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boombox bushido

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Everything posted by boombox bushido

  1. My birthday is August 6th. Ginger spice also was born on this day. wow..of all people...ginger spice. Why not Posh spice even? ::sigh:: hahaha
  2. i'll def. agree that demon days is a good album. I don't know if it's because i haven't warmed up to it so much yet, but the first album seems to be better. I mean come on...the variety of music styles spanned from reggae and salsa all the way to hip-hop, rock, and even ragtime...sometimes even combinations of styles. i'll end with this...demon days is a solid album.
  3. [QUOTE=Kamuro][SIZE=1]Although Samurai Champloo is an amazing anime, it has yet to realize its full potential and belongs where it is on the chart. As stated by Dagger and pbfrontmanvdp, Pokemon wasn't just "chosen," the forum members voted for it. And as mediocre as it may seem compared to others, its popularity was unparalleled for quite some time. From the show, to the video games, movies, card game, clothes, it was incredibly popular and does deserve some credit for that. And for the years it's been around, it still plays today and gets mildly good ratings, so, as much as some of you would hate to admit it, its successful, so suck up your pride and let it go. I thought Hellsing would've done better in the overall standings, but at least it made the list. I was surprised Paranoia Agent did so well since the series didn't really impress me. I was a little sad to see the absence of s.CRY.eD on the list, but I guess it has yet to become popular. Overall I think the list is good, and we voted for it, so I guess we should support it right?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] i didn't mean that FMA shouldn't have made the list. I'm not a fan b/c it never caught my interest. Much like PARANOIA AGENT didn't catch yours. It's good that FMA is recognized and is doing so well, but i just think that other animes should have higher up, and FMA shouldn't be in the top ten. It is b/c it comes on [adult swim]. I think that s.CRY.ed will soon be more recognized. Hellsing definitely should have been higher on the list. it's such a great anime.
  4. I live in the south-eastern part of tennessee. Cleveland,TN. wow, founding fathers..that's f'ing original...cleveland...like we don't have enough clevelands. historic retards.
  5. [QUOTE=EVA Unit 100]Finally, what you?ve all been waiting for! After tallying your votes, combined with personal biases for tie-breaking, I?ve made a list of the top 45 favorite anime at OB (a 6-7 way tie prevented the 50-46 slots from being filled). Here it is: [B][U]The Official Otaku Boards Top 50, erm, 45 Anime Series[/B][/U] 45. Pokemon 44. Senkaiden Houshin Engi 43. Zatch Bell 42. Gundam Wing 41. Vision of Escaflowne 40. Hellsing 39. Mobile Suit Gundam 38. Prince of Tennis 37. Gundam SEED 36. Dragonball 35. Outlaw Star 34. Monster 33. Wolf?s Rain 32. Magical Shopping Arcade Abenoboshi 31. Lunar Legend Tsukhime 30. Excel Saga 29. Full Metal Panic 28. Paranoia Agent 27. Shaman King 26. Azumanga Daioh 25. Gad Guard 24. One Piece 23. Great Teacher Onizuka 22. Beserk 21. Sailor Moon 20. Revolutionary Girl Utena 19. The Slayers 18. Fushigi Yuugi 17. Elfen Lied 16. Gravitation 15. Bleach 14. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 13. Samurai Champloo 12. Last Exile 11. Dragonball Z 10. RahXephon 9. Fruits Basket 8. Inu-Yasha 7. Yuyu Hakusho 6. Naruto 5. Rorouni Kenshin 4. Trigun 3. Neon Genesis Evangelion 2. Cowboy Bebop 1. Full Metal Alchemist[/QUOTE] i'm sorry, but full metal alchemist shouldn't be number one. it really shouldn't make the list at all. SAMURAI CHAMPLOO should be number one.
  6. man...making plans years ahead, especially ones such as marriage, is fun and all to pretend that they'll actually happen, but don't be shocked when it all crashes at your feet. i'm not trying to ruin your dreams, but seriously...get real. when you find the one..you'll know it. chances are that it won't be for a while. but then again...i could be wrong. whatever happens happens. follow your heart.
  7. six feet under is by far the worst band i've ever heard. the only other band that comes close is cattle decapitation. that's not real music. interpol, the shins, l'arc en ciel, asian kung fu generation, orange range, now that's real music. or at least good music.
  8. yeah...the arcade fire is a very good band. i've been hooked on them and bloc party lately. which, by the way, if you haven't heard bloc party, check them out.
  9. i think you really said it best. there isn't really a point in being this or that...just be who you are. you don't have to be under a label. that creates boundaries, and being you creates freedom. you're the only person that's posted that hasn't claimed to be something. I mean it's clear that you must like anime, i mean that's what this is site is about, but to claim to be what one person said...an "anime fanatic", that's just dumb. you seem to have a pretty good view on things, or at least a mature one. contact me sometime if you want. fanboys...goodnight, boombox bushido
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