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Everything posted by Lostcause

  1. [B]Name:[/B] Woe [B]Age:[/B] Appears 30 [B]Gender:[/B] Appears Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Woe appears just as her name states. A fallen angel, corrupted by sadness. Woe stands about 5'6" tall. She weighs around 120 lbs. Since she was casted out of heaven, she has longed to return to God's side. Although a fallen angel, Woe still wears the heavenly robes she was first granted. White down silk strectched down to the floor, pure in every thought, except for the fact a demon now wears them. Woe has blonde hair, reaching down to her shoulders while her golden eyes gain the attention of everyone in the room. One of the purest demons among Lucifer's horde. [B]Side:[/B] Fallen Angel [B]Weapons/Powers:[/B] See attachment. The two blades were given to her by Lucifer, one of the few kind acts he has performed as leader of his domain. When she was cast out of heaven by God, many had pity towards her. She still felt as if she was God's child, but she knew to meet him, she would have to fight through many foes. She took the blades and quickly learned how to use them. Woe's secret, her magical abillities, allows her to bind elements with her blades. This allows her to gain the advantage on her opponete within mere seconds. [B]Personality/Bio:[/B] Once one of the most obediente angels ever to walk within God's presence, Woe was a favorite within heaven. She constantly performed her duties to God with excellent prescision while not faultering from the path of righteousness God intended for each of his creatures to follow. But, that all came crumbling down when Lucifer made his attacks. After he and his followers were cast down by God, the Choir started to interrogate every last angel, even the cherubs. For some reason, after the first week of interviews, the Choir gave up on their ideal of checking everyone. They began random background checks, often ending in exile. Amazingll, Woe was one of the first. They read her information, and realized that she was very pure. To keep them all from looking like complete fools, they exiled her from Heaven for eternity. Woe feels that while she is among the demons, she shall install a sense of order within Hell. The loose way things are being ordered about is completely absurd to Woe. She needs order. She understands the task before her will be difficult, but, she feels that if she were to help Lucifer find this angel, then their is a possibility of order in Hell. While striving for salvation, she may faulter from her path. But she realizes that God will understand, as long as the Choir is out of earshot. Revenge towards the corrupted Choir will be her repentance, and her fee for returning to heaven, or atleast that's what she believes. In the end, Woe is a confused angel. She feels as though she must deliver God's judgement even if it is wrong in his eyesight. Easily aggrivated, Woe is a handful. She is also an amazing warrior, excelling in close-combat. Her only problem is her inner struggle she has. She must chose to either go with God's will, and remained damned for all eternity, or against it, and seek salvation for herself. The tides of war are slowly shifting, and that means its possible for any thing to happen. Damnation or blessedness, either way, Woe will face many difficulties on her journey.
  2. Isa, my character, IS FREAKIN AMAZING. But, besides the obvious, he uses many spells, due to the fact he is an angel. So me and XYZ decided that we were gonna list the spells down here for you. If you wanted to know the translations, or any of the effects it has on the target. So, here we go, and I hope this is informational for you. Mude A Terra ~ this spell translates to "Change the Land". It gives the caster the ability to form the earth at their whim, as long as they can keep focus on the target. Uniformidade ~ "Uniformity" basicallly, it changes the target into its surroundings. blending it in to the background. Targets can only be non-living things, so no humans, angels, elves, or any of that. Just objects. Choque~ "Shock", as simple as that, an angel can cause electricty to jolt out of mid-air. The voltage depends on the concentration. The lower the power, the lower the focus. For things such as bolts of lightning, you would need to concentrate only on that target. Geada ~ "Frost" has the same concepts as Choque. Remova ~ "Remove" actual does not destroy things. It only alters its matter that way things, such as humanoids, can pass through it. It can only be used over small areas. So you can't focus on a floor and have everyone fall through. Furo ~ "Puncture" creates wholes, normally used to escape through. Although, you could use it to make a whole for, oh, say moulten hott lava to travel down. Holes range in size, depending on the focus, and power put behind the spell. Inferno impetuoso ~ There is no exact translation, but as far as Isa can tell, it causes it's target to catch fire, normally burning into turned into ashes. Instant cremation, with no evidence left behind to tell who it was, and or if they were a person or not. Well, so far, thats it for spells. But I also want to explain the Elder's and their magics. In the actual RPG, i state which each one rules over. Their names are just the angelic translations for each type.
