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Everything posted by Zhara

  1. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Next! Words: I'm plotting to blow up the sun. Colors: Pastels[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Well, well, my pretties, I have a few of treats for you tonight...this morning...Whatever it is wherever you live! And they aren't anime, but old (Emphasis on OLD) pictures of myself and one of my cousin's and my eyes, and one of my best friend Sarah twirling around. I'm still deciding whether or not I don't like "Me4" because of the text or because I really, [I]really[/I] hate that picture. And, yet again, those three were all made in Paint and Picture Manager. I would also like to point out that any of the banners in this thread are adoptable, except these four...To see banners of myself and my friend and my cousin in someone's signature would just be...creepy.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]- What have you done this summer? Started out by heading up North (I live in Oregon) to Mount St. Helens, and camped for two nights at this horrid, nasty, dead, COLD wilderness area. It SNOWED. We (my mom and stepdad) then went down several hundred feet and stayed at this beautiful camp area that had showers. We looked at all the observation areas, including Johnston Ridge, and the weather was perfect! I loved that, and it just got better! We then headed off to the San Juan Island and camped there for almost a week...That is the most beautiful place on the planet, not a 711 or Wal*Mart or Starbucks on the whole island! Well, after that, I stayed at my dad's house for a couple weeks, and then I went home and had my breast reduction a week or so later. I love my boobs! And with the surgery, I have lost about thirteen pounds over the summer. - Did it live up to your expectations? Are you kidding me? I wish I was still on the island! - What do you have planned for this coming year? To ace Trigonometry and Chemistry...Or at least get B's. And work out now that I don't have huge knockers. Long live Upperclassmen![/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Okay, due to the criticism, I made a couple new versions of the Chrono Crusade banner. Enjoy![/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Um...That picture is pretty bland, and what I believe is two people hugging wouldn't make a very good image, no one would be able to make any sense of it...So I can try to do something with it, but whether or not it looks good or makes any sense by the time I'm done is pretty far-fetched. EDIT: I just tried to fit the image (I even went to the base site and founf a larger version of that picture!) into a 500 by 100 box, and, like I said, it doesn't look right...So I'm going to try and find some other image to use to make it up! And I'm assuming that it was a Chrono Chrusade pic you wanted... Another EDIT: w00t, I had such a fun time making this banner! I found out that if you open up an image in Microsoft Office Picture Manager, you can change a bunch of things! Who needs Photoshop when you have Paint and Picture Manager? -is so in denial-[/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Cathryn's personal communicator blips obnoxiously as her arms are stretched out, biceps corded and straining from the weights held above her head. "Dammit..." She gently eases the weights down and onto the floor, checking her communicator after briefly rubbing her upper arms. "Cathryn, you are ordered to report to Briefing Room 3 at once." A silent sigh accompanies these words as she stands. "Yes, Sir." "So much for no activity today...I need coffee." General words of complaint are mumbled as she walks to Briefing Room 3, entering in gray sweatpants and a black racer-back tank top. Nodding at Sako, she sits across from him, her posture ram-rod straight, but her eyelids drooping.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. Zhara


    [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Mad huggles for Jake of Bodom for actually liking a band that I like. Anyways...I love Amy Lee and her band, but I haven't been able to listen to them in forever; my brother scratched my CD to all Hell. Like my Eiffel 65 CD...-sobbing- But Evanescence is...just...superb. I love them, and I want the rest of their CDs. I guess that's all I have to say, I'm not feeling very talkative today.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']I'm talking people who are to the level of "schmoopie" in Seinfeld, though.[/quote] [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Oh my GOD. My boyfriend and I call each other that! Now, you probably think it's dumb, but it's because I hate Seinfeld and he loves it...So he made me watch the Soup Nazi episode with him (this was the day before I would leave for vacation for a month) and decided we would call each other "Smoopie" from then on. Other than that, I call my grandmom "Gram" because she has the same name as her grandmom, and she was apparently a real b****.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='Boo']...They are still pictures with only a border added to them. And then again, I myself don't like border art unless it's superb. [/quote] [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Well, yeah. I mean, how much else can you do with Paint? I need to beg my parents for Photoshop or something...And since all of you guys posted, I guess there's no need to edit in my new banner and avatar. I really like these two, and I do realize that the name of this thread is "My BANNERS", but I felt the need to make a matching avatar for "Another Banner" when I saw the sun-looking template on [URL=http://silveroracle.com/template100.php]SilverOracle[/URL] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]"You like me, you really, really like me!" -tears up- Wow, thanks so much! I was really worried no one would like them, since I can't use any of those fancy backgrounds or blend pictures together or anything...And if I continue to talk about how little you