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Dhampir Nyoko

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About Dhampir Nyoko

  • Birthday 08/24/1986

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    dhampir nyoko

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Just a simple gamer goth girl who happens to have a deep love for anime. Espically Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle.
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Dhampir Nyoko's Achievements

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  1. Okay, for anyone who wants to know, here is my idea of the differences between cliques: Nerd: Basicly, very smart, glasses, pocket-protector... doesn't exactly need to be associated with a computer. Out of style, usually. Geek: Computer dude. always at home surfing or looking up porn. Not exactly smart, but is good at things like fixing computers and viruses or glitches. Gamer: Doesn't need to be smart, or good at computers, but just likes to play videogames. GBa, PS@, X-box, Nintendo.. the works. Usually not good grades, spends too much time gaming.
  2. Washu, all the way. She is smart, hot, funny... the only complaint I would have is that she is a bit short.
  3. Now, I am sure that at least one of you all have heard of the sikiningly adorable, but still prety good anime, 'Card Captor Sakura', right? Well, i am almost completly turned off to dubs after witnessing the horror that is 'Cardcaptors'. They changed the personalities of the characters, and also tried to change the show! The only dub i will watch now is 'Slayers', and that is only when I am too lazy to read the subs.
  4. My avatar says that I like cute adorable almost abnoxiously kawaii anime/manga characters. My sig, (which translated says 'Fear the cute ones' and 'Winged Strength') means that.... I like cute stuff and tsubasa chronicle. XD
  5. I guess I could be a geek, but I would label myself more as a gamer. It's almost all that I talk about. Also some call me rocker just cause I dress like one. -^^- personally I don't like sterotypes, but when they are true, I accept it and tend to loke about it alot.
  6. August 24, 1989 The whole Pompeii catasrtophie happened on my B-day I am a Virgo, even though I am a bit more of a Leo. -^^- Hehe... I am definitly not orginized. Plus, I was born in the year of the tiger. Sincre.. sweet... me! Edit: Actually, typo, I was born in '86. -^^-
  7. I must name three, since i cannot pick. Tenchi, Negima, and Love Hina. Same senairo in both, pretty much. One guy, many sexy ladies, lol.
  8. My first manga was SOS. -^^- It is a really kawaii manga. After that, I was hooked. Tenchi, Negima, Tsubasa... and a bunch load of others.
  9. The reason I read manga is because ..... well.... I love the pretty pictures =p At least, that is why I started. Also, if I watch an anime, I go crazy untill I can read the manga, and know what the creator's original idea was. It is alot more portable then anime (and cheaper) so I can take it on trips with me. I just prefer and like anime all together. :catgirl:
  10. Syaoran from Tsubasa Chronicle and Card Captor Sakura Fai D. Flowright from Tsubasa Chronicle Piro from Megatokyo Keitaro from Love Hina Negima from Negima -^^- I really like guys who blush all of the time.
  11. Tsubasa Chronicle. Syaoran, an archaeologist, and Sakura, the princess of the Kingdom of Clow, are the best of friends, perhaps even more than just friends. Not having the chance the day before to tell Syaoran that she loved him, Sakura made a visit to the excavation site where he was working. A symbol of gigantic proportions had been found on the ground of one of the underground tunnels. Sakura, upon touching the strange emblem, lost all of her heart and memories. She became an empty shell, unconscious. Syaoran's mission: journey through different worlds and dimensions in order to find Sakura's memories. -^^- yeah, it is really cool.
  12. All I can say, is that my favorite anime is, and always will be, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. :animesmil
  13. Hard question, but I would have to say Fable for X-box. The graphics are amazing, and I love the fact that no matter how many times you play, it is always different.
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