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Everything posted by Tsukai Doll
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Hue reached the source of the light and saw that it was quite small but as she begain to dig at it snow fell away and the hole was now big enough for her to poke her head out and get a look around. She could see the inn from here. "Hey guys we've made it! I can see the inn its about a mile away from here!" she said turning around so she could get a look at the mountain. As she did she noticed Vice. "HEY!!! VICEEE LOOK DOWN HERE ITS ME HUE!!!" she yelled as vice slipped onto his butt sliding down the mountain. "Well hello there," he said flying past her. Hue giggled alittle as she climbed her way out of the hole and helped Shea'ann and Ky out. "I think we found your guys map," he said giving it to Daergar. "Yah thanks," Daergar snatched the map out of Ky's hand. "Wow i didnt think we'd ever get out of there alive," Shea'ann said as she brushed the snow off herself. Hue made her way down to Vice who had slid all the way down the mountain. "Wahhhh!!" Hue tripped on a branch and tummbled all the way down right on top of Vice. "Oof," There faces where so close to each other that if she moved an inch she could touch his lips. Hue could feel her cheaks turn red. "Oh I...I im sorry....i tripped," she managed to say. "Umm you can get off me now," Vice said smiling "Oh yah ..." :animeshy: Hue got up and gathered herself, brushing off the snow. "I'm glad we ran into you guys, i thought i was never going to see you again....," she said looking at Vice, " I mean you guys" she quickly added. Vice looked at her and she wasnt quite sure what that look men, but she could feel her cheaks get hot. "Well you two love birds, you can join us any time now we're going to the inn, but if you wanna i dont know stand here and get frozen togather then i guess thats your choice," Ky called to them, the rest of the crew well ahead of them. "Oh ...no its not like that...." Hue and Vice said in unison. They both looked at each other and quickly looked away. They both made their way back to the group almost to the inn. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid] [COLOR=Plum]"I don't think we should stop. I can try and hold off the weather but i don't know how happy the rain goddess would be with me, and i could possibaly make things worse"[/COLOR] Hue said looking at the others. "Rain goddess?" Ky said giving Hue an are you kidding look. [COLOR=Plum]"Yes, The rain Goddess is one of the many goddess i worship, and trust me you wouldnt want to get her mad," [/COLOR] "Well maybe we can find a cave to take shelter in?" Shea'ann said looking around. [COLOR=Plum]"I think that would be the best plan."[/COLOR] They were next to a mountain so there had to be a cave of some sort. They begain to ride along the edge of the mountain hoping to find shelter. All of a sudden Hues horse begain to make a fuss, throwing Hue off. [COLOR=Plum]"What? Hey whats wrong with it?" [/COLOR] she said trying to calm it down. The horse kicked Hue in the gut and started running off in the opposite direction. As Hue landed she fell right threw the ground and into a hole. "Oh my god! Hue are you all right," Shea'ann said running over to the hole. [COLOR=Plum]"Yah i think im ok," [/COLOR] Standing up Hue begain to look around, [COLOR=Plum]" Hey guys this looks like a tunnel, it may lead to the other side of the mountain. Exactly where we need to go."[/COLOR] She called up to the others. "Or it could just be a dead end and a waste of our time" Ky said in a smartass tone. [COLOR=Plum]"No im pretty sure it goes stright threw." [/COLOR] said Hue in a convincing tone. "I think its a good idea, plus we'll be out of the storm when it hits," Shea'ann said climbing down to join Hue. [COLOR=Plum]"Are you coming or are you going to go around the mountain...by yourself?"[/COLOR] Ky rolled his eyes and soon joined Hue and Shea'ann as they made their way through the dark and bleak tunnel. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Hue made her way to the stables, hoping the men there would not give her a hard time. "Hello there..i need three horses" She said pulling put 3 gold coins. The men begain to laugh. "Ohh dear now what have we here? A pretty little Tiefling aint she fellas?" rumbling laughs came from the men. "Im not here to start trouble just give me three of your best horses and ill be on my way," She said throwing the money onto the ground. The men looked at her smiles crossed their faces. "I think we'll need alittle more then that sweetheart," he grabbed Hues arm squeezing it tight. "Get your hands off me!" Hue said flipping the man over and onto the ground. The other men came at her and she quickly grabbed her fluit. "I didnt want to do this but you leave me no choice," She put the fluit up to her mouth, breathing in she begain to play a small