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Everything posted by Roflocopter

  1. Please do not ignore this post.... -.- Ok i just got GW and I wanted to know what the most user friendly class was. Could someone please tell me?
  2. [size=1][color=darkred]I am looking for an innovative manga that will suprise me. I would like it If some of you could clue me into some great, innovative mangas that will suprise me. I want soem character development and a great story, some innovation and action, and a sweet plot twist. The mangas I have read like this soo far are, FMA, NGE, and PMK. My manga collection is lackign some truley wonderful Manga. Please help! Any response will be appreciated.[/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=darkred]Which character, in any anime, do you think has the most depth? In my opinion I am saying Asuka, from NGE. Spoilers regarding Asuka from NGE below. [spoiler]Asuka's life is based soley around piloting the Eva, and looking good. Even when out of the Evangelion her hairclips worn inside the Eva, are worn almost constantly. She, like most teenage girls, go after older men, Asuka had a thing for an older man named Kaji. Asuka is stubborn, self centered, and spoiled. When aggitated or angry, she often times speaks randomly in german. She is very sexually attractive and is very competitive. Asuka does not really like Rei. She does not hate rei, they fight along side eachother, but she does not like her. Asuka's mother replaced Asuka wit ha doll, treating and caring for it like it was Asuka. This may be the reason Asuka does not care for Rei. Because her emotions are like that of a doll. Asuka pilots Evangelion unit 02. She is from germany and has an American father and A half German Half Japanese mother. Her mother was in fact, actually the head pilot of nervs Evangelion unit. Her mother commited suicide, in front of Asuka and hung her self from the ceiling. Asukas father was unable to bear with Asukas mother and divorced her to marry a new woman who Asuka only calls, mama. Asuka does not like her. She is often times violent, especially toward Shinji. Her feelings for him, though sometimes noticable, can rarely be seen due to the battering of his ego which she is so good at.[/spoiler] Thats some depth right there, kids.[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=darkred] *Thumbs up* Nice. this has to be the greatest topic of all time. First of all, regarding my name, I would have instant Rofling (Rolling on the Floor laughing) Action. Press a button, Boom! Instant Rofling, right before your eyes! Oh that's not all my figure would have, can you say, lollerskaters? Thats right, the roflocopters arch enemies are back, with there friend who coems in the special, uber, wtf, pwnage, deluxe kit; Roflapache. That's right kid's, my figure Is going to have Instant Rofling action [b]and[/b] lollerskaters, to try and foil the Roflocopter's plans of world peace. The roflocpter will be equipped with ultra fast Roflingguns, and will be able to carry lollerskaters with Afk47's! This will be the ultimate toy for loling fun! but thats, not it, no it is by far the amount of goodies you wil lget with my actio nfigure, you will get spare Roflingrotors, and a roflpilot, and last but not least, you will get a set of Omg bombs and wtf missles. Price? 29.95$ Special, Uber, wtf, pwnage, deluxe kit Price? 44.99$ If none of that made any God dang since, watch the "Original Roflcopter" flash in my signature.[/size][/color]
  5. [QUOTE]You're treading on dangerous ground here. If this were the case, then Yu-Gi-Oh, Saint Seiya, Pretty Cure and the various incarnations of Dragonball would automatically rank among the best anime of all time. However, thanks for pointing out that the similarities between RahXephon and Evangelion are primarily superficial.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkred]Ehh, that was a pretty dumb statement by me, don't really know what I was thinking. Alot of peopel don't say Evangelion has an ending. Even if Evangelion stopped on the first episode, the end of that episode would be the ending. That is a fairly stupid statement (though I do make stupid statements as shown above) to say a series does not have an ending. The ending may have left some people on a cliffhanger, or wondering what in the hell was going to happen next. But there is always End Of Evangelion, for thsoe of you who want a more or the less, "Proper" ending. At least in the tv series ending everyone is going to be happy. Unlike the ending of The end Of Evangelion, which leaves you sad, disturbed and depressed. [quote]However, thanks for pointing out that the similarities between RahXephon and Evangelion are primarily superficial[/quote] Oh, by all means. Rahxephon and Evangelion do not have the same plot. Rahxephon does not