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About Lostcause
- Birthday 01/23/1989
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Tall, skinny, teenager. very very strange
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Alec rushed himself up to a small table and leapt atop of it. "Everyone, calm down. No one here should think anything of the wakanda having a preemptive attack. We secretly sent some people out to posts. The each have means of communicating to us. If there was any sign of the wakanda we would have been contacted by now. So, since we haven't, we need you all to stay calm." The vampires mumbled to each other about the issue. Worrisome rumors spread like wildfire, while the few optimistic vampires in the crowd relaxed and took their seats. "BUT, WHAT ABOUT KABIRA?" Everyone silenced themselves to stare at the young vampire. He appeared to be the age of 25, and was dressed as one of the servant boys. [I]Probably a vampire?s guilty pleasure. They never do finish them off.[/I] "Step aside; let me see the one with the opinion stand strong among the ranks of his brethren." The crowd split as if it were rehearsed many times before. Vampires left and right started the gossip up again focusing now on the boy instead of their leader. The boy appeared nervous by the sweat on his forehead and the increased heartbeat. The whole crowd could sense his quickened pulse, yet another ability to the vampire kingdom. "Young lad, have you ever fought a wakanda? I highly doubt you have, due to the new bite marks on your neck. You're vampire, that is a sure thing, but you're knew to this whole entourage my dear friend. If I were you, I would watch my tongue before I spoke." "Yes, sir." The mumbles soon dissipated as the footsteps leading up to Malik's room echoed throughout the house. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] "Step aside, sir. No offense, but you need to leave this to the professionals, sir. Thank you, sir." Four military doctors surrounded the beaten corpse of the petite vampire. She lay lifeless and nearly blue from head to toe. With no sign of breathe, Malik turned away and bit his lip. As Malik pondered, the doctors chattered to themselves trying to get a general idea of Kabira's status and damage. "She was obviously in a fight, a big one, too much for her to handle. Sir, what should we do, sir?" "We might be vampires, but some of us just stretch it to the max. Regeneration is fine, she'll be able to heal most of the wounds herself, but we're going to have to aid her in the process. I'm going to need those stab wounds on her arms to be doused in alcohol to clear out all infection and then gauzed up on both sides. Her body will take care of the rest there." "SIR, WE'VE GOT INTERNAL BLEEDING IN HER ABDOMEN." "Check for bullet fragments, those look like close range bullet entry. She's pretty built, they're probably stuck in some of her muscle tissue. I don't see any exit wounds, so i'm counting six entry wounds, and another slash. I want those slugs out and then I want you to patch that up too. I'll take care of her ankle. Seems it's broken. We'll just pop it back into place and she'll heal nicely." [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] As the doctors worked on her physical state, Kabira was piecing together her mental stability. Slowly, her mind led her back to another scene. This time, she was in the green wooded forests of Germany, inside a castle. The castle was ancient and built from stone from what seemed to be the dawn of time. The worn slabs that formed the wall added a majestic tone to the palace in which Kabira called home at that time. Kabira's past self was dressed in a white clothe dress. The beauty of the dress came in the simplicity. With a total of three layers of fabric, and wrinkles abound, the dress fit the time of the house. Sprinting through the halls, Kabira ran on the walls till she got to Malik?s room. As she neared the door, she returned to gravity's world and settled on the floor. As she crept towards the door silently, words crept to her ears. "Kalei, how have you been?" Kabira's mind started churning trying to find a source of the name. "Oh, well you know how I've been. It's been how long since you were here in America. Look, I'm sorry to hear about what happened, I didn't want my people to chase yours out of the country. It places such strong pressures on our relationship." Kabira's eyes swelled with tears as her mouth dropped at the sound. She couldn't believe that Malik had found someone else, and all the while been hiding it. Her thoughts were non-stop of all of the memories. She questioned the credibility of his every word, and every motion. "Hold on, I hear something, sounds faint, possibly a heart beat." "Well, I'll just go back no, It took a lot out of me to send my clone this far. I'll see you later my love." A kiss connected the two bodies and then Kalei's voice from the castle. "Who is there?" Kabira launched herself over the railing and landed on the stones in the foyer in front of the door leading outside. She pulled open the giant doors with ease and swung herself over the balcony outside falling into the forests below. As she fell through the shrubbery, her tears quenched the leaves thirst for liquid. Landing on her chest, the ground shook. [I]What will I do? [/I] O.O.C. Boys, and girls, I return yet again with another post. Thanx again for everyone's effort. I LIKE YOU ALL ALOT!
As Kabira's body was strewn across the beauteous stallions back, her soul was elsewhere. Eyes opened as can be, she saw nothing of the passing fields lit only by moonlight. [I]I must see him one more time. [/I] Kabira knew she was near deaths door each passing moment. As her transporter overcame yet again another hill, Kabira began to remember moments from her past. The setting came together like a puzzle. First the bed formed, with four tall posts supporting the luxurious canopy draped above the satin sheets. Slowly, a rug came into play, along with a fireplace. Later a window entered the seen giving view to snowfield plains and a breath taking view of a nearby wood. Kabira overlooked the scene with an omnipotent view. "Hey, what are you doing over there?" Kabira saw herself draped in a large robe. It was obviously a man's by the massive size. Kabira paused the memory in her mind, and viewed herself. For that moment, she was happy. She saw a smile upon her face, and warmth within her heart never seen before. She appeared so innocent hidden among the scarlet red cloth strewn over her elegantly fragile looking body. With a deep sigh, Kabira continued her dream. "Just viewing the land. Its so serine outside, don?t you think? It's amazing how something so cold can warm the heart so much." Pausing again, Kabira found a handsome young man sitting on a bench with a warm cup of tea in front of him. He sat with only a sheet draped over his legs. He's shoulders we're broad, showing the man had a strong side to him, yet his skin was so soft looking, as if it were that of newborns. She stared long at the man, taking every inch of his body into account. Sudden warmth came over Kabira. Her heart introduced a small amount of adrenaline into her system, sending a shock throughout her whole body. [I]You have no clue how true your words ring in these ears. [/I] The memory continued. "I know. It's as if the beauty overpowers the sadness held deep within." The robbed Kabira stepped over towards the young man, draping herself across him, running her hands down his hardened chest. With a passionate kiss, the young girl placed her head upon the man's shoulder. "One day, you and I will rule over our people. I know that we can bring power to our vampiric brethren." "I know, Malik, but don't you think that is a little too much. I mean, can't we just stay out here. I mean, it's mostly night out of the whole year. We can watch the Northern Lights. The wakanda will never find us. Life can be peaceful out here, just with you and me." A tear dropped from the motionless rider. As it hit the ground, a sudden rain began to pound the field that lay between Kabira and her final destination. The solid dirt began to thicken into a mud that slowed her procession even further. The scene within her mind soon changed to dark once again. Kabira could not comprehend what had happened. Was this her feelings torturing her as they do, or was it a deeper connection that was somehow keeping her alive? Soon, the mustang had made it to the villa. The rain was pouring down faster and faster by the minute. Kabira regained consciousness as her steed reached the house. Stumbling to the door, Kabira knocked twice. A minute later, Malik opened the door. "How can something so cold warm the heart so much?" As the final word removed reached Malik's ear, Kabira collapsed into him. With quick reflexes, Malik caught her. Screams tore throughout the house. Rumors spread like wildfire. "IT WAS WAKANDA!" "The human's know!" "REBELLION IN THE RANKS." "GUARDS!!! Now, posted at each door. I want a scout sent out now. Alec, keep things together. I need a doctor now, upstairs, in my quarters!" Malik leapt up the stairs into his room and slammed the door behind him. He laid Kabira upon the ransacked bed. As the noise increased downstairs, everyone soon became silent as a loud deafening yell was let out. The vampires became silent at the sound of Malik's remorse. O.O.C. Well, I thought that was descent. Anywho, Angelus, I'll talk to you about what i was thinking next. I hope I didn?t portray him too badly. Thanks again everyone for your efforts. Sorry about the lack of mine.