tune. The men stopped and all of a sudden their skin begain to streach. Their bones you could hear cracking as the men begain to turn into mice. "Their that will teach you never to mess with Hue Darkfade," she said grabbing her coins off the ground. Just as she was about to leave Ky and Shea'ann can running up next to her. "I got us our horses and guess what...their free," she said smiling as she climbed up onto her horse. Hue didnt know what to do next. Ky and Shea'ann had no problem getting their horse to move but Hue had never learned how to rife one. Ky looked at her,"Are you coming or are you just going to sit there?" "Well I....I've never rode a horse before so...umm your going to have to help me out here," she said a nervous look on her face. "What!" Ky started laughing. Shea'ann shot him a look and turned to Hue smiling. "Ok now grab the rains and kick the side of the horse lightly," Hue did just that and the horse started to galoup. After a few practice runs Hue and the rest of them made there way to Icewind Inn. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Hue shook her head and calmly walked back into the inn. She found Ky and Shea'ann sitting at a table eating what looked like a very tasty breakfast. Walking over to them she whispered a few words touching both their forheads. All of a sudden Ky and Shea'ann could hear Hue talking to them, but she wasnt moving her mouth. "Don't act alarmed, i put a spell on both of you so we may talk in privet. Just go along at eat and act like every things normal," she said smiling picking up a plate and loading it with eggs and pancakes. She explained everything Vice had told her and how they need to leave without letting anyone know. Hue stood up and whispered some words in elvish, "Thanks for the breakfast," she smiled and walked off going to look for the others. She made sure she informed everyone that was apart of Jura's crew. "Jura!" she yelled as she knocked on her room door. She heard some moving around and finaly Jura opend up the door. "What do you want Tiefling," she said this sounding agravated. "I'm sorry to bather you but i wanted to see if you had any towls," Hue pushed herself into the room and found that a man was standing up covered from head to toe in cloth. She touched Juras forhead and explained everything as she did before with Ky and Shea'ann. Jura looked very suspcious. "God damnit...just what i need more trouble,"she said cursing "Remember dont let anyone know you are leaving," Hue uncasted the spell and walked out of the room, making her way to her room. "I wonder what Vice met when he said Especially you...why would they want me? Im just a normal Tiefling.." When she got to her room she noticed that her door was cracked open. "Oh no" she thought to herself as she grabbed out her whip. She kicked open the door to find her things strewn across the room. The bed which she had slept in was torn apart. Hue looked around,"Well whatever was here is gone now" she said picking up her things and placing them back into her bag. She quickly made her way to the emergency exit. When she stepped out side she noticed the bar that Vice spoke of. It was old and very creepy looking. Chills ran up and down Hue spine. It was still raining which ment Hue could not use her wings. So she started to walk fast trying to get away from the old bar. She didnt know where to go so she started in the direction that Vice had ran off in. After a few seconds she noticed a few other members of her crew leave the Inn. "Good," she said turning back around hoping to run into Vice.[/COLOR]
Hue suddenly awoke....."What?" she looked around and she was in her room again. "I..I wonder were Vice went?" She said sitting up in her bed. "He....he brought me back here didnt he?" she was now standing, her hair was wet and her clothes were still damp. Hue took in a deep breath, feeling alittle better she desided to go get something to eat. Hue excited her room and made her way down to the lobby. She stopped and smiled at the lady at the front desk,"Hello there, do you surve breakfast?" "No...not to the likes of your kind" she said Sticking her nose into the air like she was better then the Tiefling. "What!? How rude!" Hue yelled stomping off. Outside she found Vice coming around from the side of the Inn. "Vice...hello.." she managed to say. OOC sorry so short
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Hue suddenly awoke at first her vision blured and then quickly agusted to the light. "Was....was that all a .....dream?" she said to herself resting her head inbatween her knees. She ran her hands through her hair and noticed Vice was asleep in one of the chairs. "No...no it wasnt a dream" Vice suddenly awoke at Hue voice. He looked up at her,"Your one messed up chick" he said standing up. "I...I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you, you have enough problems to worry about, and for me to get you cought up in mine is not fair," she said this noticing a crack in her voice. "But.....don't you have questions for me....i mean is that all you can say," She said holding back tears. [/COLOR] OOC: sorry its so short
