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Everything posted by Avalon
[color=violet]Avenel looked at his sister shockingly. "Times up, I believe." He sighed angrily, "I can't do anything to help you now, counterpart..." He stood up, seeing her shake rather violently. Eyeing her face, he saw that Avenue was becoming pale. "Stupid girl." he spoke, clenching his shirt tightly. He jumped off of the stage, walking towards his sister's body. He scooped her up, seeing her sit still. "She passed out..finally. Damn drug." she carried her, walking towards Xavei. He shook her slightly, "Xavei-chan...get up. It's time to go." he saw her eyes open. "Come on, lets go." he saw her get up slowly and sighed, looking at his sister. "Women..."[/color]
[color=violet]Avenel looked at his sister and Gen interestingly. "Well, she has 2 more minutes...before all hell breaks loose in her body. Jeez, what in the hell was she thinking?" He sighed, restarting the song that was playing, leaning back into the chair. "That damn fool of a girl...I don't get her. I just don't." he clenched his hands, then released. "She must really like him...in order to put herself through that kind of pain." He shook his head, "Well, in 2 more minutes, this fight'll probably be over....cause of her foolish actions." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avenue laughed, her thoughts and actions dazed by the drug. "I fight cause I can win...if not, I'll pay for it...in 2 minutes." she spoke, her voice unusually high pitched. She moved her head from side to side, sighing slightly. "You will give up...." and with that, she charged... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avenel sighed, looking at his cell phone. "1 min 40 seconds before she flips...jeez, what was she thinking?" he shook his head, seeing his sister charge Gen with a strange look on her face. "Oh man, well....it's about to start. Heh, she's really gonna be in the hospital now. Crazy bitch..." he mumbled, hoping that Gen knew how to knock her out when she flipped.[/color]
[color=violet]Avenel sighed, seeing his sister. He really wanted to help..but it was her problem. He chuckled slightly, invisioning her on a hospital bed, in a body cast. "Heh, I really wouldn't know how to accessorize that outfit." he spoke, sitting in the DJ's chair, watching the fight...well, not really a fight. "Poor Nu-chan...she asked for this..." He sighed, looking over at Xavei, "Well, at least she isn't up to see this." turning back to the fight, he outstretched his hands. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avenue rolled off of the broken table quickly, placing one of her hands in her bra, pulling out a wrapped pill. Smiling, she popped it into her mouth, crunching it up. She got up, beginning to feel the effects of the drugs. She could feel her body becoming numb by the second and smiled. "Let's play." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avenel stared at his sister shockingly, "The hell?" he shouted, searching his back pocket. He opened up a small bottle, looking inside and saw nothing. "She didn't?!" he asked, throwing the bottle to the ground. He frowned deeply, staring at his sister. "You dumb girl...foolish little wench. What were you thinking?" He studied her face, seeing her pupils diluted slightly and her face looking a bit dazy. "Jeez, it's working...now we'll just have to wait. 5 minutes...it'll wear out after that. The little psycho...what's wrong with her?" Avenel sighed, leaning back into his chair. "I better call the PMs. She's really gonna go to the hospital...and it's not gonna be his fault at all." He looked back at his sister, "Women...."[/color]
[color=violet]She laughed, still on the small stage next to the DJ. "You might want to leave, sweetheart." she spoke to the DJ, seeing him look at her and Gen. "Whatever....crazy bitch." he mumbled, getting out of his chair and walking off of the stage. She sighed slightly, still looking at her opponent. "Well, aren't you in a rush to fight? Don't be..just enjoy the moment." She sat in the DJ's chair, placing her bag of weapons in her lap. "Hmm, so many choices...so little time." She came across a pair of fighting fans and smirked. "Well now, isn't this interesting?" she spoke, grabbing them out of the bag. Avenue held them in her right hand, zipping up her bag and tossing it to her brother. "Hold that, will ya?" He nodded, "Just remember, I'm not helping ya." "Yeah, yeah," she replied, placing the needle back where it started. "He, he...let the fighting commence." And with that, she jumped off the stage, running straight towards Gen....[/color]
