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Everything posted by Shadow_Maiden

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]"I don't know, Dragus and Meteo might blow themselves up without me." Spectre said smiling. "Now, why would we do that?" Dragus replied, keeping back laughter. "I don't know boss. This isn't like me but... I'll let you decide, Anton."But before you choose my company, just remember. I can't promise they'll come back in one peice. You know they never keep up with me." She added still smiling. "One day Sara, your mouth is going to get you in trouble." Anton said wearily. "One day? Ha! It's already got me in trouble." Spectre stood up and walkd in front of Anton. "So, what'll it be?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Serenade was standing under a second-story walk way. She kept the monsters attention by causing streams of fire to keep his vision on her. She got an idea and quickly set to work. "Big, tall and grousome!" She called at the monster mockingly. "Over here!" It started to walk towards her as she backed up slowly. "Come on! Afraid?" She continued her relentless sarcasm. "AHHH!!!" It cried angerily. It charged her, but before she could get hit she sent a strong fire blast towards the walk-way, letting it fall atop the mega-human. Serenade stumbled backwards and stared in the direction of the monster. At first nothing happened but then the ruble started to quake. "Oh shit..."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Serenade stood off to one side and looked around carefully, catching every little detail. [I]Well, at least I won't get lost in the dark.[/I] Her powers had scared her a little and quite frankly she thought this entire ordeal was a little weird. [I]Oh well, I guess I should make the best of this.[/I] She took a deep breath and walked over to where Amy and Casey were attempting without success to start a conversation with random people. The strangers walked away leaving those two standing there a little pissed off. "Apparently you shouldn't start with alter-universe Amy." Serenade said smirking. "Shut-up." Casey said still a little mad about the girl. "Calm down, I was just joking." Serenade turned around a scoped out the school grounds. She caught the eye of a couple of boys and decided it was worth a try. "Hey guys." She approached them calmly. "Hi." The taller one said. "So, foriegn exchange student huh?" He said looking her up and down. "Yeah, sure." She said shifting her feet. "Where are you from?" The other asked. "Canada." Serenade replied as Amy, Casey, Adam amd Daniel came up behind her. "Hey, you look familiar." One said, staring at Amy. "Well, I..uh." Amy was still a little shooken up about seeing her other self. "Who is the other one she looks like?" Serenade asked, trying to learn a little about their mission. "Amy Sakimoto, that one over there." He answered, pointing at the girl standing by a tall building. "Who does she hang out with?" Casey asked casually. "You sure have a lot of questions about her." He shook his head and walked away, his friend following him. "We've received such a warm welcome I never want to go home." Serenade said sarcastically as she crossed her arms.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]"Most the killing, your joking right?" Sara said walking in behind them. "You two can't take all the credit." She fiinished in a joking way. "Hey, don't push Spectre." Meteo said turning around. She smiled and sat down in an empty seat. "What did I miss boss?" She asked casually. "Not much, just your orders." Kelse said narrowing her eyes slightly. "Oh thats okay, I never listen anyway." Spectre replied laughing to herself. Spectre looked at the new kid, stood up and walked over too him. "And how are you today sir." She sat down on the edge of the table in front of him. "Uh... ok." He stuttered, blushing. "Good, I hope you know how to use that." She continued pointing at his weapon. "Don't scare the guy." Dragus said walking up to the side of him. "I was just welcoming our newest member." She replied, standing up to her fullest height, which was only to Dragus' shoulder. "Sit down." Anton said, a little annoyed. "Sorry sir." Sara said quietly as she made her way back to her seat. "What is it this time?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Serenade slowly opened her eyes, blackness swirled her vision until the spots were gone and she could see clearly. She sat up and looked around. The only others to be moving were Amy and Casey. They were quietly talking to themselves. Serenade had landed next to two of the boys. She gently nuged the one closest to her until his eyes fluttered. He sat up and looked at her. "Uh... what happened?" He asked her intently. "No idea." She replied as she hugged her knees to her chest. "But hopefully we're going to get some answers soon." She finished her train of thought weakly. [I]Very soon...