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Everything posted by Israfel

  1. Name:Azrael Age:689 Gender:Male Description:Pale with raven black hair and cold red eyes. He wears black jeans and muscle shirt with a leatherjacket. He has sunglasses that he wear mostof the time and black boots. He is 6ft and very handsome Organization:(none) Race: pureblooded vampyre Death: (Only applies to GHOST members. As GHOST only recruits those who are presumed dead, you must explain just when, where, and why you were presumed dead. Here's where you show off your writing ability.) Reassignment: (Hellsing members only. Hellsing only sent over their best into Sicily; show how you became on of their best. Here's where you show off your writing talent. Be real, though, nobody kills 90 vampires with a slingshot while blinded.) Biography:He had lived in Sicily for a long time and has grown to love his home. He trys to live peacefully with humans because he ha grown tired of being hunted. He will kill any vampire that kills for no reason. He doesn't like the hellsing orginization mainly because of aluard who he has heard of. He is afraid that they may hunt him even though he peacfull. He gets his blood from a blood bank which has helped him and some other vampire sfor awhile now. Sometimes he misses the feel of drinking warm blood biteing into the neck of his victim. He uses two 9mm semi auto hand guns and also a dagger if anyone get close to him.
  2. Name: Kiyoshi Age: 21 Gender: male Apperance: He wears black jeans and a black sleevless shirt with a black leather trenchcoat. He is 5'7" with black short hair and green eyes he is athletic and handsome. Personality: He is kind and nice helping people who havn't gotten on his bad side. Gang: The Obsidian Serpents Skills: Assassination, lock pick, stealth Weapon(s): two short katanas and a 9mm custom handgun(if this is in modern times) Bio: He never reveals much of his past people just know not to ask or you get on his bad side. He had wandered into the city a few years ago covered in blood some people tried to rob him and ended up without fingures. He created hi own gang of assassins which takes onhit contracts from any gangs. They are feared by the other gangs able to come close enough to whisper in your ear before they kill you. He doesn't involve them in the gang rivleries except when payed to kill someone.
  3. Name: Alex Oakly Age:27 Sex:Male Occupation: Detective Appearance:Black hair up to his shoulder with dark green eyes. He is 6'4" 157lbs with an athletic build. He wears a black trench coat with black pants and a white collar shirt with a black under shirt. He has a scar aboce his righ eyebrow Back History: He was raised in a ruff neighborhood and learned to fight when he was young. He has always been a bright kid and a smooth talker getting out of fights when he could. He decided to bcome an officer when he was 10 and began to practice his shot. Now a crack shot he finaly joined the police quickly riseing through the ranks. He became a dective for homicide takeing on some of the most gruesome cases because he could take the the gore the best. These new crimes though have made him sick to his stomach. He has grown tired of the crime in the city and has begun to drink more and more. It didn't help that he was alone most of the times some people thought he could get a little intense.
  4. "But then who would rescue the grand muscian." He smiled though she could not see it. He thought she was brave so he would do his best to distract the gaurds when the time came. "I am sure the citezens will guard the apprentice when the time comes if we tell them what will happen if he doesn't play." Kiyoshi rubbed his forhead thinking about when they would have to rescue the grand musician. "To rescue your sister is no easy task they will have her in the highest security prison and we will have to go through my land as soon as we rescue the apprentice they will posts guards incase we go save the grand musician." This seemed impossible but he would try his hardest to make it possible. For the music he thought.
  5. "If you all could destract the guards i could get the apprentice useing my special technique." Kiyosho saw they had to do this or this land would die along with the mundains. He stood up and grabbed his staff and cloak. "I must keep this cloak on I am wanted by my people." he put it on takeing care to cover his face with it. "When do you plan to execute this attack anway." he hoped soon this land held many secrets and he didn't want it to die before he could learn them. "If you want I could escort you anywhere as a body guard. I am not sure how good you are at fighting but I could help." he stood near the door waiting for an answer.