[color=violet]Avenue mumbled, holding onto her brother as he walked inside of the bathroom. He set her down, looking at her. "Well, Nu-chan, let's fix you up, ok?" she nodded, letting her brother apply her makeup and fix her hair. "Now, what happened out there?" "I don't know myself...I had that drink and...everything just accelarated." she replied, frowning slightly. "Well, there...you're finished. Now, what are you going to do?" Avenue narrowed her eyes a bit, "I've had my light dose of excitement and I want more...so, lets just go and have a chit-chat with that boy." "Feh, you're the only one that's gonna do something...I'm just gonna watch. I'm not jumping into your fights--" "And I didn't ask you to!" she replied, grabbing the black bag that was by his leg. "Is that it?" "Yeah, that's all of the weapons that I have...why couldn't you fight with your own?" Avenue shrugged, pulling out a dagger, "Maybe I didn't want to..." she replied, walking out of the bathroom. She stared around, seeing most of the people gone, some of them still trying to get out of the room. She smirked, walking behind the DJ. "Put on 'Aerodynamic' by Daft Punk" she smiled, seeing the DJ nod and place the record on the turntable. As the music began to play, she spotted Gen. Her smile grew as she aimed her dagger at a spot slightly above his head and threw it....[/color]
[color=violet]Avenel smiled with joy, seeing his sister up on the table, dancing like a fool. "I don't know why she's acting like that...but I want whatever she's on right now. Come on!" He dragged Xavei towards where Avenue was dancing, pushing through the throngs of people cheering. He raised his hand in the air, "Whoo hoo! Go Nu-chan!" he yelled, seeing some of the boys chant 'Take it off!' Avenue smiled, dancing to the rhythem of the music. She smacked the hands that inched towards her, not really wanting to be touched at the moment. The DJ changed the song, putting on something that wasn't really...working with her. The guys, and girls, started yelling at the DJ, forcing him to put on another song. "Well, keep dancing...I hope you like this." the DJ spoke, changing the song to Korn's "Alone I Break". Avenue shrugged, continuing to dance in slow, timed movements. She slowly rolled her hips, dipping slightly for empathesis. "Heh, I taught her that," Avenel responded to the move, smiling happily. He then yelled at the DJ to turn off the lights and they dimmed slowly. Avenue paused for a second, seeing nothing but darkness, but continued, noticing that her vest glowed. Avenel handed her two glowsticks, letting her do what she pleased with them. She grasped them in her hand, twirling her arms and body seductively. Avenue smiled, hearing the small 'ohhs' and 'ahhs' in the crowd. Most of the boys whistled, screaming out small noises of excitement.[/color]
[color=violet]Avenue sighed, getting a bit irritated. "It's complicated..." she mouthed back, closing her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to go back in her room and go to bed, to escape reality. The song ended, following with a fast song. The boy she was dancing with let her go, looking at her. "Do you want something to drink?" Avenue sighed, "I guess that would be nice." the boy left. She folded her arms, looking at Avenel and Xavei. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avenel smiled, grabbing Xavei's arms and swinging them in the air. Grinning he began dancing, moving his body in a fluid-like motion along with Xavei's pace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The boy returned, "Here you go...something to loosen you up." she stared awkwardly at the boy, then at the drink, and shrugged. Avenue tossed the drink into her mouth unladylikely, gulping it down fast. She blinked, feeling a bit....excited. "What the hell did you give me?" "It's called a Blue Mother******" She raised her eyebrow at the name...then looked at the small table that some guys were at and smirked. Walking away from the boy, she caught the curious stare from her twin and her friend. Avenue got up on a chair, jumping on the table. The DJ turned on a different song, more upbeat and a faster tempo...Prodigy's 'Smack my Bitch up' She smirked, seeing Avenel look at her with a strange smirk on his face. "Well then?" he yelled, seeing her pause. "Feh, just tell the DJ to turn it up." and with that, she began dancing.[/color]