even have [b]remotley[/b] the same plot as Evangelion. Sure there are "Angels" in Evangelion, and "Gods" In Raxephon, and there might be a near emotionless girl in both series's, but the similarites stop there. Alot of people say, well Ayato and Shinji are basically the same. this is not true, Ayato is a lot braver than Shinji, and confronts his fears rather than runs away from them. As for the actual topic, being' overated and underated anime's, I think .Hack Sign Is pretty overrated. i did not enjoy this series at all. I asked my friend why everyone was soo depressed in this show, and he said they all feel for Tsukasa, but seriously, How can one persons problems make a dozen people be sad, [b]All the frick'ing time[/b]?[/size][/color]
  6. [color=darkred][size=1]This is really no contest. Asuka's character is alot more detailed and complex compared to Lina Inverse. Asuka's character model, when compared to Lina Inverse's fro mslayers, puts almost all of the characters from Slayers to shame. Asuka's character model, facial expressions and emotions are also a lot more, in-depth than those of Lina Inverse, which when compared to Asuka's (Pronounced Aska) make's Lina Inverse's emotions seem llike those of a blank slate. Lina's face is also A little bit too rounded, and dosen't have the same sexual appeal that Asuka has. Don't get me wrong, Lina is a great character, but as you can see by my avatar, banner and custom profile, nobody knocks on Evangelion, at least in front of me anyways. In the entire history of anime, perhaps no other title has been so praised, so maligned, so debated and so controversial as Neon Genesis Evangelion. One the mai n reasons, is because of this very character. Asuka is driven to be aggressive and boisterous in order to confirm her own existence and attract the attention of others.[/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=darkred][quote]Well, I'm feeling dangerous so I'd like to say that Neon Genesis Evangelion is overated. Rahxephon may have the same plot, but it has an ending... [/quote] First of all, Rahxephon does not have the same plot as Neon Genesis Evangelion. if they did have the same plot, that would be sever plagurism on Raxephon's part. While there might be noticable similarities within these two anime's, they are nowhere near the same plot line. neon Genesis Evnagelion is not overated. It is properly rated, having one of the most controversial plot lines, characters, and themes in the history of anime, how can this be overrated? It may be liked by a vast amount of people, but it is properly rated. If people say It is one of the best anime's of all time, they are not overexagerrating, the sales of the Evangelion Dvd's and merchandise are proof. Once again, Neon Genesis Evangelion has an ending, you obviously have never seen End Of Evangelion. Even if you haven't seen EoE, there is still an ending. The series came to a conclusion in the last episodes didn't it? Thats the end.[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=darkred]Ok, I am aiming toward straight foward, good old fashion combat. A spar in a colleseum. I guess, since this is my first recruitment thread for a spar, or even an rpg for that matter. Soo, lets get to the setting, story and characters.The plot is most likely to be very orthodox, but it isn't really about the plot. Boundries:The boundries are, No instant kill moves or flying abilities, No ki blasts, or modern guns. Any types of swords are allowed, from french rapiers to chinese monk spades. Your charfacter may Not be an alien oranything of that nature. If you do not want to be human you can choose from Dwarves elves or any other Rpg type races. Setting: A greek colleseum, were some of the best fighters in the world have been called foward to compete in a battle against eachother, for a grand prize of one wish granted by the worlds most famous wizard.There are frequent sand storms in this area, and the colloseum is filled with thousands of audiance members, to behold the fabulous fights that are about to occur. There is hardly any vegitation in the area, but the sub levels of the Arena are lavishly decorated for the king that is about to watch, people murder eachother. Plot: The king of this area has called apoun the greatest fighters in the world to fight eachother for one wish, granted by the worlds most famous, and incredibly talented wizard. Characters/Weapons: If your characters weapon/weapons are unorthodox please include a picture or detailed discription of it. Please also include a picture or detailed discription of your character. Include your characters traits, special abilites and what they excell and decell at. They must decell at some particular aspect. Example: My character is flexible, Has incredible speed, and can use various weapons, He is; however, unpowerful and