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Everything posted by Roflocopter

  1. [size=1][color=darkred]Well, for the past 2 years, I have been studying and doing intense training, consisting of heavy one hour stretching, bag work, strength workout, and jogging, for my dream, kung fu. of course I want to be "greatest in the world" But that is a little unrealistic. The chances of somone unchinese entering the all chinese martial arts competetion is very slim. And they dont have Kung-fu in the olyimpics (except wushu which is another story). So simply I want to teach kung fu. I was encouraged to join a martial art, through seeing "The Big Boss" More commonly known as " Fist Of Fury" Bruce Lee's first film. I saw how Bruce Lee kicked major arse. And to tell you the truth, I love arse kicking. So I looked in the phonebook and found the most practical kung fu system in many peoples opinions. Seven Star Praying Mantis.My teacher was a true master. Just a few days ago, 9 time world champion Tong Sheng Wei, one of the most recognized and tallented colligraphers in the world, visited our academy, for one of his old students, practiced under our master. This old student was Master Tong Sheng wei's was named eric. Tong sheng waei arranged to teach at my academy for two weeks. My teacher asked me to do a nan quan form. ( A very hard form with alot of tension, alot of muscle strenghth is needed in the hamstrings to hold most of the low posistions.) I was soo happy to perform, and have the honor to buy one of tong sheng weis works of art, and the honor to show him a form! It was a great honor. One that made me realise, that I have alot of time to make myself a recognizable martial artist, and to try to get into the chinese games.[/size][/color]
  2. [QUOTE][size=1][color=darkred]Actually, in my area, Initial D is pretty popular. Practically every arcade has a the new Initial D machines, even the movie movie theaters in the 'non-asian' mall have it. And all my friends love Initial D.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkred]Interesting. In my area it is almost unheard of. of course I live in a small hillbilly town with ignorant rednecks. Interestingly though, sol, how one person could say something is overrated and onother one say it is underated. Maybe this has to do with the areas we live in? In my area 0079 Mobile Suit Gundam (The one year war) is [B]highly[/B] overrated. I met some gundam otaku ( which dosent mean you love anime by the way, thats a misconsception)who had, quote "seen, owned, rewatched, and wrote reviews of [b][I]every[/I][/b] gundam series [B][i]ever[/i][/B]". Do you know how mutch time he must have put into that? A buttload. Every gundam series ever. There are dozens of gundam series that have made it to the U.S. But think of those that haven't. Thats a whole lotta gundam right there. He isnt the only gundam fanatic in my area. One of my best friends, named Matthew, Owns [B]hundreds[/B] of gundam models, has every 0079-0083 movie (which I dont see why he even purchase the 0083 movies, since, In my opinion, they sucked) and totally loves mecha. So maybe your town is different, sol, but I know alot of people that love gundam in my town, so here, it is considered overrated. Now, ontu the topic of Akira. [QUOTE][size=1][color=darkred]Well, never base your life off something. But Akira wasn't just good for its time. It was revolutionairy. Find another anime back then that had the same graphics level as Akira. Whether or not it's good on today's level, it was amazing back then. Also, it was released in the United States when the most violent cartoon would be along the lines of G.I.Joe. Akira blew people's minds out because it was totally different.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] This reminds me of a good moment. When I was about 15 I rented akira. I told my dad it was a japanese animation. He was curious to what this would be like, so he watched it with me. It blew him away. He loved it. He thought it was the "best animation ever". Which brings me to my point. its not the best animation ever. Just because It was revoloutinary for its time, does not mean that it is the best animation ever. When you argue with someone who denies Akira is overated one of there main arguments is, "It was revoloutionary for its time". That dosent mean it is quite what it is made out to be.[/color][/size]
  3. [SIZE=1][color=darkred]The news will always be, "It was a great disaster, thousands of people died, this may be the end of the world as we know it! And speaking of disasters, my kitchen is a disaster. Back to you Rob!" The news is too busy getting good ratings to care about the soldiers dying in iraq right now. fox is too busy with Bill Reilie's gay bashing If you havent seen Bill o Reilly yet. Your missing out...Not really, personally I cant stand him. If you haven't seen it, here is a draminization of it. Bill: So, caller how's your weekend been going? Person: Well Good I; Bill: Cut his mic! On that note let me continue. Cbs is too busy making up fake news to care whats going on in the real world, and all the other news stations just dont matter![/SIZE][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=darkred]It is pretty much underated over here in america To those of you who dont know Initial D is TOKYOPOP's most controversial