[color=violet]Avenue felt the boy's arm wrap around her waist, pulling her to his body very tightly. She frowned slightly, placing her arms around his neck as a slow song came on. She sighed, seeing Avenel and Xavei dance very closely, both wearing contented smiles. She brought her hand up, taking off her shades. Placing her head on the boy's shoulder, she looked around...seeing Gen. Her eyes and face soften a bit, her arms tightening around the boy's neck. "He, you scared? Don't be...I'm just a regular everyday man, you know." Avenue blinked, her eyes narrowing a bit at Gen. The boy tried to turn around, but she wouldn't let him. "We're staying right here." "Hey, that's fine with me, babe." the boy replied, rubbing her hips sensually. She frowned in disgust for a second, then put back on her emotionless "mask", staring at Gen.[/color]
[color=violet]Avenel smiled, "Let's dance, Xavei-chan." he nudged his sister lightly, "Calm down, Nu-chan. If you want to glare, at least put on your shades first, ok?" "Whatever." she replied, allowing Avenel to put her glasses on. "There, happy?" "Not really...but that doesn't matter, does it?" she shrugged, unwrapping her arm from his. She turned to walk away...but someone grabbed her arm. "Hey, you're looking real nice tonight...wanna dance?" Avenue looked back at the boy who grabbed her and frowned. "I rather not..." Avenel stepped in, "Hey Nu-chan. Give the guy a chance, damn. Look, it's just one dance...after that, you can lean on the wall at glare at that boy all night for all I care, ok?" She sighed deeply, seeing her brother pout slightly. "Alright, dammit...I'll dance." Avenel smiled, walking with Xavei to the dance floor, followed by Avenue, with a forced smile, and some boy latched on her arm.[/color]
[color=violet]Avenel laughed, "I'm just in a hurry to dance...besides, once I get there, I'll turn the party out." Avenue frown slightly, mumbling. "That's not the only thing you'll turn out.." "What was that, Nu-chan?" he asked, glancing over to her for a sec. "You heard me. I know you're gonna do it....I actually feel sorry for the boys...the girls I can care less about." Avenel smirked, turning a corner. "Ah, you and your hatred for women...will it never end?" "I never said anything about hating women, did I? Just the pretty ones. That's all...just those pretty little bitches that think they're better than me...." "Oh really? So, what happened to that boy...your newest object of obsession?" "What do you mean?" "I know you like him...way more than the others. What a shame...you'll never get far with him...hell, I doubt if you'll go anywhere with him. Just give it up and leave him alone." Avenue growled, narrowing her eyes at her brother, "That's something I'll never do..and you know it." "Alright then...well, I'm not gonna help you, you know that right?" she nodded, sighing a bit. "Well, we're here." Avenue frowned, "Look at these people...brats." she grabbed her CD player and her purse, getting ready to head out of the car. Avenel smiled, "He he, I get to come in with TWO women on my arm...sweet." "And not to mention that one of them is your despondant sister who happens to hate most of these people." she replied, getting out of the car. Avenel helped Xavei out, letting her wrap her arm around his. "And you lady?" Avenue sighed, wrapping her arm around his right one, "Very well...just to make you happy." and with that, they walked towards the party, Avenue swinging her switchblade freely...[/color]
[color=violet]Avenel sighed, "We're coming over there right now. Well, let me go so I can drive to your house. See you in a minute." he hung up the phone, tossing it on the couch. "You ready now?" Avenue asked, standing in front of the main door. "Pretty much...well, let's get out of here." nodding, she opened the door, walking out of it and down the stairs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Now Avenue, if you go to this party, you have to promise me...don't get too carried away." She raised a eyebrow, leaning back into the car seat. "What do you mean 'carried away'? All I'm gonna do is dance..and kick that boy's ass." Avenel laughed, "Please! You got beat down last time...just admit it." "I didn't get beat down, thank you very much. I was just...taken off gaurd, that's all." "Yeah, yeah...off guard. He, if Ms. Winters or I didn't step in, or you wouldn't be talking right now. Hell, you would be in a hospital. Just don't come in there starting something--" Avenue scoffed, "I have my pride, dammit! And look what he did...and for that, he must go down. I don't give a crap what you say." Avenel laughed, turning into Xavei's driveway. "Do whatever you want...but I'm not gonna jump in." he replied, honking the horn rather loudly. Getting out of the car, he winked at Xavei, seeing her open the door.[/color]
