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Soccer 4 Life

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Everything posted by Soccer 4 Life

  1. Me and my older brother are Soccer fans num. 1 . Soccer is da best sport there is the best sport there was and the best sport there ever will be. Me and my brother both watch Italian soccer and our favouite teams are ROMA(ForzaRoma), and Real m. there okay. My brother is a walking talking soccer encyclopedia.....(He knows all). We are very talented in playing this game VERY TALENTED...... We prefer soccer before anything else including anime(sorry)..... My brother has all the games related to soccer they kick *****(Fifa 99, 00, 01 and more. Next World Cup Belongs to ARGENTINA!!! Best international team ever..... Favourite Soccer players. Mine- R.Baggio Brother- Batistuta(Batigol) Best Soccer Players: Pele Maradona Cruff Beckenbaur Eusibio Ronaldo Romario Baggio Batistuta Zidane Figo Veron Sir stanley M. Platini Maldini Nesta Mattuas P.s. Sorry for getting carried away!! FORZA ROMA(Roma will win Champions League) :mrt: :naughty: Peace!!:smirk: :demon:
  2. There is only one answer I can think of, and it is the most obvious one...... Subbed version!!!!!!!!!!! :therock: :mrt: :naughty: Peace!!!!:smirk: :demon:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] here's another bottom line, DON'T disrespect members, or you could find yourself banned by my hands.... I understand i take back my last sentence and apoligise....
  4. You could say that... but yeah!! :therock: :mrt: Peace!!:smirk: :demon:
  5. Sorry if i offended you but I didn't read what you wrote("my Bad") ............. why the hell are you getting so upset over such a little thing. Bottom line I didn't copy you so shut your trash!!
  6. Its pretty cool... :therock: :mrt: :naughty: Peace!!!:smirk: :demon:
  7. Sort of funny ............. but still sucks like hell............don't know what to say............. :therock: :mrt: Peace!!!:naughty: :demon: :smirk:
  8. Each of us is meant to have a character all our own, to be what no other can exactly be, and do what no other can exactly do." :therock: :naughty: Peace!!!:mrt: :demon: :smirk:
  9. Anything thats worth Celebrating............ but mainly EID!!! :therock: :mrt: :naughty: Peace!!!:smirk: :demon:
  10. Gameboy Advance PsX1 and 2 NES Dreamcast SNES Genesis.......... And I will try my best to get xbox or gamecube !! :therock: :mrt: Peace!!!:smirk: :demon: :naughty:
  11. I agree 100% with Lady Macaiodh. I believe she is right in not one but many ways !!! :therock: :naughty: :mrt: Peace!!:smirk: :demon:
  12. TOO MANY .... I lost count!! But Gundam W, g-gundam...................................... KICK ***** :therock: :mrt: :naughty: Peace!!!:smirk: :demon:
  13. Especially during the Cell games when he kicked some serious Cell ***!!! And eventually killed Cell......( A perfect distraction by vegeta) :therock: :mrt: :naughty: Peace!!!:smirk: :demon:
  14. I agree with Transtic, but frankley I don't care if people spell it incorrectly. :mrt: :naughty: :therock: Peace!!!:smirk: :demon:
  15. Yet again there are no true answers.... Probably older than Roshi himself........ :therock: :mrt: :naughty: Peace!!:smirk: :angel: :demon:
  16. I would say DBZ since this is the anime I have actually seen!! :therock: :naughty: :mrt: :demon: Peace!!!:smirk: :mrt: :naughty: :demon:
  17. Is Vegita the best? Everyone should know this one!!!(World's easiest ques.) :therock: :mrt: :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:therock: :naughty: :mrt: :demon:
  18. 1. Vegita 2. Trunks & Goten 3. Goku 4. Piccolo!! Vegita the prince of all living beings !! :mrt: :naughty: :therock: :demon: Peace!!!:therock: :mrt: :naughty: :demon:
  19. I think my personality matches Duo and Wufei..... As for looks I donno..... :therock: :mrt: :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:smirk: :demon: :naughty: :therock:
  20. Don't give up your dream it may come true!!! I Think......... Peace!!:mrt: :naughty: :demon:
  21. Can't argue with that!!! :therock: :naughty: :mrt: Peace!!!:demon: :smirk:
  22. HMM I would say yes !!! I think there is !! :therock: :naughty: :demon: :mrt: :smirk: Peace!!!:therock: :mrt: :naughty: :demon: :smirk:
  23. Have guys seen Dragon ball (its an actual movie). I saw it long ago I couldn't understand it was in a different language thats when my brother and me first saw DB. It was pretty cool!!! (Not Joking) If a DBZ movie did come out it would kick some serious ***!! :therock: :naughty: :mrt: Peace!!!:therock: :mrt: :naughty: :demon:
  24. But frankly I don't Care.... I don't judge!!! :demon: :naughty: :mrt: Peace!!!:therock: :mrt: :smirk:
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