The two figures in the dark became visible as a single gunshot was fired off towards Kabira and her crew. The light from the gun's muzzle shot out in every direction, showing their opponents faces. With the first glance, they appeared to be human, but after Kabira saw the bullet's magical aura speed towards her, she knew they must be wakanda. As if a force had driven them apart, the group split down the middle. The vampires regrouped, and the four minions began a flanking maneuver around to the back of the wakanda, two for each of their witch counterparts. "What shall you do now, oh vile wretches. I do by all means mean witches, lest you take no offense." The two figures stared blankly at Kabira. Finally, after a mere second, they turned to each other. The taller one to the left, the one that had fired the shot, spoke first. "Like, what are you talking about? Look, we are out here to find Kalei. So, how about you give us some information, then we'll turn you to dust." "And to think I gave your people more credit than they deserved. What hath happened to your valiant warriors of old? What of the days when valor was something to your clan?" Yet again the wakanda were baffled by Kabira. Just as the shorter one was ready to talk, strike came at her from behind. Finally the vampires had reached their positions. The strike was a surprise one and it seemed to have made a difference in the length of the wakandas' lives. But, as two of the vampires walked towards Kabira, a shot rang through the city streets. Immediately, both creatures stopped in their tracks. The one on the left checked for holes through his flesh, and find none. He immediately looked at the other. "Well, looks like you're gone. That just leaves more for me." As soon as his words ended, the vampire combusted in a bright flash of light. After everyone's eyes had returned to normal, the picture of the wakandas rising struck fear deep into the hearts of the three remaining vampires. Two lay upon the ground behind the witches. The other stood covered in blistering flesh. The light had burned him deeply, and he screamed in pain, until the tall vampire wrapped a lasso around his neck, and beheading him with just a pull. "The name's Laso, that?s Hawk. We're here for Kalei, got any idea?" "BOYS, FROM BEHIND, HASTEN YOURSELVES!!!" The vampires on the ground quickly sprang up and rushed themselves towards the two. As the four tossed and tumbled on the ground, Kabira pulled up a barrel and set it down as a chair for her amusement. [I]Two against two. Their up by two though. Well, I highly doubt that I'm going to need to be involved in this. [/I] Kabira focused back in on the fight. The vampires were fast, but they were being beaten down easily thanks to the weapons held by the wakanda. Luckily though, they kept both of them in close-combat, limiting the power of both the lasso and the gun. Each was designed to keep the enemies at bay from afar. But, the two had merely forgotten the speed of most vampires. The marksman began swinging viciously at her target as he dodged every blow as if it were nothing. Eventually, she made a quick kick into the groan of the vampire, sending him to his knees. As he soothed his pain by himself, his opponent ended it all with a simple shell to the heart. As she took aim at the second target, the vampire that received the shot to the heart exploded in yet another brilliant flash of light, sending everyone except Kabira feet away from the source. As the strong gust reached Kabira, she stood from her seat and listened as the barrel flew down the street. Looking to the side, Kabira stuck out a hand grabbing Hawk by the collar of her short shirt. "LET ME GO YOU VILE CREATURE!!!!" Kabira looked into here eyes. Hawk, frozen in fear, dropped her gun and returned the stare into the small Indian girl's eyes. She went numb from feeling, becoming no more than a breathing piece of flesh. Pain, love, happiness, anger, no emotion could be found in the heart of the wakanda at that moment. Taking a small step, Kabira jumped up into the air. As she reached the 7 foot peek of her jump, she threw Hawk into the ground. Though the fall was not as damaging as Kabira expected, she still smiled in success of her actions. As she found herself landing at Hawk's feet, she bit her lip. "Love, I'm afraid your time on this plane will not continue past this night. At the sunrise that we will depart, you will depart this earth." "Shut the hell up you freak." A cough interrupted Hawk's rebuttal. As the air escaped her lungs, remnants of blood landed on the edge of her sweater. "Oh, my precious wakanda, you hath not long. Save your words, I'll bring you're friend to you." Kabira walked off towards Laso as she stood before the other vampire. She held already killed him, but was recovering before she attempted her strike upon Kabira. As Kabira neared, Laso turned with a low swinging sweep of the ground with her lasso. As the thread neared Kabira's feet, her eyes widened. "DOWN DEMON!" Kabira fell on her back, screaming in agony as pitchfork penetrated her left arm. Looking to the left, she saw what seemed to be a massive had covered in her blood. As the claws stood still in reality, the shock from the pain moved them within Kabira's eyes. Laso walked over to her downed opponent and stood at her feet. "Now, last time I checked, BITCH, I know some curative spells. I know you have heightened regeneration capabilities, but pitchfork impaling; I doubt that's your strong point." Kabira's eyes focused on the metal prongs protruding from her arm. Laso took a knee before Kabira's downed body. "Now, this whip, you see, is blessed. Now, you could say that I had a pastor, or a nun, or Jesus himself bless it.... but they didn't. See, when I mean blessed, I mean it seeps hydro-chloric acid out of every inch. Yes, that's right, BITCH, you're messing with two extremely well talented grade A wakanda alchemists." [I]I... the pain.... I have to get this thing out of me!!!![/I] Kabira continued to stare at her arm's wound, not even realizing the words that Laso spoke, or the missing flesh on her right ankle. "Are you even listening to me?" Laso stood up and ran over to Hawk. "Hold still hun, I?ve got just the thing." A bright light covered Hawk, and moans began to exit her mouth. In mere seconds Hawk was standing prouder than ever before. Walking over to her dear weapon, she picked up the pistol and joined hands with Laso and walked over to Kabira's nearly dead corpse. "About that whole me departing thing. Yeah, I don't think that?s going to go so well without me dieing. But, on the other hand, you will be departing soon if I can recall." Hawk took the hand with the pistol and aimed it straight at Kabira's head. [I]SLAM YOU'RE FIST!!![/I] Kabira raised her hand and slammed it hard into the dirt around her. The ground shook, and knocked Hawk's balance off, aiming the shot into the air rather than into the brain. [I]Pick out the pitchfork and run towards the back of the houses.