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Everything posted by Avalon

  1. Well personally I can say that I'm an outcast...not because I put myself in this group, but because people put me in that group...Dark, absolutely! Why wouldn't I be?!
  2. Name: Kina Faye Age: 18 Home planet: Mai-Mai Weapon: Swords and Magic Magic: Dark Visionary Secret Identity: Midori Noni Other forms: Shape shifter Personality: Kina Faye has a fiery attitude and loves a good fight. She is a tough person who really has an short temper with people who get on her bad side. Flirtatious and talkative, her enemies always underestimate her as being "easy" and too "girlish" but they soon catch on that things are not as they seem. Bio: At the age of 10, she had to leave her parents after a world war started on her planet, and ever since, she has been alone....no siblings or any recollection of what happened to her parents, she seeks out to find the truth... Looks: Basically, she has dark blue, back-length hair, wears skimpy clothing, always black, red or blue(dark colors). Wears a five-star pentagram around her stomach and spiked chokers and wristbands.
  3. Shro looked at Morgan, "Look, as much as I [I]don't[/I] want to do this, I think we need to go and get your cards...they might be helpful. Besides, you're unarmed. Morgan nodded in agreement as they made their way down the bright street with the brightly colored houses...as the neighbors stopped and stared at the two ladies, which gave Morgan an eerie feeling. "Shro, we need a car...bad." "I wish we had one. I would be long gone...not without you, of course." Shro replied as they walked towards the driveway. Morgan shivered as her dad approached them, smiling as always. "Hello sweetie...how's Daddy's little angel?" the dad spoke, smiling brightly and pinching her cheeks. Looking over at Shro, "Well, how are you today, Sheo?" "It's Shro, Mr. Keta, Shro." "Oh, Shro. I can't ever get that name...is it foreign?" he said, looking terrified. "Umm, dad? We need to go now." Morgan impatiently said, almost running into the house with Shro right behind. Making her way into Morgan's room, they saw someone was in there. Morgan opened her door slowly as Shro raised her hoe. Once opened, they looked in...only to find pink and yellow colors everywhere. "AHH!!!!!!!!" Morgan screamed as she dropped to her knees, clutching the rug. Morgan's mom ran in quickly. "What's wrong, Marlena?" Morgan looked up at her slowly, "What have you done?" she asked. "Where's my stuff? My poster? My clothes?" "Oh. I thought this room needed a bit changing. It was too much black and that kind of stuff in here." "Well, I want my stuff back now! Everything! Now, where did you put my cards?" "Well, honey, they're in my room in the dresser. Your shrink thought that I should take them..." Without warning, Morgan ran into her parents' closet and found her cards, put them in her pocket, took her bat and left with Shro. "Well that was quite funny." Shro spoke. "Want to borrow my clothes for school tomorrow?" "Yes, thanks. Well" she said, sitting on the sidewalk. "Let's check the cards."
  4. I'll say Pan from Dragonball Z/GT...cause I'm sweet, funny and I can kick a**. Also I'm kinda like her father, Gohan...I have an over-protective mom who hits people with purses(sound like someone), and I'm smart.;)
  5. Mine is April, the 28th....17! 17! I'll be 17!
  6. Q: Who does my mom hate? A: Bill Clinton
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]My fave scouts are the Starlights.. I don't like any of the others.. The villains are better... :smirk: [/B][/QUOTE] I like the Starlights...because they're hot...and all of the outer scouts...because they kick azz...but if it was up to the original scouts...I'll say Lita. She just reminds me of me! A tomboy who just wants to be accepted as a decent girl.
  8. Anyone huh? That's easy! Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop! A banging body, a ship, cool clothes, and knowledge of shooting, I would be a deadly mama! Who wouldn't want to be her?:blush:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]Since guys posted in the hot anime guys post .... I am gona post in here... I think Lulu from FFX is gorgous... She has the most awesome dress and attitude... But it looks like her boobs are gonna pop out of her dress any second... All of the Marrionettes from Saber Marrionette J are so adorable.. :p gotta love squeeky shoes... What is up with all these guys liking girls from DBZ?? I don't get it.. :confuse2: [/B][/QUOTE] I get ya sista! I'm a girl, and I happen to like Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop the most....those legs, those arms, that flat tummy! And also, not to be forgotten, that yellow spandex! God, if only I could have a woman like that!