[color=violet]Avenue sighed, "We want to know if you're going to that [i]party[/i] tonight." Avenel opened the door, yelling. "Tell her Nel-chan'll be sad if she doesn't go." "Yeah," she scoffed, looking at Avenel. "Well, you heard him. He's being a regular prima donna today." Avenel walked out of the room, "I heard that...besides, I am so not a prima donna....I just know how to look good." he replied, spraying Avenue with some perfume called Haiku. She coughed violently, placing the phone away from her. "I could've done that myself, ass." He rolled his eyes, taking the phone from her. "Yeah whatever...anyway, as I was saying Xavei-chan, please come. I'll need someone to dance with...and Nu-chan will too." Avenue narrowed her eyes, folding her arms. "Watch it..." He scoffed, laughing slightly. "Well, what do you say?"[/color]
[color=violet]Avenel tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for his sister to get out of the bathroom. He sighed, seeing the door open, the smoke pillowing in his face. "Well, I really don't understand why exactly you have shower in nothing but hot water. That's not good for your skin." "Please...just hush and give me the damn clothes." she replied, tying the black robe with the red sash in the middle. Avenel rolled his eyes, walking into the bathroom. "They're lying on the bed." She sighed, walking into her room. Looking at the outfit, she folded her arms and closed the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20 minutes later~~~~~ "Are you finished, Avenel? We have to pick up Xavei-chan...didn't you remember that?" she spoked, poking her head inside of his room. Rolling her eyes, she walked through the door, taking the curling iron out of his hand. "What do you think?" Avenel smiled, "Nice, Nu-chan! You look so pretty." taking the iron back from his sister, he curled the end of his hair. "Now, call Xavei-chan and tell her that we will come and pick her up, ok?" She nodded, grabbing a pair of keys on his desk. "Yeah, but I'm gonna need these..." "For what? No, you're not planning on....with my weapons?" "Exactly." she tossed the keys in the air and caught them, walking out of the room. Avenue picked up the phone and dialed Xavei's number. "Hello?"[/color] OOC: here's [url=http://groups.msn.com/TheUltimateKingOfFighters/fotillas.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=16]Avenel[/url] and [url=http://groups.msn.com/TheOrochiVampireClan/mature.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=521]Avenue's[/url] clothing.
[color=violet]Avenel sighed, "You know what? I have far more interesting things to be doing than running around, trying to help you heal your bruised pride...just let it go. You lost...the end." "Just shut it and drive." he rolled his eyes, feeling his cell phone vibrate in his pants. "Get that, won't you sister dear." she nodded, reaching into his pocket. "Hello?" "Avenel?" "Not this is his sister..who is this?" "...I rather not say. But yeah, tell him I got some info about--" "What?! What is it?" she asked, screaming to the top of her lungs. Avenel winced, pulling into the driveway of their small apartment. "Miss..if you could stop screaming. Anyway, there's rumours about a party going on." Avenel snatched the phone, hearing the conversation. "Party?! Where?" "We don't know exactly..." "Well, get on it man! I expect to have the location within the hour...goodbye." he hung up the phone, picking up his bag. Avenue sighed, "Well, are you going to go?" "Of course I am! And you are too, counterpart...even if I have to drag you there" Avenel replied, seeing her walk up the stairs towards the apartment. She opened the door, throwing her things on the couch. "I'll go...just to see the looks on those little kids' faces." she smirked, walking into her room. She slammed the door, seeing Avenel going into his room. "Now, what to wear?" she sighed, whatever she was going to wear, it had to match with Avenel's outfit. That's how it was... "I got dibs on the shower first!" she heard Avenel scream. "No, you got it first last time! I'm getting it now!" she grabbed her towel and ran out of her room, running towards the bathroom. She frowned, seeing Avenel block the exit. "No fair! It's my turn." "Immature little girl...I got here first" he spoke, sticking his tongue out. "Well, I'll tell ya what. Let me pick out your outfit and I'll let you go first." She nodded, "Deal." and pushed him aside, closing the door and locking it. She turned on the little CD player boombox and put on Kittie's Oracle CD, turning it up as high as it could go. "And now, shower time!" she yelled, clapping her hands and proceeded to do just that.[/color]
