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Everything posted by Zhara

  1. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]I came up with a great idea on my camping trip! Set post-WWIII (Around 2045), where technology has become obsolete. In its place is the ability to use "Magecraft", in other words, the ability to twist the elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air) or Light, Dark, Spirit, and Body were granted to some people. Of course, any combination of the above can also be used. WWIII began when North Korea launched nuclear bombs on the major cities of the USA; New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, and Seattle. Then they bombed Germany and England. We once again formed the Allied forces, but slightly different this time. Former allies fought against us, and former enemies fought with us. That's probably as in depth as I'll get as far as WWIII goes, if someone else could make something up, that'd be great. My character's name would be Kitten Baranski. Her parents were pre-WWIII emigrants to America (where she was born) from Russia. They wanted her to be the ultimate American girl, causing her to be slightly spoiled. They both fought for the Allied Forces, and both died. She is now the captain of a ship that hunts pirates, and she''s a Fire and Body Crafter. More will be added eventually, but tell me what you think![/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Aella sinks into the shadows, attempting to calm her racing heart. Mayan had told the thugs the twisted truth of her identity, and she wonders how he would treat her if he knew the truth... She sighs silently and observes the man in black. Looking down at her hands,she realizes that she'd been holding her dagger hilt so strongly that her already pale knuckles have turned white. She relaxes and walks out of the shadows. "Thanks you for you're help, sir," she says to Mayan. And without waiting for a reply, she turns and heads for the door. Extremely aware of how much everyone around her loathes Necromancers, she decides to run...A trickle of cold sweat runs down her back as she hurridly seeks somewhere dark to hide.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [I][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]I'm gonna jump right in and take a guess, Zhara. SN: Says something about being unique, not having an average name. Avatar: I think this shows you're an artist, since it's a drawn picture. Sig: Shows you have a sense of humor, and an appreciation for a good quote. In General: You like to be different and funny. You act crazy to get people to laugh, and are very outgoing. You face life with spirit and gusto and a sense of optimism.[/I] Wow! Good job, Lord Rannos! The only wrong thing is that I'm not all that outgoing... '._. Or so I like people to think. I do love quotes, and I have a freaky sense of humor...But I actually am acutely zombie-phobic. No lie, I have nightmares about them. And Luke Kaplan drew me the picture, mine arn't nearly as good. Check out Luke's webcomic at [url]www.ealdwood.net[/url] Even though I LOVE to draw, I'll never be as good as him.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Name: Aella Warren Class: Ex-Necromancer Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: She's 5'8", weighs about 131 pounds, her hair is blond, and her eyes are blue. Pale skin. Personality/Alignment: Chaotic. She's aloof and condescending to everyone to hide her fear of confrontation. When angered or extremely frustrated, she screams at the antagonist and often throws things. Hates to hurt undeserving people. Weapon: A long, serrated dagger. Armor: Soft leather outfit, enchanted. Bio: One of the youngest Necromancers in recent memory, she was always uncomfortable with her gift. After being forced to slaughter innocents, she attempted to strip herself of her own power and ended up changing it into something worse; a spirit that follows her every move that no one else she has met can see. Special ability: She can heal herself by vampiricly sucking someone's blood, giving her an empathic look into their memories and thoughts.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Go to my myotaku page and read my essay if you like dark stuff. It's pretty AWESOME. Maybe I could do one like that? And it took me FOREVER to figure out where my thread had gone... '._.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]I'm gonna go with gwynva. You seem to be a fun person, what with the "geechee" for your custom title. I think ou were bored when you posted, but maybe I'm wrong. You enjoy life when you're not in a deep, but temporary depression. You probably like Inuyasha, and feel the need for adventure. Okay, now someone has to do me![/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Gray]This sounds really neat! I don't really know what you're talking about, though. Is it an old thread? If it is, if someone could fill me in, I would like to join.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]Ok, I've been thinking about making my own role playing thread...All the current ones seem to have too many people posting already, and I don't like to intrude on things. '._. So anyone who feels like joining in, please tell me what kind of thread you'de like it to be. I would greatly appreciate any sort of positive feedback. If no one respondes...I just won't make the darned thing. This is a quick edit: I hope I didn't offend anyone with the use of 'darned'...You can never tell who'll be offended by what these days.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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