[COLOR=Indigo]Vice was frozen..."What the hell.....that man he..he looked just like me..." He saw that Hue had fallen to the ground. "What the hell is going on here?!" Hue could not help herself tears streaming down her face. She tried to stand but fell again; she was so weak from lack of sleep and food. "W-why ...why..c-can'tt you ...sstay with me....I can't... do t-this on on... my own," Hiue sad inbatween sobs. She wrote Mins name in the sand over and over hoping he would come back, but it was no luck he was gone. Harsh winds begain to blow as Hues tears hit the ground. The clouds begain to darken and thunder howled loudly from above. The rain came down fast and hard. "Shit!" Vice cursed aloud as he made his way down to Hue. The rain was coming down so hard that Vice could barly see an inch in front of his face. "Damnit where is she!?" he said tripping over something he relized it was the girl. Her wings where spread out. Her skin looked very pale and the bright colors of her wings seemed dull. He picked her up and rushed back to the Inn. Hues eyes flutterd open for only a second, "M-Min...." she grunted and fell into a deep sleep. Vice arrived at the Inn kicking the door open and setting Hue in one of the lobby chairs. "HELP!" He yelled hoping someone who could use healing magic would hear him. "God whats up with this girl...shes always freakin out when im around," he thought to himself. "And who the eff is Min..?"[/COLOR] OOC: again i hope its ok that i used Vice :animesmil
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I've looked so weak, i havent been much help..." she thought to herself as she got into the shower. The water was warm and felt good on her warn skin. She begain to sing as it was a habit to do when she was in the shower. "Hmmm i wonder why those ninjas attacked us?" Stepping out of the shower she saw the sun peak through her window. "Ahhh moringin already," she thought,"I didnt get any sleep." she complained. She put on her normal clothes and desided to talk a walk outside. It was still early and most everyone was still asleep, so of course none of the shops were open. Hue walked the empty streats breathing in the warm air. The feel of the earth beneath her feet was nice, and she wiggled her toes into the dirt. She looked out to the ocean and made her way down to the sand. She nelt down stairing at the sand. She took her hand a wrote the name Min. The letters began to glow and soon lift up off the sand and into the air. The words began to streach and form the shape of a body. Soon the blurry figure bagan to take shape and formed into a tall man with red hair and beautiful eyes his ears long and pointed. "Min!!" she yelped "How can this be?" "I wont be here long my love, but you must be carefull a great danger is coming," "Please Min dont leave me...i need you so much," tears began to stream down her face. Hue grabbed Mins hands and held them up to her face, tears still pouring from her eyes. "What the...!" Hue looked over and saw that Vice was staring down at her a look of great confusion crossed his face. Min disapeared green sparkes flying every where. "Min! No!" she staired at the ground where Min was standing. "No Min please come back," she whispered forgetting that Vice was still there. "Please come back to me...."[/COLOR] OOC: hopes its ok that i used your character Sapphire Flare :animesmil
OOC: Sorry i havent been posting guys...ive been busy, but im back now. Looks like i missed all the action :( Oh well im sure theres more to go around [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Hue saw that the sun was starting to set, and knew if she didnt get back Jura would kill her. But for some reason Hue could not bring herself to turn in. Something seemed to be calling her. Something about the air here, Hue could smell the pain and suffering this town has indured. Looking up she noticed the moon was shinning bright, aluminating the sky. Hue took a deep breath trying to get a good feel for the place. Everything looked so dead. Hue couldnt help but feel sad. All the land that has been burned and damage because of this war. It made her so upset to think of how much harm the Chimera have caused the earth. She slowly made her way back to the Inn hoping she could get her supplies in the morning. When she arrived at the Inn she noticed that Vice was sitting outside on the far end of the inns deck. She looked over at him, "Maybe i should go and talk to him?" she thought to herself. "He looks so distracted, i wonder whats bothering him?" She looked down at the ground. "I wish Min was here with me" Vice looked up and noticed the tiefling standing there aimlessly stairing at the ground. "What