[/I] Kabira reached over as the lovers began to ready themselves for a second strike. Pulling the implement from her arm, Kabira let out a scream unlike any other. Throwing it to the side, Kabira ran to the houses on the side streets. Shots rang out as Kabira rounded the first corner. Immediately she fell onto her face, scraping it against the hard pavement. Looking down, Kabira now found one of the glowing shells within her leg. Luckily it had hit the same leg that was burned from Laso's last attempt. Picking it out, Kabira returned to the corner and threw the glowing shell towards the two. While in mid-air, the shell exploded sending everything flying. Kabira dropped behind the house and barely withstood the blow. "COME OUT LIL VAMPIRE. YOU'RE HURT, WE'LL TREAT YOUR WOUNDS UP ALL NICE, AND THEN WE CAN FIGHT." [I]I was weak. They could have killed me.... I failed....[/I] Kabira stood back up. As she viewed her surroundings she saw Hawk to her left and Laso right behind her. "Well, well, well. Now, look at this, a weakling SURROUNDED by TWO of her ENEMIES. Wonder what that means for you." "Bad news for you, you wretch." Kabira sent a punch rushing towards Hawk's stomach. Within inches of hitting her, Hawk darted out of the way to watch Kabira land on her face once again. The two laughed in unison until Kabira stood back up. Laso's expression changed from glee to hate in seconds. Unleashing her whip, Laso smacked Kabira across the side of her face, leaving yet again another burn on her. Kabira knew she had to do something. Thoughts raced trough her head... [I]Physical attacks won't work. What if I hit them with themselves... How about running.... What is Malik thinking....? What of Alec? [/I] "I DON'T NEED HELP TO REMOVE WRETCHES LIKE YOU FROM THIS EARTH." In a fit of rage, Kabira rushed the two witches. She managed to knock Laso into a wall with her limp are, and choked Hawk against a stone wall opposite Laso. As Hawk began to lose oxygen, she managed to pump six rounds into Kabira. With each one, Kabira didn?t even flinch. As Hawk's eyes rolled into the back of her head, Kabira twisted her neck just to the point of a few cracks. With the satisfying sounds pleasing Kabira's ears, she turned to Laso. With the internal clock ticking, Kabira reached in removing all six slugs. As she walked towards Laso, she saw her target awaken from the momentary daze that she had inflicted. "HAWK!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Tears streamed down her face as she looked past Kabira to her lover. Then, a pain struck Laso deeper than the pain in her heart. Looking down through her tears, Laso found the fist of her enemy enveloped in her own blood. "May your souls intertwine with each other on the next plane." Kabira removed her hand from Laso's abdomen. As the blood dripped, Kabira walked away. As she neared the end of the city's limits, Kabira turned to see the leftover of the city. With tears streaking down her face, Kabira stared into the city as a bright flash six times brighter than the previous ones ripped through the darkness. Kabira new that her modes of transportation were few since the untimely death of all of the horses. Walking through the hilled area, Kabira soon began to lose consciousness. As if it was destiny, the horse she road throughout the plains once before ran beside her. Reaching up, Kabira pulled herself onto the beast. "Make haste my friend as if it was the night in which we danced. Make haste..." [CENTER]---------------------------[/CENTER] O.O.C. Hey kiddies who normally happen to be older than I. I've been really busy, and I know that means nothing. I'm sorry, and I understand that I shouldnt have any excuses. So, best wishes. Much love to all, and let's keep dis going... :D
I have a question for all. I know that i've been suckin this time, but it's probably cause of the school thing, and getting back into gear... i'm just so overwhelmed anymore. But, I wanted to know if anyone else is NOT getting their emails and what not. Cause every time i look at the OB i have like three new posts in LMMD and i didnt see the underground grow till today.... I feel let down by the message system, but thats just me.. Anywho, just wondering about that problem...
Kabira popped her neck as she stood with her back up against the wall. Tears ran down her face from the final realization. Her hunger for lust and pleasure had yet again found it's way into Malik's hands. She knew it was not her place to fool around on one who was so deeply imbedded into her heart. [I]How did I do that? What came over me?[/I] As if I dam broke before her, he cheeks became oversaturated by her tears. The raw emotion that she had held back for the past hour or two had finally reached it's peek. Between Kalei's control and Malik's anger, Kabira found herself in a see of sorrow. [I]Stop this. Get yourself together. You know what?s going on, TAKE CARE OF IT.[/I] Reaching over, Kabira found a dress on the floor. She knew it was not hers, due to the overly gaudy appeal of it. Thoughts raced through her head of a vampire with such taste. Immediately, her mind honed in on Kell'Niele. [I]That hypocritical bastard. How dare he. If it had been an underling, the rage would be far less. But this putrid, repulsive, sad excuse for a vampire, disgusting.[/I] Trying to think nothing of it, Kabira whipped her face on the disturbingly hideous dress and then tossed it into the fire across the room. Pulling herself up, Kabira readied herself to make yet another appearance in front of her kin. With a deep breathe, and I quiet sigh, Kabira left the room in the same state she had entered it. As she glided down the stairs, her expressions upon her face showed total control of the crowd, and her self. "Ah, Kabira, we have much to talk of." Looking over, Kabira found Alec presenting himself with his head down. "Not tonight Alec, I have matters to attend to. Please understand. My actions mean no offense to you, but peace be with you this night. We shall speak after sunset of the next day." "As you wish m'lady." Rushing off, Kabira found three somewhat interested lackeys awaiting her presence. With a lick of the lips, and a innocent question, the three vampiric men rushed off behind the sultry queen. ******************************************************************** Tying there horses up, the squad of vampires entered a nearby town. Kabira stood in front, with the three young men following close behind. As they made their way down the street, Kabira and her accomplices noticed the lack of personnel on patrol. Each step seemed to empower the young lads that took watch behind her. They felt as if with the streets being bare, it somehow resembled their power over the realm of humans. Suddenly, two figures appeared half way down the street. Within the small town, there were but two street lamps set down a main road running down the center of the market area. "You've entered our city damned. You all shall die again." Kabira smirked and pointed a figure at her obvious opponents. "Go fetch some flesh boys."