  6. "Yes I know them too and our chances are lower." Kiyoshi looked serious. "I also know it is better for these people to try than be slaves." He walked up the merc grebcosen and looked her in the eye. "Why are you here besides the money you know as well as I people in the rebellion will most likely die." he said in a low vioce so the pthers wouldn't hear. He was trained very well but they would need more than birds and two grebcosens to win. He looked at Suzun "Do you have a pan." he hoped she did. "Also how well can your people fight close up I am not sure what your music is capable of and I need to know if the enemy gets close I don't have to protect you all." from what he had heard the people here where weak without their music.
  7. OOC:OK I will aura IC:Kiyoshi took off the cloak and folded it putting it on the table. He closed his eyes and listened to the music. "I love the music here in mundain it is why I am helping you all." He had a slight acsent on his voice (chinese one). "That is interesting what you can do can all mundains make such effects with their music." He walked up to the girl with bells on her feet. "Could you really be able to summon a Roc or phoinex." He was finding out new and interesting things about this country and was enjoying it all. "I had always thought only the grand musician could do such things."
  8. Kiyoshi got up and walked to Suzun he decieded to tell her. He went up to her coughed incase she didn't notice himand went close to her ear. "Just letting you know I am a grebcosen and I am here to help." he whispered so only she could hear. He stepped back and hoped she didn't attack him.
  9. Kiyoshi found as seay near the back of the room. Another grebcosen was there he was wondering why. His staff was against the wall where he could reach it fast. Apparently the grebcosen was a merc Kiyoshi never liked them selling their alligences for money. You just couldn't trust them if the other person had more money they would batray you in a heartbeat.
  10. Kiyoshi was wearing a cloak to cover him he was a Grebcosen. He was on the mundains side though but if they knew he was a grebcosen they would most likely attack him on the spot. He got up and started to walk into the room the girl had said to go to. He hoped they would listen to him when the time came for him to reveal who he was.
  11. OOC:you must be in the wrong rpg
  12. "Last time I was here was when these two where born" He said and pointed to Shoui and Miron. "Anyway Inuyasha Scroll is my friend and together we could take you on." He smiled and then turned into inuyasha except he made it look all stupid and weak.
  13. Kiyoshi arrived at the field he went and sat down placeing a barrier around him before he fell asleep. When he woke he saw all the others there. "Shoui Miron hello you probaly don't remeber me the last time I saw you was when you where born." He walked over to them and rubbed their heads. He walked over to scroll and smiled. "It has been awhile I saw you before i left dream land the last time."
  14. Your char would have to be older than that to be around when the band of seven where terroizing the country. They where killed along time ago you would have to be 50 or so
  15. Name: Kiyoshi Niijma Age: 21 Gender:Male Apperance: He is 6 ft slim and athletic with raven black hair up to his shoulders. His eyes are silver and show no emotian but anger sometimes. He wears black jeans and a red sleevless shirt with a black trench coat. He wears sunglasses most of the time. Powers: He can see when people will de because of his father Azrael the angel of death. He can also manipulate his spirituel energy for attacks manipulateing elements and such. Personality: He is cold and cares not for others anymore. Seeing peoples death has done this most people who know him end up with a closer death date than they had when he first saw them. Bio: When he was born his mother died no one ever knew why. His mothers parents sied soon to with strange accedents. So he was raised in an orphanage with nuns to teach him. When he was young an epidemic hit the orphanage killing most of the children only he didn't get sick. He never got adopted the people who came to adopt would take one look at his eyes and shiver. When he finaly left the orphanage at 18 he saw them the demons. They would follow him taunt him try to make him do what thought about everynight. He was strong and ignored them as best he could he even fought a few. He became a criminal stealing what he needed or wanted. He had killed some people crippled some takeing their money weopons and so on. The demons soon began to whisper about he was a bane on the earth sinning like he did. They would say how death would always follow him and no one could love him and how he is a monster. He eventualy cracked he jumped off the tallest building fallling down. Yet he didn't die most of his bones where broken but he lived. The doctors where confused by this. He woke up a year later in the hospital seeing the demons there smirking at him. Now he knew who his father was though and he smiled back he was going to make them pay for this. OK how is this
  16. how old are you and why is this in the anime section.