DVD release to date. No not because of bad content content, gore, drugs, or nudity it is mainly because of how TOKYOPOP chose deal withthe Western release of this show, which actually has a small fanbase. It is about Drifting, which once it catches on, Initial D will probabally be a bit more popular, due to the undeniable fact that the drifting craze will catch on some day. Initial D is about some Japanese high school kids (isnt every show about japanese schools nowadays) and their involvement in Racing The key evil guy is a dude named Takumie Fujiwara, who is the most laid-back kid you're ever likely to meet is actually the best drift racer in the show. The show has some side-plot involving a love interest for the 'hero', but thats a different story... Actually the last two paragraphs were a different story. I just chased a pretty fast rabit. Ehh, as far as the actual topic goes... I'm drawing blank at the moment. Ahh. overated- Akira. Though the art was good for its time, which was pre CG, It is still not something that I would want to base my life around. Like some people.[/size][/color]
  5. [QUOTE]Actually yes I do, I think he is innocent. I just think he has some serious issues, he needs to be put in a mental hospital, not a jailhouse.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkred]That's a little harsh. Actually, very harsh. He's not crazy. So what if he thinks that sleeping with children is not wrong. As long as he didn't do anything It wasnt wrong. Hes got the mind of like a child. Its like sleeping with a friend, he doesent think anything of it. He simply wanted to look like something he wasnt, which eventually led to him becoming what he is today.[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=darkred]I said Mobile suit gundam, which is reffering to 0079, the first gundam series. Sorry if I mislead you. Ahh I see now, you said underrated. I mean overated. Which is wierd, for you to say Mobile suit gundam is underrated because the older series's are overated. Also I said before, that It was one of the most sucesful animes of all time, maybe because it had so many knock off's. Meaning I wasnt agreeing it was very good.[/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=darkred]Super milk chan. Ok this means super milk kid. Ok, thats some fscked up sh!t right there. And I see no relation to milk in that show. None. And there is nothing "super" about this show. I remember thinking to myself what in gods sweet holy name is going on in this fricking anime? An anime should not make you question whether or not the creator is high on Lsd while making the plot. That show has the most, utterly ridicoulous and Un-funny humor ever to grace the earth. I would rather eat hippo sh!t than watch this anime. This show blows. Period.[/size][/color]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][size=1]I saw a man carrying a shotgun down the road when we were passing him up down the way to fllorida. Yeah it was sort of wierd.[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=darkred]Go to [url]Picturetrail.com[/url], then set up an account. Now go to upload pics on your account. Once you upload the pics, Click image URL which is in the columb to the left, copy and paste the URL of the pic you want.[/size][/color]
  10. [SIZE=1][color=darkred]That show was teh shizzle. I remember waking up every morning to like, rap along with mario and luigi. I thought I was soo cool. I never did see the zelda one, which is probabally equal in its shiznitious. Now that i look at that rapping video, I realise that looked NOTHING like mario and luigi. It looked like some fat italian dude in a plumber suit....wait....[/SIZE][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=darkred]Azumanga Diaoh, I have red all of them, and currently own all of them, unless they get stolen like my Inuyasha's and Evangelions, which I liked soo much i bought them back just to read them again, after all to fully understand Eva you must read over, and over, and over. Which brings me to realize that Eva is pretty funny to. It is funnieness mixed in with pyhchological horror, Action, character development, and plot development. Inuyasha is pretty funny, but not as funny as Eva or AMD. Azumanga Diah has hilarious characters such as Chio chan. That damn cat is always appearing everywere and biting people. Thats sort of funny.[/size][/color]
  12. [QUOTE][size=1][color=darkred]An underrated anime is Mobile Suit Gundam. The newer Gundam series, mainly Gundam Wing and Gundam Seed are widely accepted by fans because the animation is pretty new. Though, the older series has the same emotional punch (with less soap opera influence) and was good enough to spur a hundred sequels. I think it's biased against because of the animation.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][color=darkred]Agreed, Mobile suit gundam is quite overrated. And about the hundred sequels, you might not be too far off from the truth. Though Gundam Wings animation is fabulous, it just isnt quite what people make it out to be. Its not really the greatest anime out there IMO.And back in the day Mobile suit gundam's art was the shiznit. Mobile suit gundam has been one of the most succesful series of all time, maybe because theyre are soo many sequels. For example, theyre is Mobile suit gundam the original, Mobile suit gundam Z, Mobile suit gundam 0083, Mobile suit gundam 0080, Mobile suit gundam 08th Ms team, Mobile suit gundam Wing, Mobile suit gundam seed, Zeta gundam, the list goes on.