is she doing," he thought to himself. "Why does she always seem to be lost in thought.......wait..why do i care. Ive got my own problems to worry about" But he couldnt help but feel a strange connection to this misterious girl. Hue looked up and noticed Vice looking at her, :animeblus she felt her cheeks reden. Feeling a small flutter in her stomach...."Min?" she said this aloud not thinking anything of it. "Min...? Whos Min?" Vice said giving Hue a strange look. "Oh .....n-no one, I'm sorry" She quickly looked away, dashing inside the inn to retire to her room. "Why did i say that....." :animeangr "Why do you look like him Vice...I..I wonder if he feels the connection aswell.." The man at the front desk handed Hue her room key. Hue thanked him and made her way to her room. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name: Maze Reo Age: 21 Description: [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/tenjou1.jpg]Maze[/URL] Weapon: Maze is skilled in Tie Chi, she also is trained in extream acrobatics (ex: if she is standing in an ally way she could jump up the two buildings pushing herself higher with each jump, and other things of that sort) She doesnt like to use guns but she does use throwing stars and knives. She is also trained in the use of many swords. Biography: Maze started working for the CIA at the young age of 19. Because of her wide range of skills she was a very valuable asset to the team. She has cought many wanted criminals and even had the chance to arrest one of the most famous men in organized crime. Well i guess i should explain how Maze got cought up with "Left". It was Maze's 20th birthday. She had taken the day off to do some relaxing and to have time for herself. Maze was injoying a nice hot show when her cell phone begain to blare her Fall out boy ring tone. She quickly ran from the shower getting everything wet and almost falling on her bum. She grabbed the phone from her gym bag and notice that the number was blocked. She desided not to answer and made her way back to the bathroom. But before she could even set a foot in the shower her phone again began to ring. She rushed to it and saw that it was yet another blocked call. After about 3 rings she desided to answer it. "What the HELL do you want," she said in a not so welcoming voice. "Oh......Is this a MissReo?" said the voice. "Yes and what mite you want?" "Oh well Im very sorry to bother you but, it seems that your bedroom window is broken," "What?...........Who the hell is this?" "Hahahahaaa" cracked the voice. "Hello? Hello? I said who the ******* is this you bastered!" Click....."Hello!!!!.........Damnit" Throwing the phone onto the floor Maze ran back to her bathroom to get one of her hidden daggers. When she got there she found that her knife was gone (And mind you she is doing all of this in nothing but a towl) "Damnit...how did he know my knife was there?" she said to herself cursing under her breath. CRASH!!!!!! BANG!!! Maze quickly turned around to see a metal object come flying at her facce. Maze never cought a glimpse of who hit her but she sure had a hit of who it was. Left they told her. Maze was in the hospital for 2 months recovering from brain damage. After she was released she headed stright to work. Ever since she has been trying to hunt down "left" to make sure that what happend to her would not happen to an innocent person..or worse someone she loves. Example RP: She saw him, his eyes stairing her down like a hawk looking at its prey. His eyes shifting Maze ran off trailing right behind him. He was fast dodging inbatween allys, but Maze was faster. Her legs streaching out like a cheetas. His red cape fluttering in the wind made him easy to spot. He ran into a store and she was right behind him. Running in to the store the owner yelling and waving his arms into the air like a mad man. She saw the man run up the steps knocking over a box of glass plates. A large shard flew by her face cutting in deep, blood began to pour from her cheek. Ignoring the cut she flew up the steps. There he was no where to go. She was so close to him she could smell his ranced breath and maybe even reach out and grab him. As if in slow motion Maze dived at his body, but missing completly as the man jumped of the building and into the water below. "****" she cursed to herself. "he cant possibly make that jump and still be living," she thought to herself. But surly enough he made it getting into a fishing boat and tossing the man driving over the side. "What a lucky bastered....what a sorry a** lucky basterd," Special Skill: She has amazing agility and above normal acrobatic skills. She can also fall from higher distances then most and not get hurt. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "I could have put everyone in danger..." Hue thought as she travled off to a corner of the ship. After the attack she didnt feel much like eating. "How could i have been so powerless aginst that monster?" She looked out into the sea not standing as close to the edge as she had before. Hue turned around and desided to go and find her room. She felt very tired and wanted to be alone for a few hours before they got on land. She grabbed her bag which was still in the same spot she set them down in when she arrived, and headed toward the cabins. She didnt know which one was hers so she just picked one that was empty; except for a bed and a small chest and lantern. She set her bag down and opened it up. She desided to change out of her wet clothes and into something more dressy and comfortable. She began to pull out articals of clothing unitll she seemed to have found what she wanted. It was a long white gown. It was her mothers. Shortly before Hue left her fathers he gave it to her as a going away gift. Hue began to undress herself, using a simple levitation spell to rase up her wet clothes into the air so they would dry, and put on the white gown. Hue smiled at this she had never warn a nice dress before and felt very gorgous and pretty in it. She let out her wings and gave them a good streach, and then began searching through her bag again. This time she pulled out a few candles, a small white handled atheme, and an incence. Hue proceeded to walk to the center of the room, taking the atheme she raised it above her head. She begain to speak in elvish, which she had learned from Min, soon the dagger began to glow a beautiful blue. She lowered the atheme down so now it was pointing at the ground. She uttered a few words , her voice begining to echo, and the glow from the dagger flowed out the tip of the knife and onto the ground. Hue begain to walk, letting the blue light form a circle which she was in the middle of. With the other contents she had gathered in the circle she said a small prayer and set the atheme down which had stopped glowing. She picked up the four candles, each a color to represent the four elements of the four cardnel directions: Choleric (Fire) south Sanguine (Air) East Melancholic (Water) West Phlegmatic (Earth) North She then begain to walk to each direction setting the right color down and lighting it , and saying a small invocation. With all the candles in their right place she picked up the incence and lit it. With this she made a small pentical with the smoke of the incence; above the north candle. The symbol began to glow the light aluminating the room. Hue said some more words in elvish and set the incence down sticking it in a crack in the floor to hold it up. She then sat down in the center of the circle. She closed her eyes and begain to clear her mind. She soon began to fall in a deep trance. The pentical infront of her glowing brightly. She then begain to sing, her voice filled up the room bouncing off the walls. Her voice echoed out her room and down the hall filling the air. Sounding almost as pure and beautiful as a sirens call. She continued singing feeling herself become more and more rested and slowly regaining her strength back. [/COLOR] ____________________________ OOC: I hope that was not too long
[COLOR=DarkOrchid] [B]"Well its very nice to meet you Ky, I hope we can become friends"[/B] She smiled and held out her hand. Ky looked at her with a smile and shook her hand. [B]"Im sure we dont have much longer now, Im mean it feels like we've been out here forever...and my legs are starting to cramp up from sitting down."[/B] Hue looked around for a clear spot to streach and spread out her wings. Not much luck the boat was pretty packed. :animesigh [B]"Guess I'll just have to wait untill we reach land to give my poor wings a go"[/B] she said touching her butterfly wings. Hue looked around and noticed that Vice was gone[B]..."I wounder if what Jura said up set him...I hope she isnt like that to all Tieflings [/B] :( [B]Hmmmmm[/B] " Hue stood up and began to turn around when she heard a strange sound coming from outside the boat. Hue gazed over the side........"[B]BwaaaahHH![/B] :animestun [B]W-WHAT IS THAT!!!" [/B] screaming she fell on her bum. Large tentical like arms flopped onto the deck, grabbing the polls of the sails and pulling itself up. Now you could see its face, it was nothing like Hue had ever seen. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" the monster screamed and wrapped one of its tenticals around Hues leg. [B]"WAHHH LET GO OF ME!!" [/B] Grabbing out her whip but the monster knocked it away. The Monster begain to lift Hue up high into the air. [B]"LET GO OF ME YOU BIG MONSTER," [/B] she tried to sing but the monster quickly wrapped a large tentical around her mouth. [B]"MMMMMMMMMHHMM *%$#!!!" [/B] Hue screamed out muffled words..." The rest of the crew witnessing all of this and ready them selves to fight the monster.[/COLOR] ________________________ OOC I hope its ok that i did that :) thought we could use some excitment!