  3. OOC. HISTORY TIME AT MIDNIGHT, WOOT. While unconscious, Isa trekked back to his younger years. He saw himself when he made top in his class for the 15th year in a row. That was when the elders started to speculate more from Isa. He was a very studious cherub, but he had the skills of a full fledged angel. After the graduation from Puoco Heaven, Little Heaven, the elders brought him into the grand council's private deliberation room. Isa stood, no taller than a four year old human child, surrounded by all eight elders. The flew up to their respective seats, sat, and stared down at the child-like Isa. The eight elders each presided over a certain faction of all the known magics at the time. There was the hot tempered ElderFogo, mentor over all fire magic. Then there was the calm and collected Elder Água, leader over all water magic. Elder Gelo, the cold solitary personality, presided over ice magic. The quick witted Elder Relâmpago looked over all lightning magic. Whimsicle Elder Ar politically took the head of all air magic user's, but was not to proud to accept the position. Elder Terra was down to earth, literally standing for earth magics. Elder Restauração taught all curative magic with a very optimistic persona. Then there was the last of the elders, the so called leader, Elder Alteração, high angel of all magics, and soul teacher of alteration magic. Feeling overjoyed to be in the elders' presence, Isa quickly bowed, and raised his head, mesmerized by the rooms atmosphere. He glanced about. He soon realized why the inner sanctum was so diverse. Each elder received a piece of the room to decorate as they so please, which they coincidentally always sat within. Isa viewed the contrasts between each elder. Their personalities showed through on their artwork. Some went with a simple design, while others pitted their frustrations into the ivory surface. The drapes that hung below each elder came to a complete halt, thereby commencing the meeting. Only Elder Alteração spoke. "Isa Ansuz, you are a fine student." In a high pitched voice, a simple reply of, "Thank you," rang from Isa. "Do you have hopes of joining the ranks, possibly one day being an equivalent to Michael?" "Elders, Michael is a legend. A great angel who fought off many a foe, protecting us all from the harms of the damned. Michael was a man of great physical talent, I am but a mere worm in comparison to Michael." "You may lack the physical talents Michael once had, but you are far greater in the arts of the magics my dear cherub." "Elders, I humbly thank you for your confidence in me, but I have no dreams involving defense of our people. We can all stand for ourselves, each one of us can wipe an army of our enemies out. I only study to prepare myself for the worse. I will come when called, but other than that, I wish not for my mind to harm any." "Isa Ansuz, can we entrust you with information not known to the public?" Isa's heart skipped a beat. [I]They trust me, a mere cherub.[/I] "Why of course elders. You may entrust me with your deepest secrets." Looking at the other elders, Alteração took a deep breathe, and began his long soliloquy. "Our people believe that we settled on a planet with the name of Kai long ago." The room went silent. The elders knew the truth would be thrown before the public within a week. With yet again another large sigh, Alteração went on. " We never settled on a planet since leaving Nevaeh. We elders created a fantasy for the public to keep ourselves in office, and to continue our journey through the galaxy in search of other life forms. Recently we came across some rather interesting information. We finally found a suitable planet for our people. It seems that the planet is in the midst of a war. We are going to land our ships on this planet within two weeks. We will then make contact with the stronger of the two sides, in hopes of quickly ending the resistance, and thereby freely receive their defeated enemies land calling it our own. We will then settle in, and act normal. As we gain more information of our allies, we will then turn against them, thereby eliminating them from the planet, called Earth, and leaving it for us to reap the benefits from." Isa's jaw dropped just like that of a child's. His eyes started to water. [I]We left our war torn planet in search of piece, not more bloodshed.[/I] With gritted teeth, Isa held a his fists at his side. "[B]NO!!![/B] " "What? You dare defy us, The Elders?" " I have lost many a friend. Our people have suffered many causalities. We left Nevaeh in search of peace. I will not let you do this to our people. I realize that you are trying to make me see your side, but it's not going to work Elders. I am my own person. While I have surpassed you all. You fear me, and you wish for me to become one of you. I will not have it. They will all know." Isa turned to run out of the sanctum, but he was quickly chased after by two brute-like angels. "Cherub, return to your spot. The elders have yet said you may leave." With tears in his eyes. Isa released a scream that shook the whole ship. The elders' thoughts were startled, and they lost control of the reality they had created for all of their people. The interior of the ship became visible. Grass disappeared, trees vanished, being replaced by metal pipes freezing cold to the touch. While the guards panicked, they did not realize what was becoming of Isa. The form he took right before fainting into this repressed memory returned. The ice made him strong. It gave him weapons, strength, and a horrid hunger for the suffering of others. The four foot tall cherub ran into the first guard, removing his arm with one swipe, and gutting him with another. The blood froze as it touched Isa. He glared over at the other guard, and cocked his head. Isa let out a deep breathe, shown by the white mist exiting his visor. The guards eyes opened wider than ever, just in time to see the blade slice him right there. Isa's blade entered his throat and protruded up out his mouth as his eyes became fixed at the ceiling, were the blood splatter had frozen. Flying up to an equal level as the elders, Isa felt the ship that had been in orbit above earth sink into the atmosphere. Taking his right arm, Isa nailed each of the elders to their seats with a large sickle straight through their hearts. Feeling refreshed, Isa took in a deep breathe. Relaxing, a piece of the ceiling fell on him, knocking him unconscious. The ship slowly landed in the ocean named the Atlantic. causing nothing more than a ripple an inch high. This was when Isa finally awoke to being carried by Zyx. Rubbing the back of his head, Isa smarted off. "To be carried off into the sunrise by such a smart ass, how ironic."
