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Everything posted by Zhara
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]She blushes and smiles again, her confidence returned. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." Dagon walks off with the priest, and she sighs as Kristen walks off as well. "I guess I'll go find my worshippers or whatever..." Turning around, she drifts down a random hallway, looking at the mosaics on the walls. She pauses at one particular scene that catches her eye; a black, jackal headed man leading another man into a hallway from the left, with a set of scales and another jackal-headed man holding them, sitting beside a crocodile-headed demon. An ibis-headed man recorded the scales, and a hawk-headed man leads the human to--She looks at the hieroglyphics underneath the scene, and squints at one in particular. "Osiris..." She reads, a sudden, burning hatred coursing through her veins. "Osiris...Why do I know that name?" She shakes her head and turns away, continuing her walk. A small man intercepts her as she turns left, his hair not as red as hers and wearing a red robe. "My Lord, you have returned. What a joyous occasion this is. I feared that Osiris' cult would over-run us in your absence." "Osiris...Who is he?" "He is your brother, my lord. You killed him and then Horus banished you in revenge." She blinks slowly. "Um...Let's get back to that subject later. Could you show me to my room or whatever?" He bows and leads her through the labyrinth-like structure, stopping at a dark doorway, standing aside to allow her entrance. She touches the wood and it swings open, revealing a dimly lit room festooned with cushions and silk throws, which she promptly throws herself on. A large statue stands beside her bed, that of a man with an almost aardvark-shaped head with long, square tipped ears. She whistles lowly in admiration. "That's me, isn't it?" "Yes, my lord. Perhaps you would like something to eat? We have your favorite food ready for you." "I am kind of hungry, you know." The priest signals, and two servants, one male, one female, enter, carrying trays. They sit in front of her and feed her lettuce that with every bite secretes a milky-white substance. Her priest smiles as she drifts off to sleep. "We had it specially cultivated to match the special properties of the lettuce from ancient times, just the way you like it." She mumbles as the male servant picks her up and puts her on the bed, her world going black.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Gray](OoC: Did anyone else find the last line of my last post as funny as I did?)[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]"Pfft, it's his loss." She shrugs and winks at him. "More for of you, right?" Laughing, she addresses the High Priest. "Hey, old man! Who am I the incarnate of?" He sighs. "You are the reincarnation of Set." "Neat-o." She envisions herself as a beautiful goddess of love and sexuality, lost in a silly little daydream. "You are the god of chaos and storms." She stops and her mouth drops open in absolute shock. "I'm the reincarnation of a GOD?! You've gotta be kidding, right?" The priest walks off, leading them to where their rooms are. "You [B]are[/B] kidding, right?? Closing her mouth, she looks at Dagon. "He's gotta be kidding." Dagon laughs and shakes his head. "I don't think he is." "Ooooh, my femininity, it stings and burns..." [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]"What the Hell's going on here? Why are they wearing those clothes, and what's with the buildings?" She shakes her head and looks over at Kyle. "You've seen that movie, Men in Black, right? Well, this is rating about a thirteen on my Weird-Shit-O-Meter...And that thing only goes up to ten." Smiling, she nervously twists her engagement ring around her finger. "Let's just report this and get the Hell out of here, one way or another." Adjusting her seatbelt, she watches Daiske's chopper, flashing them the thumbs-up sign. "Looks like some Renaissance freaks have set up camp over here." She says through the radio, resting her rifle across her knees, the muzzle pointing outside the chopper.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]Rolling her eyes, she jumps off the camel and grabs Dagon's hand, pulling him into a standing position. "Who says I'm being mean and rude just because I'm cute and think I can get away with it? I know I can get away with it, you guys aren't about to do anything about it. So cry all you want, it doesn't bother me any. Same goes for him." Walking over to Arron's side, a smile lurks on her face as she hits in the side, pushing him a step or two to the right. "So, you see anything yet, Bird-Boy?" Blatantly mocking him, she crosses her arms and puts her weight on one leg. "Or are we sleeping outside tonight?"