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Everything posted by Zhara

  1. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Name: Celeste Blacke Age: 20 Gender: Female Physical Appearance: Picture below. I'm lazy, so sue me. Special Ability: Enhanced agility, balance, speed, reflexes and strength...Almost cat-like. Weapon: None. Personality: She's hot tempered, cynical, quick to point out the flaws of others, but she's also loyal, steadfast, and charismatic. Her hard exterior is just that, a shell of her real self, the mask that the world sees. She loves vintage clothes, books, and has a fiery passion for music in all its forms. When she's not at her desk job, she can be found in a comfortable spot listening to a CD and reading a good book, completely oblivious to the world. But when it counts, she's there for whoever needs it. Biography: She was the best on her school's track and cross country teams, always winning races and leaving her competition and teammates in the dust. This fueled an arrogant spark deep within her, eventually causing her to quit sports all together, thinking herself to be better than the other athletes. On her twentieth birthday, her brother went comatose, and she spent her entire day with him in the hospital. When he woke up, he grabbed her by the neck and started strangling her. But then, a man in grey showed up, and shot him in the chest. The last image in her mind before she blacked out was his face, the face she now searches for. Character Snippet: "Mom, where'd you put the cake?" Shouting over her little brother's shouting, she pushes him into the couch and sticks her tongue out at him. "I win automatically, squirt, it's my birthday." "It's on the table; do you want to blow out your candles now?" Her mom shouts from the kitchen. "And be quiet, you two, you'll wake the dead with that racket you're making!" "Yes, Mom," they say in unison, silently wrestling to get to the dining room first. "It's my cake, lemme go!" Breaking free, she shoves him again, racing into the dining room and plopping down in front of her cake. Smirking at him as she walks into the room, she waits for their mom to light the candles. But a curious look crosses his features as he grabs onto the back of one of the chairs. After a moment of just standing there, he falls over. "Laz'? Lazarus, get up, that's not funny..." She goes over to him, shaking his shoulder. A sinking feeling fills her chest and her stomach knots up. "Mom! Mom, call 911, Lazarus just passed out!"[/FONT] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Ah, yes...That was a joke. -has face half an inch from the keyboard cuz she doesn't have her contacts in- I guess I wouldn't really snipe from a vehicle, but would be dropped off at a high point by the Daysleeper and then picked up after the battle. If that's okay, anyways.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]This sounds really neat! I would join if it went to the Inn, that's for sure.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Name: Royella Staard Gender: Female Age: 27 Former occupation: Air Force, Fighter Pilot Appearance: I'm feeling lazy today. See below. Weapon of choice: A pistol for ranged targets, and her bare hands for melee. Personality: Impulsive in nature, she makes rash and emotional decisions. She's the girl who sees the lever and pulls it while saying, "What's this do?" This, coupled with her curiosity, makes a dangerous combination. Steadfast, quick tempered, and crude, she's your most brutally honest friend as well as your best protector. Bio: After being at the top of her class all throughout high school, Royella "Roy" Staard was accepted into the Air Force Academy with a recommendation from her Governor. The years she spent there made her who she is today; a rough, crude, brilliant and lethal weapon. Even though her days in the Air Force were spent in a plane, that didn't stop her from developing her body to absolute perfection. And with her twenty-first birthday, the IAL contacted her, inviting her into the ranks of the elite. Thrilled, she accepted and was shown how pathetic her training regimen had been, and just how much farther she truly had to go before reaching deadly perfection. Now she executes both minor and major threats to modern society, always accepting her orders without question. Even if she secretly thinks that her mission is wrong, she will perform her duties to the utmost of her abilities, no matter what. Her civilian life appears normal, a job at a shuttle port to-and-from the Moon colonies and a nice apartment in a big city. No boyfriend, though, to her mother's utmost frustration. She shuns most male contact, fearing that her mother has sent anyone with an interest in her to be her husband and procreate like rabbits.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Now I've met only a few Alyssa's in my life, my very short, sixteen year long life, and none of them were really like me. One was a druggie whore (Pardon my language, but I have no tolerance for people that make themselves into objects), and the others I'm not really at liberty to describe because, A) I didn't interacte with them much, or B) It was too long ago for me too accurately remember them.