  4. Isa walked carefully to the door of a pub. He took a deep breathe, and walked in hoping for the best. When he entered, he was immediately stopped by two large Yaels. Both of the beasts were in a form resembling that of a ancient cat once found on this planet. [I]Tigers.[/I] "Hold on lil fella'. This is an outstanding club, and I don't know if ya' up to par with our other 'guests'," said the shorter of the two. "Location my friend. Look into location." Patting the Yael on the top of the head, Isa pushed his way in saying, " I'm just here to meet a friend." The larger Yael moved in front of Isa, as the other stared at the vampiric owner of the property. With a shrug of their master's shoulder, the "guards" moved out of the way, letting Isa pass. He went over to the bar, asked where he could find a bathroom, and traveled down a hall. He passed the bathrooms, and came to a wall. "Remova," was chanted by Isa. Right before his eyes, nothing happened. He waited for five seconds before stepping through the wall. He found himself within a rebel hideout. They all began to silence their small talk as the angel walked through. With a few chuckles, they all started speaking again. The spell began to fade, and the wall's matter began to reassemble itself once again. Before taking a seat at the corner table, Isa removed his coat, setting it on the back of his chair. Closing his eyes, Isa stretched his wings, feeling refreshed from his common posture. The wings spread as far and wide as the biblical creatures wings were assumed to be. Folding them down, the took a seat. Isa relaxed his body, and managed to take a decent rest within the chair before hearing a heavy smack against the doorway he had entered this room from. A minute later, a strange looking figure sat before Isa. "Isa, I'm Zyx, nice to meet ya." A firm hand was held out before Isa. Slowly opening his eyes, Isa stared at the creature. "What are you, Yael?" "No, long story, but angel and human." Staring at Zyx, Isa chuckled within his head. "Okay my friend. Well let's get down to business. I was sent here to evaluate you. I was also sent here, in my mind at least, to tell you that we can not except you into the resistance due to the fact that you are lacking in your skills. Now, do you want to waste my time, or can I just deliver the judgement now?" Zyx returned Isa's stare with a confused glance. "Listen up man. No need to be so pessimistic. I'm no god, but i can kick some major butt." Sitting up, Isa stared at the young lad. Isa spilled water over the cement table. Focusing his gaze upon the water, Isa moved it into a perfectly square shape. Closing his eyes, the water before Isa then froze. He touched Zyx's head, and stared into the icy screen. Before him, Isa viewed the recent actions of Zyx, involving his magical skills, and his health information during the time's when he performed such magics. "You use magic on one guard, leaving the other to speculate what happened, poor decision making. You then do not check your form until you are already in the party, horrible preparation skills. And you set a smoke bomb off in the middle of a party among many a people, and quickly remove yourself from the scene?!?!!? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING CHILD. We are hunted because of these acts. Because infants in the art of magic decide that it's okay to go in and play around with some pretty fireworks." "Hey pops, I did it to gain information for the resistance, ya got a problem with it, maybe I should show you a lesson." The whole crowd within the room had moved to the other side. Each drew up a shield just incase of possible magical energies ricocheting off to hit them. The ransack group of rebels were constantly scared of the two angels. They knew Isa was strong, and Zyx had an easily harmed temper, causing in many a fit. As the golden eyed angel realized what was going on, he instantly returned to his seat. Isa shattered the object he used to view the past, returned his coat to his shoulders, and popped his neck. "I'll talk to my superiors. You have great amounts of energy, but control is your weakness at this moment." Quickly scribing names into a sheet of paper, Isa floated the paper over to the angel. "I suggest coming across some of these books. They will provide you some tips, and some rituals to perform to gain more focus. I have hopes for you. Most of us are well reserved, including myself. While we are experts in some areas, I have a feeling bringing you into the fight will helps us gain a broader influence over Jumoke. Keep safe till we next meet. I'll inform you via telepathy of our rendezvous point." Without even taking into consideration the words being thrown round the room, Isa stood dead center. He looked up at the ceiling. "Furo!!!" Instantly a massive whole opened up reaching all the way to the top of the building. Isa closed his eyes. He's wings exploded out from underneath his coat. He slowly propelled himself upwards while still in the room. When he finally had enough, Isa shot up through the whole soaring sky words. Before exiting into the now darkened sky, Isa returned the building to what it once was. Soaring through the night sky, Isa calmed himself in preparation to meet his superiors and inform them of the prodigy he had come across. After a decent amount of flying Isa decided he best check his surroundings. Now that he had cooled off, he realized the stupidity he was showing. [I]I let a half breed some how get under my skin. I have not checked to see if I'm being followed. Get a grip Isa. [/I] "Visão da noite." The night sky became clear as day. He looked around. He viewed two dark creatures behind him, following reasonably far behind, and the distance was still growing. [I]Yaels.[/I] Two Yaels had been on Isa's trail since he left the city. One resembled an owl, the other was a vulture. [I]Talons, that sounds fun.[/I] Flipping over to his back, Isa slowly revealed why he had gained his name. Focusing, Isa's form slowly changed. Ice covered him as armor would any angel. He received grieves, boots, a breast plate, pauldrons to cover his shoulders, and gauntlets. A visor made of Ice covered his face. From his gauntlets, massive blades were sent forth, yet still attached to his arms. He came to a halt in the sky, and hovered in his warrior like state. The yaels met Isa in the air. "Oy', you look so heavy... you'll fall to the ground faster know. Well, makes the clean up a lot easier." Without any sound, Isa launched after the two. He hit the owl straight through the heart. The vulture, on the other hand, was harder to get. After a few quick swipes, Isa realized he would have to out-wit this one. He went for a quick upper cut, and while the vulture moved out of the way, Isa launched his foot up into the middle of the vulture. He then flipped over and sent him crashing towards the earth. Isa then began to grow faint. He knew if he did not land soon, it would be over for him. He dropped and right before crashing into the earth, managed to gain control and lightly touchdown. With a grade A landing, Isa's armor melted away as he laid unconscious in the field. OOC, didn't mean to push your character the wrong way if i did XYZ. Anyway, hope i am doing alright for you all.
