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Sign Up Dance [M for Language, Violence and possible Sex]
Nagi Tomo replied to ArunueShekamari's topic in Theater
its cool if you dont,but it would be nice to be accepted.I think i will be able to keep up,i love to write!! -
RPG Nature and Necro PG(mild violence and some adult language)
Nagi Tomo replied to Prince Van's topic in Theater
Gail looks bewilderd the pain in her head faints a bit."He just bowed to her?"her eyes widen.She runs tword Raynor an lifts him into her lap."Sr wake up.....sr?"she slaps him in a little an he doesnt wake.She ran to the bathroom an grabed a cloath a soaked it in cool water.Hurry back to raynor she puts it on his fore head."i hope hes ok."she thinks.The others start to move around."Father are you ok?"she asks.He nods his head.Gail looks down at Rayner,he seems to be in a dream. -
Sign Up Dance [M for Language, Violence and possible Sex]
Nagi Tomo replied to ArunueShekamari's topic in Theater
Name:Shane Standford Age:25 Sex:female Occupation:Painter Appearance[URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery/20050626N/serialexperimentslain/lain_vd01.jpg]Shane[/URL] Back History:Shane grew up with both her parents.Her father was a writer an mother was a painter.Shane has been painting for as long as she can remember.Her mother would paint shane all the time,she would paint shane and her dad.But soon her father became sick an had to go to the hospital.He had cancer,an shanes mother was thrown into sorrow.She no longer painted her beautiful daughter but monsters that seemed to come alive an grab at shane.Soon after her father died an her mother no longer painted anything.She sulked around the house.Shane still painted but her paintings were distorted an monsterus.She was about 18 when her mother died,shane had a job working at a movie thearter.She lives i a small apartment by herself.She is kinda quiet seems to be in her head alot.She gets these images of monsters an must put them on a canvis to get them out of her head.Shane has recently been exspermenting with her sexuality meaning the same sex.Also shes been doing drugs mostly pot but shes been trying knew things. -
RPG Nature and Necro PG(mild violence and some adult language)
Nagi Tomo replied to Prince Van's topic in Theater
Gail tried to stand,there seemed to be athousand voices in her head."Kill the priest,no kill the necromancer kill...kill them ALL!"the voices yelled."I will not!"she said in her head.She drew 2 needles an stuck them deep inside her wrists hopeing that the holy water would break the spell.Her head realed with pain."AHHHH!"gail fell to the floor gripping her head."FATHER!!!"she yelled her hand gropeing for sabre."AHHHGGG!"the pain started to shoot throughout her body.She tried to stand once again but was knocked back by a wave of pain.Then it stops the pain leaves.Gail stands up whipeing the sweat off her fore head she draws her blades.Swiftly chargeing twords the vampire."BASTARD!!"she yells an jumps into the air.Digging her blade deep into his back.He grabs her an throws her off."You are strong willed."She hits the wall an falls to the floor."uhhhh."a painful moan escapse her lips.She slowly gets to her feet."Hes to strong."she thinks."We've got to get him outside somehow.Gail grines her teeth in pain. -
Name: Jill lightfoot Age: 26 Genderfemale Information: Jill is about 5'7 and 130lbs.She is in very good shape.she has black hair kinda gruf looking she wears a patch over her right eye.She also weres a doorag that is blakc an has a skull on it.She weres a loose white shirt with a leather sleethless jacket an brown pants with black boots.Jill grew up sailing the waters her father was a pirate Bill Lightfoot.They were scalywagging theves of the sea.She learned the traind a became a scalywagging theve herself.She happend to stow away on the boat they are on now an has made some new friends.She loves to put up a good fight.Shes down right dirty an guffy an one of the most unlike ladys youll every meet.She burps an farts an all that good stuff.She does love to draw an write neither she is very good at. Sample: So this guy walks into a bar an he sees a pirate sitting down with a parrit on his shoulder an a patch over his left eye.The guy walks up an asks"How did you lose your eye?" "Arg tis a new parrit,he flew over me an pooped in me eye."the pirate said.the man looked bellwildered."How did you lose your eye then?" "Arg was me first day with me hook."(ooc lol not that funny i know lols)