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]A sudden gut wrenching fear fills her heart as she sits up quickly, covered by a cold sweat. Looking around, it seems like daylight to her, her gaze easily piercing the mind numbing darkness. Something rustles to her left, catching her attention. Unconciously she whips out her hand, grabbing onto a soft, furry body. Squeezing the vermin until it breaks, she drops it and stands. The walls around her seem to be made of wood, and a quick inspection reveals a doorway in front of her. She walks to it, and upon pushing it open, her eyes are assaulted by sudden daylight. Grunting and shielding her eyes from the blinding light, she chances a look around. "Sand...? Where am I?" Her red hair sways in the almost non-existant breeze, and she quickly braids it. Tying it with a piece of ribbon the was tied around her wrist, she looks around again, spotting a camel drive. She hesitates for a moment, shakes her head, and walks around the back of the shed she woke up in. Her eyes widen in wonder as she takes in the Great Pyramids, and she stares until she has to blink.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Ohmigod, this sounds so cool! (For all of you that have read some of my OoC posts before, yes I DO have to start every single one with OMG.) The only bad thing I can find id that not many Air Force people are chosen...I love the Air Force, it's what I'm doing after high school. I would so join your thread! Make it soon![/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Shouldn't this sort of thread be posted in the Adventure Inn, where you recruit members, rather than the Square, where you actually adventure?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Name: Sera Fenrir Age: 23 Gender: Female Rank: Lieutenant Feild: Sniper...? Weapon: Sniper rifle, combat knife Vehicle: I'm the one shooting. :D[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]"Are we there yet?" A masculine voice asks nervously. "No. Shut up," his feminine counterpart answers. Silence. "Now?" "Shut up." A longer period of silence. "Now?" He asks hopefully. "Yes, now shut up!" She whispers furiously, turning to face him. Glaring at her Nosferatu friend, she steps from the deepest shadows of the night and into the light of a streetlamp. She gives him one last look that promises death should he speak again, and turns her gaze to an apartment building. Calculating the effort it would take to reach her target, she pauses. A quick intake of breath and she leaps lithely, perfectly executing the jump from ground to balcony. She taps the glass impatiently, rousing the slumbering occupant. A dazed face appears, his hair sticking out at all angles. His mind starts working once he recognizes his night time visitor, and he slides the door open and wraps an arm around the woman's neck. Grinning at him, she swings over the edge of the balcony and lands on her feet, setting him down and prostrating herself before him. The Nosferatu mirrors her position. "Lord Dracula, I am pleased with your growth. Soon you will be ready to take your true place," she says, seemingly speaking to the ground. "The young man grins. ?And you haven?t changed a bit. Surprise, surprise. Rise, Aurelia Crane, Kraig Drabek, you don't need to bow to me." [COLOR=DarkSlateGray] *****[/COLOR] Alright, here we go! Lord Dracula was killed years ago, but was born again as a human boy. It was up to Aurelia and Kraig to teach him the ways of the vampires again, and eventually Aurelia would have to change him back into a vampire. But they are finding more and more opposition to the return of the Dark King, not just from zealous vampire hunters, but also from vampires who covet Dracula's position. The main opposition stems from his own fledgling, Zane Corona, a man that craves power more than anything. Our story will be Aurelia and possibly Kraig protecting and teaching Dracula until they deem him ready to become a vampire again (Which won't take long, I don't want to have a mortal Dracula for very long.) and then trying to restore his throne to him. Sounds boring? HA! On the way they'll be plagued by vampire hunters as well as treacherous vampires, humans wanting to be vampires and blood lust. Family fun for everyone! Now, for all of you who want to be Dracula or Aurelia, sorry, those positions are taken. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=3]The position of Dracula is now open! Ignore previous sentence and have fun![/SIZE][/COLOR] But someone can be Kraig, just bear in mind that he's a whiny, annoying ugly Nosferatu. But powerful. Very, very powerful. As powerful as he is ancient, this is why he was chosen to teach Dracula with Aurelia. Here's how you sign up: Name: Gender: Race: (Vamp/Human) Whom do you support?: (Dracula, the hunters, or neutral. Bear in mind that the Christian/Catholic hunters CAN NOT do magic! Other faiths can, though, just not crazy over-the-top incredibly powerful spells.) Description: (Picture or typed out...I prefer typed out, personally, but that's just me...) Biography: (Make it too long and I will be MAD.) Additional Information: [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]*****[/COLOR] And I think that about covers it! I'm going to post my character's thingy now... Name: Aurelia Crane Gender: Female...Or, at least, it was the last time I checked. -checks- Yep, female. (Because I can't make a "Yes, please!" joke to the word gender...) Race: Ancient Vampire Whom do you support?: Dracula...Duh. Description: Not quite as tall as she wishes she was, she's still slightly above average at 5'7". Her shoulder