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St. Sakura

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About St. Sakura

  • Birthday 05/29/1990

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  • Biography
    I want to become a famous animator or voice actress when I get older. I love playing games, sleeping in and drawing (a lot..0.0)
  • Occupation
    High School student (Sophmore)

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  1. [COLOR=Magenta]~**Crossing Worlds, Crossing Time**~[/COLOR] A Chrono Cross Fanfic by: St. Sakura Summary: A young man from the year of 2006 travels to the El Nido Archipelago on a vacation with others. He stumbles across Opassa Beach and finds Serge laying on the shore. What will happen once this young man figures out the mysteries behind Serge's appearance in his world and why the CIA is after him. Contains Chapters 0-10. **Note: I haven't played Chrono Cross all the way through but this is just a fanfic I've made up. Also, Serge is my fave bishonen character in the game. ^_~ And I do not own the characters, Squaresoft does, but I own my created character (CC) Mitsu. [COLOR=Red]~**WARNING!! WARNING!!**~[/COLOR] This fanfic contains yaoi situations (male/male relationships) If you are of the non-yaoi loving nature, turn back now. If not, I hope you like the fanfic. Also, it contains strong language, nudity, blood/gore, and violence, so it's rated R. Enjoy. [COLOR=Blue]Chapter 0: GoodBye[/COLOR] Serge ran through the dark pathways of a huge godforsaken castle, his hands stained with blood. He stopped in front of a mirror in the middle of the pathway. His hair was unruly, his clothes soaked with blood and water, his face dirty with small cuts on his pale cheeks. He breathed heavily, trying not to break the mirror with his hands. Or head, for that matter. He rumaged through his pockets to pull out the Astral Amulet Kid gave him when she was stricken with Hydra poisoning. Serge gripped it tightly then ran to his left, holding the item close to his chest. He ran right through a pair of double doors and tumbling out onto cobblestones, hitting his head against a rock. He groaned lowly as he held his forehead, standing up. Serge held the Amulet up and yelled, ''Take me to where I won't hurt anyone else ever again!!!'' As Serge yelled out, he disappeared in a flash of blue green light, leaving nothing of where he was but the blood stained bootprints on the cobblestones. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Chapter 1: ReBirth[/COLOR] Inside of a dark apartment, a young blonde haired boy tossed and turned from a nightmare. Beads of swear formed on his face, the color from his cheeks drained, and his long black bangs clinging to his face. His hands gripped the black bedsheets tightly as he whimpered in his sleep. ''Please, you can't...no..'' He began to sob softly. ''I beg of you..don't hurt him! What has he done to you?!'' The face of a feline appeared as his face loomed over the young man and a body. He stepped forward as he fell to his knees, grabbing the body's shoulder and turning them over slowly. He sobbed, cradling the broken body of a dark-blue haired boy, whose face had the look of anguish and sadness in his eyes. The blonde haired boy woke up, tears streaming down his face as he sat up slowly, wearing a green shirt and white boxer shorts. That same dream, he thought. The dream I've been having since I won that trip.. He looked at the clock. 7:09 AM. He yawned as he climbed out of the large bed and walked to the bathroom, turning on the light. The bathroom had everything he needed: a toilet, a sink, a shower, and a mirror. But everything was all white. His light green eyes stared at his reflection in the mirror, placing his hands on the sink. His face was still pale from the nightmare and his face felt like it was on fire. He turned on the shower, taking off his shirt and boxers and stepping into the shower. He felt the cold water rush over his body as he looked up at the ceiling. ''Who was that boy I held in my arms..?'' Later, the blonde stepped out of the shower, grabbing a black towel and wrapping it around his medium built body. He shivered from the cold shower, droplets of water dripping from his long hair. He wanted to be different from everyone else, so he dyed the top part of his hair blonde and the bottom half black. He stood in front of the mirror and stared long and hard at his reflection. ''Mitsu, That plane leaves at 10:20, so you have about 3 or 4 hours to get your lazy ass in gear and pack,'' he told to his reflection. ''If not, winning the trip to the world's most beautiful place was a waste of your pathetic life.''