  5. OOC this is the third time I am going to try to post this. For the past two times, my computer ATE IT, and made it go away :animecry: . So now, maybe we can do this. Hopefully you all like this. I have high hopes for this one... Isa stood standing in the middle of the ever changing crowd. Many were sickened just as much as Isa by the dead corpse over to the side, and yet he couldn?t manage to turn his head from it for a moment. [I]If she would have run .25 miles faster, she would have made it to that gate. That would have spared her a couple extra seconds for her cries to reach her mother's ears.[/I] Isa looked over to the crying women. She screamed in agony by the sight of her daughter?s body. [I]That stupid werewolf, she could have at least made the site a little bit cleaner. The claw marks, they prove it's a wolf right away. And the blood stained footprints, those show were the murderer went.[/I] Isa figured he would stop and view the wolf once more. Since she had easily picked him out of the crowd, Isa figured he would be a gentleman and at least do the same. Isa removed himself from the sea of people, and went down a darkened alley, a less common site in the modern world. He knew that dangers lurked down these alleys, but he also realized salvation came from the same dark place. Humans and Angels had been outlawed for some time, being hunted down like the ancient game the people on this planet hunted many a year ago. Angels' wings were removed and put on display above doorways, and fireplaces, to show power. Humans were not such a pretty game, but none the less, were extremely entertaining for this worlds newest inhabitants. Walking farther down the alley, Isa finally came to a dead end. He set himself about six feet from each wall. He then took a knee, and chanted the words, " Mude A Terra." Slowly a mass of rock climbed up to the height of its neighboring walls. "Uniformidade!" As these words were spewed from Isa's mouth, the rock began to move , changing itself in mere seconds, to identical replicas of the other brick walls, laced with blood, soot, and other stains of the past wars. Isa trembled and slowly crawled over to a corner within his new cell. Within this small space, Isa relaxed trying to focus himself to regain the strength he just expelled to hide himself. He knew with magics as strong as what he had recently used, he would be weak for at least an hour, and retain a headache the size of Jumoke. Resting his throbbing head against one of the old walls, Isa laughed. [I]And to think that such "Divine Beings" live here now.[/I] The laughter continued, until he realized it would be best to keep quiet. Times have changed. When the Angel's first arrived on earth they were granted the palaces of many religions. They took the temples of worshipers and turned them into resort vacations. The people moved themselves out onto streets to pray, that way Isa's people would be relaxed whilst "protecting them from all evils". [I]We lived a lie, and this is our punishment.[/I] Awaking form his memories, Isa stood in the middle of his temporary home. He flew up to the roof tops, gentle placing himself on top of one. He walked over to the new wall, focused, and snapped his finger. The wall slowly crept down, returning to the earth. While creating something was difficult for Isa, returning it to its original form was mere child's play. Still not completely focused, Isa ran through the rooftops like that of ninja's and ancient assassins in a world long forgotten. Isa waited for clouds to cover the streets before leaping over them. He knew that the sky was already darkened to night, but for safety reasons, he still played it safe. With a pounding head, and heart, Isa's memories crept upon him once more. I remembered when he was young, and not obsessed with his studies, the one night he escaped for some late night relaxation. He spread his wings and soared on his back, gazing at the stars. Later he would ascend to a height so when he turned over, he saw a similar landscape. The stench of blood awakened Isa to his destination. He stood behind a chimney, and gazed in as the beast's fur was soaked and then washed clean of the bloody stains. A little elf boy helped the wolf's coat return to its true color. Isa was amazed by the dark creature?s beauty. Her coat was a mysterious black, while her eyes could catch anyone into a hypnotic trance. Shaking his thoughts from him, Isa thought, yet again. [I]Taking her on here, suicide. Taking her on anywhere, suicide. But how about some mischief to see exactly how fun this ever changing game of prey and predator ? I do believe we have found an answer.[/I] With a smirk, Isa glared at the water nearby the creature."Choque," whispered Isa. Slowly, you could see a tiny bolt of electricity being manipulated towards the water. When it touched, the wolf stood straight up, staring the little boy dead in the face. Isa hid behind the brick structure that kept him hidden from the creature. Laughter overflowed, a strange thing to see such a studious Angel doing. He quickly gathered himself, and looked back at the window. He focused on the calm creature?s nose. "Geada," and a light covering of frost covered her nose. She once again stared dead at the child. He trembled pleading for forgiveness. Isa laughed again. Returning his eyes to the streets, Isa knew it was time to get down to business. He had a meeting with a strange character coming soon. The report he received said he was part angel, and part human. Shaking his head to the non-sense, Isa found an alley and dropped down to ground level. Gaining his composure, he joined the crowd in the street. Isa had a couple blocks to cover before returning to the current hideaway. Hopefully it was still up and running. He had heard of the recent crackdown on the hideouts. Four this month. Would today be a fifth, or would it just be another day for a rogue.