has no experience with long range weaponry. Character discription: Name:Gin XiaoYing (Thats Ziao) Age: In his fifties From: China Weapon of choice: Monk spade, Whip chains, pictures below Monk spade: [img]http://www.wle.com/wholesale/media/W066.jpg[/img] Whip chains: [img]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0000C7CDS.01-A3E9JPN8AUZ8Z6._SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg[/img] Proficient at martial arts: Extremely His style:Wah Lum praying mantis; Drunk Chuan Proficient with multiple weapons: He has been trained in multiple weaponry He excells at: Strength, and deception. He uses mostly drunken chuan techniques. He decells at: Close range combat with his weapons, He is not proficient in the least bit with projectile weaponry. Picture Or discription: He has a long white beard and is called Bai Mei by other people, because even his eyebrows are white. Bai Mei, as you can imagine, means white eyebrow. He wears a traditional Black and red 3/4 sleeve length chinese uniform. He has a long white beard, and is often times drunk. He carries a bottle of chinese wine by his side, and drinks it frequently. Perhaps this is to help him with his drunken chuan. He is very deceptive, and is a legend all throughout china, for being one of the most proficient martial artists. Ok that's it. Please follow all of these rules when posting! Thank you very much![/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=darkred]The only part that made anyone I know laugh were the end strips. Especially the "Copper Alchemist" Strip. I litterally laughed out loud when I read that strip. The ending segment of that strip, were Edward makes that ridiculous face, is priceless. Edwards character is very hilarious, while most of the tiem he is serious, he occasionaly adds in some sarcastic comments, which make the series all the more better. The series is right up there with the funniest mangas, such as Azumanga Diaoh.[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=darkred]I just finished reading Volume one of this incredible manga. It is, In my opinion, funnier than its anime counterpart. The character designs are amazing, the art is right up there with all of the modern animes, and it has some phylosophical elements added into it for good measures as well. For those of you who don't know the plot, I will give a brief summary of it. The main two characters are the state alchemists Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric. Edward Elric is the comedic factor in this manga, and does a dang good job of making it incredibly funny. One of the funniest scenes in this manga is when train-jackers are taking over a train and call Edward a runt while he is sleeping. he subconciously reacts to them calling him a runt, and beats the crap out of them. He then ask's who they are. That being the punchline. I, personally, liked this manga better than the anime episode's that I have seen. I just hope this manga continus to deliver.And hopefully the rest of the series will translate well into manga format.[/size][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=darkred]This is my first fanfiction, with that being said, keep that in mind when reviewing this story. Please give constructive critisism, and look closely for grammatical errors and spelling problems. So, something out of the ordinary samurai fanfictions and anime spinoffs, read this story. If you want samurais, dont read this story. Chapter 1.Enlightenment Bodhidarma, the father of Shaolin, was a humble monk from the country. The year was 539 AD. Bodhidharma looked back, the sun, shining brightly in his eyes, toward his monastary. He was in his own world. the birds were singing songs, the wind, blowing cooly, his sweat seeming to absorb the coolness of the wind. It felt like ice he thought. Ice brought the thought of the Himilaya mountains to his mind. he had been thinking for years about spreading cha'n buddhism to China(Ch'an is the Chinese translation for the Sanskrit word "dhyana" meaning Yogic concentration. Also known as Zen), and in order to spread the teachings of buddha to China, He would have to make a quite fruitful journey across the Yangze river, fight many bandits in close quarters, and cross the Himlaya mountains. He walked slowly to a nearby hill, were he would meditate on this prospect. His wife and son had been killed years ago, in a house fire, He could seek revenge on the current emperor, but revenge was not something the mind of a monk should even think about. Let alone the master of a monastary! He then began to meditate. he contortioned himself into a grotesque ball, by wrapping his legs aroudn his head and shoving his head into the area of his crotch. This is an advanced Monk movement, which it is rumored they were forced to sleep in this position. Bodhidarma remembered