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About Yukizora

  • Birthday November 6

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  • Biography
    Hello I like bananas. #db @ irc.rizon.net OR #aku-tenshi @ irc.irchighway.net plzkthx.
  • Occupation
    Banana Rescuer and Translator

Yukizora's Achievements

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  1. An overrated anime would be GetBackers. It has a good storyline and it's fairly interesting, but it's not something I would obsess over like some others.
  2. Although it would nice if we could see a bit of Sasuke sama :)
  3. Yes there is an anime, it has been fansubbed for quite a while now. I believe quite a few groups are subbing it right now, such as Ayu-Keep, Ishin-Anime, AnimeCouncil, AnimeForever, Achr-Anime, Anime-Works, IY4Ever, and others. It was out for months, it should be almost half a year by now. The anime follows the manga storyline quite closely.
  4. Yes, I agree. Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle is definetely one of the best manga productions CLAMP has created so far, although almost every one of their productions is quite good.
  5. Yes the manga is reaching quite a good part, but sadly the anime is dragging. This is mostly because of the pointless and annoying fillers they're having right now. Really, the anime is obviously stalling so the manga can get more ahead.
  6. Ken Akamatsu has never really been my preferred artist, his productions aren't really my type. However, I have read the English version of Mahou Sensei Negima manga, or rather, "Magister Negi Magi". The translations are a bit strange at times, but that is to be expected of stupid "professional" English translators who make their own translations "official". Nothing is cut from the original story, although it is labelled "For Mature Audiences Ages 16+", which no one cares about really.
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