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Soccer 4 Life

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Everything posted by Soccer 4 Life

  1. It be cool if we had one ........ :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:mrt: :smirk:
  2. Let see........... If somebody says something stupid I just have to diss em(mostly to people I don't like) ...... and never refusing a challenge from nobody anytime anywhere ..... I got in real **** for it too by my teachers.......... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
  3. I have seen it ....... Ayane's a person who has got what it takes, skill, determination, a lethal "high kick", and even a cool wrestling mask! This anime is ok ........ :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:mrt: :smirk:
  4. Wrestling is like a big Drama (except some moves they pull which are real) but not to wrestlers like Man Kind who know the meaning of the word "pain". I used to watch it when Brett Hart was in it ......... But I still do watch it sometimes...... Anyway my friend watches REAL wrestling like CZW and stuff like that ........... Lets just say he is as hardcore as they get ......... But he doesn't wrestle at our highschool anymore ..... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
  5. Megaman was awsome!!! :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
  6. Its hard to say it all depends on if you're interested in this kind of anime ex. plot, setting, and the story. The graphics aint that bad ....... Lets just say it doesn't deserve Best anime award from my point of view ......... But thats just my opinion..... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:mrt: :therock:
  7. goku and yamcha fuse, that will be the most pathetic thing in DBZ history. vegeta/trunks, father and son fuse that wouldn't be too bad they'd be pretty strong although Vegeta is stronger than Trunks. pan/marron, Its just funny thinking about it .......... :bellylaug :laugh: :laugh: chichi/bulma, :help: :help: gohan/goten, Yet again that wont be that bad. They both be pretty strong .......... Yamcha/Tien, Thats not a bad idea considering both their statistics........... :demon: :naughty: Peace!!!:mrt: :smirk:
  8. I think this has already been posted .... But Who Cares Anyway, Yu-gi-oh is okay, it has its own Special Qualities ie: Graphics etc... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk: :therock:
  9. Mariemaia who takes the bullet, whereupon the villainous Dekim is promptly plugged by one of his own underlings. Heero staggers into the ruined bunker and pulls a gun on the wounded Mariemaia; finding his gun empty, he sighs that he doesn't have to kill anyone anymore, and passes out himself. ). But the gun was already out of bullets (Heero knew that also). He then said "I don't have to kill anybody anymore" (At this point, he was thinking of the girl who was killed because he had messed up one of his mission .... I believe....... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
  10. You raise some excellent points ShadowGohan .......... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:mrt: :smirk: :therock:
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B]:flaming: [B]If anyone who lives in the Uk and likes Gundam managed to watch Endless Waltz, i congratulate them. But as for me, i have cable, so CN cuts out at 9pm to be replaced by a TERRIBLE movie channel. Anyone else have this problem, or did you all get to watch endless waltz blissfully unaware of the pain i was feeling?![/B] :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] Already seen EW ......... Not seen EW DAMN thats gotta suck ......... wish I could help ya......... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:mrt: :smirk: :therock:
  12. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :blulaugh: :blulaugh: :blulaugh: It doesn't get any funnier than this ........... BRRAAAVVOO on your latest achievement... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:mrt: :smirk:
  13. We have a Club(in school) called Anime Club...... Basically we are making an anime Comic Strip, Its pretty fresh we mostly talk to each other about anime, learn some pretty cool stuff, and lend each others movies or CD's .... Our comic kicks ***.... the graphics are pretty amazing.. we have pretty talented people in our club..... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk: :therock:
  14. What Video Game systems do u have? PS2, Dreamcast, SNES ................(I actually like)..... There are more............ Whats your favorite Video Game? Skip ......... Tooo many......... Favorite Anime: 1) Kenshin 2) N.G.E 2)Gundam Favourite Music: Rap(2 Pac and others) ... thats Basically it . :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
  15. Some of the great pics : [url]http://www.gundamw.net/wing/shot55.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.animewallpapers.com/wallpapers/gundamw/wallpaper07_1024.html[/url] [url]http://www.animewallpapers.com/wallpapers/gundamw/wallpaper08_1024.html[/url] :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
  16. Fushigi Yuugi is a very supreme show, anyone that has watched it would probably not disrespect it ............ Its too good......... Cool Pics: [url]http://www.animewallpapers.com/wallpapers/fushigi/wallpaper03_1024.html[/url] [url]http://www.animewallpapers.com/wallpapers/fushigi/wallpaper09_1024.html[/url] :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:mrt: :smirk:
  17. Ques.#1 Has anyone seen it? Oh you better believe it.......... The movies are pretty cool, The game is also pretty good............ :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
  18. 1. Name: Rurouni Kenshin From: Kenshin. 2. Name: Vegeta From DBZ 3. Name: Tetsuo From Akira :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
  19. 1.Man Kind "Have a Nice Day" 2.Lord of the rings. Thats all I can Think of.............. :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
  20. Wufei all the way.......... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!!:mrt: :smirk:
  21. I also have Latest version of MSN too....Mine works......... But my friend is having the same problems............. He would agree with you........... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
  22. Wufei all the way.............. :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:smirk: :mrt:
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B]Finally, someone agrees with me. [/B][/QUOTE] That never actually happened and never will happen................. I agree that the Devil Gundam is really strong ............... You need a good mobile suit and a good piolet to win battles ..... Wufei and Nataku are pretty strong to ........ I am not going to say anything Its basically all a matter of opinions........... Anyway DSH, Nataku, Devil G, and God G are my Fav. :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
  24. I'll Join it doesn't matter to me.......... as long as GW is not insulted.......... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
  25. Dragonball Z Movie 12: The Rebirth of Fusion! Goku and VegetaDBZ Movie #8 My All time Favourite DBZ movies......... :naughty: :demon: Peace!!:mrt: :smirk:
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