  6. OOOPS i realized i just double posted :animeangr . that makes me feel stupid. WELLL GOOD MORNING boys and girls. Today we are going to read a poem created just last night. It's fresh off the blocks, and ready to drown at the half way point. It was written about someone far away, and how possibly, the two people could comprimise and work it out to meet in the middle. How they are from different, but somehow similar backgrounds. And how possibly the can learn to love.... that's a possibly that might just happen, BUT, only if they wish... [I]you know who you are[/I] IF you happen to read this. [CENTER][I][U]Thank you Earth[/U][/I] Do angels come with such darkened wings, Such unholy paths, Such damned curses? If demons come in robes of white, with chastity on their side, Such madness is possible. Can the blackest of whites, and the whitest of blacks, Walk hand in hand? One fallen from Heaven. The other risen to earth. Doomed to walk with one another. Blessed to feel for each other. One's Father removed her from grace While he dreams of salvation. He looks for forgiveness. She wants less attention. This is a match made on Earth.[/CENTER]
  7. [QUOTE=Chaos] Kilik, Raphael, Taki, Maxi? Please. He can match any of their combos with a K > Sidestep strafe > A-A-B [hold]. That puts you in his lower stance, where you can either hit A and do a low leg sweep that can't be guarded against from a standing position, hit B and do a lancing stab that's almost impossible to guard/deflect, or do forward B and do an overhead somesaulting slam which can break most weapons' guards. His only real match would be Ivy or a good Kilik/Seung Mina or Mitsurugi with Masamune, but even then, you can't continuously attack, and deflects can be disasterous in a high-skill fight. Nightmare lives up to his name, I assure you. PS: Godel, yeah, Yunsung may have a smart mouth on him, but just watching those splits makes my eyes water.[/QUOTE] I second the motion of the splits and the eye watering. Trust me, your not alone with that. And um, YOU HITTIN ON MY GURL. Oh, hecksey naw, lol. Ever heard, well, you might have seen it, of Taki's lil thing called Wind Roll? Oh, it brings salvation to all take players. You use that, and you can roll to either the left, right, or right straight in, dodgeing most attacks. Then you can add in either A-B-A, A-A-A, A-K-A. Its such a variety, and it ends up cutting away at lil Mr. Seigfried. "OH, ya, my namen is Siegfried, ya. OOO, Taki is strong, ya."
  8. A friend of mine, Nagi Tomo, IS FREAKING AMAZING. lol, she told me about this sight. Well, when I first thought about it, to be honest, i was like, GEEK, whatever I ain't doin it. And, then I fell in love. Oh, OtakuBoards, you were my one true love. I am so sorry I was rough on you earlier on, but now, i hope you accept me although I have hurt you. I have changed :animecry: . PLEASE TAKE ME BACK OTAKU. lol, My first RPG was Nature and Necro, which is SUPPOSED to be still going, but i dont know. I have always had a natural talent for writing i guess. Normally it was poetry, but the RPG's here let me atleast express my CRAZY theatre side. From poetry, to everyday stuff, to the inner gaming geek, to stupid psycho me, the OB offers it all, and i thank it deeply. Oh OB, please forgive me wrong doings :heart:
  9. Thank you all so much. I am so very touched that so many of you like my poems. Especially my last one. I know it is a very contraversial(spelling?!?!?!?) subject. And i am also glad that i can actually take a stand for those who dont. It can relate to many people. Whether it was the religious issue found in it, or possible the domestic issue found in it. I thank you all for just viewing these, and the comments have made me very happy recently. I figured i will wait just a little longer to get more views for that poem. Thank you so much for reading my poems, my feelings, and my heart. Stay safe, much love, chris Poetic soul, let me sleep. Poetic heart, no longer weep, these tears of raw emotion. They deal with love and life, With hate and strife. And make me cry past the midnight hour. Where my body rests, you can too, Let a slumber encompass you, And rest your trapped words. My body and you long to dream, As boring as it may seem, You will thank me in the end. Now rest, oh, tired one, Your day is now done, Let slumber consume you. Give in and ponder, But dont let your mind wander, Too far out of reach. Although you do need rest, I always write my best, When I am low on sleep. Note :I dont like to do the rhyming scheme if you cant tell. I dont exactly think this is as good as others, but i cant figure out one to post right now. So this one seems decent. Go ahead and hack it to heck, it probably deserves it., oh and the title is what the clock looked like in the mirror, minus the nine, so i had to flip it. [size=1][color=red]Please do not double post. If you wish to add more to your post, just edit the original post to include the message. -- Lady Asphyxia.[/color][/size]
  10. Okay this one... well... this one is also dark, just cause, i am a avery dark writer. It has to deal with a very arguementive subject... experience in this area helped me write it. It deals with being punished by someone, to finally finding my footstops at the altar of my religion. I aint pushin this on anyone, it's just a personal experience for me.... It's more of a story than a poem... but i think it gets the message across anyway you think of it. It's literature, it's life... [CENTER]His hand becomes an enforcer of pain. He makes me bleed. He makes me remember. I realize that friends I have lost, I realize feelings I hurt, Lives I've crushed, Happiness I've killed. Content friendships wash away like the blood from my face, Down into a drain. I am my worst dream. I am my DEVIL. And being as such, I must have a domain to call my home. My Hell. My hell is complete with, Countless blades, crying faces, Trampled feelings, dead friendships. But, above all, I am alone. By myself. Silent. Crying bloody tears which burn more than my heart ever has, Sting in my eyes, cutting down my face, to create a pool around my feet. This becomes my audience, from this crimson puddle arise, figures from my past, They are Dead, they are gone. HOW CAN THEY BE REAL?!?!?!?!?! Staring into my bleeding eyes of blue, With out oxygen, it turns to that blue, If it dies though, but then I do too... I can?t give up, Not now, not ever. I feel the hand hit me again, reminding me reality is near, I drop my defenses now. My legs give. My heart gives. My life gives. And while at this low, I look for help. The trees with knowledge don?t respond. Those who I pray to cant help! They are as silent as they always have been! The puddle is now to my shoulders? I look in panic now. This can't be it! I can?t lose this easily! Then I return to my defenses and stand straight? With limitless courage and life I am Born Again. The ocean of Blood disappears. Figures I despise leave and disperse. The hand swings no more, it is stopped, For now, for good, forever. Life is a new field now. Plenty of obstacles in my way. But none I cannot conquer with the power in my soul and heart. Amends must be created. Relationships reestablished. Apologies long forgotten now fulfilled. For once I sleep, In peace and happiness. God is with me he protects me. My faith is growing. And I thank my savior, For letting me realize, I am me, do not be ashamed. Be thankful cause I can, Do something more than anyone else. I can be me.[/CENTER]
  11. Tracking people someohow? I am not certain about any of my theories as is. I am just throwing them out there, kinda like a dream, that i know will never come true. Thanks for the help on my info so far Stryke, and RiflesatRecess, you are right, it would be hard. Like i said, i never worked all the bad parts out. But, maybe you could be informed somehow. Like you have people who happen to join parties with the players, then, CUT, they're dead.... or Maybe you could open the fact that normally you only see the people in your party on the level, so you would have to work towards getting them to join you, to hack and slash them to itsy bitsy pieces... once more, its all just speculation.
