Flower [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Introverted and somewhat narrow-minded, she angers easily and can stay angry for long periods. Her loyalty isn't easily gained without a show of force or gold. [B]Background: [/B] Raised by a family of Traders in Knothole Glade, she was given to the Guild after turning ten and her family could no longer afford her. For eight long years she studied, and upon graduation, her father gave her a sword he had won in a game of chance. The act of accepting the sword from him and then killing him with it was the last contact she ever had with her family. During her time with the Guild, she had grown to resent and hate her parents, and the feeling festered and grew before her graduation. She become angry and reclusive, never developing the social skills needed for someone her age. After her father's death, she left to live her own life, free from the rage that had kept her at the top of her game for eight years. [B]Character snippet:[/B] Standing triumphantly over the carcass of yet another monster, Flower glares at the villagers around her. The mayor, after the prodding of his bodyguard, hands her a bag laden with money. She snatches it away from him and cleans her cutlass on the ground, leaving without a backward glance. For two years she had lived like this, selling her skills to people in need and using the gold to buy food. It was a hard life and she lives hand-to-mouth, but the benefits of not having to interact with any of the common idiots made it worth while. Only once had she broken her solitude by willingly staying in town overnight, and that lapse of judgement had led to heartbreak and a general distrust of men. [B]Appearance:[/B] Tall and light-haired like most women from Knothole Glade, her hair is cropped short for simplicity, only about an inch long. Her eyes are dark green and emotionless. She has an athletic, yet curvy build that's hidden underneath armor. [B]Clothes/Armor:[/B] Full set of Assassin armor [B]Melee Weapon:[/B] The Cutlass Bluetane [B]Ranged Weapon:[/B] N/A [B]Magic skills:[/B] Lightning and Berserk[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Garamond]I think you're right Mitch, I do tend to kind of force the ryhmyes and then forget to rhyme the rest of the stanzas...'tis a curse of the most profound portions. Anyways, I dunno what I'm going to put here, I guess this time I'll just let it flow, seeing as how I'm supposed to be doing, like, four essays and I really, really need a break. Oh, and Tical, I can't do long poems, I'm just not good enough.
  13. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Garamond][B][CENTER]Phantasmagoria[/B] [SIZE=3][I]A dream-filled slumber Eerie fantasy induced by beauty It?s vivid and true And all about you. We ran through an orchard Filled with cherries and lace An orchestrated opera High notes and low The fantasy ends Chaotic percussion And I awake to thunder[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE] I like this one...I think I wrote it when I started dating my boyfriend. Not really a story behind it, I just pulled it up out of the depths of harddrive abyss. You're right, Mitch, it does look better with the hyphen.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Garamond]Amazing, absolutely amazing. I [I]just[/I] got back from the theater, and the worst thing about the whole darn movie was that my popcorn was burnt. And the bugs. Oh God, the bugs...My boyfriend probably has a scar on his hand where my ring was digging into his flesh. But Kong, he looked so real! It was the best CG ever, which is a given, considering that this was the best movie I have ever seen. Ever. It even has a pug!!! I almost squealed when the guy holding him was on screen for those two seconds. Cutest darn dogs ever. It's a colossal movie of "best ever's".[/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Garamond]Well, as the more observant of you may realize, I am currently addicted to this game...Almost 600 saves! Anywho, I was hoping for someone to show some interest, and possibly some feedback. The story line goes something like this; you're the child of those that were in the game the first time around, and the Water Dragon has been attempting to replenish the Spirit Monks (one person can only do so much!) and you just happen to be a chosen one! Or not, if you so wish. (Did you support the older ways? An ex-Lotus Assassin, perhaps?) And you must travel the Empire binding souls to you to take back to Dirge and put back on the Wheel of Life. Or something to that effect, anyways. I'm not quite sure yet what the conflict is...With the Sun brothers dead, I need a villian! Well, that's where you all come in. Now have at it![/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [quote name='Crimson River']I am surprisingly like orbindo. Except I'm newer. (Only been on like a month or so.) Same age too, 16. But I will be turning 17 on April 4, 2006. So not too much longer. Joined to see if I could find anymore friends, but so far haven't really succeeded yet. I stumbled into the OB on my own. But I became a member of The Otaku itself since angelfox16 got me on. You should check out My Site by the way. Thanks if you do. Hope I can meet some new friends soon. If you like anything scary, then I think we're going to get along just fine. Same if you're extremely random.:animesmil[/quote] [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Holy crap. I'm also sixteen, and I turn seventeen on April fourth, also! Weird, but in a cool way. I joined because I hate forums, but I was bored and already had a name on myOtaku...SO one thing led to another and I like the role-playing crap. Only I'm too lazy to post on the sign-ups.