[/size][/color] [QUOTE][size=1][color=darkred]Pokemon and Beyblade, I really dont see the appeal in these to. In pokemon its as simple as travle from town to town, beat some freaky dude in a gym, get some pokemon, and make team rocket blast off again. Beyblade, Spinning tops! More spinning tops![/size][/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][color=darkred]Actually alot of [B]full grown men[/B] watch these shows, and admire it just as the children do. Which, for many men to like this show, I consider that overated. I have seen men playing the card game at cofee shops and such, so I know. And seen then pick up pokemon animes. And cards. And ect... Inyuasha is overated, yes. But not for a bad reason. People like the characters and action. But it is overated due to the fact that many claim it is the best series in the world. Though not a bad anime, per se, just overated. Kenshinsbabe, I am glad you mentioned VHD. Bloodlust is one of my favorite movies.[/size][/color]
  13. [SIZE=1][color=darkred]Omg, perfect. I love the graphics and that is my personal favorite picture of asuka. The unit 02 is the movie version just like I asked and it is an outstanding photoshop work![/color][/SIZE]
  14. [size=1][color=darkred]England, the MAJORITY of all classic rock bands were from England. The beatles are from england, Led zeppelin is from england, the list goes on and on, though I would show more If I weren't soo lazy, It would be easier to prove my point, but I am too lazy. The beatles have hits like Yellow submarine, Twist and shout, and OblaDee OblaDa. John Lennon, Ringo Star, Paul Mcartney, and George Harrison, these guys rocked. Led zeppelin Had hits like Khashmir, The Immigrant song, Stairway to Heaven, and Whole Lotta love. The members of Led Zeppelin are well known and consist of some of the most talented muscisians of all time, in many peoples opinion. The members of Led zeppelin are, John Bohnahm, Jimmy page, Robert Planut, and John Paul Jones. Though Bohnam and John paul Jones are underrated they are still considered some of the best muscisians of all time. When Bohnahm died, the band said It would never be the same, and broke up, though Jimmy page and Robert plant, the song writers for led zeppelin still tour with eachother today as Jimmy page And robert plant. Jimmy page and robert plant wrote one of the most controversial songs of all time, because of its satanic back messages, Stairway to heaven. The lyrics are backwards are, "Oh this goes out to my sweet Satan. The one who's little path would make me sad, whose power is satan. he'll give those with him 666. Ther is a little toolshed were he'll make you suffer. Sad satan "Though noone knows what these lyrics actually mean, or actually excist, since the human brain is capable of making the mind think certain words are there under influence, it has helped led zeppelin sales more than it has prevented them.[/size][/color]
  15. [color=darkred][size=1]This topic is a very bold one to say the least. Well, I might as well start talking about what "category" I fall into, if there is such a thing. For starters, my school is different. I and my opinions are respected by everyone at my school. My school dosent judge people by how they look on the outside or by how they dress, we dont even judge people. The way we tell if someone is a good person is by looking at there personality. Of course there are people at my school who resemble Goths, Punks, Nerds, Preps, an jocks, we all respect eachother, or at least they all respect me. They all know that I work out very often and take kung fu, but that dosent make me a jock. I listen to Led zeppelin, black sabbath, and the rolling stones, that dosent make me "punk", or "goth". I play online games, talk on message boards and chatrooms, and like anime, but that dosent mean I am a nerd or geek, even if you look at my room and its massive anime figure collection and posters. none of that matters. What matters is who I am on the inside. And on the inside I am a deticated to working out kind of guy who has a sense of humor. If I had to stereo type myself, I would say I fall between Class clown ( since I throw stuff at the teacher behind her back make everyone laugh and act like certain teachers when they are out of the room) a jock, since I work out alot and am dedicated to My sport, and a "rocker" because I like rock music. I really do hate stereo types, but wanted to clue some of you in that it isnt what you were or talk like or listen to, its who you are.[/color][/size]
  16. This is pretty interesting. Eva at the third spot is ok with me, since it is one of my favorite anime's. I still dont see how pokemon even got on that list. Seriously, I thought htis place was for more mature people, than Omg i haf found teh Luigia! IMO I think pokemon should be off of that list. IMO pokemon shouldnt even be an anime. But of course I never voted, because I wasnt here. So even though I Wasnt here, I guess I odnt have a right to complain because I never voted.Samurai shamploo should also have been placed higher on the list, but yet again, I never voted. Interesting to see the otaku boards opinions though.