  12. [CENTER] You harm me, and I pretend it doesn't happen. You give me pain, and I suppress it for eternity. You give me friendship, and I try to create more. You, however, never give me the truth, the one thing I need. You all give me feelings, twisted and distorted by my mind. You all give me memories, forever remembered in my soul. You all give me the truth, the one thing I never want to hear. You all give me what I want, and what I hate, reality.[/CENTER]
  13. Thank you very much for the comments. I don't believe I forced it out, but none the less, I thank you for your imput... I may post more later, I just want to make sure that I post the right ones. lol
  14. Raiyuu, within the thread, which shall be nameless, my friend, who shall also remain the such, was told she would have to be "dropped" cause the thread-creator stated that she would prefer to " work with experienced OB members" Thanx for the complemnt too. i dont get those much.... THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR THOUGHTS. It's nice to know that even though I do have a problem, we can all maturely discuss the matter, and others over this forum. I greatly appreciate OB and I thank them for letting us use this space to voice our opinoins. I, myself, am starting to broaden my sights and enjoying all that OB has to offer. Once again, thank you very much for all your thoughts and comments.
  15. Name: Isa Ansuz (Rune's actual translations refer to Ice and God) Gender: ???? See Age. Age: Resembles that of a 25 year old human male. Actual age is unknown. Race: Angel Rank: Solo Rogue Personality: Isa was a very studious Angel. Since he can remember, he always had talent with the arts of his people. From the simplest spells such as those of Elementals, to the more disciplined ranks of Alchemists. While Isa was unique in the gifts, he was not so graciously blessed with people skills. Always studying and preparing for further challenges, Isa never came in contact with any other life forms other than those willing to help his progress. He lacks the charisma that most Angels have, along with the optimism. Height: 6'3" Weight: 145 lbs Eye Color: Crimson Red Hair Color: Dark Brown, reaches to his shoulders. Body Structure: Isa is a frail Angel. He is hardly any muscle mass. Very lean. With glasses of minute size, Isa gives off the stereotypical sight of a studious young man. Although his is so frail, none ever get to see the true him. He covers himself with a magnificently large light brown trench coat, a gift from a teacher to a pupil. Character Snippet: Isa was sitting in his room studying the material he was given from his teacher. [I]If I add in just a little more iron, I can boost the reaction up 24.56%.[/I] Isa thought to himself as he prepared for his exam tomorrow. Constantly calculations were being composed like a symphony within his head. [I]Knock, Knock[/I] " Isa, you mind if I come in? I haven?t seen you in awhile and I was wondering if you were doing fine." Without even removing his eyes from the paper he so diligently studied, he raised a hand, and with a simple flick of his wrist, opened the door. Within the door way stood a youthful, male looking Angel whose name was that of Othila. "You are in some crazy stuff my friend. Come on, geeks don?t need to learn such arts. There is no way we are ever going to have to use them. Hell, most races we encounter think of us as "Divine Beings". We have the worlds at our feet, no reason to worry." Isa looks up to see Othila sinking his teeth into a freshly picked apple from the nearby orchard. As Othila enjoys the first gulp, Isa glares at the apple and with a snap, combusts it, causing the result to go everywhere. Othila begins to choke due to the shock of such a reaction. While Othila tries to clear his throat, Isa smirks back," Because Divine Beings have to live up to the name some time or another. We can't just prance around all the time. One day, you will regret not preparing yourself for the worse. It will be your downfall Othila." Othila still stands chocking on an apple. Finally, after performing the Heimlich manuever on himself using a chair, Othila looks at Isa. In a serious tone, he whispers, " When that day comes, I will be long gone my friend. I will never see such atrocities within my time. And I won?t see you again either. Goodbye Isa. You recluse." Isa returned to his studies, not realizing that he had just lost his closest ally ever. Isa was destined for power, and sorrow, for years to come. [CENTER]------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] All the while, Isa watched from a distance as he saw his fellow brethren being dismembered and enslaved. He knew he was one of the few who had escaped from the wrath of the great Demons. These unrighteous creatures had crawled onto this planet, and taken it by force. Now, with only remnants of what Earth used to be, Isa felt a duty to return salvation to this world, and its older inhabitants. Walking away from the cultist-like building of the slave traders, Isa encountered three foes. Three elves stood before him. Each of very short stature, but a threat none the less. "Aye, we found ourselves a big one fella's. Let's grab it, and may'b we could sell it to that trad'a." Isa stood among them in a field with knee high grasses. Facing the three lightly armed elves, Isa knew it was their life, or his. Staring them dead in the eyes, Isa spoke these words softly, just enough so they could hear him over the gentle breeze flowing over the sea of grass, ?You should count yourselves lucky that you were walking about within these fields my friends. For, the beauty of these flowers and grasses are far too good of a grave for you. Yet, maybe I could spare nature the trouble of decomposing your bodies." "Oh, look at the Angle talkin