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About rainandfire

  • Birthday 09/23/1988

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  • Occupation
    haven't got one- applying for it.

rainandfire's Achievements

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  1. :animesmil :animeblus OH my god! that thing rocks!..sorry i wasn't allowed on computer till now thank you SO much thats perfect ^_^ Thank you thank you thank you!
  2. Thanks! there awsome! [color=teal]EDIT:[/color][quote name='Revue][color=#7c0201][size=1]Is there any limit on the size, Chief?[/size'][/color][/quote] No no limit to the siz at all. [color=teal]Please do not double post. It is against the rules on these forums, and it's must easier to use the Edit button at the bottom of your post. ~_^ -Syk3[/color]
  3. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Heya Guys, sorry about asking again. I was wondering if possible a Yami Yugi banner could be made? I need one not for this site for another site. Sorry to be a pain. If you make it ill love you forever. Could you put my name on t 'Emma' and maybe merge the pics together somehow. [IMG]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b292/Emzy_Rain/0003.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b292/Emzy_Rain/1060293403_AYami1.jpg[/IMG] Two pictures. Sorry to keep asking you guys- i seriously dont know how to do them as good as you guys ^_^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. Thank you! both of you. wow they all rock. dude! sorry I'm really happy ;)
  5. :animesmil :animesmil Thank you so much! it looks great i really like it!
  6. Hey, I am a new user but i would like to have a banner made for me, if it wouldn't be too much of a problem. Heres the picutre i would like done. [IMG]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b292/Emzy_Rain/hieiawwwwwwwwww.bmp[/IMG] I would like..bluish colors or red. I'd like it to say Hiei Jaganashi somewhere on it, i don't mind where, possibly a quote like. "So tell me whats it like living in a constant haze of stupidity." or "This idiot makes Kuwabara seem smart." Thank you, and i hope i didn't do anything wrong Thanks again, Emma
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