  17. [color=darkred][SIZE=1]Ehh, I see many final fantasy Bosses in the future of this thread. Let's see, favorite boss battle in an RPG... That certainly narrows the topic down ALOT, considering I dont play RPG's much. I would have chosen Revolver Ocelot from MGS1, but it seems we only have Rpg's to choose from. I would have to go with, my personal favorite boss, from my personally favorite game. Final fantasy 7. Sephiroth puts you through soo much sh!t in that game, (mainly one that happens later in the game) and you just want to kill that sob as soon as you can. Alot of people online over use his name for IM accounts and the such, but he is still my favorite boss.[/SIZE][/color]
  18. [size=1][color=darkred]I was thinking about this the other day. What are some under rated animes? PMK is underated. Not many people have seen this anime, soo maybe thats why its under rated. It is based around the same time Rorouni Kenshin is, with the rebelious samurai, It has great character development and some of my favorite art. It's Certantly darker than Rorouni Kenshin. I think that Kino's journey, one of my favorite anime's right now is very underated. Its like an adventure type anime.Hence the name. Its got some cool robots in it, that look pretty old timey, but thats not what makes it a great anime. I thas cool characters and some good character development, It really indulges you into the world of Kino, an her.... Talking moped. Boogiepop phantom is underated. Its one of my favorite horror animes right now. other horror animes are sort of cheesy. Now for the topic of overated animes, DBZ is definatley not the worst anime out there, but isnt exactly the phenomenon it is made out to be. There is some wind blowing, some fighting, some talking and more wind blowing. Characters are stereo typical and the fights can last up to 30 episodes Long. I remember back when DBZ was the thing to watch, and I was thinking to myself, when is this damn freeza guy going to die? Of course EVERYONE in DBZ has a second stage. Also, Goku seems to die every freaking episode. Pokemon and Beyblade, I really dont see the appeal in these to. In pokemon its as simple as travle from town to town, beat some freaky dude in a gym, get some pokemon, and make team rocket blast off again. Beyblade, Spinning tops! More spinning tops! Digimon dosent fall into these two categories. I enjoyed the first season :animeswea [/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=darkred]Don't mean to be picky but not soo much of a cute picture of asuka. But nothign near how she looks at the at the end of the EoE movie. Oh yeah, Maybe like red graphics in the background? And an avatar. :animeswea[/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=darkred]An evangelion avatar and banner, With asuka and unit 02 on it. The movie version of unit 02 preferably. If you could get graphics i nthe bacground that would be great too[/size][/color]
  21. An evangelion avatar and banner with asuka and unit 2 in it. Movie version of unit 2 please. :animeswea
  22. [size=1][color=darkred]If you have not seen the NGE movie, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop or Rahxephon, please do not read on. I don't want to ruin the series for you. Neon Genesis Evangelion had a total WTF fest in the last episdoes. EOE and Death and rebirth had some graphic moments that made me question Anno's sanity.Its just soo intense. the first time i watched it I had to turn it off. The next tiem I watched it with a friend, which made it a little easier to watch. The sheer intensity of the battles is amazing, and the winding down of the evangelion series is done with great thought. I love how almost every moment in that movie can be related to the bible in some way. [spoiler]The scene were asuka is being tortured by the 9 Mass produced evas is quite insane. Shinji, when he is being crusified (Please tell me If I spelled that right) with his eva unit one, that was a moment I saw coming for a while, seeing as how the whole series is biblical, and shinji starts to represent that particular biblical character. Also in Nge, is a moment I really didnt see coming, which made it alot harder to watch This moment is when Ritsuko akagi was shot by Gendou ikar.[/spoiler] In trigun, [spoiler]when Wolfwood diesThat made me cry. He grew to be such a great character, it was hard to see him die like that.[/spoiler] In cowboy Bebop [spoiler]when Spike dies I was wtfing over that. I was like, wait....It's over?[/spoiler] In Raxephon [spoiler]the everyone's dead scene.[/spoiler] Full Metal Alchemist: [spoiler]Ingredients of the stone, I foresee this one appearing in this thread alot.[/spoiler][/size][/color] [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please use spoiler tags when talking about damagingly revealing plot aspects of animes that people might not have seen yet. I myself have only seen three episodes of FMA and I have no intention of having the rest of it spoilt for me, heh. The tags are thus: [[COLOR=red][b]*[/COLOR][/b]spoiler] and [[COLOR=red][b]*[/COLOR][/b]/spoiler], minus the [COLOR=red][b]*[/COLOR][/b]s. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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