[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]She closes her eyes and leans her head forward again, her forehead resting against Dagon's shoulder blade. "You know, if we can't even see the damn building, I really don't think we're going to make it there today on friggin' camels." Wrapping her arms around his waist again, she attempts to retain some form of consciousness in the face of extreme boredom. Her hair flows in the breeze ever so slightly, looking like a bright red flame. She sighs and opens her eyes as she addresses Arron. "Do you even know where we're going?" She questions irritably. "Or are we just going to walk blindly into what could quite possibly be some sort of evil cult's hideaway?"[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]Shaking her head, she points her gun out the side of the chopper and looks through the scope. "This shit's messed up. When I enlisted, I never thought I?d actually get shipped out...Let alone kill someone. Terrorist or not, I hate having to pull this trigger." She turns back to him and grins. "But you have to admit, this job's got its perks. I mean, I don't even have to walk anywhere; I get carted around in this tin can. Unless things turn south...Then I have to run my ass to get to the rest of the soldiers and pray to whatever gods there are that I don't get shot...Again."[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond][quote name='Misaki Mitsu']oh i love them so much... i could like be their new stalker.[/quote] You, too? Yeah, I love Breaking Benjamin with a passion unrivaled...They have such a unique way of singing and playing their instruments, I love how it's soft and melodious for the good part of the song, and then Ben just starts [I]screaming.[/I] It's awesome. And don't even get me started on the intro to Follow!Absolutely mind boggling how they can be so darned [I]good.[/I] I may only have their CD "We Are Not Alone", but it's my favorite CD out of my whole tiny collection.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]Well, I don't believe in God, or Heaven, or Hell, so I'm not afraid of going to Hell if I "sin". But I'm not going to make this into a big theological discussion, so let's let it suffice to say that I do hold it sacred, it means something to me, and even if I didn't wait until marriage, I would make sure I loved my partner very much before having sex with him...Most of my friends aren't virgins, either.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]Oh, WOW! I love them, I love them! Thank you SO MUCH! When I rule the world, you get to live![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]I don't have an images of Hevn, sorry...But those ROCK! Seriously, I love them. -runs off to put them up-[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]I don't know why...Is it because I'm still just a new member? Here's what the stupid thing says when I try to put up an event: [QUOTE]Zhara, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation. [/QUOTE] Could it be that I'm just retarded and don't know whether or not you have to be an admin or something to put up an event? Anyways, all I wanted to put up was that I won't be on much during August...I'll be hyped up on Vikoden or something...I've got surgery coming up. Oh, and that I'll be getting blood work done for the first time tomorrow...-cringe- Stupid doctors and their precautions... EDIT: Okay, I think it must have been the New Member thing, because now I can post events. So...No need to help me people, move along...[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]Well, I don't plan on finding out that something truly IS better than chocolate until I'm married. But I think it's kinda weird to be a forty-year-old virgin...Unless you're a nun or something. But whatever, you know? Some poeple just aren't that sexual. And since I plan on joining the Air Force after school, I don't want to get married BEFORE then, that's just not enough time to get to know someone. And if I get shipped out to Iraq or whatever, I'll be, like, twenty something when I do get back to the states and find someone worth my time...So, I'll be an old lady by the time I (hopefully) lose it! (Random thing: I looked at doukeshi03 's profile, and you've had exactly one post for every day you've been a member of OtakuBoards! Thought it was cool, so I pointed it out.)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond][QUOTE]Other than that, when it's really dark and I go to turn on a light , there is always that flicker of fear that, when I turn on this light, a horde of Zombies will be standing around me, or some dude with a chainsaw, or Buckley's Caugh Syrup... Scary stuff. [/QUOTE] OMG, you too?! I am TERRIFIED of zombies. Terrified...No reason, I just am. But lately I have been speculating that since my dad watched Star Trek with me when I was little, it might have something to do with the Borg...