all big, ya. T'ink he so good at d'is. W'll ta'day is ya luck'ay day my friend." " It's an Angel you dimb witted fool." The elves rush Isa from the front. Quickly removing his coat and letting it sink to the ground, Isa jumps into flight above his small enemies. ?YOU SHALL PERISH UNSIGHTLY WRETCHES." and with by raising his palm up, the elves flew up into the air. Staring at them as the gradually escalate into the thunderous atmosphere, Isa chants," Inferno impetuoso!" As soon as the elves begin to descend from their thrill ride, they explode within a fiery pillar, sending their incinerated remnants into the air. Slowly returning to the ground, Isa takes a breathe, folds his wings down, and returns his coat to its rightful place. "The damned will all perish by the end of my crusade." Walking off into the distance, Isa hears the complaints of the Slavery Shop's owner. Continuing on his path, Isa raises a hand, and snaps his fingers. Returning his eyes to the ground, the shop sinks below the surface into a giant gash within the earth?s crust. (O.O.C. Now ofcourse Isa won't be able to perform such strong magics without any consequences. I was thinking that the stronger the spell, the harder it is for him to aim and correctly hit his targets. If you wanna help me out and give me some more sacrifices that he must endure to cast spells of such power, that would be great. I had to edit a bit, cause I did this at like TWO in the morning, and i was crazy.)
  16. I myself believe i make resonably good quality posts. I do not wish to start a fight, or any argument for that matter. I just wished to put out the question. I find though that the stereotyping is there. I might just be selecting the wrong RPG's to enter myself into, but it seems to me to be a constant theme. I also understood the fact that once everyone was a "noob". I hold nothing against these people, and I do not look down on any experienced OB member at all. It's just the fact that I commonly run into those people who do such things over and over. Also for the record, never did I say i supported posts that held no meaning. I do understand that fact. But, maybe I am stereotyping myself. I had hopes that most New members would realize that low quality is not worth being posted some times. Maybe I am wrong there. And I do understand where most people are coming from when talkin of experience. But I also understand that without being able to post, and without being able to post, say within an RPG, you can never gain the experience needed to move up. Yes, you can post in mass quanities, and I do not wish for anyone to spam, to raise your rank. But for me, I look a it as I am going to make every post worth it. I am going to put my heart and soul into creating characters, making comments, and also continueing on a story line within an RPG. I had hopes that I would not be outnumbered in my effort to make this problem realized. But I find that I to am some what of a stereotype, hoping that all "noobs" had the same understanding as I towards OB. So, I do apologize for making such lude comments towards Members, and for giving possibly too much credit to New members. But I still do stand my ground. I believe that it is wrong, and I wish for it to go away. Thank you though, for atleast discussing this problem and taking a stand. I respect that. ~Lostcause
  17. As all can tell, I am a New member to the boards. Now, what really ticks me off, is the fact that many of us new people are extremely critized because of our titles. For instance, i had a fellow OB member who happend to be new also. She decided to sign up for a thread. The accpeted her, but then again, after they recieved two more membes, not new members, but veterans, she was then told she had been removed from the thread. NOW DOES THAT SEEM RIGHT TO YOU. I mean to take a stand for all New members here at OB. I believe that although we may be new, many of us posses the talent to be accepted into higher up threads. This whole issue with stereotyping new memebers seems to get me off on the ticked side of things. I believe I make very good posts within the thread i am within. Nature and Necro, if you all want to check it out. In fact, I am online a great deal of the time, and wish to expand on the story, and write more, but I do not want to push away all the other players by being too dominaint. So, in the end, just please understand that not all New members lack the potential "required" to be within some threads. Leave your comments on this issue. I just felt it needed to be brought to everyones' attention. And for those stereotyping people out there, exactly how many posts must we make to be considered good enough? (how many posts to be members instead of New members?)
  18. [quote name='RiflesAtRecess']I bought .hack//INFECTION the day it came out because it sounded very interesting to me. The funny thing about it was the fact that I had a weird dream right before I heard about the game that me and some friends got trapped inside an RPG, it was odd. So I paid $50 for that one. I later paid $35 for Mutation, $50 for a glitchy copy of Outbreak, which I returned and bought again later for $20, then I got Quarantine for $20, so I feel pretty lucky I guess. I cringe at the thought of paying $200 for four games that are exactly alike, but back then I was about to.[/quote] Well, i havent bought them all yet, mainly cause of the money problem, CAUSE NO ONE IN INDY WANTS TO HIRE A 16 YEAR OLD, jerks.... newya, i got the second one, mutation, for 15 bucks, CAUSE IT HAD A TINY LIL RIP IN THE CASE, it was so tiny, and i complained about it, cause i wanted it for "collection" value, and she gave it to me for 15 if i wouldnt tell her manager. I LOVE LAZY PEOPLE. thank you for making my world cheaper, NOW JUST GIVE ME A FREAKIN JOB.