his childhood days in India. Master monks forcing young children into odd positions, gaurds watching you sleep, making sure you were streching, doing splits, or contortioning yourself in the unconcious state of sleeping. He used to hate them. But now, as he grew old, he loved his old masters, he loved how they forced him to contortion himself, he lvoed to perform for them, he loved zen and buddhism, he loved everythign his masters taught him. That is why he hated to leave them. His mind now foccused on the chirping of the birds, the stream water running, and the leaves blowing in the wind. The sight of Bodhidharmas meditation place was truely a sight to behold. It looked very similar to japanese gardens of the meji era, though japanese gardens were based around there chinese counterparts. He continued to meditate. After days of meditation, something changed in his mind, his body uncontorcioned itself and he fell on his back. He felt changed. The mysteries of life, they all of the sudden became so utterly simple! He felt nearly perfect! The world seemed to revolve around him, he seemed to be one with the trees, the grass, the birds, the water, he was now a peice in this garden, He was a part of nature. He had reached nirvana. ------------------------ That was chapter one. I will have more chapters to come once this one is commented on.[/size][/color]
  12. [quote]You probably shouldnt've responded to him, and kept walking. Calling him names doesn't help the problem when dealing with someone hostile. You probably should've asked him "Is there a problem?" and go from there. But in the end, you took appropriate action. He got what he deserved.[/quote] [size=1][color=darkred]I never called him anything, except for a jackass, which he was being. There is something totally different in our actions. I was stating the truth (calling someone a ****** is worthy of them responding by callign you an *********) He was rudely yelling out, and verbally abusing me. But anyway, I see what your saying, which you have a good point. I normally would have done just what retribution just stated, simply ignoring him and walking along, but as I said before, my grandmother wasn't doing well so I was quite pissed.[/size][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=darkred]Thanks boxhoy, I was freaking out when it happened, but sorta acted on impulse. I guess it was addreniline. I just wonder why people would call another person gay, when they dont even remotley know them.[/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=darkred] Are they really your friends If you tell them you like anime and they stop being your friends? Alot of my friends don't know what anime is. I am friends with everyone at my school, and they ALL know I like anime. And they still like me. I guess It is because I am funny. But I am friends with Goths, Preps, the popular kids, jocks, pretty much every clique and streotype you can come up with. And none of them care that I like anime, all of them are really nice people. I don't know why but, my school is really cool about my anime craze. Of course maybe they just overlook it because I practically like every type of music, therefor "putting me" In one fo there streo types. But to tell you the truth, I dont know. Are they really your friends helba? If they stop being your friend after you tell them, they are pretty much not real cool people. Oh yeah and to clear some thigns up for people. Anime are cartoons, just darker cartoons, with more mature themes. American cartoons dont suck, Alot of animes actually suck, just like some american cartoons suck.I am in no way implying I dont like anime I love it, but some of it sucks just like some american cartoons suck.[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=darkred]This is my first fanfiction, with that being said, keep that in mind when reviewing this story. Please give constructive critisism, and look closely for grammatical errors and spelling problems. So, something out of the ordinary samurai fanfictions and anime spinoffs, read this story. If you want samurais, dont read this story. Chapter 1.Enlightenment Bodhidarma, the father of Shaolin, was a humble monk from the country. The year was 539 AD. Bodhidharma looked back, the sun, shining brightly in his eyes, toward his monastary. He was in his own world. the birds were singing songs, the wind, blowing cooly, his sweat seeming to absorb the coolness of the wind. It felt like ice he thought. Ice brought the thought of the Himilaya mountains to his mind. he had been thinking for years about spreading cha'n buddhism to China(Ch'an is the Chinese translation for the Sanskrit word "dhyana" meaning Yogic concentration. Also known as Zen), and in order to spread the teachings of buddha to China, He would have to make a quite fruitful journey