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Rave Master

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Everything posted by Rave Master

  1. Naruto and Jariyama re-enact a scene from their favorite anime, DragonballGT, Naruto being super-saiyan Goku being pounded by Baby Vegeta, played by Jariyama lol, i had to use my brain cells for that one :D >__>
  2. Although i cant deny ever being sad because of animes, they really never were tearjerkers for me and ill add my sad anime moment: in Princess Mononoke, [spoiler]the main character asukasa gets shuned from his village because he got cursed while saving the village, kinda sad >_>[/spoiler]
  3. There is only one thing that really really bothers me about the series... and that is that i dont really know how to pronounce the name >.>' do you pronounce it as seperate syllables as defined by hyphens "es cry ed" or as one word "escraid" or "scraid" either i missed it, or im just ignorant of some japanese pronunciation or something... regardless, how do you pronounce it? -rave master
  4. If I were put into an anime it'd be Inuyasha, Ghost in the Shell, or G Gundam in Inuyasha, I'd be a dog demon or half-demon like Inuyasha because I think dog ears are cool and always wondered what they'd feel like...so yeah, a more benevolent Inuyasha I think Ghost in the Shell is in the near future and there are all kinds of crazy stuff you can do with a cyber brain haha and G Gundam is my favorite gundam series apart from the original, it'd just be freakin' awesome to be a gundam pilot in this series, and preferebly the pilot of the Burning Gundam if not that then the Gundam Max haha yeah...
  5. Outlaw Star had a very good story line in my opinion. Gene forms his quirky crew and keeps his promises and becomes a better person, but not yet wholly complete because as a grappler pilot, he still has to earn a name for himself, but his reputation already exceeds him. Similar to Outlaw Star is Cowboy Bebop as someone once earlier said. Pick any Gundam series, my favorites being the original and the G Gundam (0080 was meh, but enjoyable), and you'll find philosiphical undertones on war and atonement as well as bad *** mechs. As a last resort, refer to the many highly acclaimed Miyazaki movies being distributed by Disney: Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service and his latest Howl's Moving Castle, which i havent seen yet :animecry:
  6. ooo i havent seen tenchi in a long long time but i do remember it vaguely-ish ill vote washu just because i liked tenchi :P and i remember the little holopad keyboards she pulls up on the fly, those are cool :D
  7. [QUOTE=EVA Unit 100]Also, though not anime, I almost always rooted for ZIM to enslave all humans. Then again, Dib's pretty bad himself. In fact, this post makes no sense! Everyone on ZIM is evil! Except for GIR. He rocks.[/QUOTE] AGREE'D Gir is just awsm, and random ^.^ lets see... The Andy guy from Cowboy Bebop in the "Cowboy Funk" episode, he's not really a villian, more like just a dumb fool, but he was exactly like Spike, can you say comedic relief? Oh and in that same episode, you felt bad for the teddy bomber dude XD
  8. [QUOTE=EVA Unit 100]I honestly don't get what you see in that show. Awfully cliched plot and characters, uninspired action scenes, average animation. It's honestly no better than Inu-Yasha's worst points, except that Scryed has at least some sense of pacing. In fact, the current episodes of Inu-Yasha I find more involving than Scryed. Not that I feel that happy watching even a good episode of Inu-Yasha since the show has no ending. Adult Swim, just move Inu-Yasha premieres to weeknights and send Scryed to the Friday late night/Saturday early morning Bandai deathbed block and then put Fullmetal Alchemist reruns as the ratings powerhouse to boost premieres instead of Futurama and I think we can all be happy with AS Saturdays. Also, something that might be interesting to Naruto fans is this interview concerning the dub: [URL]http://narutofan.com/index.php/content-americanized%20naruto,interview%20with%20naruto%20staff[/URL] Some things of note in the interview: --All of the characters have been cast, although no announcements were made (other than the previously made announcements for Blum as Kakashi, Vic as someone, and an unknown as Naruto). --The first season of 52 episodes has been about halfway scripted, and recording starts in late June/early July. --It seems that the people who are producing the dub are fans of the show, which combined with TV-PG DBZ and a pretty bloody Naruto promo on the CN Summer Special increases the chances of it airing with little-to-no edits. --The Shonen Jump translations for the attacks will be used (which in all honesty aren't all that terrible). --Most of the original music will be used, though they say that they need to produce some new music for it. This could mean covering up silent scenes ala Pokemon (which would be a negative), but since most of ShoPro's productions that completely change the music still have some silence, it could just mean that they couldn't get the rights to some of the songs and thus they will be dubbing them (which is pretty positive).[/QUOTE] o.O so can we expect episodes to air around christmas-ish? or much later >.<
  9. [QUOTE=r2vq] An underrated anime is [b]Mobile Suit Gundam[/b]. The newer Gundam series, mainly [b]Gundam Wing[/b] and [b]Gundam Seed[/b] are widely accepted by fans because the animation is pretty new. Though, the older series has the same emotional punch (with less soap opera influence) and was good enough to spur a hundred sequels. I think it's biased against because of the animation. -ArV[/QUOTE] yep, i agree I equate the animation of the original gundam to slightly better than the animation of the original Speed Racer, which is highly acclaimed. I love both regardless of the animation.
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