can do with Paint, I'll never stop. So now I'll make some new ones(and edit them in when I'm done)![/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Okay, these are my banners (made in MSPaint!) and I love them! Dust is my favorite. Feedback appreciated![/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Cat sits in front of a flat screen plasma television, glued to the old-school graphics of Halo: Combat Evolved. Her shoulders are slumped and her brow furrowed in concentration and hordes of strange thinngs run towards her, a shotgun in her hands. BLAM! They explode into many, smaller strange things. She grins, pauses to remove her glasses and rubs vigorously at her eyes. "Another night wasted killing Flood...I hope we don't have training today, I'm beat." She leans forward to turn off the console and rests the controller on top, freeing herself from Microsoft's addictive embrace. Standing, she stretches out her legs and walks to her bathroom to take a shower. [COLOR=Gray][Let's skip ahead, kiddies!][/COLOR] Munching on a banana, Cat walks into the gym. Nodding in Matt's and then Emma's directions, she tosses the banana peel in the trash. "Good day to exercise, I guess..." She mumbles as she lays down to stretch.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Garamond]Christa returns his smile and walks backwards to the bed, twirling in a small circle as she falls down on her back. "Hmmm...You know, I'm kind of partial to your human form, myself." She grabs a pillow and tosses it at him, pouting after he dodges. Looking at the next pillow within her reach, smiles wickedly and looks back at him, a mischivous glint in her eyes. A flick of the wrist and that pillow has also become a harmless projectile headed straight for his face. But, to Christa's dismay, he dodges it again. "Oh, come on, a pillow fight's no fun if I can't hit you!"[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=RoyalBlue](OoC: My surgery's tomorrow, guys, so I won't be able to post for at least a week...I love you guys, and control my character or kill her off or something until I'm not on Vikoden anymore!)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]My mom bought me the new (Or, at least, I think it's their new CD...) Papa Roach CD yesterday, and I have to say I think I do like it better than Breaking Benjamin...It's kind of funny though, my stepdad refuses to listen to it because he thinks their name is stupid. :animesigh But I know he's heard their song "Getting Away With Murder"...Maybe I have to stick it in the CD player and play it for him today... EDIT: I like Nickelback, Seether, and Limp Bizkit...But I [I]hate[/I] MTV![/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Christa bows slightly in return as she smiles. "Of course you can, Dagon. I would be honored." She grasps his arm and the reins to her new horse and commences walking down the streets. "Do you really plan on sleeping in the temple tonight?" Watching her horse, she tries to think of a name for her. "I think I'll call you Miriam," she whispers. " 'Cause I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable or anything, you know..." She blushes as she stares determindly at Miriam. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]She laughs and shakes her head again. "If that turned me off, you'd know it, trust me. And to be honest, I'm kind of jealous. I can't wait to change into my true form." Smiling, she plants a kiss on the end of his snout. "So don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." Christa looks around the desert and makes a face. "So do you have any idea where we're supposed to be going?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray](OoC: Gonna have to edit it later if no one posts, Mom just came home with dinner!)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [quote name='duStAnDteArS']God loves you and will give you evrythign you could ever want and need .[/quote] [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]God can't give me that Dodge Viper I've always wanted... :( [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I just made myself a banner with the whole "Sex Nazi" theme, and OMG! I'm not half bad, even though the only program I have is PAINT! But I don't think my mom likes the Sex Nazi thing...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Hey, hey Frankie? I love you.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Garamond]Okay, I LOVE my Hevn set of pics, but I decided that I want something a little...different. It needs to say "Sex Nazi" off to one side, and "No touchy!" across the front of the pic. And the color scheme, please keep it to purple and black so that it matches my other pics! Thanks in advance to the Godly God that fulfils my little request! -Pointedly looks at Frankie- ANYWAYS, [URL=http://scd.mm-b1.yimg.com/image/846452981]here's the link to the pic.[/URL] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Her priest walks to her and bows, a smile painted on his face. She looks at his neck and her brow furrows in puzzlement. "Where did those bruises come from?" "It doesn't matter, my lord, it's nothing important." He didn't want to tell her how he had cowered before Anubis, taking his commands rather than hers. "I need troops. Good ones...I do get soldiers, right?" She looks at him, absently brushing a strand of hair out of her face. He nods and gestures for her to follow him as they walk down the hallways. Eventually they approach a plain door, and upon swinging it open, dozens of men can be seen practicing with scythes and glaives. Christa grins and walks through the ranks, sometimes commenting on their form or finesse. She walks back to her priest, a serious expression on her face. "I want them prepared for battle immediately, with a small number sent to Arron and Dagon...Well, Ra and Anubis." Looking around one last time, she walks through the door to the hallways again, and makes her way to Dagon. Looking him up and down, she whistles. "Looking awfully God-like, there, Dagon. Think there's room enough on there for two?" She smiles warmly and brushes the same strand of hair out of her face again. "I don't particularly feel like walking or riding a camel."