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Lord Scyrath

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Everything posted by Lord Scyrath

  1. Hmm....if GT means Grand Tour, what does the Z in DBZ mean ..?
  2. I think he knew about him, propably because he can watch the earth from where he was.
  3. Sean Connery all the way...!!!
  4. I like X-Men...saw the movie, the cartoon and also have a few comics. Favorite characters are Gambit, Rogue and Wolverine.
  5. I saw Buffy like a few years ago, when it was new. I liked it.
  6. Well Trunks you'll be handsome when you grow up. I thought you would turn out to look like Vegeta! - Bulma This is ridiculous! I'm a warrior not a variety of flower! - Vegeta
  7. Is it Sho Goku or Son Goku ? Vegeta or Vegita. I've seen lots of different ways, of how to spell their names, but which is the right one ?
  8. I speak "fluent" English, German and Greek. And I know some French and also some Korean.
  9. Well, we exist don't we? So with all those Solar Systems out there, there can easily be another planet which evolved just like ours. Or maybe there is different type of life there. Not humans. (Maybe Sayians...)
  10. I try not to be afraid of anything. Whenever I find something that scares me, I keep doing it again and again, untill the fear goes away.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B] Woah, I don't remember this. :( Like what happens before it? I have all the sayain-man saga on tape I do belive... [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I'm not excactly sure at what point of the Saga it is, but this scene was when Vegita was training in the room with increased gravity. It was hard for Trunks to move around, and Vegita was telling him to leave because he wouldn't be able to withstand such a great level of gravity. Trunks just turns SSJ, which completely shocks Vegita, because Trunks is still just a little kid and it took Goku and Vegita a very long time untill they could do that. Kinda like the same thing when Goten turned SSJ while training with Gohan. I think its in one of those episodes, where Goten and Gohan train.
  12. Well, for me it's kinda dumb. I used to live in Singapore, and there everything was full of anime. You could find everything there, only at that time I wasn't interested in any of it. Now I live in Greece, and anime stuff is REALLY hard to find here. There is a lot of Pokémon and Digimon stuff, and thank god there is Dragon Ball Z on TV. But thats about it. No comins or statues...nothing.
  13. I'm 17 now, so it's quite some time untill I'm 30... I might still be around, but these boards won't be about the same things anymore. Pokemon, Digimon and all that propably won't exist anymore in a few years... We will be talking about completely different stuff.
  14. Pokémon .... YAY...! I did it...:D
  15. Ah, in which part of the DB story does this take place?
  16. I have some questions on DB. First, who or what is Mystic Gohan...? And, I heard something about Gohan having a Zet sword... What is that? And when does he own it?
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