Kalei gave Kabira a gaze, piercing her right to the core. "Those foolish feelings towards humans and the gaze of a vampire. So THAT'S what a Wakanda is. And to think I thought they were just 'gifted'." Setting the plate down on the table before her, Kabira walked over to her enslaved prisoner. The vampire circled Kalei, staring up and down at her precious toy trapped in chains. A swift kick came out from the chains, knocking Kabira back. The small vampire flipped head over heels and landed with her arms and legs far spread out, looking as if she was a cat. "Nice, I'll give you that." Standing up, Kabira felt a mark on her cheek. A long tongue extended from her, licking up the darkened liquid slowly oozing from her cheek. Licking her teeth, Kabira walked over to Kalei while still keeping in mind the reach of her foot. "Oh sugar, you are so glad I can't touch you, aren't you? You feel safe, and secure." "Leave me be you demonic wretch." "SPUNK!!! NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!! Show me some more sweet thang." Kalei responded with a deadly gaze. Kabira chuckled, laughing off the intent stare from her prey. Suddenly, Kabira heard footsteps coming from the staircase outside. "One second darling, I have to take care of something." Kabira ran over to the "stool" she had been using and propelled herself high into the darkened ceiling. Finding a place where she could store the body, Kabira punched a whole, and hid the servant's remains with him in the ceiling. Falling down, Kabira hit the floor and immediately started walking, as if she had not just fallen thirty feet. Walking to the door, Kabira brushed off some dust, and felt for her wound on her cheek. Luckily, her body had already healed it. Turning to say a few words, Kabira gazed back at her prey and the room. "Ooo, sorry, umm, here's the deal. See, I'm not done, I'll be back. Just give me a few seconds, literally, he's horrible." Walking outside to the stairs, Kabira planted herself in a most seductive position, awaiting for the general to come. Flux came rushing down the stairs. He clapped his hands as he neared the door. Kabira's eyes showed brightly, cutting through the dark as though they were illuminated by themselves. "Heheheheheh, guard my ass. Like he sent me down here to keep her safe." As he made his way to the final landing, Kabira jumped out at him, pinning him against the wall. Their lips met and Kabira indulged herself in the vampire?s lustful touch. Pushing her away for a moment, Flux questioned his actions. After a brief pause and realization, Kabira returned once more to the passionate indulgence set before her. Flux moved his lips down the neck of the beautiful temptress, kissing lightly. "...Flux..." Words were not said besides the simple grunts and moans exchanged between the two vampiric lovers. Although, for the two of them to be called lovers would be a misnomer of dramatic proportions. Kabira thought of it more as a convenience at an excellent moment. Swiftly, Kabira was pushed against the opposite wall, and the two began to quickly disrobe. As their bodies intertwined, the amount of sounds increased intensely, as did the lust between the two. Within a few minutes, the climax of intensity had passed, and both stood out of breath against the cold, damp, rock wall. Reaching over to her clothes, Kabira pulled another knife out from her belt. Treacherous was the name spelled upon this one. Quickly without a notice, Kabira introduced the sharp blade into the spinal cord of the younger vampire, blocking his nerves from their destined courses. First, a look of bewilderment took over his face. Quickly, it changed to a blank stare, as he collapsed onto the floor. Dressing herself best she could, Kabira laid the general against the steps furthest away from the single light above the door. Opening the door, Kabira returned to talk to the wakanda. "Well, that didn't take you too long you sultry bitch." "Oh, why thank you, I am the best at basically everything. Especially sarcasm. Don't play with fire you little manipulator, or you might get burned. Anywho, so now that the guard is done, I just have one question to ask you." Looking around, Kabira found nothing about the room besides the one hanging, and herself. "How do you still hold Malik's heart?" Kalei laughed out loud. The noise bounced off every wall around the room. Kabira turned red, a strange color for vampires. "Oh, come on, like you even care. Just go away, I'm not in the mood." Kabira was infuriated beyond belief. "FINE, HAVE FUN WITH FLUX." Storming out, Kabira walked up the stairs quickly removing the knife from Flux's neck. He instantly regain consciousness and clothed himself, having no recollection of the past moments shared between him and Kabira. "Watch her, she killed a servant with two small rocks and hid him in the ceiling." Flux entered the room seeing Kalei laughing hysterically in the chains. "Bondage must be your thing." Kabira stopped half way up the staircase and punched a massive hole among the rocks, leaving gravel to roll down the steps. Brushing off her hands, Kabira looked around, took in a deep breathe, and walked into the party once more, to here an announcement. Baffled by what was going on, Kabira blended into a crowd, and tried to find the gist of the speech.
Hey guys and gals. I just had a few announcements to make, just to inform all of you. DC, aka demonchild, can't be here with us right now. In fact she and Reiku are going to be gone probably over the weekend. Besides that, I am supposed to encourage everyone to continue writing in the RPG. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT TIME!!!!! Just for everyone's general info. DON'T SAVE KALEI. Yes these are the direct words from DC, and that if we can't control it, just start bustin peoples heads. Lol, okay she didn?t say the bust heads part, but it adds a ghetto flare to it. Besides that, I have no further remarks to talk about. I'm going to PM everyone about going to the underground in which I am posting right now. Good luck to everyone, and have fun. Much love, Lostcause
Kabira reached for a towel, being careful as to not step on the dead body that laid in the middle of the bathroom. As she found one, she quickly tied up her hair and began searching for another. Kabira whiffed the air around her. [I]The old dudes got gas. Oh, great.[/I] Finding a robe nearby, Kabira clothed herself best she could. Kabira walked to the mirror. Covered in steam, she used a hand towel nearby to wipe the water vapors from the surface of the reflective object. Looking into the mirror, Kabira saw no reflection. A towel stood alone in mid-air as a robe levitated just below it. Kabira sighed, and then looked around for the blow-dryer. Moments later, Kabira exited the bathroom looking more radiant than she did the previous night. Walking over to the door, Kabira quietly looked through a small crack in the door. [I]Let's see what?s down in that cellar.[/I] Walking out like nothing had happened, Kabira made her entrance an astonishing one. Neither lights nor sound foreshadowed her appearance. Nothing but the sheer intoxication of all in the room gave her away. The entire crowd glanced over to the door from Malik's private room to find nothing but an open door. "Where are you?" "KABIRA, COME OUT TO PLAY!" Silence was the only return from their calls. Finding her footing in the dark grad room, Kabira stayed against the walls, hiding in shadow so not to be found. She quickly found a way down to the cellar with no contact of any vampiric personnel in the ranch. Kabira found herself at the beginings of a spiral staircase leading downwards into the old catacombs on which the house's wine was stored. Looking around, she saw no one in sight. "Time for me to have some fun." Kabira crept down the staircase while her interests in the matters at hand grew with each step. As she neared the bottom, Kabira saw a door shut behind someone. Rushing to the door, Kabira kicked it in. "OUT NOW!" "Sí mi amante, era justo alimentándola."(Yes my mistress, I was just feeding her.) "I think I shall be the one with those orders from now on. Now go, lest I drain your crimson life from you in one bite." Seeing the stout girl, the servant gave a slight chuckle. "Perra estúpida. Sale, usted no es agradable aquí. Si usted no se va, usted morirá."(Stupid bitch. Go away, you are not welcome here. If you do not leave, you will die.) Kabira teared up, and ran into the servants arms. "Señor, me pierden y se asustan. Ayúdeme por favor."(Mister, I am lost and scared. Please help me.) The young servant kindly took the girl in his arms. With lust upon his mind, he soon felt a strong sting in his neck, and moments later he laid flat on the ground. Looking up, Kabira took a deep gaze at the girl who hung bound in chains. "Oh my, look what I have crossed paths with. Is it? No, it can't be! Is that you Kalei?" The girl hung, her eyes staring into the earth. Kabira picked up the servers tray, and propped his dead body up like a stool. Taking up the candle, Kabira set flicked it and managed to hit two other candles, igniting their wicks with the same flame. The room began to brighten up. "Ooo, who would have known humans are so comfortable? Not I, I will admit that. Although, now that I've tried it, I may just have to make a patent for it." Silence worked its way around the room. "Lighten up. I mean seriously, this guy had spaghetti for you, and I must say, it is delicious. Although, it could use just a little bit more mozzarella, an a few more mushrooms. I love mushrooms. It's like a vegetarian?s meat. Chewy, hearty, delicious." Kabira kicked up her heals onto the table before her. "Oh, we are going to have some eye-opening conversations tonight. We can be like old buddies, getting to know each other. Just think of this as a sleep over." [CENTER]-------------------------------[/CENTER] O.O.C. I'm gonna write some more later. Later being tomorrow, i have youth group and i'm gonna be swamped with work, srry.
