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Everything posted by Avalon

  1. Name: Setsuna Mori Age: 19 Power: Death Gender: Female Abilatys: black shadow mist, (make up more later) Bio: Abandoned by her parents at age 10, Setsuna grew up in a world which she lived alone, roaming the area. She was with her parents at age 17, although she was angry and distant, they tried to cheer her up each day. But they left her again, something she knew was going to happen... Clothes: She often wears a black cloak with a long Chinese like dress, which is dark red, with slits on the side, black ankle length boots and red fingerless gloves. Side (good or evil): Fortunately, good
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]OMG so offended... how could you say such things. [/B][/QUOTE] Many apologies...:)
  3. Well, happy birthday...I hope you do have a happy one and many more...;)
  4. Well people, I just read Rolling Stone magazine yesterday and I found out that one of my favorite bands, Drowning Pool, lost their lead singer. It was a month ago but I'm kind of sad now...if anyone likes Drowning Pool or at least their songs, please post...:bawl: :(
  5. I've seen Utena but I wouldn't watch that again...as on the subject of Yuri and Yaoi, it depends....but I'll probably watch it
  6. [size=1][color=lightblue]I like Inuyasha. I watch it every Saturday. It's ok but the problem I have is that the voice of Inuyasha sounds like the US dub voice sounds like Duo from Gundam Wing...scary!
  7. My cousin participates in street racing all the time...I've only been in his races, as in the car, twice....it's cool, I might do it myself...;)
  8. Name: Valenyne Monroe Age:17 Clan: Highlander Height: 5'6 Bio: Another hand on "the Miranda" Persona: Valentyne is a flirtatious, but assured woman. She uses her looks to get what she wants, and she is often underestimated by men. Desc: Often seen wearing a black mesh top with a red tube top under it, a short red skirt, red fingerless gloves and black combat boots. Weapons: a wide variety of guns and swords Race: Hybrid
  9. I thought it was really good...I give it a 9/10....;)
  10. I say finish up with DBZ before moving to GT...people will be less pleased if you skipped it...;)
  11. Avalon

    Mr Deeds

    Finally, Adam Sandler comes back with a vengence!! This movie was good, but not as funny as Little Nicky!!!!
  12. Avalon


    Sure! I read all the time! I've just read Stephen King's "Everything's Eventual." I must say it was a good book.;)
  13. Avalon

    Stealing Harvard

    I might go see this...but the thought of Tom Green in a leading role in a movie, that disturbs me...:confused:
  14. I like Sugar Cult. They're a good band. I really like their first single "Stuck in America." I thought it was funny...and catchy also
  15. Hmm...good question. Well, Vash the Stampede-Trigun- he's a hottie! Shinji -Neon Genesis Evangelion- so cute Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke -Yu Yu Hakusho- fighters are always sexy! Mirai Trunks -DBZ- A hunk with a sword! Kiley -Peach Girl- he's one good lookin' pumkin! and last but not least... Spike -Cowboy Bebop- Nothing like a fine man with a gun!
  16. Well, good question. I wish I saw this earlier. I have. Many times...but everytime I tried, I didn't die or I couldn't do it. I think everyone has thought of doing it once before. No one, to me, hasn't thought about it. It's probably the people that get teased a lot and worry about their appearance so much that it drives them to that. But, it's just my opinion...
  17. I like MTV...I guess...but I really don't like mainstream artists, I like underground bands better...
  18. I've tried many times...but failed miserably. So I'm not doing it again...
  19. Name: Midori Irasi Age: 17 Weapons: a simple baseball bat and a double edged sword Bio: Unknown Appearance: she is often seen wearing a red mid-drift halter top with black short shorts and black combat boots. Her hair is black streaked with red and her eyes are light blue. On her arms she wears three spiked bracelets and red fingerless gloves with a spiked necklace. Race: Human
  20. Well here's an update...I've talked to my mother...actually, more like I talked to her and she didn't want to here it. Funny thing, she guessed the religion I wanted to change to...and she had this to say... "You're going to be around here putting the 'root' on somebody...and burning chicken bones..." Hearing her say these things have changed my whole perspective on my mother...now, I think she's very ignorant... See, my mom is a Southern Christian. The only thing she knows about Wicca is what she saw on "The Craft" and she thinks it's Voodoo... My mom made me tell my stepdad about this...he, in my eyes now, is about as ignorant as she is...He told me that he would not allow any of this to go on in their house...he also thinks that the reason why I'm doing this is because I've been tricked by the way of the world to think that Wicca isn't evil...he thinks that everyone has poisoned me into thinking that it isn't about the "Devil". Also, starting right now, I am banned from joining any message boards because of this, banned from using the Internet unless it's for homework or applying to colleges, and banned from watching Charmed, Witchblade, or anything that is scary or have to do with the 'paranormal' as my stepdad said... Now, after all this, they still told me to never talk to them about it...again... I'm going to do it anyway...I have the support from my cousins, not the rest of my family however... So, right now, I don't know what to do... I never thought that they would take it to the extreme like this... I am on permenent lock-down...
  21. Avalon

    last worlds

    I'll play this game...my letter is 'A'. My name is Mistaki...
  22. I understand what you're coming from...my parents "divorced" when I was 9...well not really, they weren't married to begin with... Anyway, I was sad but I didn't like my dad either and I had a good reason too...let's just say he didn't treat my mom like he should... Well, she remarried and my step father is tres cool...but I don't see my dad that much...anyway, keep yo' head up!!!
  23. Kyoto groaned in more anger, "So you all rather sit here and watch some pathetic 'satellite' somehow find the thief...instead of going out and finding them yourself?! How lazy of you all! Have you no pride? No fuel of energy to get up and fight? You can do what you want...I'll be in my room...if you find something, knock..." she said, standing up and walking out. The group looked at her, shockingly. "What is her problem?" Tani said, speaking after she shut the door. Botan shrugged, "That's what happens when you're the daughter of the King of the Underworld, I guess...she's been like that ever since I've met her."
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpyderDragon [/i] [B]So I would like Noggin or not?! [/B][/QUOTE] You probably would...but you would only like the network that's on after 6 p.m....that's the N, which Daria and an old Nickelodeon show comes on, called Pete and Pete...:p
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