Request Feye Valintine banner and avi pwase
Tsukai Doll replied to Tsukai Doll's topic in Creative Works
Mmmmmmmk thank you soo much for your time ^.^ I cant wait to see it!! -
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Hue could not help but feel a long forgotten feeling when Vice talked to her. His voice was not like Mins, his held secreats. She felt her cheeks begin to reden, why did he remind Hue so much of Min. Then a crazy thought crossed her mind, no that cant be they arnt even the same race. Hue looked away, well at least someone has talked to me. I hope we will be getting to land soon. Its not that she didnt like the sea she loves the water she just didnt feel to comfortable around these people. She doesnt know them, she would usualy be introducing herself to everyone but she couldnt help but feel shy. The wind was not blowing at all and she wonderd if maybe she got it blowing if it would make the trip go faster. Hue stood up and turned her back to the rest of the crue. She began to sing a simple spell. Her voice was like that of an angels she was a very gifted bard. The wings on her back grew and begain to flutter. The winds began to pick up blowing through the sails. The louder Hue sang the more powerful the spell got, and soon the boat began to move faster and was now going at a steady speed. There that should get us there faster she thought to herself singing the last virse of the spell. :animesmil She smiled to herself and turned back around. To her surprise everyone was stairing at her. Everyone except Vice, he seemed lost in his thoughts. :animeblus "Oh I thought maybe if i made the winds blow harder we would get there faster.....ummm i hope i didnt interupt anyone," she smiled at everyone still giving her blank looks. She sat back down feeling alittle proud of herself..she felt kindof upset that Vice did not hear her singing. "What wait why do i care..." she said aloud not relizing it. A few people gave her weird looks. She staired back down at her whip. She looked up again her eyes resting on Vice. She really wants to see what he is hiding, he seems troubled by something. She couldnt help but feel a strange connection with the other Tiefling. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Hue made her way onto the ship only packing a few things with her she set the bag at her feet :animesigh: and begain to look around. There where meny different kinds of people here. "I wonder if they are all here to help?" She thought to herself. She looked up and met the eyes of a man who had seemed to catch hers. Noticing her looking he turned away. "Another Teifling.....hmmm somethings very different about him..." She thought looking him up and down. :animeblush: Then it hit her....he resmebled Min...well except for not being and elf. He had the same eyes and his face resembled that of Mins. "No im just seeing things...." she shook her head...letting the memories of Min fall away. She clutched the rose whip tightly as she made her way towards the strange man. He had his back turned talking to a halfling, or what seemed to be one. They had a few choice words and the little man walked away. Hue stopped feeling alittle unwelcome. "This is a bad idea, maybe i should just go sit down" She thought as she began to feel more and more unwelcome amoung the others. She took a seat in an empty corner the cool brisk air blowing through her long red hair. "Maybe someone will come and say hello, i sure hope so it will be a long trip without any friends or at least someone to talk to" she thought stairing at the dark sky.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Name : Hue Darkfade Age: 19 Gender: female Race/Subrace: human/Tiefling Personality: Hue is very open with being a Tiefling she does not hide what she is. Hue has an arrey of personalities and maybe thats her downfall. Most of the time she is very bubbly and high in spirits, but don't let that fool you. When someone or something threatens the ones she loves and cares about she will do anything to protect them. Hue can be very imature sometimes and has a hard time being serious. She always feels like its her duty to keep everyone happy and its hard for her to grasp sometimes they way people are. Apperance:[URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/ccs/120.jpg]Hue[/URL] Hue may not fit the usualy descripsion of a Tiefling, but she is one none the