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Soccer 4 Life

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Everything posted by Soccer 4 Life

  1. I like Gundam W it kicks ***** GGundam is pretty cool ........ Wufei and Duo...... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:smirk: :mrt:
  2. No mod Thats Sad ..... Also have the DVD ........ right, it sounds pretty cool ........ Anime is Better when its not dubbed... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:smirk: :mrt:
  3. If you Wanna Go to a good Site go to either [url]www.Dablackgoku.com[/url] or [url]www.dablackgohan.net/[/url] there pretty cool......... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:smirk: :mrt:
  4. Can't argue with that!!! :demon: :naughty: Peace!!!:smirk: :mrt:
  5. Vegeta and Majin Buu fight. For a while, it seems Vegeta's on top, but Majin Buu simply uses the opportunity to show off his incredible regenerative abilities. Finally, Vegeta really angers Buu and Buu responds with an enormous explosion that seriously injures Vegeta and as far as I know, kills the unconscious Kaioushin. Despite Piccolo's protests, Goten and Trunks race to Vegeta's aid. After throwing Buu out of the way, Trunks and Goten shake Vegeta back to consciousness. Meanwhile, Piccolo appears behind Babidi and, after a brief battle, kills him. As Buu reappears, Vegeta urges Trunks to take care of his mother. He knocks out both children and sends them away with Piccolo. Piccolo and Kuririn escape to a safe distance as Vegeta charges up his ki and self-destructs in an effort to blow Buu into so many pieces that even he couldn't regenerate. Vegeta's attack finally finishes. When it's all over, Majin Buu is gone and Vegeta is just a stone in the sky. The stone falls to the ground, shattering on impact. Eventually, Piccolo goes to survey the damage, and much to his shock and fear, all of the little bits of Majin Buu begin moving around, eventually completely regenerating. He races back to Kuririn and they together decide to go to God's Palace while Babidi hatches a plan to cause immense suffering on Earth instead of simply destroying the planet. Searching for the Dragon Ball Piccolo and Kuririn return to God's Palace to consider their next move and allow the kids to rest. Videl and the others ("-tachi" in the title making it mean basically "Videl and the others") go searching for the Four Star Dragon Ball, having already recovered the other six. Their goal is to revive everyone Majin Vegeta killed, and of course, though they don't want to think about it, to revive any of their friends who may now be dead. As they work at getting the final Dragon Ball, Son Goku finally awakens, alone on what was the site of his battle with Majin Vegeta. Thats all I am Going to say Don't wanna Blow the ending.......... :naughty: :demon: PeacE!!!:smirk: :mrt:
  6. I am going to agree with Akito, I pactically like all Anime Openings.....for some reason......... :therock: :naughty: Peace!!!:smirk: :mrt:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] This is what I do, also... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Well That makes 3 of us.........
  8. I don't know what to say ........... Its between You and Your Father but I personally would get ticked off if this kept up........ (Honour Thy Mother and Father)............... I think......... Remember We Here to help Ya face Your Problems.......... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:mrt: :smirk:
  9. Man I gotta give ya Props for some excellent copying and pasteing skills ....... I wonder where you get this info from ... We would all like to know if its not too much burden .......... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:smirk: :mrt:
  10. Mine Is when SSJ4 Vegita and Goku fuse into SSJ4Gogeta and kick some serious ***.... Pretty funny too.... And When Vegito powers up......... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:mrt: :smirk:
  11. I agree with Forte and besides SSJ3 Goku Couldn't beat Janemba 2nd form But Gogeta did......... :demon: :naughty: Peace!!!:smirk: :mrt:
  12. Thats would be pretty cool ............. In my opinion Gundam W Kicks ***** I don't think its a kiddy show......... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:smirk: :mrt:
  13. Hell of a list WH2 Lets see I practically have all GW model kits but still missing a few(sigh).....
  14. Thanks for the info dark lord. :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:smirk: :mrt:
  15. If the girl is a total dumbass or acts stupid in your opinon just tell her you don't like her but break it to her gently....... otherwise if she is all that "Just Go with Da Flow"... or try to act sensible .... I dont wanna give you false advise so do what you think is right and behave that way.... And if you want her to get lost use these 3 simple words " I am gay" ........ just Kidding....... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:smirk: :mrt:
  16. You aint cute from a guys perspective ...... but you do resemble Harry Potter. HAHAHAHAHAHA You might look like a girl from other people views... they may be right but I don' t like to judge guys that aint me........ :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:smirk: :mrt:
  17. I am the member of Arctic Nightfall (a hell of a place...) Where I am the youngest one there... I think ...... And I try my best to visit Otaku (Pretty cool Place)!!! :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:smirk:
  18. Its obvious........ :smirk: :demon: :mrt: :naughty: :therock:
  19. Just act normal, don't act all "Macho" She might even like you the way you are just don't say anything stupid..... I think........ :therock: :mrt: Peace!!:smirk: :demon:
  20. I also heard its pretty cool from some people ........ damn, gotta watch it.... :naughty: :mrt: :smirk: Peace!!!:demon
  21. DB 7.5/10 DBZ 10/10 DBGT 10/10 :therock: :naughty: Peace!!:demon:
  22. Gogeta is better than Vegito, But Vegito does kicks some serious *****. :mrt: :demon: Peace!!1:demon: :naughty:
  23. Agree with Lady M. Freeza was not only a popular villian known all over but He also has a girlish Voice(pretty funny). :therock: :naughty: Peace!!:smirk: :demon:
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