-shudder- And another thing, something I just realized. It looked like Erriku hadn't really posted any feedback on his thread, so I was thinking, "What if he's just trying to figure out what our fears are so he can use them against us?" Irrational, stupid, I know...But I can't help it. I don't look around the shower curtain, because, well I don't have one. I have those clear, distorted slidy doors for my shower, but if I get to thinking, I will find myself looking at the door, just KNOWING that someone's about to waltz right in...And, like Lunox, I'm a sleep whore, so I don't tend to stay up all night. Unless I've watched a zombie movie before going to bed. I don't look over my shoulder too often, and I don't sing to myself when I'm scared...But only because I don't want the zombies to know where I am...[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond][b]April[/b] Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret.Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their luver can see. Luver? WTF? ... Anyways, I'm not very active. At all. Or hasty, I tend to think things through so thouroughly that I don't ever do anything...But I do lurv myself! Almost to the point of being arrogant. Strong mentality? Does that mean I'm smart? Whoever makes these things is good at being vague, that way you can just think whatever you want, just so long as it boosts your ego. I'm not so much diplomatic. consoling and all that jazz as I am a good listener. I do tend to be kinda recklessly brave...After hurting myself so many times, I've developed the over-thinking-of-things complex. Generous, not suave. Blunt...Very blunt. Extremely aggresive and emotional; I just tend to suppress that little aspect of my persona, though. Again with the hasty thing. Good memory? Not really, but good with minor details for short terms. I can usually motivate myself, don't know about the others part. I get headaches all the time, as well as minor colds and just plain frogginess. "Sexy in a way that only their luver can see."? WTF? That makes me sad...[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]She blinks and wraps her arms around his waist, another blush spreading across her pale features. Resting the side of her face against his shoulder, a grins pulls at her lips as she thinks of his kiss. "We should really hurry up and get to the city. It's not going to stay light out for much longer." She looks at Arron and bites her lip, her mind suddenly in turmoil. [I]'I feel like I'm being pulled to Arron, but Dagon...Dagon [B]kissed[/B] me! What am I supposed to do?'[/I] Sighing, she leans back and puts her hands on her knees, staring into the sky as the murky clouds evaporate. "What's with the weather? First it's all hot and sunny, and during the fight, it got all stormy. What's going on?" She looks around at her companions. "Does anyone else think something really weird is going on here? Or am I just losing my mind?"[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]Sitting on the camel's back, her mouth hangs open in absolute surprise as the men fight off the worms. "Dagon," she whispers as he hits the ground, shocking her into motion. With a leap off of the back of the animal, she pulls a scythe out of nowhere. Running to and straddling his prone body, she holds the scythe defensively in front of her. The worm nears, and a bead of sweat runs down the side of her face as the adrenaline flows through her veins. Her heart rate increases, her pupils dilate, and time seems to slow down, allowing her to make careful dodges and attacks. The worm lunges for her, and a swift thrust stabs the thing, but to no avail. Waiting for it to turn around and attack again, dark clouds gather in the sky above her. A sudden wind stirs up the sand around the battlefield, obscuring their vision. Tearing the ribbon keeping her braid in place, her hair whips around her body like some demonic being. A blue bolt of lightening strikes the worm, a stark contrast to the light sand. The thunder shakes the ground immediately afterwards, throwing her to the ground. Cursing, she stands again, groping around for Dagon. She feels the ground rumble as the worm returns to the offensive, and she panics, striking out randomly. But for once, Lady Luck is on her side, and the worm squeals in pain as the blade of her scythe stabs its eye. It flees from her, pulling her weapon out of her hand. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Garamond]She laughs lightheartedly and looks at him. "Well, I was planning on marrying my high school sweetheart when I got home." Showing off the ring, she bites her lip. "I hope we get figure out what the Hell happened and get back soon...This is just freaky." She drops her hand to her lap and absently checks her rifle, thinking of more serious things. "This is actually my second deployment; I was shot the first time and spent months in a hospital in Germany before going back home for a few weeks. And then they shipped me overseas again." Turning to him, she shrugs. "But what can you do, right? At least I have a couple scars to show off when I get drunk, now. It went straight through my left thigh." Smiling wryly, she rubs the spot, remembering the searing agony. "Hurt like a son of a bitch, lemme tell you. I'll never forget that feeling. And what about you? Got any good stories to tell?"