across the Yangze river, fight many bandits in close quarters, and cross the Himlaya mountains. He walked slowly to a nearby hill, were he would meditate on this prospect. His wife and son had been killed years ago, in a house fire, He could seek revenge on the current emperor, but revenge was not something the mind of a monk should even think about. Let alone the master of a monastary! He then began to meditate. he contortioned himself into a grotesque ball, by wrapping his legs aroudn his head and shoving his head into the area of his crotch. This is an advanced Monk movement, which it is rumored they were forced to sleep in this position. Bodhidarma remembered his childhood days in India. Master monks forcing young children into odd positions, gaurds watching you sleep, making sure you were streching, doing splits, or contortioning yourself in the unconcious state of sleeping. He used to hate them. But now, as he grew old, he loved his old masters, he loved how they forced him to contortion himself, he lvoed to perform for them, he loved zen and buddhism, he loved everythign his masters taught him. That is why he hated to leave them. His mind now foccused on the chirping of the birds, the stream water running, and the leaves blowing in the wind. The sight of Bodhidharmas meditation place was truely a sight to behold. It looked very similar to japanese gardens of the meji era, though japanese gardens were based around there chinese counterparts. He continued to meditate. After days of meditation, something changed in his mind, his body uncontorcioned itself and he fell on his back. He felt changed. The mysteries of life, they all of the sudden became so utterly simple! He felt nearly perfect! The world seemed to revolve around him, he seemed to be one with the trees, the grass, the birds, the water, he was now a peice in this garden, He was a part of nature. He had reached nirvana. ------------------------ Ok that was chapter one! There is more meditation and historical facts about china later to come. Tell me what you think![/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][color=darkred]In my opinion, I think I handled this situation quite well. The fight didn't end with him getting kicked in the gut though. I had to pin him down. Since I am pretty large (tall not obese) and he was short and stubby, I think my overall size gave me the advantage in pinning him down.[/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color=darkred] I think 15 pages in enough comments for you to know how to do this. ^_^ Oh yeah, I am an NGE fanboy, and yes, *gasp* My favorite color is red. NGE, for your information, is an anime phenomenon made by gainax. It is often misinturpreted for being very biblical, which the biblical aspect of it is just a theme. The term NGE stands for Neon Genisis Evangelion (Pronounced ayvangelion) which means, New begining of the gospel.You should reall check it out, midori. I am loud aroudn friends, but not by myself. I guess it is just because of addreniline, and the funness of making people laugh. I have 22 best friends actually. My entire class are my best friends. They practically live at my house. And take my food...[/size][/color]
  18. [size=1][color=darkred]I am normally not the kind of person who would get himself into these kind of things, but I had just visited my grandmother at the hospital, so I was fealing a little touchy. I was walking back home from the hospital, which is downtown (notouriously a bad part of the city) but, I had never ran into any problems. I am almost laways socially excepted, and have never had a physical encounter with a stranger before. I was walking across an ambandoned parking lot, whihch is near an unsucssesful mall, thus the mall was closed down. This is the ideal spot for an attacker to attack, seeign how their are trees sorroundign the area, so that noone can see, and noone hardly ever comes over here. Some "thug" looking guy called out to me "Hey gay dude!" I ignored hm. "Yo ******!" He called out again. He called out to me over and over. Calling em a loser, dipshit, whatever he could. Though I didn't even know him. He walked over and grabbed my shirt and said "Yo ****** why arent you listening to me?" i tolf him to F off and to stopp being such a jackass. He punched me. I right hooked him, which slammed him on the ground He was about to get up and started pulling something from his pocket. I was scared now. So instead of about to get stabbed. I kicked his gut. Which knocked his wind out.I then called the authorities.They arrived and pulled up some records of this guy, supposidly he had been involved in many fights, and verbal assault cases before. So I thought, what would the obers think of this? Do you think I made the right choice?