length brown hair has a few small braids in it, courtesy of one of her fledglings. Green eyes pierce the souls of those she locks gazes with, unnerving her prey and weak vamps. She usually wears tight, black clothing, but can sometimes be found in red or dark blue. In this age, she's fond of Gothic make up and accessories; a pentagram hangs from a gold chain around her neck and a skull ring is proudly sported on her right ring finger. Around her left pinkie and wrist are bands of solid hematite. Biography: She was born on November 12, in a year that she doesn't remember, and was turned at the age of twenty-four. The blood of her now-dead creator erased any and all imperfections, rendering her improbably beautiful. But it came with a cost; the life of her unborn child and lover. In a rage, she entered a state of bloodlust, ravaging her town and killing many people she had known and befriended. Awakening later and realizing what she had done, she tried to kill herself...Only to be stopped by Dracula. Now she is forever loyal to him, protecting him in any way she can with the help of Kraig. Additional Information: She loves to read, and can stare at the same spot for hours just to prove a point. Quick-witted and cynical, she seems bitter about having to spend eternity feeding off of mortals, but it truly doesn?t bother her as much as people think. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Gray]Name: Lyria Ebony Race: Vampire Look: Average height, above average looks, superhuman grace and reflexes. She has dark brown hair that lies close to her skull in an extremely mannish haircut, but she spikes it back with gel. Pale skin befitting one of the undead, she her hazel eyes are fierce and feral. Her clothing of choice consists of a black shirt that hugs her skin closely and a pair of dark blue jeans that rest low on her hips and cling to her body, flaring out at the bottom. Black tennis shoes complete the look, and the whole thing is topped off with her various accessories. A heavy chain hanging around her neck sports an upside-down cross, and from her earlobes dangle little golden stars, and on her fingers are several hematite bands. First Ability: To suck someone's blood to feed/heal herself...What else? What made me impure: A simple stroll through a dark alleyway to get home from a party that she was not supposed to have been at is what caused this young girl's fall from grace. Although being drunk beyond all imagination was most likely not looked upon favorably by God. Stepping into a puddle, the tepid water sloshes onto her foot, and she grimaces in disgust. She pauses to wipe off her foot, and at that moment, she is clubbed from behind and blacks out. Everything is painful when she awakens, slowly opening her eyes to see nothing but fire and brimstone. She groans and grabs her throbbing head as a powerful voice speaks to her. "Pathetic mortal, do you wish to walk the path of the eternally damned?" "It appears I have no choice, does it?" She retorts icily, looking up at the horrid Prince of Darkness. He smirks and raging pain flows through her veins, causing her to writhe in agony. "You should know not to belittle your betters, foolish mortal." Ignoring her screams, he asks her again. "Will you walk the dark path, or will you burn in Hell with the rest of the sinners?!" Panting, her body goes limp as the pain goes away. [I]'You know, I didn't even think Heaven and Hell existed...I guess Mom and Dad were right about me burning in Hell for being a Godless pagan.'[/I] "I will...I will walk the dark path, and I will do as my Lord commands me." Surrendering her soul forever was much easier than anticipated, and the very next day she roamed the streets of London again, searching for her first meal.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]I had mine wake up in the desert because my god's Egyptian and I wanted to be close to Ra when he gets out of the pyramid thing.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]This sounds so cool! I hope you don't mind me being the reincarnation of a male god...And everyone else was being an Egyptian god, so here I am, jumping on the bandwagon. Name: Christa Jhade Age: 25 Gender: Female Reincarnate of: Seth Weapon: One of those cool Egyptian scythes. Description: She's pretty tall, with pale skin, flaming red hair and eyes. Wearing a green, flowy dress and brown leather shoes, she also has a sacred Ankh pendant on a chain around her neck. She's flat chested and narrow waisted, and would look like a man with out her dress and long, braided hair. Personality: Violent and erratic, she's quite the embodiment of the God of chaos. Strong hatred of Horus and snakes burns within her, as well as a deep loyalty for Ra. But when push comes to shove, she can brawl with the best of them. She loves chaos, for obvious reasons, and likes to stand outside in the middle of a storm, just to watch the sky. Bio: A sudden gut wrenching fear fills her heart as she sits up quickly. Looking around, it seems like daylight to her, her gaze easily piercing the numbing darkness. Rustling from her left catches her attention, and she unconciously whips out her hand, grabbing onto a soft, furry body. Squeezing the vermin until it breaks, she drops it and stands. The walls around her seem to be made of wood, and a quick inspection reveals a doorway in front of her. Walking to it, she pushes it open, and her eyes are assaulted by sudden daylight. Grunting and shielding her eyes from the blinding light, she chances a look around. "Sand...? Where am I?" Oh God...It's so late...Must sleep...but I don't want to...