[/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Ellen Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearence: [URL=http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/Shadow_Maiden/100x120_image.jpg]Here[/URL] She has black hair and wears dark make-up around her eyes. She has a long black coat that hugs her upper-body. Underneath she wears a tight gray tee-shirt and black jeans with black skate shoes. Powers: Matter. She takes surrounding matter and forms it into white blasts that can destroy many things, but is weak compared to most heavenly beings. She also has the power of flight. Personality: Dark and hard to talk to. Usually Ellen ends up pushing people away with rude or sarcastic comments. But, once someone gets close to her they find a lot of kindness she supresses most of the time. She likes to be in the company of people, if she admits it or not. Bio: Her home life was completely screwed up. Her parents died in a terrible accident when she was two, she was shipped from relative to relative until her aunt took her in. She was forced to go to bording scool with a bunch of preps and snobs. Ellen didn't make many friends, she mostly hung out with drunks and druggies. One summer, she returned to her aunts home. Her aunt had gone insane and decided to attack Ellen. They fought for several hours until finally Ellen got hold of a pair of scissors and stabbed her aunt numerous times. She buried the body in the woods during the night and crept back to the house. She burned her clothes and sat in the dark, holding the blood-stained scissors. She sat there staring at the medal shining in the moonlight. It drove her mad. She stood up and held the scissors over her head. When she brought them down, she missed her heart by milimeters. She fell to the ground and layed in a pool of her own blood all night. The next morning a neighbor found her and took her to the hospital. No one came to visit her, except one. A beast named, Lucifer. He sat gloading over her until she cried to God, (Something she had never done before.), for help. She received a vision of others like her. Goths and suicidal people, but... they were different. All seemed to be glowing strangely. When she awoke, she felt at peace. And she knew who had helped her that night.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Hmm.. no other women. Name: Sara (AKA- Spectre) Age: 17 Weapon: Two small black handguns with suprising power Description: [URL=http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/Shadow_Maiden/100x120_image56.jpg]Here[/URL], she wears a black shirt and jeans with tall black boots. Biography: She has great skill and moves with unmatched speed, which is how she got the nickname, Spectre. Her skills got her noticed by Neo-SIN, they chased her for the longest time. She came upon the CALM hideout in a fearful, exhausted state. She hadn't slept or eaten for days, so they provided her with housing and meals until she decided to fight with them. Shes been there for 2 years.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Thank-you guys! All the banners are awesome! But, I finally got the one I made to load. I'm sorry to have caused any trouble. Again, Thank-you![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Name: Serenade Claire Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearence: [URL=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/a265/Shadow_Maiden/100x120_image37.jpg]Here[/URL] She wears a white tank-top and black jeans. Because of her powers her eyes are golden, like a hawk. Powers: Her eyesight is better than humans and she can control flame. I hope this is ok.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Name: AJ (Andrea Joanna) Age: 15 Race: Elf Magic: Fire and Lightning Friend: My cousin, Keegan Magical/Mystical Pet: Two wolves, one pure white. The other midnight black. I can communicate with them using telepathic powers. Biography: I was raised by my mother and father, they taught me all I know. My mother was an enchantress, my father a brave warrior. I was an elf like my mother, my father was a human. I spent my childhood learning, and spent most my time in the surrounding woods. When I turned 12 my parents decided I should start interacting with some kids my own age. So they sent me to my aunt to meet my cousins. There were 5, four girls, one boy. The girl closest to my age was Morgan. I hated her. She was human, from her mothers side. She couldn't even hold up a sword. So I bonded with Keegan, the only boy. We became best friends until one night I just could not handle Morgan's constant bickering, insults and complaining. So, I attacked her. not to kill her or anything just to... teach her a lesson. Well, I accidentally unleashed my power and she was sent to a doctor. That very night my uncle packed my things, gave me a ticket and told me to go here, Aoi Academy. Anything Else: I wear mostly black clothes and with my two wolves trailing me everywhere I often look ferocious, but in reality, I long to be loved and I care deeply for my only true friend, Keegan. I have great control over my powers so I was moved up into a higher level, where I met everyone else. By the way, my wolves names are Raizel, the black one, and Raisa, the white one. I hope this is ok, I'll leave the classes up to you.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I need help, I made my own banner but it will not load. So could someone please create a banner for me. My only request is that it be dark and say Shadow_Maiden. For whoever does this, thank-you.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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