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]You all [I]like[/I] this steaming pile of crap? Louis is an annoying, blubbering whiner! Albeit Claudia and Armand are excellently developed characters, I just happen to loathe Louis. [B]Loathe[/B]. And I haven't even finished reading the book yet. I can't wait to start reading [U]The Vampire Lestat[/U] so that I don't have to tolerate his pathetic sniveling. Seriously, Louis, go get staked. Other than that, Anne Rice is a genius author. Kudos.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Gah. Okay, how about we wait until tonight and I'll see if I can get my dad to install Photoshop? All I have right now is paint! >.< Or, I strongly suggest you try and get someone else to do it...'Cause i can't get stupid paint to do this right...it just sucks that way. Sorry!![/FONT] [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Webbl and Bob rock. I dunno if you'll like it, but here's my first attempt at the banner. I don't particularly like it, so I'm going to give it another go in just a minute, along with the avatar. Alrighty, here's the redone version, avatar an the way! And I like this one way better.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]I can't believe that most of the bugs/arachnids in this thread are so creepy! Spiders freak the heck out of me. Now here's a bug worthy of mention! [IMG]http://www.ecology.info/images/wide-monarch.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER]Class: [I]Insecta[/I] (insects) Order: [I]Lepidoptera[/I] (butterflies) Family: [I]Danaidae[/I] (Milkweed butterfly family) Genus: [I]Danaus[/I] Species: [I]plexippus[/I] [/CENTER] When I was in elementary school, we used to keep Monarch cocoons in a little aquarium until they hatched, and after a few days, we would set them free during class. It was so cool, we would study the life cycle of these regal little bugs (metamorphosis) and how they migrate to Florida/Texas/Mexico during the winter. The larvae only eat milkweed, and the females lay their eggs on the underside of the milkweed leaves, and they hatch in about three to twelve days, depending upon the temperature. They'll feed for a couple weeks before attaching themselves to a twig and go into their chrysalis phase. [IMG]http://www.kidzone.ws/animals/monarch_pupa.jpg[/IMG] The cocoon becomes transparent as the butterfly inside develops, and after another couple weeks it emerges with an abdomen swollen with fluid to fill its wings. It'll rest for a few hours before its wings harden and dry, and it will then rest before taking off to populate the world with more poisonous little beauties. Yeah, eating milkweed as larvae makes them deadly to predators, hence why they are brightly colored and not camoflauged. They are so beautiful, truly one of my favorites. ^.^[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Garamond]I just used the line tool for the borders, but it really helped to look at avatars on the web and get ideas for what I was gonna do. Anyways, here are somemore that I've made. Oh, and I made all the Weebl stuff I'm using right now.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]This was fun! Enjoy, and if you need something changed, tell me.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]I had so much fun doing this! Tell me if you want anything changed, or if you want an avatar to match. And bear in mind that I don't have Photoshop, so this is about as fancy as I can make it.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Purple]Well, I haven't updated this in forever...Check my MyOtaku if you wanna know why. I haven't made very many, but here they are. The Nightshade ones werre ones I planned on using for an Art Request thread, but I was too lazy to finish texting and post them.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Name: Lem Subestre Classification: Cyber replacement Nickname/Codename: Blitz Age: 24 Sex: Female Physical Description: Mental stability: Her implant dirupted the delicate balance of chemicals in her already twisted brain, causing sudden and ferocious mood swings accompanied by undeniable sado-masochistic urges Personallity: Occupation: cybernetics: Mental implant designed to combat depression as well as bargain-basement hand implants making her fingers sharp metal weapons Faction: Herself Weapons: Her metal claws Background: Eh, it's bedtime, folks. I'll finish this up sometime tomorrow after 6:30...I hate play practice. Three hours of practice, and I'm not even IN the play...[/FONT][/COLOR]
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