"I'm heading out." Kabira grabbed her coat from the coat rack near the door. Quickly putting it on, the dashing vampire made her way out the doors of Malik's lair. It wasn't so much Malik's as it was a wealthy Spaniards settlement which just happened to conveniently been turned recently, allowing the hunted to hide. After shutting the door behind her, Kabira made the long walk over to a stable on the ranch the Spaniard owned. Walking through the cold night, Kabira looked up at the stars, bewildered by their magnificent gaze. Kabira stopped, staring into the dark night sky rittled with countless white orbs of light. [I]It's beautiful. We used to have nights like these all the time in Utah.[/I] Kabira's mind raced. The stars rearranged themselves. Tonight, everyone was awaiting for Malik to address the general vampiric crowds, but Kabira never stayed around for such talk. [I]Well, guess that leaves me to wander the fields alone.[/I] Removing her gaze from the sky above, Kabira moved along her set path to the stables. The barn was well kept, yet it had a rustic look to it. As Kabira entered the horses? home, her eyes immediately met the eyes of a pure black Arabian stallion. "Oh, my precious, we shall ride like the wind tonight, and see many great sights." Kabira looked around, finding the necessary equipment, and prepared the horse for the long night?s journey. Amazingly, the 15 hand tall horse was calm under the hands of Kabira. She walked the horse outside, and tied him up to a post. While Kabira wasn't into cleaning, she always learned to never leave anything that could lead an opponent to you. Shutting the stalls gate, Kabira ran towards the grand stable doors, shutting them just as easily. Kabira mounted the horse putting her head near the head of the beautiful beast. "RUN! Make haste my dear friend. We shall indulge ourselves in the beauty of night." Immediately, the horse launched itself into the night. The wind blew back Kabira's long hair just like wheat fields. As they sped into the darkness, Kabira's mind was blank and peaceful for the moment. The beats of the horse?s hooves soon began to lull Kabira into a dream like state. [I]A quiet mind, another beautiful God given gift wasted on the living.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Later, Kabira awoke and found herself moments away from a sunrise. "Shit!" The stallion stood ready to go. Kabira jumped on top of the strong beast. As soon as she checked for her belongings, Kabira summoned the horse to run to the stables. As they neared the stables, the sun neared its opening to the world. Dirt flew into the air behind the traveling companions, showing the swiftness of their pace. Sooner than expected, Kabira found herself at the gates to the courtyard. Kabira dismounted the horse. "Save yourself till we meet again my good friend. Run into the plains and enjoy the day. We shall cross paths soon, hopefully by nightfall." The horse turned about, and began to gallop out into the plains surrounding the settlement. Kabira made sure the horse started off, and then jumped over the gates, passing the ten foot tall barrier. Landing safely on the other side, Kabira walked to the door. "...And we will use her for our own gratification, and soon, they will be gone." Chants and screams, along with woot's and hollers originated from the meeting on the other side of the villa. Kabira walked over to a window, and slid into the room on the other side. Conveniently, Kabira found herself within a bed she had laid in many times. Looking around, Kabira realized she had to shower before Malik returned to his quarters. Dropping her clothes as fast as possible, Kabira ran into the open shower, and began to wash the dirt and mud fro her face, legs and arms. [I]Oh, what I do just to re-live the past and enjoy the simple pleasures of the present.[/I] "Hola pequeña señora, cómo es usted que hace esta multa y que vigoriza mañana?"(?Hello little lady, how are you doing this fine and invigorating morning??) Kabira whipped her neck around to see the Spaniard with his robe almost undone. Shocked by the newly turned vampire?s grotesque physique, Kabira bit her lip in disgust. ?Would you mind? Come on old guy! Go away!? The elder gentlemen looked the beautiful girl over. "Oh, pero yo piensa que acabo de encontrar la paga de Malik para el suyo que permanecía."(?Oh, but I think I just found Malik?s pay for his staying.?) The rage built up inside of Kabira as she stood with the water beating down onto her exposed flesh. ?And I think you are just about ready to get really hurt. Now, move old man, or you will pay.? The Spaniard began to outstretch his arms towards the small girl. With a grimacing expression, Kabira launched a strong kick to the man?s right hand, breaking it as it hit the wall. He screamed out in pain. ?Now, go.? "Oh, pero el dolor es placer."(?Oh, but pain is pleasure.?) Kabira was fed up with the man. She punched through the wall, and found a stud. Ripping it out from the wall, Kabira slammed it into the bastard?s heart. The vampire fell to the ground, his head falling into the shower, looking up at Kabira. ?Nasty old man, you WERE really fucked up.? O.O.C. I hope this is all good for you guys and gals. If we have any problems, go ahead an PM me. Wootness
Okay, so school is getting really demanding, but never fear, KABIRA IS HERE. It's all good my chillins, I am just uber busy at the moment. After I finish all my homework tonight, I'll be on and try to finish this darn character sign up thingy. This is going to be a multiple step process. I?ll be done by the end of the weekend. [B]Name:[/B] Kabira [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Vampire [B]Position:[/B] Malik's sweet and sultry mistress [B]Abilities:[/B] While many of the other vampires common to Kabira's knowledge hold a sensational ability of speed, Kabira herself seems to be rather a slow creature. While she seems slow due to the fact she can be easily caught, Kabira tends to make up for her lack of speed with her remarkable marksmanship and martial arts skills. Throughout her 219 years on this earth, Kabira has studied many skills throughout the world. During World War One, Kabira took up the rifle. During her time behind her secure location, she learned to appreciate guns for what they're worth in every category. Though not her favorite weapon, Kabira can always be found with a beautiful silver Desert Eagle strapped in a holster amidst her left side, near her chest. This weapon has served as a last resort in many a fight against her sworn enemies, the Wakanda. Keeping with her sultry attitude and drop dead gorgeous style, Kabira made friends with elegant craftsmanship. At a young age, before her change, Kabira used to watch her father throw hatchets. Being of a Navajo descent, Kabira witnessed many a hatchet throwing contest. Soon after her change, Kabira took