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Everything posted by gunslingergrl09

  1. Um, let me see... My school has stereotypes, but I don't think they are all that bad. There are the popular kids, goths, punks, posers, and in-between. As for which category I'd fit in, I'm an in-between. I'm kinda punk (my parents don't allow me to dress like it) :animesigh I'm on the varsity volleyball and softball teams, I'm an honor student, participate in band, academic team, and mock trial, and I'm friends with everyone (or at least I try to be). I also happen to be an anime/manga freak. :freak: lol I hate stereotypes (Despite what I just said above) :animeangr. There's a lot more to people than what you label them as. Sometimes you just have to get to know someone before you can make assumptions of them based on a stereotype.
  2. [COLOR=Red]Has anyone ever read Hana-Kimi?? It's a really good manga about a girl, Mizuki Ashiya, who moves from America to Japan to go to the high school her idol/future romantic interest goes to (His name is Izumi Sano). They end up sharing a dorm together, and he finds out that she's a girl (She doesn't know that he knows).[/COLOR] :animeswea The characters are all really funny; from Dr. Umeda to Kagurazaka, they all add something different to spice up the story. ;) I recommend it to everyone.
  3. Funniest manga??? Azumanga Daioh was probably the funniest. Has anyone ever read Hana-Kimi?? It's a romance/comedy about a girl who gets accepted into a japanese all-boys school (yes, she crossdresses) all because her idol/future romantic interest goes there. It definately makes you crack a few smiles :rotflmao: It's well worth your time to read.
  4. :wave: [COLOR=Lime]Does anyone know where I could buy a PuffyAmiYumi cd (besides on the internet). What are some good jpop bands??[/COLOR]
  5. :animesmil Who [U]hasn't[/U] heard of Inu Yasha??? It is one of the greatest anime/manga alive!!!! If you haven't read or seen it yet, You NEED to!!! :wave: The genre is comedy/romance, and frequent crossovers between normal time and feudal japan. Although the manga (I think) is better, I was pleasantly surprised with the anime. If you haven't read very far in the series I would suggest watching the anime-you can get a feel for the characters as well as get to know them. It's on at 12:30 AM (Saturday night, Sunday morning) on Cartoon Network! ;)
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