[color=violet]Avenue sighed, leaning on the outside door of the library. "Well, I guess he's gone. Well, let me go and make sure Xavei-chan is ok." she pulled out her phone, dialing her brother. "House of beauty, this is Cutey, talk to me!" "Feh," she replied to his greeting. "This is Avenue...didn't you look at your caller id?" Avenel laughed, "Why bother? It's a useless feature for a bishie like me." "Yeah...whatever," she spoke, walking down the hall towards Xavei. "Anyway, guess what one of my contacts saw...or shall I say who?" "What are you talking about?" He laughed, "Why, your object of obession of course." Avenel cleared his throat. "Yeah, something's going on...and I wanna find out what it is...so my contact is 'trailing' him." "Really now?" she replied, seeing Xavei. "Well, I have some business to attend to...meet me in the parking lot. We have to take Xavei home." "Alright then...exactly what are you planning to do?" "You'll see..." and with that, she hung up the phone, approaching Xavei. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avenel tapped his foot impatiently, "Now, what the hell were you doing? It doesn't take that long to--" "Just shut up," she replied, helping Xavei to the black and red Volkswagon Beetle they owned. "Just open the door." He bowed lightly, doing what she said. "Yes master...and now, what exactly do you want to do now?" She sat Xavei in the front seat, "Well, you could try getting into the driver's seat and getting the hell away from here." He laughed, "Yes, madam, whatever you say." Xavei laughed, seeing Avenue fold her arms. "Just hush and stop playing." she spoke, hopping into the back seat. Avenel sighed, walking on the other side and opening the door, sliding into the seat. He put the keys into the ignition and drove off. "Well, little miss Nu-Nu...what is this plan of yours?" She smirked, "Well, I want you to deliver something to that [i]boy[/i]" "A note perhaps?" "Exactly..." He sighed, stopping at a red light, "You're just begging to be hurt today, don't you? Well, I won't be there to save you." "I didn't need you in the first place!" "Ah, whatever. Why don't you just drop it though? It's childish." Avenue rolled her eyes, "It is not...it's a matter a pride--" "And that's exactly what'll be your imminent downfall one day, you know." "Maybe so...but that's one thing no one can take away from me. Not you, not him...no one. And I won't lose...I won't admit defeat." He sighed heavily, pulling into Xavei's driveway, "Again, your downfall darling." he got out of the car, going towards Xavei's side. "Come on now, let's go." He picked up Xavei, walking to her door. He took her doorkeys and opened the door, walking into the house. Placing her down on the couch, he kissed her cheek. "See you tomorrow morning, Xavei-chan." he tossed the keys, leaving the house. Avenue smirked, seeing Avenel's happy face. "..and when are you going to tell her?" "Soon...now, where to?" "Home...I have to change and get a few....items. You have a job to do." she replied, giving him a letter. "Really? Whatever." and with that, he drove off.[/color]
[color=violet]OOC: Well, don't I have a lot of loose strings to tie up.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avenel sighed, looking at Xavei sitting in his lap. [i]Well, the nurse better hurry up...[/i] He closed his eyes, thinking back to the conversation he just had with Ms. Winters.... [i]"So it that the only reason you came to talk to me?" Ms. Winters asked, folding her arms. He chuckled, "My my, aren't we suspicious? Well, don't be...I'm just nosy." Avenel pointed to his head. "I can't help that, you know." "Yes," Ms. Winters replied, "I can tell--" "Really? Why you really [b]don't[/b] miss anything, do you?" he laughed. "Again, why are you here? I know it is not to mock me...so what is it really?" He leaned over, placing his palms flat on the desk. "Well, something's not right....the equation is unbalanced, so to speak." "And?" she replied, getting a bit impatient. "Ha, well...I just came to find out what's missing, just so I can balance it back." he walked over to where she was sitting. "You see, you may be smart...and slick...but I'm not one of those little children that you deal with day by day. I know when something's not right....and something isn't right here. So, why don't you balance the equation, madam?"[/i] "Hello?! Earth to Nel-chan! Come in Nel-chan!" he blinked, seeing Xavei looking at him. "Sorry, I was just thinking..." he replied, smiling back at his friend. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avenue sighed, walking down the hall, heading towards the library. "Dammit, where is he?" she spoke, opening the door to the library. She walked in, looking around for a minute. Walking towards a corner, she saw two students making out. "Disgusting." she replied, walking away from them. She walked around, searching the aisles, looking at some of the books. "Hmm, I guess he isn't here..must not be a bookworm, I guess." Sighing, she turned to leave, then she saw him. "He he. There he is." Avenue flicked up her switchblade, walking slowly towards Gen....[/color]