up knife throwing. While she loved her father, she also resented him for his actions towards the family during her younger years. To follow, yet at the same time be unique, Kabira studied diligently over her new found art. Eventually, she made a friend by the name of Marcus. Marcus was significantly well endowed in the art of smithery. Using her naturally born talents, Kabira soon took the heart of Marcus. As a treasure to last all time, Marcus put his heart and soul into creating a set of twelve knives for Kabira to use in tournaments. One night, Kabira came home enraged, and in her berserk state, managed to kill her first love. Through the years, Kabira has kept the knives, one of her primary weapons. They can be found on a contrasting white lace garter belt, amidst her left thigh. Among her skills, martial arts tend to rank the highest. Kabira is not fast by any means, amazingly being out paced by even some mere humans. One of her most unique abilities is her great strength. Kabira is one to stay in a fight for hours. Resisting most blows, Kabira has been known to go on forever just to prove her strength among her peers. Advanced in many arts, Kabira is definitely a force to be reckoned with, weapons or not. [B]Appearance:[/B] Kabira stands at a mild height of 5'8". With her tan Native American skin, and her long dark black hair, Kabira tends to seem normal at first glance. But, while her skin tone and hair are nothing to awe about, her figure is something ferocious. With piercing brown eyes, Kabira tends to silence most men with just a gaze. Her luscious body is slim and perfect for the runway. Most often, Kabira can be found wearing an all black outfit, common among the vampire kingdom. With her long trench coat, and stilettos, Kabira appears to be a threat at first glance, for women, and Wakanda. [B]Personality:[/B] Like every sultry sensual vampiric heroine in the past, Kabira has the sass to back up her beauty. Her very gaze tends to turn most men's hearts lustful in mere seconds, allowing her to get what she wants, and what she needs. But we all know there is more than one way to get into the veins of men. Her sweet voice tends to send chills down the spines of her victims. Cocky as all hell, Kabira always goes into situations thinking they'll end up like the last, with her "on top" of it all, and walking away victorious. Besides her physical craving for the natural wine flowing through the veins of humans, Kabira tends to have another hunger. A hunger based on the most basic of instincts. The hunger for lust. Kabira tried her hand at love in years past, and felt nothing but pain as she watched them dwindle away. Recently though, Kabira has started to find the physical attraction towards the powerful vampire Malik to be growing like a weed, deeper, and deeper into her un-beating heart. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] Walking into the hotel, Kabira held strong to her man of the hour. His name was of no importance. Kabira saw it like this: If human's don't learn the names of their cattle, why should she learn the name of her's? Looking over through her hair, Kabira saw the man's desires build as they quickened their pace to the elevators. As they stepped in, Kabira quickly tapped the "Close Door" button, giving them a little excitement to carry them up to the penthouse sweet. As the elevator finally took it's orders and began to climb, Kabira turned to her dessert, pinning him against the wall. "Hey baby, you really are a hungry one aren't you?" "Damn right, I can't wait to see what you have to offer." Their lips met as they reached the 25th floor. The pheromones passed in-between the two, intoxicating him, and increasing her hunger. As they reached the 27th floor, the passion skyrocketed. Kissing down his neck, Kabira stood indulging herself in the sweet cologne the man used to attract the women he so desired. She knew that this was nothing more than "cooking" her meal, readying it for a simple and easy extraction. A moan let out right as the elevator dinged at their destination. Making their way to his bed, Kabira quickly removed her coat, and his shirt. Each step led them further down the lustful path. As they neared the bed, Kabira jumped into the man's arms. As lips touched, hungers grew within both of them. He for her body. Her for his life force. As they met between the sheets, Kabira was sadly not surprised at all by the man. As he fiddled away with numerous actions of his own, Kabira grew impatient. [I]Damn it, another eunuch! [/I] As they man's lips trailed up her stomach, Kabira readied herself. His eyes met her's. The man began to speak. "I lo..." The snapping of his neck finished his sentence, both life and language. Kabira had a strange way of feeding. Most vampires went for the common and stereotypical jugular vein found in the neck. Kabira has had many long years to study the human body with undying interest. She knew that the blood always pumped with more speed during a stimulating time period, this thereby meaning it would be easy to feed from any known vein in the body. Walking into the other room, Kabira returned shortly with her knives in hand. Sitting next to the limp man, Kabira removed one blade. The blade had an inscription upon in. The word "Passion" was engraved upon the pure silver. Pulling herself towards the body, Kabira raised the mans wrist up to her mouth. She slit his wrists and quickly began to suckle at the spigot. Indulging herself in his precious crimson fluid, a warm sensation covered her from the inside out. Moments later, she found the man almost empty. "Poor dear. You weren't up for any challenge tonight were, you? Oh well, seems you learned a lesson." The pale body made no response. "You're shoes didn't match your shirt. You should know that at least. The Frat-boy look is hott, but you shouldn't let your home reflect that. Clean up! Good God, is it that hard to ask for some order? Oh, your cologne was very sensational, but your lines were far from that. Anyway, thanks for the night. I had a blast.... Well, not really." With a chuckle, Kabira raised herself from the body and began to fetch her clothes throughout the apartment. Half an hour later, Kabira emerged from the elevator on the 34th floor. Walking to the escape stairs, she made her way to the rooftop. Looking around, she saw that the sun was soon to come out. With a smirk, Kabira finally returned Passion to it's rightful place. All the way up the stairs she had been savoring it as if it were a candy treat for a child. Each drop of plasma ran from her tongue and surged through her system. (O.O.C. I AM SUCH A WIERD FOO. Like seriously, I don't even know what I wrote besides she got it on, then didn't like it, and then got hungry at an ironic moment. Hmm, anyway. Thank you for letting me apply. Promise to do well in the RPG, IF I make it. Much love to all.)