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]Some people thing it is very wrong to even think about admiring an Anime character. But I dont really care. I like all the girls on DBZ, they are all very fine!!! I meen, some of them are even better than real life because you can draw them any way you want. So I want your theories on this.......Guys and Girls! [/B][/QUOTE] No, I don't think it's wrong! I happen to have an infatuation with Faye Valentine...and Bulma...and Videl....and more women from various animes... On another note, I have, also, an infatuation with Trunks...and Gohan...and other male characters from various animes Hey, and I'm not weird/strange.
  11. It's one thing that I hate and truly despise, that is bullying. I think that people who are bullies have no/low self-esteem and only does that because they're insecure. I think bullying should be a crime and people like that should be arrested! Tell you what, if I was in your shoes right now, I'll kick whosever a** who did this! This is a terrible tragedy and it goes to show that people, not all of them, are cruel, and can't help but pick on others that are seemed as "weaklings" just for their own laughs...when will we ever grow up. As for your friend, I pray that his family and friends will heal over this. As for the bully, i have always believed that we should "do unto others as they have done unto you" and right, I think a little payback is in order. I shall pray for whoever's soul. God bless.
  12. I'm thinking about starting a band...what shall I do? I'm just a vocalist, I need people... And advice. How do you think I should go about picking people for a band? Give me some ideas please! I'll be very grateful! :) ;)
  13. Name: Keymi Age: 21 Race: Adonian{looks much like a human} Height: 5ft, 7ins Weight: 120lbs Element: Wind and water Weapon: two katanas and a sharp-edged sword Attacks: don't know...make it up along the way Description: A cross between Faye Valentyne and Midori from Evil Zone. Long red hair, black tight shorts, dark blue halter top with no back, knee high boots with platform, blue goggles, and a backpack. Bio: No home, no recollation of her life, she travels alone. As for her social life, she loves to associate with different kinds of people...especially loners like herself. Doesn't like attracting much attention, but mainly does because of her scandily clad outfits and flirtatous attitude.
  14. Name: Marlena "Morgan" Keta Age: 17 Gender: Female Bio: Her family has been moving around since she was 2, from one town to another...until they moved into Landerdale. Defined as a "black sheep", she and Shro became good friends. A bit of a psychic, she deals her tarot cards to tell what can happen...and things don't look good for her. Being an only child, she is sensed, by her parents, as stretching the truth of the town. Dark, mysterious and beautiful, she is sought after...armed only with her deck of tarot cards and a baseball bat, she is not one to mess with.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen_Isanity [/i] [B]Ever have a friend that was suicidal? I have 2. One I knew about fer a while. Then I found out that another one of my friend plans to kill herself in 5 years. (She thinks cutting herself is fun) 5 days ago she was talking about road trips & College. Now all she wants to talk about is Death and bleeding!!!!!1:eek: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] Yes...me. I was once like them...not anymore. What happened to her? Maybe she's unhappy...
  16. I love this show!!! And I'll play, I'll be Repairer Candidate #88:Towryk, Kizuna!
  17. Are you kidding? I love that stuff! My room is even painted like space. Oh the planets, star, galaxies far far away for man to reach! And the sun...oh the sun! How unexplainable it is to me!:)
  18. During this, Ataryi was in the kitchen...unaware of the 'person' on the ship... Ataryi: Aren't I the best cook in the world, Mei? Mei: Not really... Ataryi: Shut up Mei! You're nothing but a computer! I happen to be a excellent cook...did you know that beauty and cooking expertise is a top way to snag a husband? Give a dog some food and he'll follow you... Mei: Yeah, and give a man some of your food and they'll die. Not happily either. Ataryi: Shut up! Shut up! [I]clank![/I] What was that? Mei: I don't know...shall I check it out, Mistress? Ataryi: Yes, do that will you? And tell Anima to come to the lower deck cause her dinner is ready. [I]Meanwhile...