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About andarakitsune

  • Birthday 07/25/1987

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm eighteen and uh, I don't really know what to put here.
  • Occupation
    Currently I'm a part time babysitter but I also design tattoos

andarakitsune's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. I like DDR, but I really suck at it. I feel like such a dork while I try to play it (because no one I really know plays it where I live.) So I get no practice what so ever, I hope that I will meet someone that has DDR at there place when I get to college *sniffle*
  2. Is the horse still open? I saw it open on the first page but I just wanted to make sure it was still open with you first before I go ahead and take the role (I once did that without checking and I got into trouble when I first started Rp'ing *twiddles her thumbs innocently.*
  3. No, it doesn't snow year round in Vermont, we have a variety of weather. Some places like on our mountains still see some snow in July, but not down around where everyone else is. Actually, Vermont has quite a bit of heat waves, when I graduated it was around 100 degrees. Roads, uh, the main roads are asphalt thats right, there are still a lot though that aren't paved and so big rigs are the usual for traveling all over the back roads.
  4. I read manga because sometimes the anime is different. For the most part, in manga, the artist can get away with a lot more than the actual anime; some parts are even cut out or characters are thrown off because it wasn't bringing the story anywhere. Both Anime and Manga coinside with eachother to get the same objective across but manga is sometimes the best way to get all that one want's too out of that particular series.
  5. I love metal music, not any type of metal (because how can you catagorize metal music into subsections?) but all metal. SlipKnoT and Cradle of Filth are my favorite bands but I also listen to Murderdolls, Wensday 13, Rob Zombie, and a whole bunch of other bands that would take me forever to list all of them.
  6. Oi-titles and stereotypes. At my school, I had a bunch of different types of people (Preps, Rednecks, Posers, Hip-hop/Rap kids, Jocks, Goths, and outcasts) Throughout high school I was pinned as a Goth but I consider myself a Metalhead more than Goth. I am Wiccan but that's because of my beliefs, not what I listen to or what I wear. It's something that I believe in. But, I'm not going to go there and start a fight, I don't want to do that. Uh, I have no problem with kids of the other 'stereotypical spectrum' because I figure that if I left them alone they would leave me alone. Some cases that doesn't fit well and I end up getting into a fight. But, you'll have that no matter where you go.
  7. I live in Vermont, in the US. I live close to the Canadian border so there's some variety on the language in Northern Vermont. Work isn't too great up here and that's pretty much the reason why I'm going to be moving from Vermont.
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