[B]"Be lucky Lucifer assigned you specifically, otherwise you'd be on the ground my dear accomplice."[/B] Woe shook her head. [B]"Do they know which way we headed when we left?"[/B] Dead wad locked swords with Gabriel again. This time he managed to knock the sword down and give the angel of God a swift kick in the stomach, flinging him across the modern battlefield. [B]"Yes, now go angel. If you make it back from this one, with Azrael and his minion in tow, you might gain a little more respect....or not."[/B] [B]"Always triffiling in my affairs I see. Safety be with you."[/B] Woe took a last look at the battling men. [I]Always busy showing off. Men, angels and humans both are completely hopeless anymore. At least Adam knew how to sew an outfit together. [/I] Shaking her head, Woe flew off in the direction of Azrael and Drew. Thoughts raced through her head. Should she take the sky high approach, or stay closer to the ground? Snipe each off at once, or go in for some real fun? As Woe soared aimlessly through the night sky, she soon saw three figures running through alleys at great speeds. Amazingly, they were headed towards the hotel. A demonic chuckle came from the fallen angel as she dropped like a rock from the sky. As she neared the three, she closed her eyes. She dropped remarkably close to the ground before flapping her wings, sending human girl back about ten feet. [B]"Oh, pore frail being, I should have warned her shouldn't have I. Oh well, looks like she only sprained an ankle."[/B] At that moment Johanna reached for her ankle as it swelled in pain. Metatron stepped forward, obviously taking the leader role. Woe let out a sigh. [B]"Now why do you want to go there with me? You know that I could trash you in an instant. Look, if you all just go see Lucifer for a bit, I'm pretty sure he could clear things up." "We aren't going anywhere near that demon, Woe. Why are you doing this? Just because you fell does not mean you have to fight against us." "Oh really, last time I checked, I WAS FUCKING THROWN FROM HEAVEN BY YOU UNGRATEFUL SONs OF A BITCH!!!!!"[/B] Woe's eyes opened wide. [B]"Hahaha, seems I spend far too much time about Dead. But, then again, I am enjoying this new sensation. Evil is nice, incase you didn't know. Just realizing you dish out the pain, and then they die. HAHAHAHAHA. Oh, lorde, I need to calm myself down. Lose anything else, and I might be considered insane in this realm."[/B] Metatron shook his head. [B]"I have nothing to say other than for you to ready yourself."[/B] He turned his head looking at his two friends behind him. [B]"Run. Find Azrael and keep him confined." "Oh, no no no no my dear Metatron. By the way, I'm gonna call you Metty now. It's cute. Metty, this is a GROUP activity. You know I love to hang out in groups. So, since the pathetic human is down, guess that?s just bell-girl and you, right? Oh yeah, what joy. I get to play with the hunchback's wife, and a true 'gangsta'."[/B] Woe laughed after every comment she made. It seemed as though she had no true cares in life except the present. She didn't understand she was upsetting her opponents, she didn't even realize the sun was soon to come up, putting them all at the risk of exposure. Both angels rushed at Woe, one with a beautiful katana, and the other with a makeshift war-hammer that looked like a large bell. Using the dark to her advantage, woe simply began to dodge the large bells attacks, while blocking Metatron's with her knives. Surprisingly the stout girl with the bells was swift with her mighty weapon. She swung at great speeds, and with much force behind each heave. She was quite a valiant fighter, along with her side kick. Swiftly Woe jumped back to the edge of the alley. [B]"Seems we have some FUN before us. But, if we are going to continue this, I am afraid your little friend won't make it. Oh shucks, she'll magically get hit by one of my blades. It's a shame how fate works."[/B] Metatron took a stand obstructing Woe's view of Johanna. [B]"Oh Metty, have you fallen for her. I don't know what to say. How could you ever leave me? I'M THE BEST THING YOU'LL EVER HAVE METTY."[/B] Laughing, Woe moved fast to Johanna's side. No one saw her till she was there. Putting her hand to her cheek, Woe stared at the human. [B]"What ever shall we do about this lil pain your having? OOO, I KNOW, Operating time!!" [/B] With a smirk on her face, Woe dug a blade deep into Johanna's ankle. Her screams rang throughout the alley and the buildings around. Many people halted for a moment in response, and then returned themselves back to their night lives. [B]"Nurse, I would say we are finished."[/B] Woe stared Metatron in the face. [B]"I've got my eye on you. Best watch out, love."[/B] Woe bit her lip and flew up into a storm cloud. She looked down and saw that damn angel with the bells heal the flesh wound. The sun then came up in the distance. Yawning, Woe made it back to the hotel room. [B]"DUDE, THEY'VE GOT TEN DIFFERENT PLAYBOY CHANNELS. I swear this is heaven, no need for the God bullshit, just hook me up with my dear friend Luci." "How was Dead, Woe?" "Tired, I am resting, we can talk in the morning, just light up any dumb shit who comes around, EXCEPT Dead, or any hotel workers."[/B] Woe fell into the large bed, sprawling herself out till both her, and her wings, we comfortable. [B]"Hey Az, ya think I could get a piece?"[/B] Woe's hand raised from the bed, a middle finger stuck out high from her balled fist. [B]"Hey Az, ya think I could STILL get a piece?"[/B]
O.O.C. So effin sorry that I've been out of commission for so long. I love you all, AND I'M SO SORRY :animecry: . PLEASE TAKE ME BACK, I'LL DO ANYTHING. And I'll prove that with this entry :animesmil .....hopefully The words reached Woe late in the battle. [B]?Make sure Azrael escapes!!!"[/B] [I]Shit, always left for the clean up. I am going to have to show these men a few rules of mine later.[/I] With a smirk, Woe quickly turned to look Azrael dead in the eye. [B]"Let's go. Heaven isn't done with you yet. If we don't move we'll get the whole bunch of fruits coming down on us."[/B] Azrael stumbled backwards after hearing the words come from Woe's mouth. [B]"Such a change for an angel of God." "I respect Him, not his failed creations. Humans I just pity."[/B] Woe quickly grabbed Isa by the hand and picked up Drew in the other. She ran towards the edge of the building. She jumped over the edge, free-falling down the side of the building. Quickly, her eyes focused in on a man with a gun atop the nearby building that Woe planned on landing on. [B]?Shit, Hold on!"[/B] Woe launched the two men far into the air above the building. Spinning in mid air, woe launched a blade straight into the mains abdomen, slicing him into twice easily distinguishable pieces. Looking up Woe soared catching the two men as they reached the top of the skyward ascension. Drew hung upside down in Woe's arm, putting him in prime view for ?a private show". Woe looked down and saw the eyes of the human light up like those of a fifteen year old boy....alone...and defiled in filthy thoughts. Shaking it off, Woe soared through the air. [B]"So where exactly do you plan on taking us." ?Well, Lucifer did have this nice place over on sixth avenue.?[/B] Woe soared with the two males for miles on end. When she finally reached her destination both of her accomplices were amazed. [B]"I know he had a thing with pain and suffering, but this is luxurious. Who?d a thunk the king of hell would like his digs so comfortable." "Drew, don't touch anything, it's bad enough Woe broke the window when we landed." "Hey, I didn't mean to. If Mr. Horndog would have stopped looking up my dress, maybe he wouldn?t have been so surprised when we neared the window. Anyway, it doesn?t matter, I can fix that. Anyway, everyone get some rest, I'm going to go see if I can go help out Dead."[/B] Drew opened the door, reading the number outside. [B]"Ha, that's funny as hell. Hey, Az, take a look, room number 66 on sixth avenue."[/B] O.O.C. I'll write some more, just had to get this out there, plus I?m hungry, and if i eat myself, then we cant have anymore "amazing" entries from me.