[/I] Anima: What was that? [I]they listened to the wiring [/I] She's coming! [I]Anima pushed him back into the vent and shut it tight. Just then the door opened[/I] Mei: Are you alright, Miss? Ataryi(nervously): Yes, just a little bit cold in here. Mei: It is 17 degrees lower than it should be..let me turn on the vent. Anima(panicked): No! No...that's ok. I have blankets. Mei: Yes, that's right. Well, mistress said to come to the lower deck. Anima: Umm, just wondering...why do you call her 'mistress'? Mei: I don't know if I should say... Anima: Oh don't worry...I won't tell a soul. Mei: Well...the reason I call her that is because, when I met her, people called her Mistress Mei. I am named after that. Anima: Oh ok. Tell her I'll be down in a minute. [I]Mei smiled and left. When she left, Anima got Abob out of the vent[/I] Abob: That's Mistress Mei? Anima: No, that's her computer. Who is this Mistress Mei? Abob: Oh she was an excellent weapon maker. A genius in battle. But that was long ago...50 years to be exact. I heard childhood stories of her. Legend has it that she was cursed to remain young and forever like she was...never to die like humans did...to watch the planet vanish into nothing. Anima: Whoa! That might be her. Abob: Let her join. We can use her to our advantage. She's one of the best, so I've heard. Anima: Hum, maybe
  19. [I]Total darkness was all she saw as she opened her eyes...[/I] Anima: Ah...where am I? [I]she sat up asking no one in particular but unaware that she was not alone[/I] ???: In my ship...you think I'll leave you or something...I'm not that harsh. [I]Anima jumped to her feet[/I] Anima: Who's there? Show yourself!! [I]She reached for her gun but it was missing[/I] Hey!! ???: Looking for this? [I]she threw the gun to her owner as the lights came on[/I] And well since we can see each other now I might as well introduce myself...Ataryi Masako at your service! Anima: Hey?.[I]she asked suspiciously[/I] , What do you mean by ?at your service?? Ataryi: I meant exactly what I said, lady?I wanna join your crew Anima(scoffs): Huh! Why would I need a little girl like you? You?re useless. Ataryi: I have you know that I?m on the top of my game for my age? Anima: Which is? Ataryi: None of your business?well can I or can?t I? Anima: Well?I?ll think about it. Now can you take me back? Ataryi: Sure! As soon as you say I can be apart of your team.
  20. Well ppl I've done some thinking and reading and decided that I won't kill myself over that...or ever! As for my friend, we're taked and sorta worked some things out... We're dating now, but not telling our parents...yet! I want to tank all of you for your help. James, thanxs man! And everybody else thank you too! I love all of you!! :)
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B] Hey you know what!! Hang in there I am having something to that extent happen to me...just not with the sleepign with someone yet...thing....But yes I did skip school yesterday to aviod everything...but I'll tell you one thing if you kill yoruself....they'll just remember you as a wuss...if you prove that you are strong enough to endever this you will become stronger yourself...and will gain some respect....Also God will not have damned you...for if you repented and sincerely ment it its kewl..."Do not hate the Sinner hate the sin"...If your mom is a heavy Christian she would have read that many a time...So just go to her and tell her what happened and tell her that you are ashamed and scared and sorry....What I would say is to pray to god to help those kdis...and otherwise snub 'em...Don't pay attention to them...and if worst comes to worse call me and get me a ticket and I will be there in two days to kick their sorry asses...:) [/B][/QUOTE] But the problem with that is...I liked the sex!! :bawl: No not again! Shut up! Shut up!! Shut up!!!
  22. it's alright I guess...I hate Sakuya though. I mean, he has all those women in his house and he didn't even get on of them. And had to hook up with an overzealous, stalker b***h!!!
  23. In the words from the guys in "Dude, Where's My Car" [color=red][SIZE=4]Shibby!!! Sweet!!![/SIZE][/color]
  24. I'm really having problems for the past three weeks and right now I think I'm going to do something drastic. Here's the story: I spent the night over my friend, Revi's, house and we kinda got drunk and ended up sleeping with each other. The next day, I realized what I did and was very ashamed. I didn't talk to her and still haven't. After that, I repented every day and prayed every night. I couldn't tell my mother...she would go off the deep end and curse at me about Christianity and their laws. So I'm kinda worried that God might have damned me or something. And the kids in school. The kids in school like to make fun of me and tease me. Monday of last week, we had a food fight. But instead of throwing food at other persons, they threw it at me. I was so mortified. Tuesday, some girls tripped me down the stairs. Wednesday, they cut a lot of my hair while I was studying in class. Thursday and Friday I cut school to avoid tormentation. I feel like dying!! I cried every day of the week for three weeks straight. I don't know what to do!! Can you tell me?
  25. To me, money can only buy you material things: houses, cars, clothes and the like. What money can't buy is: a good man, love, respect, a faithful man, genuine friendship and the like. Oh and just for the sake of it, I wouldn't want to be rich. Rich people seem to act...strangely. :laugh:
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