RPG Nature and Necro PG(mild violence and some adult language)
Nagi Tomo replied to Prince Van's topic in Theater
Gail falls to the floor.A sharp pain enters her head,tears fall down her face."Ive got to get used to this pain."she thinks.Slowly she stands up.Grinding her teeth she grabs her needles,swiftly she throws all four of them at the vampire.But somehow he knows,time seems to stop he dodges the needles an catches Gails gaze.Gail stares into his eyes becomeing transfixed in is spell.Another sharp pain runs through her head shakeing her from is spell.He grined.Sabre in all the excitement unseathed his sword an hit the demon in the back of the head.The monster didnt even seem to notice,he swiftly moved behind Sabre an threw him against the wall."NOO!"gail yelled.She drew her daggers."Die Demon."She charged him but he cought her,everyone stopped.He sniffed her an whisperd in her ear."You are mine now."He smiled a toothie grin. (ooc lol sorry i havent posted much been busy hope this is aight) -
RPG Nature and Necro PG(mild violence and some adult language)
Nagi Tomo replied to Prince Van's topic in Theater
Suddenly gail falls to her knees.Her head reals with pain.She grabs her head,"FATHER AHH FATHER!!"she screams.Befor her stands a demom of great size.Its wings help it hover above the ground.Gail trys to open the door but it is stuck.Turning just in time to dodge the monsters claws gail rolls under the bed.Soon she becomes acustome to the pain in her head an grabs for her needles.Rolling out from under the bed she jumps up an throws 3 needles at the monster.Two hit him one in the neck the other in the chest.It screams in pain.Gail smiles.She pulls out her daggers an charges the best.As soon as she gets close he whips her back an she flys across the room an hits the wall.she slides down."MONSTER BE GONE!!"she yells.She charges him again an digs her knives deep into the monters back cutting his wings from his back.The monster falls to the floor.He screams in pain as he burns in agony.Gail falls to the ground panting."That was close my lord.'she sits on the bed. The Priest bangs on the door."GAIL ARE YOU OK?LET ME IN"he busts open the door. (ooc hope this is ok so far wanted to get a fight in i felt like boxing lol.) -
RPG Nature and Necro PG(mild violence and some adult language)
Nagi Tomo replied to Prince Van's topic in Theater
Gail ran to the doors."Sr wait...um take this please it will protect you."she opened the mans hand and gave him a silver cross."Please wear it."she smiled an returned to the church. "Father are you ok?"she asked. "Yes i am fine,you may go now an prepare for they might come back."he said. "Yes father."she bowed an went to her room. When she closed the door she sat on her bed.The pounded in her head was slowly fadeing.She cluched the cross around her neck an prayed.Slowly she got up and kneeled under her bed.she grabed a small chest from under it.She took a key out of her pocket an opened it up.Inside there were two blades they looke like cross but curved at the end.Laying next to them there were throwing needles an a vile of holy water.She took the needles an filled each with holy water,then she placed them inside her shirt.takeing the knives out she put them around her waste.She looked at the cross over her door."Save us from these monsters."she whisperd. -
Sign Up Nature and Necro PG(mild violence and some adult language)
Nagi Tomo replied to Prince Van's topic in Theater
O.O.C. If its ok i would like to be a nun if not than its cool. Name:Gail Tetsuko Class:Nun Age: 22 Gender:female Appearance: [IMG] [url]http://psico.bitacoras.com/imagenes/dibu1.jpg[/url] [/IMG] Personality/Alignment: Good,Gail is very careing an loveing.She will go out of her way to help others an puts her life last.She is cheerful most of the time youll ralely see her with a frown. Weapon:Gail is very good in medicean,she normally uses throwing needles they have holy water in them.Also she uses small blades that look like crosses they curvs a little at the end. Armour: Under her clothes she wares a silver chest plate. Bio: Gail was born in a small town.She grew up with her dad,after her mother died her father became a preist.She grew up around nuns an preist,when she got older she studied to become a nun.Then the necros came an killed her father an village she escaped an trained more an became good at close combat. Special ability: ability to detect evil,she gets a headach an also she can see throug demons disguises. -