  2. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Times New Roman]Hmm..I would go out with either Ryohou from S-CRY-Ed, Kiba from Wolf's Rain, or Kira Yamato from Gundam SEED. And don't say I have bad taste in men. :shifty: :animeangr [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm making my own manga called 'Panzer 6.' It's about a special task force called the Tokyo Panzer Destroyer Force (TPDF) that the Japanese Government made about 14 years ago after an attack that destroyed most of Tokyo. Among the TPDF is a man named Kazuki Yamazaki, a half breed of a Panzer and human. He must fight his own kind in order to save his city and the world. I hope you like the storyline. I'll have some sketches of the characters soon.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Note: This is a little fanfic idea that I'm turning into a short manga soon. :is a really big fan.. :animeswea :animeshy: Al isn't in his armor in this fic..I can't seem to draw his armor yet..>> Episode One: Blue Lightning vs. Full Metal, pt.1 A black haired girl wearing gothic clothing walked down the street of Central carrying a backpack on her back. Her black hair is long, strands on either side of her face. She wore glasses and a band in her hair. Girl: So this is Central, huh? All right..so where is he..? Man: Who are you looking for? She turned around to meet Alex Louis Armstrong as she looked up at him. Girl: ....Wow, you're tall.. Armstrong: :animeswea Yes, I know. Who are you looking for miss? Girl: I'm looking for the State Alchemist HQ. It's here in Central, right? Armstrong: ::nods:: Yes. Come with me. She followed after him as she looked around. She yawned loudly. Armstrong: We're here. Girl: About time. Take me to see Lt. Colonel Roy Mustang, please. Armstrong: Are you an Alchemist or..? Girl: Of course! ;) I'm Mina Reeves, the Blue Lightning Alchemist! Edward Elric and his younger brother Alphonse Elric, sat in a room as Ed felt something. Ed: Yeesh... Al: Something wrong brother? Ed: Yeah..something bad, really bad. To Be Continued..0.0 Well, there you have it. Sorry it seems so short. I wanted to make it interesting so..aw, forget it. It's no use explaining it! I'll have more later! Scar: ...Liar. Me: SHHHH![/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Episode Two: Blue Mage vs. Full Metal, pt 2. Mina Reeves, a State Alchemist from the north, slams her hand down on the desk of Lt. Colonel Roy Mustang as he looks at her with a surprised look. Mustang: I see you've come back, Blue Lightning. Mina: Yeah, yeah I know. I've heard about a kid who doesn't use transmutation circles when he uses Alchemy, am I right? Mustang: So you've heard of Full Metal? Mina: Yeah, it's been 3 years since I heard about him. I've been itchin' to fight him! Mustang: You'll get your chance...by the way.. Mina: ? What is it? Mustang: You've grown in all the right places over the years, huh? Mina: ::blushes then places her hands on her cheeks:: Oh my! Lieutenant Colonel...you make me blush..! Mustang: ::smirks:: Heh.. Mina: But..you're a hentai! Mustang: ...Full Metal is at a house near here. Mina: ::nods:: Thank you sir. She leaves and Riza Hawkeye sighs. Hawkeye: Apparently, she's gotten more naive. Mustang: In a way, yes.. Mina runs down the street and sees Ed and Al walk out of their house. Mina: Full Metal Alchemist!! Ed: Huh? ::looks at her:: Who..are you? Al: ::looks at her:: Mina: I'm Mina Reeves, the Blue Lightning Alchemist and I challenge you to a fight at 3:00 PM today! Ed: ..Blue..Lightning..? Al: Brother? You know her? Ed: Know her?! She's one of the strongest alchemists alive! I knew something bad was gonna happen....I was right too, as always.. At 3:00 PM, most of the State Alchemists in Central gather around a line as it formed into a circle. Maes Hughes walks to the center of the circle, holding a