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Name: Natali Exalis Age: 457 Race/Species: Demon Power/Aura Color: Fire & Bright blue-As in an extremely hot flame Bio/Stats: She fights for humanity like a child holding onto an old toy. Who doesn't want to keep their favorite plaything? Tall, around 5'8", with short, spiked back white hair (She dyes it. Normally it's brick red). Her skin is very pale, as are her orange eyes. Her small, bat-like wings are scaled and brick red, matching her natural hair color. She wears a tight, red shirt and loose black pants that rest low on her hips with the help of a black leather belt. Once she roamed the Earth, tempting mortals and damning their souls, but after a "minor infraction", she was banished to Hell for several eons. After she was freed, she was in awe at humanity's depravity and corruptness, and promptly spent the next several years sampling the worst that the world had to offer. Now that she's become fully infatuated with her playthings, she refuses to let them go. Even if it means opposing God and Satan themselves. Additional information: She loathes Angels and everything they stand for, and is likely to attack them on sight, no questions asked. A serious relationship is something that she's never had and probably never will, but she doesn't care. Apathetic when it comes to other's pain, she's self centered and arrogant. Without much experience in this modern world, she sometimes comes off as young and stupid, the complete opposite of her actual mentality. Always pragmatic, she'd rather have someone fight for her and snipe off her enemies from afar.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]-bangs head against keyboard- WTF, you guys? I did not make this thread so that you political extremists could argue over some stupid war that could quite possibly KILL MY FATHER. Gee, thanks for the support. I swear if this forum was adults only, I'd flame you jerks like crazy. And I would enjoy it, believe me. Please, PLEASE, leave your ranting about the war to some other thread, one made specifically for that reason. Why, you ask? BECAUSE I DON'T CARE. I really don't. I made this thread so that the few of us who still have hearts and/or souls could give me a little comfort before I slit my wrists out of sheer emotional agony. So this is to all of you who come here with your little rants and snippy little come backs prepared and ready for battle: LEAVE MY THREAD ALONE SO THAT I CAN BE COMFORTED AND SUPPORTED BY REAL PEOPLE. Thank you, that will be all.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Yeah, what Raiyuu said is exactly true...I feel as if I opened up a huge can of worms in trying to get someone with half of a heart to say some inane stupid little thing like,"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, I wish there was something I could do to help." [B]That's all I wanted.[/B] Seriously, I don't care about the political reasons about why my dad is being shipped out, all I care about is that he [B]is[/B]. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]I may not understand exactly what you meant by saying that Bin Laden was trained by America, but it's absolutely retarded. Why would we "train" him and then just throw him back into the Middle East? And thanks, Morpheus. I really don't need to read his crap. No one does, ever. I loathe conspiracy theories, and I hate conspiracy theorists. It makes no sense, it's like saying the HIV virus was a bio weapon designed to kill off homosexuals; it makes no sense, and is absolutely not true.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Because everyone knows it as the war in Iraq...So, yeah.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Wow, that sounds really neat! I used to do flag-twirling, and I loved it. But then I quit the organization I was in, and my school doesn't do flag twirling. So it's been a while since I've practiced. But twirling a flaming stick...I think my parents might just kill me.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. :animecry: [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Hey, I don't know if this is an okay topic, but I found out that my dad's going to Afganistan, and I wanna know who here has family that's involved in the war, different people's opinions, stuff like that. I'm crying while writing this, it hasn't even been twenty minutes since my dad told me. I'm looking for a little bit of support here, so don't flame me saying stupid stuff like "Your dad is an idiot for going to war, they never did anything to us!". Please, I REALLY don't need that right now. Or ever, in fact.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond](OoC: I've got it! FYI, the Italian is a spell: "Denizen of Hell, come face your true master! Bow before my power!", and the Death Caster refers to the literal translation of the word 'Necromancer'.) She watches her new friends fight off the vampyr to no apparent effect in a detached state. Mentally she's reviewing everything and anything she has ever learned about vampyrs, mostly how to dominate their minds. Something useful comes to mind, a memory more unforgettable than others. [I]"Aella, this is the price you pay for failure! Had that leech not been under my control, you would be undead right now!" "Y-Yes, Sir," I mumble through a bloody lip. Lieing there on the floor, clutching my neck, I struggle to stand. A searing assault to the back of my head strikes me prone again. "You are not worthy to stand in my presence." I grow and fling my blood-soaked towel at the assailant. "Watch out, or you'll end up in my undead army!" I snarl.