O.O.C. It's been so long!!!! OB, and fellow members, I am so very deeply sorry that I have been so busy. It seems like so long ago. So, here we go. Isa jumped across the treetops, nearing the edge of the mystical forest. As his destination became more visible, Isa soon realized what was about. His keen angel eyes good easily sense magical energies about, and the auras around each of the guards identified them as being hallucinations. Without stopping, Isa jumped from the last tree and spread his wings, soaring low along the ground. His wings sliced through three elvish guards and a werewolf with ease. Immediately after dissipating into the air, the figures reformed their shapes. Almost simultaneously, a door opened. "ISA, THANK GOD YOU CAME." A smaller angel rushed over and grasped Isa with a strong embrace. "Nice to see you too Isis." The young angel stood only four feet tall, with short blonde hair. Many beings often confused her with a young male at first glance, but, her eyes gave her away. The troubled angel's tears ran down Isa's long brown overcoat. "Isis, what troubles you my sweet?" Through mumbles, tears, screams, and moans Isa got the idea that the local high angel had recently passed on, and the general order around here had gone to hell. "I... you... FIX IT!!!!" Isa looked around to find the local holograms were becoming fuzzy, as if the spell was wearing off. He soon realized Isis had put up the guards to confuse any passer-bys. "Calm down Isis, just calm down. We'll go inside and figure this all out. You need to keep focused though, otherwise that spell will fade, and then we have some real issues to deal with." Isa picked up the small child, carrying her as she rested her head on his shoulders. By the time Isa made it to the top of the stairs, Isis was in a slumber. [I]Poor girl, that spell asks too much of her.[/I] Isa walked into the building, an old school in years long past. He walked down the main stair case to find a long hall full of old lockers. As he neared the middle of the hall, the metal contraptions flew off the walls and locked creating a simple gate. With a wave of his hand, the lockers returned to their destinations, and more children poured out to welcome Isa with open arms. As the cherubs flew, ran, and walked to meet up with Isa, he had to quietly hush them from waking up Isis. Finding himself among an old room filled with musical instruments, Isa sat Isis in a corner and let her continue her rest. Running into the halls, the doors silently shut behind Isa as he knelt down to meet all the smiling faces. "ISA!" "OH, YES. THEM ELVES ARE DONE NOW.' "Shhh, calm down. I have a question. Has anyone else come here yet?" "No, Isa. We're sorry."
[B]" You think your hollow empty threats can tear me down? "[/B] Woe stood in front of the "Death-bringer". As her anger grew, Woe slowly became consumed by the dark haze once more. Clenching her fists, the knives returned once more to her hands. [B]" I care not what you think of me, but my God I do stand for. When in doubt he has always been there to deliver me from evils hand. I stand before you as a fallen angel. You might think this has destroyed my faith in The Lord, but it has not, for our bond can never be broken. If you wish to test my patience then I give you the first strike my dear Azrael, for you will much need it. I would watch my tongue if I were you, for the wrath of an angel is horrid, but the wrath of a woman is feared by all. "[/B] Azrael stood, baffled by Woe's speech. [B]" You believe you can harm me? My powers are those above God, and you wish to challenge me? "[/B] Azrael chuckled at the thought. With amazing speed, Woe leaped around the fallen angels, assuming a place behind the mental challenged mortal. [B]" I understand this one is a little sad today, shall I answer his wish? SHALL I GRANT HIM DEATH? "[/B] With a frightening laugh, Woe inserted her blades into the man's chest. He screamed in horror. Laughing, Woe removed the blades and pushed the mortal unto the ground. No blood dripped from the corpse. The fallen angels stood with a deranged look on their faces. Woe could only guess what floated through their minds as she laughed. Slowly, Drew stood up. He looked at his chest to find no source of pain on him. [B]" What did you do to me? "[/B] [B]" I simply impaled you with some air, just enough to knock the wind out of you for a bit. What, you thought I would waste my time removing you from this world? Do not make me laugh simple-minded fool. Although, if it would prove my worth, I would love to spar with one of you, possibly you, the new one. "[/B] Looking over to Balial, Woe focused on his eyes. She knew he controlled some sort of power, yet she could not explain what it was at the time. Calmly she walked over to the fallen angel. She bowed, and then walked to the other side of the roof top. [B]" Demon, come what have you! "[/B] As the dark mist swirled around Woe, Balial licked his finger and pointed it skyward. [B]"Oh, look at that, high elevation, and strong gust, looks like you are going down tonight sweetie.?[/B] Dead, Azrael, and Drew all moved to a side of the building that would not let them interfere with the ensuing battle. Azrael saw this as a test of strength for the little girl. [I]Who knows, maybe she isn't all that bad. [/I] Woe's eyes flashed open. She soon found her target and darted towards him. As she neared in towards Balial, she saw him take his cigarette and throw it before him. As soon as Woe entered striking distance, she was blown away by a strong fiery gust. Quickly, she flapped her wings, sending the flames back down. She then glided over Balial to face his back. [B]" You are quite the trickster my dear Balial. You shall be an, interesting opponent in the wars to come. "[/B] [B]" Sugar, I haven't even gotten started yet, trust me. "[/B] [B]" Oh, but I can't my dear comrade, for as you are my friend, you are my enemy. Enough with this chit-chat are you going to be a man, or am I going to teach you a few tonight? "[/B] [B]" I like the way you talk, makes me feel right at home. "[/B] Their eyes met on the roof top. As they readied themselves for another strike, the sudden murmur of a helicopter reached their ears. [B]" Oh my. Comrades, run! I'll stay, trust me, humans are no challenge. "[/B] The other three angels ran to the fire escape with Drew in tow. Woe stood there walking toward the edge of the building. The helicopter soared up the side of the building and above Woe. [B]" Ma'am, freeze, you are under arrest..."[/B] [I]Freeze? I was thinking flames my dears. [/I] Woe flew up to the helicopter, and stared at the two pilots through the windshield. [I]May God keep you from Hell. [/I] Woe slowly brought the blades up to her face. Suddenly they began to burn with intense flames surrounding them. Sprinting through the sky, Woe made her way for the fuel line. Quickly, she threw a knife into the tank. Within a second, the mechanical contraption exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere, and a blade right back into Woe's hand. Woe hovered in the sky for a minute or two, to see the chaos below her, and the panic she had caused. Returning to the rooftop, Woe walked over to the door and flung it open. [B]" Now, I suggest we move before more return. "[/B]
Well, since we ALL like my poetry so much, lol, I decided to let the creativity flow. This next one is about a dear friend of mine. While I have a lovely lady on my mind, no names needed, she knows who she is :rolleyes: LOL. Anyway, getting back to the story, I have a dear friend. Me and her have been friends for going on four years, and from the moment I met her, I was blown away. She is definitely an amazing girl, personality and other ways too. She's into the same activities as me, and she's just amazing. In the past, I told her that I liked her, and we almost dated, went to a school dance, and that didn't work out so well, so we decided to just stay friends. But, my attraction towards her doesn?t listen all that well. I never got over her. Even when I dated my first love, she never left my mind. So, in the end, we hung out last night, and we walked on the canal in Indianapolis, and we just got so close again. She's going through some rough times, and she's glad I'm here for her, but at the same time, she doesn?t want me to gain the wrong impression. And I just got sick and tired of hiding my feelings, SO I'M BEING A FLIRT. Lol, yes that?s right, I am not controlling any emotions around this girl, and showing her an amazingly fun time. So here it is, my latest work, with no name. [CENTER]Is it all right that I dream of you ever night. That I walk with you in the day, and sometimes in the night. That we say we are friends, yet I feel something more. That you say it could never happen, as I walk you to your door. I have known you a life time, and you always seem to amaze me. With everything you do, they way you look, and your personality. I call you a friend, yet my heart takes another path. I hope you realize 10 plus 10 is 20, its simple math.[/CENTER] That last line is a lil thing I have. When I find someone I am really into, I joke of how we would make a twenty when we are put together, because she thinks I'm a ten, and I think she's a ten. It's corny, but cute as hell. I know it rhymes, and I despise that too, but it just came out like that, so that's how it gets written down.