microphone. Hughes: Welcome everyone to the fight of a lifetime! Two Alchemists that are both equal in strength and power have decieded to fight against one another. But before that.. ::reaches in his pocket then pulls out a picture of his daughter:: Look at my beautiful angel! Isn't she cute?! Everyone falls, groaning as a man yells ''Hurry up and start the fight!'' Hughes: All right, All right hold on..in the blue corner is the beautiful yet attractive young woman, Mina Reeves of the North, otherwise known as the Blue Lighting Alchemist! Mina stands wearing a red jacket, a tight black suit underneath and combat boots. Her hair is tied up in a ponytail and she wears her hand/wrist gloves from before (but they're red) with armor on her lower arms and lower legs. Ed: She...sorta went overboard dressing like that. Al: Yeah..but she looks cool. Ed: Al..! What about me? Al: Uh, you're cool too brother.. Hughes: ::blushes then turns to his right:: In the red corner is the hot-headed, short tempered Edward Elric, the Full Metal Alchemist! Man: That kid? Man #2: He's too little! Ed: WHO ARE YOU CALLIING 'LITTLE'?! Al: ::holds him: Brother, calm down..save your energy. Mina and Ed walk up to each other. Mina is about a few inches taller than Ed. Ed: Just how old are you? Mina: Well, you would freak if I told you Full Metal.. Ed: Just tell me! Mina: I'm 19 years old. Ed: ....WHAT?! ..You act too young.. Mina: So? Hughes: Listen, you too, I want this a clean fight okay? You can use hand-to-hand combat and your alchemy skills as well. Mina and Ed: Right. Ed: Hope you're ready to lose, Mina. Mina: ::holds her hand up and cracks it:: Same to you, Full Metal... To Be continued...[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Episode Three: Blue Lightning vs. Full Metal, part 3. Hughes: Ready..get set.. ::runs into the crowd:: GO! Ed: Huh?! Mina: Too slow, Full Metal! ::kicks him in his stomach:: Ed: Gahh!! ::falls back then jumps back up:: Damn.. ::touches his stomach:: Mina: Heh.. ::takes off her jacket then goes into a fighting stance:: Come on, kid.. Ed: I'm not a kid! Get that through your head!! Mina: Same here! ;:slams her foot down as a blue light flashes towards Ed:: Ed: What the?! ::claps his hands as a wall comes up and blocks a rock fist:: Whoa.. Al: That attack left cracks in the wall.. Ed: Geez.. ::hears a yell then looks up at Mina jumping over the wall:: Mina: Hiya, bro!! ::smiles then tackles him:: Ed: Augh! Get off me..?! ::blushes as he stares up into her chest:: :animenose Mina: Like what you see, bro? :smiles:: Ed: Get off!! She grabs his arm then throws him into the crowd then runs in after him Ed: ::lands on a guy then sits up:: You bitch! eek. Mina: Shiiyah!! ::throws a punch as blue light blasts a hole in the ground:: Everyone: AHHHUGH!!! Mina: Whew..where are you, Full Metal? Ed hides then runs off. Mina: There you are! ::jumps up in the air:: Man #1: ...She's not human..[/COLOR]
  5. I would have to say that Gravitation and FAKE are my favorites. I've seen the anime of Gravitation and read FAKE a couple of times, but Vol. 6 leaves me hanging since they don't sell the final volume of FAKE in bookstores..waa... :animecry: IT'S NOT FAIR! :animeangr ..Excuse me. :animeswea
  6. [COLOR=Orange]I would have to say that S-CRY-Ed is one of my favorite anime, along with Gungrave and InuYasha. Plain and simple. ;) [/COLOR]
  7. [I][COLOR=Red]I agree with LetalisNox. I mean, there's nothing wrong with a yaoi pairing in the anime or games you like with cute boys in them. Take Gundam Wing for example. To all of the sites I've been to, there's been some fanfics with Yaoi pairings in them. To some, it's probably disturbing but to some it's sweet. But I like yaoi anime like Gravitation and mangas like FAKE and Eeerie Queerie. Is that a problem?[/COLOR][/I]
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