[/I] "That's it, subvert his mind!" Aella flexes her arm and points at the vampyr. Building up the unused Necromantic power bends her mind, but a thought of Raynor and the others keeps her on her path. [I]"Il naturalizzato di Inferno, รจ venuto la faccia il suo vero padrone! Inchinarsi prima del mio potere!"[/I] The beast turns to her with a smirk. "Oh, so now you want to play, little Death Caster?" "Yeah. The name of the game's 'Get the Necromancer Out of Your Mind, if You Can'!" And with that, she plunges into his twisted mindscape. Her body goes still and her eyes go dead.Vulnerable, she tries to dominate it quickly, but the beast is powerful. Slowly it advances on her until it barely has a few feet between them. Suddenly, her eyes sparkle with life. Sucking in a great gasp of air, Aella falls to the floor. The beast, however, stands stock still. She gets back her breath and points at it, "Do -cough- whatever they command you to do, Nicodemeus Blackrend!" He glares daggers, but makes a polite bow anyways. "As you command, Mistress." (OoC: Hey guys, I don't know if you're going to read this or not, but please do. I may not post for a while...My dad's going to Afganistan in nine months, and I'm really tweaking out about it. I just thought you might like to know...)[/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]I just didn't want it directly after the war, I wanted some time for the world to reorganize.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
  23. ((OOC: OKSEHJFKWJEFHLKWERLKHELRJK. I'm stupid. I deleted my post cuz I read Van's and now I see the someone actually read it...I must find it again. I FOUND IT, YAY! Originally posted before Prince Van's...God, I'm retarded)) [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]"RAYNOR!" Aella gasps as he collapses, but her gaze swiftly returns to the Vampyr. "Foul creature, return to hell!" She runs at it and stabs it with her dagger before realizing something...They had been attacking its shadow. "Shit..." Aella turns around and hold aloft her dagger. [I]"Reveal thyself!"[/I] Her words are laced with power as she runs back to Raynor's side. With the true beast coming, Raynor would be most vulnurable, and therefor the first target. Aella intend for no more harm to befall him. "Raynor...Wake up..." A cold hand grips her shoulder painfully, dragging her to a standing position. "You should be fighting by my side, little Necromancer." The vampyr squeezes her shoulder harder, and a loud crack is heard throughout the church, followed by an agonized scream. The vampyr drops her to the floor, disgusted. "You are weak. Weak and foolish. Not even fit for a meal." It grins wickedly. "But your friend here, the one you're so protective of, he would make a fine meal." "NO!" Aella shouts defiantly.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Her heart leaps into her throat as Raynor touches her, and she involuntarily flinches. She stifles her sobs and watches his face... [I]Why doesn't he hurt me? He could kill me if he wanted to...I don't deserve this kindness...[/I] she thinks to herself. The girl runs her fingertips over the petals of the rose as she rises. Gripping Raynor's hand like some sort of life line, she stands. [I]'Do you really think he won't kill you the first time you turn your back to him?'[/I] A hoarse voice whisperes in her ear. A shudder courses down her spine as what had been the black ethereal beast speaks to her. It moves to her other ear, [I]'He'll gut you with those pretty little daggers of his...Your leather won't stop him...'[/I] A dry chuckle causes another shudder to run down her spine, and a look of terror finds its way onto her face. [I]'And when he does kill you...I'll be here to take over you body and kill the rest of them...Slowly and painfully...'[/I] She sways in place and wraps her other hand around Raynor's.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Glaring at the demonic beings,she draws her dagger, the serrated edge ripping at the leather sheath. A rythmic dance is weaved in the air as she chants softly with her eyes closed. A soft black form rises out of the ground, its edges wavering in the light. As Aella opens her eyes, two glowing red dots appear on the ethereal beast A peircing shreik emanates from it as it charges the demonic beings. Their bodies turn to shreds as it passes by them, and soon the floor is strewn with...Undead corpses? The black form turns to Aella after the battle and dissipates into a murky mist behind her. She looks around and reads the faces of those around her, trying to see if they saw her Necromantic power. A look of rage and disgust is painted onto Raynor's face. Her dagger falls to the ground with a clang. She sinks down beside and holds her head in her hands as muffled sobs escape her lips and shake her shoulders. Not even bothering to see if the others saw it, she tosses the blackened rose as far away from herself as possible.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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