less. Her wings become smaller when she is not using them. And yes she can fly but only for short amounts of time for it takes much energy from her. Bio: Hue grew up with her father, her mother was killed by an orc when Hue was only 6 years old. It was hard for Hue growing up and being a Tiefling, people were not always the niceist they could be. Her and her father lived day to day as Hue trained with a well known bard by the name of Min. Min was much older then Hue, being an elf himself. But he only looked the age of 20. Hue excelled in her training mastering most of the basic spells by the age of 12. As Hues training began to become more and more intense and her spending more time with Min she found herslef falling in love with the elf. By the age of 17 Hue had finished her training mastering all that Min had taught her. After weeks of thinking about it Hue desided it was time for her to tell Min how she felt for him. She knew that he was much older then her but he looked so young, she had to try. Later that day Hue made her way to Mins cabbin. When she arrived she heard yelling coming from within the cabin. She hid herself with a basic camoflage spell. She peered into the window to see a rihno of a man standing in front of Min. They were yelling very loudly about Min not fallowing orders. Min proudly disagreed and swore that he could not kill someone he was in love with. The man did not take this well for he grabbed Min and threw him aginst a wall. He took out a dagger and plunged it deep in the elves chest. Hue cried out as she saw the man stab the person she had known for so long the person she loved. Hue could not help it she burst in, a firey rage burning inside her, she bagan to sing out a spell, as most of the bards spells are gental in sound this one was almost unbareable to listen too. The thick man fell to his knees with a cry of pain as he grasped the side of his head. After a few seconds of struggle he fell in defeat. Hue ran to Min as he was still barely alive. He begain to speak telling Hue not to cry for him. He told her he would always be with her and that he loved her dearly. From that day on Hue never found out who the man that killed Min was or why he wanted to kill him. But she keeps the words and Min deep in her heart using the pain as her power. From that day on she vowed to do all she could to protect the ones she loved. Weapon(s): She carries a small fluit as to help in the casting of her spells. She also uses a magical whip that Min gave her. Its called the whip of roses given to Min by his father, Min gave it to Hue when she was a very young girl. Magic(s): She is skilled in spelles of almost every type. But she mostly uses earth and wind magic. The only true dark magic spell is one that Min taught her at the end of her training called the grasp of life. This is the spelled Hue used on the killer of Min. She can only use it in extream cases for it drains most of her energy. Class: Bard[/COLOR] OOC: I hope this is ok :catgirl:
[COLOR=Plum][SIZE=2]"Mi...Miiiimariiii..You can't run from me Mimari, Your weak Mimari. Your feelings make you weak and that is your downfall. You have failed Mimari just like your father! AHHAHAHHAHAHA!" Justice clenches a hand tight around Mimari's neck. "Uhhh l-let g-g-go of ....uhhh me!" "AHAHHAAHHHAHAH, you've failed you've failed!" "Nooooooooooooooooo............" Mimari's eyes snap open, she grabes her neck as she gaspes for air, "Just a dream" Her eyes travel across her room, making sure no one is around. "Why, why are these dreams haunting me, I'm not weak.... I will not fail" Mimari restlessly gets out of bed, walking over to the shower she turns on the hot water. She steps in letting the memories of the dream wash away with the water. She sighs looking at her hands "I don't know how much longer i can keep this inside of me. Father why did you have to leave me!" falling to her knees tears stream from her face. "No no i will not cry, i can't. I am not weak." Mimari turns off the water, stepping out she pulls on her uniform. "Its still early" She thinks to herself. Looking out the window Mimari gases at the war torn land. "I will not fail you father.....