[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Garamond]My most hated is either the Sylvan commercials which are played constantly now because its summer.
"Mark, what have I told you about skateboarding in the house?!?" :animeangr
Kid: "This is from me, mom...It's something you've always wanted."
Mom: "It's your report card..." *GASP*
Kid: "I thought you'd like it."
What the heck? Its his mom's birthday. The mom wants a present FOR HER! not to benefit the child's future! That's what report cards do! Get real please.
Girl:"Thanks mom..you know...for everything..."
Mom: *tears*
Closely followed by The In Charge Commercial:
*telephone rings*
Women: Hello?
Guy: "Mrs.Anderson?This is Mark Brown...I'm with the collections department... "
Mrs Anderson: "Oh Hi, Listen I'm sorry I haven't been sending in my payments..."
My Favorite commercial is Capital One... : I wuv David Spade.
David Spade: "Oooh, I predict a "no storm"
"You'll have to check with our C.E. NO."
"L.A.?-- N.O. maybe"
"San Jose?--Sain't Happen'n"
"Nein, Neinte, No...NUNCA!!!"
"E, I, E, I.. No"
What's in your wallet?