Name: Nagi Tomo aka:Arel Age:23 Gender:female Former Occupation:street rat Affiliation: Angels Appearance: Nagil covers most of her body.She weres a mask over her face,this mask has no features on it,accept for a long red scar over the left eye.Her hair is flameing red an short n spicky.She is about 5'6 and 125lbs.She wears a red kemono,underneth on her arms are two arm length silver gauntlets.does not wear shoes,under her kemono she has a red ninga uniform.Her whole body is exstreamly scared an burned. Personality:Nagi has her wits,she doesnt mind being around others but does not get to attached to people.She prefers to work alone.She doesnt talk much but if you piss her off she will give you a mouth full.Nagi likes to keep things sweet an short,she gets to the point no danceing around the fire.She is confident in her blade skills and will be glad to show them off.She can be some what cocky.She doesnt ask questions just gets the job done. Bio: Nagil was born in Paris France.She grew up in a small cottage with her parents.Nagi became sick an very weak she laid in bed alot an couldnt move.One day her mother fell asleep while cooking an the house cought fire.Nagi was to feverish to move an her mother was burned alive.Her father did not show up in time to save Nagi from being burned badly.The flames scared her whole body,but somehow she survived.She was sent to a hospital were it took her 2 years to fully recover.By then her father abanond her not wanting to live without his wife.Nagi had no where to go,she lived on the streets barely surviveing.One night the angels an demons got into a fight by the allyway she was sleeping in.She tried to run but got cought in the fire so she picked up a gun from a fallen demon and attacked.The demons fell an the angels looked in amazment at how Nagi surevived.They took her in an gave her the name Arel because of her incounter with fire. She grew to be a strong lady,even though she was scared there was a strange beauty about her.She was very skilled in short swords.Soon she raised in ranks an became a top assain for the angels.Her skills grew an the death count of the demons grew also.She became an important person amoung the angels an a target for the demons. Weapons: Arel has two hidden short swords in her gauntlets,she also has throwing knives attached to her gauntlets. Skills: Arel is a master with short swords her skills in throwing knives an not as good but she normally hits her target.Better at close range combat.She is faster then most people an very light on her feet. Character Snippet:Nagi awoke to the sounds of gunfire,bullets zoomed by her small hideing place.She became frightend an tried to run.Bullets zoomed around her head grazeing her left bicept.Dicideing that she couldnt run from this fight nagi ducks for cover.Looking around she spots a corps holding a pistol.She quickly sprints for the gun an rolls behind some crates.Not careing who she fired at she peeked out an fired at anybody moveing in her direction,sadly it was the deamons who were running in her direction.She shot one in the leg an he fell to the ground,aming for his head she fires but misses an hits another in the chest.Not paying attention Nagi gets grased again on the side of the head,she points the gun at the one who fired at her an hits him straight on.Gunfire comes from behind her an she ducks.Hearing the gunfire stop Nagi peeks out.Dead bodys lay everywere.She slowly stands up an steps away from the crates.She looks at the gun in her hand an at the bodys.Feeling aware of eyes staring Nagi turns around.Four cloaked people stare at her.She stares back.Slowly she raises her gun."I will kill you if you wont leave me alone."she says through shakeing teeth.On of the men laugh."My dear that was quite a fight you put up....whats your name?"he calls back."My name is Nagi Tomo..an who are you?"she askes."Nagi ,that is no name for a future angel my dear! I shall call you Arel for you scars show that you have ment with fire an won."the cloaked man said.Desideing she had no other place to go Arel willing gave herself to the angels.Throwing down her gun she bowed.The cloaked man smiled.