  17. Name: Kiyoshi Age: 20,543 Race: silver fox demon Japan Weapon or Power: stronger fox magic than the younger foxes. His fox fire could go against the wind scar. He carries a katana which has a chain on the bottom of the hilt so he can throw it. Appeareance: 6ft slim with a incredably handsome face. He wears a black kamono with silver fire embroidered on it. His hair is long looks lup to his shoulders. His eyes are silver and cold. attitude: He is like Sesshoumaru in attitude except nicer he is cold but doesn' kill for no reason. History: He has wandered most of his life. Sometimes he would take a human form and live a life in a village just to see what it is like. He has always been curious and tries to learn as much as he can. He was a friend of Shoui and Miron parents who had left whent they where born to the dreamland to guard it. How is this char. also I think shippou is like 50 or something. Remember demons age much slower.
  18. Shaman Name: Kiyoshi Niijma Age: 21 Gender: male Appearance: He wears black jeans and shirt. He is 5'10" with raven black hair and emerald eyes. He is dark skinned and has an athletic build. Personality: He is quite likeing to listen more than talk. He can move without a sound if he wishes he was trained in ninjutsu. He is gentle and will help even his enemy at the risk of his life. Abilities: telekanetic abilties Motive: To meet knew people Country of Origin: Japan Weapon(s): Silver katana with a black handle(wear on his back), black bow with arrows fletched with raven feathers. Spirit Guide Name: Loki Age: 20,576 Gender: male Appearance: Giant fox with nine tails and white hair his eyes are light blue and burn with an inner flame Personality: Changes sometimes. Mostly he is kind and outgoing playing pranks and such Abilities: he can shape shift and control a blue flame Species: nine tailed fox demon
  19. Name: Junichi Hidori Nickname: Juu-chan, Hii-san Age: 15 Gender: Male Side: Neutral *Description/Appearence: Juu-chan looks more around two years younger than he really is. He's about 5'7", he has light green hair (like vash the stampeed's hair when it's down), emerald green eyes, and slightly tanned skin. He wears usually whatever his mood is or gray. He is more of an athlete and less a bookworm. He has broad shoulders, and a slim body. *Information: Juu-chan doesn't HATE books, but he doesn't obsess with them either. He is better at offense, unlike Mii-chan whom is more defence. His tecnique is a bit like Maggie's, but he only uses wolfs or giant birds. His heritage is Egyptian, but he lived mostly in Japan pretty much his whole life. He rarely ever uses his paper powers since there has been no need, but he does pratice them in a regular basis. *Other Information/ Character's Power: Ok it is fine I like this char better. I hope it doesn't interfere with the plot though.
  20. Name: Kiyoshi Age: 24 Gender: male Appearance: He wears clothes like the Xiaolin monkes except black he has short black hair. His eyes are emerald he is 6' slim with an athletic build and tan skin. He has a cross shaped scar across his left cheek. Side: Rebel Weaopan: He only uses blunt weopans mainly a staff that he uses as a walking stick. Skills: He can chanel his chakra to make his movement more fluid and fast when he does this to its full extent most can't see him when he moves. History: He was born in a remote place where he was raised by his grandfather. His granfather taught him all he knows of fighting which is considerable. His village was near the mundain border and sometimes he could hear the music. He grew to love music he would spend his free times by the barrier trying to hear the mundains play. When the barrier weakened some generals came to his village they tried to take his grandfather so he could lead them to battle. When he refused they killed him. Kiyoshi joined the army so he could go to mundain and try and help them. He could hear the sorrow in their songs and he was angered. He deserted the army crippling most of his unit before he left he tries to never kill so he knows how to cripple someone useing his chakra. Is this char fine.
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