[/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=darkred] My mom met ozzy ozzbourne. XD I wonder what that was like... *Daydreams off" Ozzy: Sharon! Go get me the buttcream why dontcha!? ITS ON ISLE 9! SHARON! SHARON!!!!!! THE BUTTCREAM!! Mom: Mr ozzbourne? *ozzy turns around fast with flames in his eyes* Ozzy: I am the prince Of darkness!!!!!!! *Comes back to reality* Maybe I didn't want to know what that was like. Now Im sort of just mentally disturbed. More so than I was after watching the End of Evangelion. And I was pretty disturbed after that. I have met many famous martial artists. all of them extremely talented.[/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=darkred]Eva, quick question, do you like NGE? or are you just using that screen name? Another question, does the Otaku Boards have a chat room or something of that sort so I can make firends with some people on here? Its sort of dull conversing with people you dont know :
  21. [size=1][color=darkred] Considerign that statement you made earlier regarding my question. Chibi Horse woman You are the sarcastic type. You are possibly a feminist due to your girly banner and avatar set, and hot pink writing. You are a kind person and do not play runescape, therefor, allows me to confidently say, Chibihorsewoman does not explore the internet much. And does not visit miniclip.com. Chibi horsewoman is possibly not a very technology loving person. She is anti war and involved i nthe womans rights movement. :animesmil That was all guessing. :animeswea Somebody do me.[/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=darkred] The other day i drove up to my kung fu academy, and walked inside. I saw a chinese man teaching to the students. I asked my instructor who this man was an he looked at me suprisingly. He said "This is master tong sheng wei. 9 time world champion!" I was amazed that a 9 time world champion would come to our very small town. I asked him why such a martial artis would come to our school, He interrupted me and told me he was 2002's best calligrepher as well. He explained to me that Jeff (the assistant instructor)'s son went to china to learn under master tong sheng wei, and became his best student. Eric (jeffs son) fell in love in china with a buitiful chinese woman who was moving to america. So he moved back to america and back to our academy. Master tong sheng wei missed his old disciple and traveled to america to see him once again. Which brings me to were I am now. Learning under master tong sheng wei. I was able to perform a set in front of him, which was very honorable, and he even performed for us! He made us some fabulous calligraphy, that I will show you, soo you can all admire. Anyway, this thread is soo that people can tell about there experiences with any famous people. [img]http://pic8.picturetrail.com/VOL262/2137970/7056839/99987055.jpg[/img] That is our beloved school. [img]http://pic8.picturetrail.com/VOL262/2137970/7056839/99987046.jpg[/img] His famous calligraphy is shown! [img]http://pic8.picturetrail.com/VOL262/2137970/7056839/99987038.jpg[/img] All of the art he drew for us.[/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=darkred]The thing that draws me into boogiepop is the characters, whom all have their own personality and problems. The cast of characters ranges from a girl who loves a missing boy to a girl guided by the spirit of a murdered friendand the stories seem to tie in with eachother in the end. Paranoia agent is good, Li'l slugger is pretty freaky,but for some reason Boogiepop just seems freakier. Though it has an extremely high level of freakiness, it is often overlooked. Now, so I wont seem one sided, Ill talk about Paranoia agent. Which, in my area, Is highly overrated, were as boogiepop is often overlooked. Lets talk about the director, Satoshi KonI love his work, He has created stunning animes such as, Millenium actress, Tokyo godfathers, and the early thriller, Perfect Blue. Paranoia agent is just about as scary as Perfect blue in my opinion. Its a phycological thriller with freaky, ambient noises and visuals, and a superb plot. It is simply overated. That does not mean its bad. I loved paranoia agent! Its just not what other people told me it was. As I said with boogiepop, Paranoia agent has a remarkable number of characters, all of them have to do with the plot.[/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=darkred]You like orange? Another question, Chibi horsewoman do you play runescape? I saw someone with that account name. Also, somebody test your luck with me.[/size][/color]
  25. [size=1][color=darkred]Go buy fable! No. Don't. That game had to be the biggest letdown. Soo short. But long games,The elder scrolls 3 morrowind is pretty long. Go pick that up if you dont have a problem with the sucky graphics.[/size][/color]
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