  19. Oh my gosh, such beauty, thank you ever so much my friend. oh my gosh, i think i just had a moment in my pants, wow. Danke Herr oder Frauline.
  20. ARE YOU SERIOUS??!?!?!?!?!?!? i thought all the crap sucked.... man, wow, i happy now... thanx alot guys/gals/things
  21. So, I hear we can post poetry and stuff on here.... well, i normally post on my lj, and i get stuff like, 'that was really good' and all that. But, i know those are my friends, so i want real people who arent pulled on one side to just go ahead and judge these and give your opinion. I believe that when I'm at my lowest, the better stuff tends to come out. So here ya go. Basically, I am really hatin all the emotional crap chicks put on us guys, and how they toy so much. Go ahead and leave comments and judge it. I think it is poody, but if you like you can like it. Just be honest. [CENTER] May my body's tears be a tariff to let me cross this river. I know the cost is high, and I know the result low. But, I wish for either silence, or happiness. I have waited long for either, and they have yet to come. I sit here, staring this all down. My life, my damnation, my fate. The result lead me hear, to the screams of styx. Oh, trapped soul of the tormented lover, run free. Let your hopes and dreams run through this plain. Let all who see you be inspired. Towards life, love, and prosperity. Love your curse, and move on...[/CENTER] thank you, very much, Stay safe, much love lostcause
  22. Hey, to ya'all who are generous enough to even do this for people. I want to thank anyone and everyone in advance for helpin me, or even just tryin. Ya'all are really nice to use your talents to help out some really stupid kid -cough- me -cough- find a nice avi and banner. I want a avi and banner of Vincent Valentine , but i am thinking something from the upcoming game Dirge of Cerberus. For the Avi, i was just thinkin something like a head shot of him, close up on his face basically. The banner, i was thinking of something like him , a full body shot. And writting wise, i was hopeing just to get the stuff in bold. the back either being whatever you want, but make the words contrast if you can. [B]This is my punishment...[/B] once again, thanx for helpin me out like this... stay safe, and much love to all, lostcause
  23. The lovely Taki is an amazing chica to be. She is fast as all get out, and she has that lil, "hey im gonna jump over your head really fast and mess with your head"- move, and it is amazing. She is great at sneaking in and BAM, smackin ya a couple times. Plus, i know girls have to be jealous.. lol
  24. Raynor floats in darkness, with his arms crossed, his back straight as a ironing board. Eventually he starts to sink, to which he never changed his pose. He stands on a rafter beam within an old dojo. Raynor looks down like a vulture eyeing his prey. " You must realize what you are. The last of the Isa tribe. Your parents. Your neighbors. Your ancestors, all of their lineage is now on your shoulders. You can not fail!!!!" [I]Master Othila, you son of a bitch. You never did let me clear my head. Old wretch, you never let me rest my body either.[/I] Raynor laughs in the rafters, stairing down at his old self. He looks over himself, viewing his young, frail body. There was no muscle mass. No blades. He was so young, so vulnerable. Raynor thought to himself, [I]How did I become the man I am today, with such a weak childhood.....[/I] He stared down into the dojo, listening, remembering. The smells, the sights, they all brought back memories. Memories that symbolized simplicity. Back then, Raynor knew what the necromancers were, but he was not commonly in battle with them. "Train Raynor. You must get stronger, otherwise, you will never be able to pass on your culture or your tribes name. Even now, the necromancers are after you. They are sniffing you out, trying to find your current position. We must survive their attacks." Up in the rafters, years sped by. He looked down once more, but this time it was a more sorrowful tone. "Master, you treated me with such anger and hate only to harden me for the future. You saw what was in store for me, and I thank you for your guidance. You never trained me, you just helped me grow as a person. Everyday experience helped form me as who I am." [I]The blades... That's the day I went into her room, took her knives, and left the dojo for good, right after burning it to the ground.[/I] A couple hourse later, Raynor's view from the rafters was no longer possible. He stood next to his younger self. "Good bye Master Othila. My past has been burned for as long as I know. May you rest with the spirits of my people. I will purge this world of the evil that it now holds. You can trust me with my tribes legacy." [I]I then took Master's blades and trained with them. Years went by, and now I am in a church, dead.[/I] As Raynor slipped into the sea of black once more, he began to hear a voice, barely audible over his heart beat. [I]"Sr wake up..... sr"[/I] Raynor thought to himself,[I]They finally realized I was out. And to think I put my life in their hands.[/I] [I]"I hope he's okay"[/I] [I]Well... better get back to living in the present. No use on looking back at the past.[/I] Right before Raynor awoke, he realizd he wasnt alone in the sea of black. Off in the distant, Raynor made out a figure who looked like Aella. She stood in a white robe, from head to toe. Not realizing what it meant, Raynor awoke to the sight of a vampyr still at a full bow to Aella, and the nun with her hand over his forehead.
  25. One game i never saw on t.v. and never was informed to me by friends, was KILLZONE. Oh such an amazing shooter. I love that game. Personally, i am a playstation fan, so the thing is, i never played halo till my siblings got a xbox, and then, i still dont trust it, ITS NOT SONY MATERIAL. But, KILLZONE, thats what i am talking about. No stupid made up aliens, no wierd things that take forever to die. Just stupid humans creating a civil war in the future, that strectches appart many planets. And they goggles, oh, cool. I could snipe anyone in that game, gotta love it. So GO KILLZONE, YOU UNDER PUBLIZED GAME YOU. :D
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