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]I ceased believing in God somewhere around middle school, probably early eighth grade. Before then, I was Mormon. Yeah...I was raised by my father, a semi-practicing Mormon, and he would take me to church with him sometimes. But after elementary school, I was raised by my mother, and though she too was Mormon, she never went to church. I was baptized at eight years old, the standard age for Mormons. But at that age, is there really a need to "wash away my sins"? Seriously, I think it's just some bizarre, frightening ritual to bind you to the church and your religion... My mom wouldn't even know that I don't believe in God if my sister hadn't blabbed...But she still doesn't know that I consider myself to be Buddhist. A bad Buddhist, though, considering I can't look up any websites on it or get any books on it for fear of my mom and step dad finding out. They found out that I bought a book at Hot Topic one time...The book was [U]Vampires: The Occult Truth[/U] or something like that, and the author was Konstantinos, a Dark Neopagan. Well, needless to say, they made a huge big deal, and I think they thought I was a Satanist for a while, because I started to really get into the Goth stuff. And they said that Dark Neopagans are just Satanists with a different name...If the guy was a freaking Satanist, that's what it would say, not "Dark Neopagan"! Seriously. My parents are retarded. [I]But how can someone be a Satanist if they don't believe in God?[/I] :animeangr[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]"Uuuh..." Christa sits up, groaning and holding her head. "What the Hell? I feel like I've been hit by a bus." She looks at the door leading to the hallways and carefully swings her feet over the side of the bed. Standing, she spots an armoire-looking object, and she trudges over to it. She swings open the doors and reveals several white dresses. "Guess they gave me clothes when I was asleep." She shrugs and puts on a full-length and sleeve-less dress. It flows over her miniscule curves beautifully, and she twirls around in glee. She sees a small desk sitting beside the servant's door, and she walks over to it, curious. Opening a drawer, all sorts of wondrous face-paints are exposed, and she laughs, grabbing handfuls and looking through all of the different colors. Applying the black kohl to her eyelids, she then paints her lips with a rusty red color. Smiling into the small mirror, she braids her hair and ties it with a white ribbon. Lastly, she places a necklace with an Ankh pendant around her neck. "Perfect!" She walks out of her room and drifts through the halls, eventually coming to the large throne room and greeting Dagon. "You're looking particularly jackle-esque today. Special occasion?" She teases him as she looks around, spotting a throne with her true form's hieroglyph on it. She makes her way to it and sits down, grinning. "Being a god certainly has its perks."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Purple]Name: Cathryn Baxter Age: 28 Gender: Female World of birth: Ours Race: Human Appearance: See the four attachments below. Personality: Composed and stoic, not even imminent danger of the worst kind can shake her reserve, just as she's not easily shaken or disturbed by the actions of others. Rarely does she lose her temper or self control. Cat's also very meticulous, when she does something, she does it right the first time. A couple of her personality quirks; she's terribly nearsighted, and always wears her glasses, and she never eats red meat. Bio: Going through school, she was at the top of her class and the school's biggest social butterfly. After graduating as valedictorian, she joined the service. The Navy, to be exact. Several years passed as she learned discipline and how to fight. How to kill. And she was good at what she did as a Special Warfare and Special Operations officer. She was the best, just like she was the best in school. But the first time she actually had to kill, she decided that relationships aren't worth it, technology, unlike people, never dies. But people, people leave, and all that's left are the memories, ethereal things that tear at your mind and slowly poison your heart. Technology's always there, always being upgraded and becoming more reliable. EDRI was the sort of elite organization she heard whispers of and the sort of group she strove to join. But it proved to be difficult, and she pressed the goal to the back of her mind as she faced her new task: Find and suppress a terrorist/drug camp in Columbia. Setting out with a single-minded passion, she was the first at the camp and the last to leave, interrogating, capturing, or killing any that resisted. She was both brutal and efficient in her onslaught, and within the next week EDRI contacted her. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]I think I may make myself another character, but I don't know what goes as far as the other world's occupants...I don't really want to have a non-humanoid character, I don't think I'd be able to use it correctly.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]Her priest smiles and bows to Dagon. "Lord Anubis, you are welcome here whenever you feel the need to grace us with your presence. But I fear my Lord Anubis has had a rather strong reaction to her lettuce; it is related to the opium of today. She will resume consciousness in a few hours, no doubt." The servants leave through the same unnoticeable door that they entered through, catching Dagon's gaze. The priest, picking up on his interest, smiles. "They are low-ranking members in Set's cult, trying to attain a higher status by waiting on our Lord. If you wish, we could deliver one of them to your room. I assure you, they are very obedient." [/FONT][/COLOR]
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