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Everything posted by Zeiram

  1. Cosplay is also short for "costume play."
  2. Freeza never killed Goku. When they used the dragonballs to revive everyone who died at the hands of Freeza, the dragon said he couldn't revive Goku, because he wasn't dead. Goku found of the Saiya-jin pods aboard Freeza's ship and made a last-minute escape with that, to eventually end on the planet where he learned "Instant Transmission"
  3. I thought his original costume was badass. :butthead:
  4. It's a pretty original, and sometimes quite demented story, from what I've heard. It's on my list of animes to see sometime in the future.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nothing674 [/i] [B]Hey, what does Shinji keep listening to on his tape player? He plays it and then plays it back again to himself. What is it??? [/B][/QUOTE] hide. Shinji loves hide.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] AHH the multiples of 3! [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yeah? I have an older brother and a younger sister. We were all born two years apart, my brother in '79, me in '81, and my sister in '83. We were all born one month after each other, me in January, my sister in February, and my brother in March. Our birthdays are also in multiples of 3. Mine is on the 3rd, my sister's on the 27th, and my brother's on the 6th. Tell me that ain't freakish? But back on topic, yeah. I've got an older brother, 22, and a younger sister, 18. Out of the three of us, I've probably got the most promising future, and considering how lazy and unmotivated I am, that's not saying much for us.
  7. Gren? Damnit, it's been too long since I watched Bebop... :-/
  8. What gay character? Unless you're talking about Card Captor Sakura...in which I think almost everybody was gay.
  9. TN summed it up fairly well. I think it's hilarious that FUNimation would go through the trouble to change HELL to HFIL, so I use it quite often on message boards. Dubbies are, to me, people who are deprived of seeing anime in it's original, or slightly edited subbed form. They only watch dubs of shows playing here on American TV, and think it's the greatest thing on the planet. Kids who watch dubbed Pokemon and Digimon, they're dubbies. People who watch Toonami and haven't been exposed to anything other than that, they're dubbies. I'll admit that I too was a dubbie, for all of about a month or so, until I found how easy it is to access anime through the internet. I'll still watch the occasional dub (Cowboy Bebop), because in my opinion, it's just as thoroughly well-done as the original Japanese language version. In no way do I mean to start a sub vs. dub argument, I'm just explaining myself to somebody, so don't bother.
  10. I am from Texas in the States of United Americaaaa!!!!!11
  11. Dubbies are hilarious....poor, deprived little ones. Go watch some Cowboy Bebop; it'll blow your mind.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]You could have just ended the person to discover acure to aids... or the next president... the next father... the next scholar... the next fireman... the next architect... [/B][/QUOTE] the next Adolf Hitler...
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]TN you must have every or know every anime there is and own episodes...You say that all the time. [/B][/QUOTE] *spits out soda* Anyways....Tenchi was way, waaaaaay too overplayed on CN. I'm glad they finally gave it a break.
  14. Zeiram


    I bought the DVD a few weeks ago. It's a good movie, in my opinion. The only nag I have about it is that it's entirely too short, like around 45 minutes. Also got a mini-DVD with the video to "Pulse" by The Mad Capsule Markets, so that was pretty cool.
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