[color=violet]Avenue walked straight, losing the limp that she just pulled off. "Well, that was a good trick." Avenel scoffed, "Please, that was so fake that anybody could see through it." he shook his head, handing her the skirt. "Make yourself presentable, woman!" "Oh hush, Nel-chan!" she replied, putting back on her discarded items. "Anyway, before you go off ranting and such...something's not right here." "Eh? What do you mean, 'not right'?" "Well," he started. "That was too much of a brush off. Hey, we may be dramatic...but that was really fake..and she bought it, at least that's what she wanted up to think. Ms. Winters is too smart for that. On any given day, she would have hauled our asses to the office...but why didn't she? That's what I wanna find out..." Avenue rolled her eyes, "Yeah...you go do that. Call me before you leave though, I'm going to find that 'Gen' boy. We have unfinished business..." "Ha, yeah...go and get your ass kicked by your obsession. Have fun." she gave him the finger. "No, Nu-Nu, incest's not my thing..." She scoffed, walking down the hall...[i]Jerk.[/i][/color]
[color=violet]Avenue sneered at Gen, "Do it--" Avenel waved his hand, standing next to Gen. "She gives...don't listen to her." "Shut up," she screamed, looking at him. "You don't rule me, Nel-chan! You hear me?" "Yeah, the whole damn school heard ya. But I'm your brother..." looks at Gen, "And I say she gives" "No I don't. Pain is temporary, pride is forever...and I got my pride dammit!" she yelled, moving her leg a little, ignoring the pain. "If you're gonna do it, do it now...and brother, shut up." she sighed, stretching her leg out, then swiftly lifting it up to kick Gen.[/color]
[color=violet]Avenue narrowed her eyes a bit, looking at Gen. She heard what he said...and but she couldn't place what it was. She shook her head, standing up straight. Avenel sighed, "My, my how boring, Nu-chan. I guess I'll be telling Xavie about your little secret...and that boy there. I'll tell him too." She blushed, cracking her knuckles. "Don't worry...just shut up and watch." she umbuttoned the side of her skirt, throwing it towards her brother, revealing a pair of black short shorts underneath. "Now, no more talk. Let's do this."[/color]
[color=violet]Avenue smirked, tapping her foot lightly, eyeing the boy. "Well, well...nice way to clean up." She stared at everyone, flicking up her switchblade. "Everyone out! Right now!" she yelled, seeing a few of the kids scatter, others just walking slowly away. She frowned at her brother, standing beside her. "Very impressive, I must say," she spoke, circling him, eyeing him intensely. She took her switchblade and swung it absentmindedly, licking her lips. Avenel sighed, "Just get on with it, Nu-chan. This is quite a bore." "Fine then." she replied, stopping in front of him. "Just when I was having fun." with that, she pulled off her glove, tossing it and the switchblade to her brother. "Let's get started shall we?" she spoke again, taking off her headdress and throwing it to the ground as she took a few steps back, then charged...[/color]
[color=violet]Avenue sighed, watching the ongoing fight. She glanced at Avenel, seeing him looking at a retreating Xavie. "What are you looking at?" He shook his head, "Nothing, Nue. What's going on?" he replied, looking back at the fight. "Some boys are getting their ass kicked. I've seen him." pointing to the boy that was doing most of the fighting. "Some of the kids here call him a psycho....cool." Avenel looked shockingly at his sister, "Are you feeling ok? You [i]actually[/i] said something good about other people in this school." She waved him off, "An-and? So what if I did? The boy can fight. I'll give him that...and besides, he's cute." Avenel coughed, looking at his twin. "Cute? Did you just say that?" "No, I said mute...he's mute." she replied, trying to cover up her slip. Avenel smirked, waving his hands in the air. "Nu-Nu's got a crush! Wait till I tell Xavie-chan, she's gonna freak!" Avenue grabbed his shirt, looking at him. "You won't say a word...why? Cause I didn't say that. It's all in your head. That child disgusts me...that's all it is." Avenel smirked, "Oh really? Well, let's see.....if you can corner him and fight him, then I will forget that you even said that. However, if you lose, I'll make sure [i]she[/i] hears about it...." "Deal," she replied, letting go of her brother's shirt. She sighed, folding her arms and watched the fight.....[/color]