[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]I was wondering if someone could make me a Hevn(from Get Backers) avatar/banner/profile picture that says something like "Hug me, I'm squishy!" and my username in the top left corner. A color scheme of purple and black would be really awesome, too. Thanks to whoever takes up the strenuous task! [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Standing on the deck, she worriedly twists the band of yellow gold on her left ring finger. Looking at the English galley, she sighs and walks off below decks to clean her rifle. Passing a few other crew members, she salutes half heartedly, unwilling to answer their questions. Upon reaching her quarters, she grabs her gun and puts it together slowly, lovingly polishing every piece. She finishes and sets it on her tiny bed, her gaze catching on her engagement ring. Turning to her pillow, she reaches over and grabs it, moving it aside to get to the picture underneath. A smile tugs at her lips as she gazes at her fiancé, the man she was going home to, the man she was going to marry. "What's going on...?" She mumbles as she sets the photo down, sets aside her gun and walks to the bridge. Passing a few other soldiers, she salutes like before. She sees a fellow sniper and grins, offering the only information she can muster. "It's those damn aliens, I'm telling you. They just won't give up!"[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Thank ou, JT! Here's another one that my cousin has posted on her AllPoetry site. It's called "Regretful Love" and it's by far my favorite poem. [CENTER][B]Regretful Love[/B] With so much love I touch your face Then I wake up It was all a dream I scream your name and curse myself How could I let you go? I wanted you so much for so long But the confession of my love Only pushed you away Will you let me take back those words? But if I did It would leave me Yearning to say them again [/CENTER] [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]She blinks slowly, a red blush spreading across her face, matching her face and eyes. "I'm not that cute, you know... I'll keep in mind not to piss you off, then. I'm quite fond of breathing. No, we just met, we're not entirley sure why we're here, either..." Answering all of his questions in order, she turns to Arron and grins. "And yes, I did. You reek of nobility." She looks around them, bored with her surroundings. A wicked thought occurs to her, and she realizes how she can liven up her day. Leaning forward, she rests her head on his shoulder, a quiet sigh escaping her lips. [I]'I can't think of any better way to find out if Arron thinks I'm as cute as Dagon thinks I am. Not to mention that this is fun for me.'[/I] A smirl pulls at the corners of her lips as this thought occurs to her.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]She grins. "How do you make the connection between Dagon and Rick?" Adjusting her weight on the camel, she sits side-saddle. She brushes off her dress and hesitates a moment before resting her hands on his sides. "I suppose I have nowhere else to be. What?s the nearest city? Cairo? And what do you mean 'so I can find out what the hell happened to me'? What'd you do?" [I]'Is it just me, or do random men just follow me around? Again, not that I'm complaining, or anything, it just seems a little weird. When we get to the city I should remember to pray to whatever god governs fate.'[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]"You seem familiar; too...What's your name?" Looking him up and down, she takes in his attire and physique. "I feel like I should be bowing to you, or something," she says flippantly, mockingly sweeping her arm to her chest and bowing the slightest bit. ?But, then again, I bow to no one." She extends her hand and introduces herself. "My name's Christa Jhade." Mentally she racks her mind for any fleeting memories of previous encounters she might have had with him. He shakes her hand, and she crosses her arms over her chest, putting her weight on one leg. "So what're you doing out here, you don't exactly seem like the type to randomly walk out of tombs...Not that I mind, or anything, it's not everyday a lordly man waltzes out of nowhere and recognizes me."[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond][CENTER][B]I promise[/B] And I heard a voice cry out to me in the dark: What, what have you done? Where are you? I want you here, with me! Come back to me I promise, I?ll never hurt you again. . . Please don?t cry. . . Really, I promise, It?ll all be better soon. . . Just close your eyes, It?ll only hurt for a second. And then, It?ll all go away. . . I promise. . .[/CENTER] I don't know where this poem came from...Some dark, unused recess of my mind, I guess. Anyways, it's not my favorite, or my best, but here it is.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]That is so beautiful! I don't know how you got your inspiration for that last poem, but...WOW. To have that much feeling in so few words is just amazing. You rock at this poem stuff; mine...just don't compare. And on that note, I think I'll post a thread with my own poems. Just for kicks and giggles.[/FONT][/COLOR]