[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][SIZE=2][B]Reena May[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum] BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEP! Great another day, another day of show. Its always the same every day. I get up put on my make-up, drive to school and put on an act. I smile to everyone, of course only the "cool kids", I'm sick of it. Sick of being the girl everyone looks up to, but of course I'm Reena May the most gorgous girl in school. Its all a lie. I'm not perfect. I'm not gorgous. Im mean to people; i laugh when my friends make fun of the girl in the ugly red turtleneck. I get good grades and stay on the top of my class. I run track, but im sick of it. Sick of being [I]perfect[/I]. "REENA ELIZABETH MAY IF YOU DONT GET OUT OF THAT BED NOW I SWEAR IM GOING TO BEAT THE LIVING **** OUT OF YOU!" Thats my father. If only people knew, knew my home life. My dads an acholic, he works as a bartender so its part of his job. He also has anger problems. Its hard sometimes, to cover the marks he leaves on me. If only people new. BANG "REENA GET THE **** DOWN HER NOW!" I roll out of bed knowing I've done it now. I know I'm going to be late, my cars broken and i have to walk to school. I make my way downstairs, my fathers passed out on the floor. I step over him like its something that happens every day. I grab a poptart and head out the door. Today i have track practice...maybe ill skip. I found some of my dads pills. If I did it know one would know. "If you did it know one would know" "Who said that" i say looking around. Theres a little girl playing ball across the street. I shake the feeling away and continue to walk. If i did kill myself no one would care. "if you did no one would care....." [/COLOR]
Request Feye Valintine banner and avi pwase
Tsukai Doll replied to Tsukai Doll's topic in Creative Works
Wow thanks everyone i will have a hard time desiding which one i want!!!!! I figured i spelled her name wrong ..i was never good at remembering names :) Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu -
Hello there, if at all possible i would like for my avi to be a picture of feyes face looking either sad or angry and my name Tsukai Doll on it. For the banner i would like to have the samepicture and maybe a close up of her face and the words "Not your avrage girl nextdoor" and then in kindof faded text the word bang bang Im sorry i could not get the pictures for who ever will be willing to make this. sorry if i made any mistakes :animeswea oh yah as for the colors light blue, white, and pink Thank you for your time!!!!!!
[COLOR=Plum] [SIZE=2] Name: Mimari Tashi Age:19 Gender:Female Nationality:Chinese Human or Gear:Human Faction: The Sacred Order of Holy Knights Personality: Mimari keeps to herself, its not that she is shy but she is very secreative. She does not like to let people in and see her weak side. She hides her emotions and is very serious. She has lost her innocence, you will never catch her smiling. She is afraid that if she shows emotion that will make others think she is weak. She is strong and determed if you get in her way you will just be left behind. She is always training and always showing off for Ky, trying to stay at the top of her game always trying to be the best. Physical Description: [URL=http://www.d4rkw00d.net/gallery/wallpapers/wallpaper_the_war_of_genesis_3_part_2_06_1280.jpg]Mimari[/URL] Weapon of Choice: any type of throwing weapon (knives, stars) katana Innate Magical Element: Wind Preferred Jinki (Human only): Zessen Bio: Mimari has lived and trained with her father inside the Order. Her mother was killed when Mimari was 8, ever since she has been training none stop with her father to become apart of the Order. Mimari's father was one of the more skillful memebers of the order and knew Ky very well. Mimari looked up to her father wanting to be just like him. When he was away she would train in her room waiting to show her father how much better she has gotten. At the age of 15 Mimari was almost ready to stand beside her father. The day before her ceremony to become a soldier of the Order her father was called out to battle. Weeks went by and still her father had not come home. She became a soldier without her father there to see it. A few weeks after the ceremony the soldiers from battle had returned all but one, Mimari's father. He was killed by one of Justices men. Mimari was torn apart. She became more and more distant wrapped up in her training. She vowed herself to the Order and the fight aginst Justice. She would not become weak. She would not fail. [/COLOR][/SIZE]