[color=violet]Avenue chewed her gum slowly, beginning to become bored with today's lesson. She sighed, wondering what Avenel was up to. [i]*beep beep be be beep!*[/i] She glanced at her cell phone, ignoring the classmates' eyes on her. She pressed the green button, placing the receiver on her ear. "Hello?" "Nue! Leave class now! I'm in the hall...something's about to go down." "What? A fight?" "I don't know....all I know is that I got a call saying that something's about to happen. I wanna know about it." "Well then take your lazy ass to whereever it's supposed to be.." she replied, seeing the teacher's angry face. "You know, on second thought, I'll be out in a minute." she hung up the phone, tossing it back into her purse. She gathered her things and walked towards the door. "Excuse me, where are you going now?" the teacher asked, sounding a bit pissed. "None of your damn business...just go back and teach class." and with that, she shut the door, ignoring the yelling from the teacher. Avenel sighed, "Well, you sure took your time..." Avenue placed her hand in his face. "Just zip it...now, let's go. Where did they say it was happening?" "I don't know...let's just search until we stumble upon something." Avenel replied, grabbing her hand and dragging her off. "Jeez, I wish I had more people that I could gossip with..." "Yeah yeah," she replied, running around the corner. They hid behind the side of another corner, seeing some kids talk. Avenel looked at his sister, seeing the kids run off. "Maybe we should follow them..." she nodded, running after the kids. They went through two sets of double doors and saw a small crowd of kids standing around. "Is this it?" Avenel asked, sighing. "I guess...well, if something's gonna go down, might as well stay and watch." she replied, flipping her switchblade. [/color]
[color=violet]Avenue tapped her pencil loudly on the desk, seeing the teacher come in. She looked at her brother, who was, very happily, eyeing the two young boys in front of him. She scoffed, "Another challenge, eh 'Nel?" He smirked at her, "...well, you know how I love challenges, counterpart." he ruffled his hair, staring intensely at the boys. "Ah, grow up!" she replied, seeing the teacher began to speak to the class. She rolled her eyes, already becoming bored with the man. "You know, I'm really aching to leave....you coming?" Avenel nodded, grabbing his black backpack. "I guess...although I was having my share of fun." she waved her hand, walking to the door. "Excuse me Miss Miro, but where exactly are you going? It's rude to walk out of the class without my permission--" "--and I can give a rat's ass about your [i]permission[/i]--" Avenel clamped his hand over her mouth, "Well, you will have to excuse her...it's her time of the month you know. Every girl's bound to be a bitch around that time. No helping that." The teacher nodded, "Ok, I can understand that...but what's your excuse?" Avenel scoffed, "I'm on too...jeez, we're twins you know!" "Umm, I'm not even gonna respond to that...just hurry up and do what you gotta do and come back." Avenel nodded, pushing his sister out of the door. He grabbed her hand and ran down the hall. Avenue sighed, "And where are we going?" "The track field, of course." she shook her head, following Avenel along. They ran outside, approaching the steel bleachers. "Look, there they are!" Avenel spoke, pointing to the gym boys that we about to start running. They took a seat on the top of the bleachers, watching the boys warm up. "Look, #10's a hottie." Avenue frowned deeply, "...you have got to be kidding. I'm going back to class, call me on my cell so that I can meet you when school is over." Avenel nodded, sighing dreamily at the boys. "Pervert," Avenue mumbled under her breath, walking back into the school. She strolled down the hall, walking closer and closer to her class. Knocking on the door, she folded her arms. "Well," the teacher started, opening the door. "You're back....where's 'brother dear'?" "How the hell should I know?" she lied, glaring at the teacher. She pushed past him, walking back to her seat. She smirked at the boys that looked at her, walking slowly towards her seat. All eyes were on her....something she loved to have. She wasn't popular, but then again, she wasn't that much of a loser either. She plopped down into her seat, looking at her phone. "Maybe I should call Xavei-chan...but then again, she's probably busy." she frowned slightly, seeing one of the boys that she used to date eyeing her very lustfully. She frowned even deeper when she saw him grab his lower half. "Put it back in your mouth and suck on it, bastard." she replied to the signal, opening her notebook and began to write....[/color]
