[SIZE=1]Time: It has been years since the last secret battel against the British Library vs. the Paper Masters and company. The characters are at least about ten years older. Nenene, Yomiko and Nancy arrived in Japan aboout 6 years ago and still are. Nenene is still living with the three Paper Sisters and are still in contact with Yomiko, Nancy and Junior.
Plot: The British Library has been working on a new project. There are two papermasters that were born with the gift, rather then being experimented on. They are going to use the two so they can put part of Mr. Gentelman in one and then the remainder into the other. The name of the operation/project is unknown, and there are a few new agents in the British Library. It's another thrilling battle; to join, copy, paste, and fill out the information listed below:
[B]Side:[/B] Papermasters/Neutral/British Library
*[B]Other Information/ Character's Power:[/B] [/QUOTE]
(please be descriptive for the ones with *'s by them. two characters max per people. origionals are more than welcome. also, the character does not have to be a papermaster to be on the papermaster's side. they all have to be filled out, except for nicknames, that is optional. for descriptions, pictures are okay, but no look-alikes from other shows. maybe as an[I]example[/I] but not [I]exactly[/I] a look-alike)
[U][B]Origional Characters-[/B][/U]
Yomiko Readmen:
Nancy Makuhari:
Drake Anderson:
Wendy Earheart:
Nenene Sumiregawa:
Michelle Cheung:
Maggi Mui:
Anita King:
(or any other characters I have yet to put up)
[U][B]Made Up Characters-[/B][/U]
Kaede Taya Midori
[QUOTE][B]Name:[/B] Kaede Taya Midori
[B]Nickname:[/B] Kaae-san, Mii-chan
[B]Age:[/B] 12
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Side:[/B] Neutral
*[B]Description/Appearence:[/B] Kaede has very light, maple brown hair that reaches to her shoulders, or about an inch and a half over. She has plain gray eyes. One eye has a scar over the left eye and appears to be about 5'5 in height. She looks more about a year older than she really is, and is not to chubby, but not very skinny either. She usually wears fall-like colors, like brown, white, beige, etc.
*[B]Information:[/B] Mii-chan enjoy's reading books. Mystery, romance, drama, thriller, horror, etc. Probably because she is a papermaster. Her tecnique is more of guarding, like making sheilds. The only attacking tecnique she uses is to be distant from her enemy so she uses something that she can throw, like maybe a daggar or an arrow. Mii-chan is half Japanese and half Egyptian, but she lived in London for 6 years, so she has a British accent.
*[B]Other Info:[/B] [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][B]Name:[/B] Junichi Hidori
[B]Nickname:[/B] Juu-chan, Hii-san
[B]Age:[/B] 15
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Side:[/B] Neutral
*[B]Description/Appearence:[/B] Juu-chan looks more around two years younger than he really is. He's about 5'7", he has light green hair (like vash the stampeed's hair when it's down), emerald green eyes, and slightly tanned skin. He wears usually whatever his mood is or gray. He is more of an athlete and less a bookworm. He has broad shoulders, and a slim body.
*[B]Information:[/B] Juu-chan doesn't HATE books, but he doesn't obsess with them either. He is better at offense, unlike Mii-chan whom is more defence. His tecnique is a bit like Maggie's, but he only uses wolfs or giant birds. His heritage is Egyptian, but he lived mostly in Japan pretty much his whole life. He rarely ever uses his paper powers since there has been no need, but he does pratice them in a regular basis.
*[B]Other Information/ Character's Power:[/B] [/QUOTE]
(these are the two that the british library is after. !!: i will be playing as kaede. if you don't like something about Juu-chan, and you want to be him, you are more than welcome to "tweak" a few things)[/SIZE]
[QUOTE]Name: Kazuma
Nickname: Bullet
Appearance:see below
Imformation: Kazuma never really liked books, mainly because his parents made him read one every week. Normally it took him only a few days, but he grew a hate for books. He was born in Guan, then his family mooved to the US when he turned twelve. He hasd been living in Tennessee since then, mostly in a small twon a few miles outside of Memphis. For his fifthteenth birthbay, his parents let him move to Japan to meet his granfather, from his mothers side.
His papermaster skills are mostly offence. He is very quick, and likes to use alot of swords,and daggers. He feels that it brings him closer to his Japanese herritage.[/QUOTE]