Avenel and Avenue walked down the hall silently, holding hands while Avenue swung her switchblade with her free hand. Turning the corner, they saw a couple of underclassmen standing by the boy's bathroom. Avenel smirked, "Oh look, Ave," he whispered, looking at the boys. "They're trying to be rebels. Let's go have a talk with them." Avenue nodded, walking in front of her brother. "So, what are you guys doing out here? Don't you supposed to be somewhere?" she spoke, seeing some of them smirk, the others looked on fearfully. "Oh, you mean class, right? Well, we're just taking a short break...you know, for personal reasons." one of them spoke up, stepping a little too close to Avenue. He eyed Avenel. "You and your little girlfriend here look rather nice today...maybe you guys can cure my sickness...." Avenel's right eyebrow rose, his eyes brighten. He walked over to one of the scared boys by the bathroom, running his finger down his face. "Little one, do you know who I am?" the boy nodded. "Well, do me a favor and tell that child about me...he seems to be confused." The bold boy looked at him, "Confused? Look girl, just stop playing around. Give me what I want..you and her." he spoke, looking back at Avenue. With that, she flicked up her switchblade, looking around at everyone. "Leave!" she growled, her eyes pinning the boy in front of her in place. The little boys scattered, leaving Avenel, Avenue, and the bold one standing in place. Avenue started walking slowly, the boy backing up into the bathroom. Avenel followed, amused by the situation. "He he...hey lady," the boy started, raising his hands in the air. "Can't we talk? Besides, no upstanding woman would be in the boys' bathroom unless she was a whore." Avenue frowned deeply, backing the boy into a corner. She placed the switchblade by his ear and chuckled, "Did you just call me a 'whore'?" she looked back at her brother. "Avenel, did he say that?" Avenel nodded, standing beside the boy, "Indeed sister, indeed. The boy said it." Avenue chuckled louder, placing the switchblade on his cheek. "He, you're bold kid...I like that. Tell ya what, if you can guess Avenel's sex, you're free to go...no harm done." "Heh, that's easy lady...your Avenel is a girl. A mighty sexy one at that." the boy replied, sighing. Avenel winked at him, lifting up his shirt, "Well, you're indeed wrong," he replied, seeing the boy's fearful gaze. "I'm a man...just like you. Ah well...Avenue?" "Gladly." she replied, slicing a line down the boy's cheek, hearing him scream. She then licked the switchblade, seeing the boy pass out. Avenel sighed, "Maybe he didn't like the sight of blood...oh well." Avenue just shrugged, walking out of the bathroom hand-in-hand with Avenel.
(is it ok that I'm playing two characters?) Name: Avenel and Avenue Miro Age: 17 Gender: Avenel(male) and Avenue(female) Grade: Junior Appearance:[URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=angelsanctuary&image=42]Avenel[/URL] and [URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=angelsanctuary&image=12]Avenue[/URL] Personality: Avenel is a very calm and relaxed person. He gushes over the school boys, eyeing each one for little weaknesses that he can use over them. His feminine looks often confuses people and he uses that to his advantage, loving the way their faces look when they find out that he's a man. He loves his sister, his counterpart as he often refers to her, dearly, often having a very protective feeling over her. They both are seen together most of the time...but split when cornering students that they take to each own's liking. Avenue is very innocent looking, although that's not really the case. She's very hostile, often swinging her switchblade in front of girls in her class that she hates, threating to do damage to their "doll-like" faces. It is known that she hates men, and that she does, but she is infatuated with them. She often observes her brother and other males, wondering what it is like to be them. Same goes with girls. Like her brother, she also eyes the boys, giggling and laughing at them seductively. She also does the same with the schoolgirls. The twins are friends with Xavei Cho, both liking her attitude and her style of dress. They both dislike the popular people and often find ways to scare them.... Misc: They are claimed to be the most fashionable people of the school, always seen with a different outfit for everything. They are the ones that make the trends, even though they don't get credit for it. Both of them are also very intelligent and like to build things from scratch.