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Everything posted by Avalon
Umm...I was the second and last girl that signed up. Look back...you'll see. On with the show!
During the battle, the computer stopped the ship and Ataryi looked at the sight in front of her. "Wow!" she said in a robotic voice, "What firepower!!!" she leaned in a little closer to see better. "What the... they're moving? Where is it going?" she asked the computer. "I don't know mistress. Shall I follow?" Ataryi sighed, "I guess so. Just make sure they don't see us like the last ship did." the computer started up the ship and fired away slowly following them....
Meanwhile, in a ship close by, Ataryi worked carefully at the task she was doing. "Aw, finally finished!!" she said, placing her well-oiled AK-47 into her steel case. She flipped off the bed and when into the computer room of her ship to see the computer screen lit up with "Danger, danger!" in bright red letters. She ran over to the monitor, "Computer, show damage." "There is none, mistress." the computer answered. By this time, Ataryi was angry, down right mad. "Then what seems to be the problem?!" "Two ship in 50 ft perimeter." "Ha!" Ataryi laughed, "It's just some ships, jeez! You did the same thing two months ago. Remember those teenages? I'm lucky they didn't turn our butts in for that stunt!" "That was a mistake, madam, a mistake. But I'm sure that's the ship we're been looking for!" The computer pulled a close-up on the two ships as Ataryi looked on. "Holy K and 40s" she exclaimed, "that is her ship! What's this?" she looked closer and rubbed her hands together. "Well seems to me that our watcher has brought some friends. How about we crash this little party?" The ship fired up and away to the joining parties. 'Finally...' she thought. 'I've traveled a long way and dealt with to much to let this go...'
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B]hmmm.....we need another girl, I don't think I'd particularly enjoy traveing through space with thr males. [/B][/QUOTE] Need a girl huh? Then I'm your man! Get it? This is my first time...so make it easy for me. Name: Ataryi Masako Age: 19 Occupation: Genius of Weaponry Appearance: long dark blue hair, regularly in ponytails, silver halter top, black short skirt, silver knee-high platform boots, black fingerless gloves, and a pair of red goggles. Weapons: explosives, guns, anything she can make Skills: making weapons, expertise in guns
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]First off, I'm extremely pissed off at the time so don't bother to IM me about it and give me the condoleneces. I'm sorry for the rudeness and I do appreciate them. Just last week I caught this guy bothering my g/f. I told him to back off and he did. Now, comes yesterday. The same guy takes it to the extreme level and [B]nearly[/B] rapes my g/f. In retaliation, I charged and took him down with full force and it turned into a big brawl that went ugly. In the end, I ended up in getting arrested with this bastard and I have to serve 20 hours of community service. That fruit has a broken arm and a cracked ribcage. But I mean, I was only defending her. Why the hell should I suffer for this incident?? Freaking judge said it was disturbing the peace. Disturbing the peace my :butthead: Now, would you think for yourself: Was it the right thing to do?? Cuz I think it was. [/B][/QUOTE] You rule, man!! Hell yeah that was the right thing to do, more power to you!!! If i were you, I would have did more than that. I guess I was right: chivery is coming back and you just proved it!! You deserve my award for best man!!!
I, for one, never went to a prom before, this is my first time this year. As for dances, my 8th grade dance was kinda cool except I didn't have a date and had to stand on the wall like a moron with the other geeks. This year, i probably won't go because I don't have a date...I'm trying to get Gojay to go with me but he's all mean and stuff....and we're supposed to be friends!!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]Hogan is a LEGEND!!!! He's never too old to be wrestling!!! Hogan don't take no crap from nobody....... just look what he did to the amazing "get beat up throughout the match but then make a miraculous recovery and win" man Rock. He whooped his ***, and now he has to do comminity service just because he fought back. Rock shouldn't have been such a *****. NOtice Stone Cold didn't take any crap. He got in there and whooped ***, but the Rock was a different story, he did so well that he nearly got crippled. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey!!! It wasn't his fault...they jumped him. First of all, Hulk Hogan [b]was[/b] the man back in the day. Now, he is just a bully. I hate Hogan now!!! Ric Flair rules!!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]What the heck is up with people now adays? Why the hell do we have to fit this perfect image of someone who doesn't give a crap about you, and if you don't fit that image everyone hates you for some damn reason that makes no sense? What the hell is up with people today and judging someone upon appearance? It pisses me off! I am tired of it! I have officially every friend except two at my school for not fitting that image then telling them how truly STUPID this whole thing is? Do you guys have to put up with this at your school...or is my school just screwed up? Sorry for this rant I just wanted to see if I am truely alone in this struggle or are there other strong people who resist this annoying habbit of humans? [/B][/QUOTE] That's exactly the way I felt when I tried for modeling two weeks ago...me and my cousin, China(more like my cousin, I just did this to make her happy) went to audition for a modeling agency that was in town. We went and everything was cool except that all the girls in there was skinny. It kinda made me a little subconcious about how I looked and my size and stuff. At the end, however to my slight fear, I was turned down because of my size. China didn't want to do it because of what they did and I cried all the way home. People are like that though...it's in their nature to make fun of something they don't know about. I'm ok now, but I really wish people would accept me and my size. ;) So you're not alone.
Take it out...I like piercings as much as the next person but that looks very unprofessional...but hey, why listen to me?? I cussed out my manager! :laugh: :laugh:
Ok this is a first for me:: Name: Atarai Maski (AKA Black Widow) Age: 17 Description: Tall with long purple hair and no real eyecolor; it depends on her feelings, often seen carrying a black and red staff. Clothing: A black halter top in shape of a star and a red mini-skirt with a mesh overtop and a pair of black high tops. Personality: Although she is mistaken to be a tramp and weak by her enemies, she is the opposite. An intellectual genius, she has a quite nasty attitude if you cross her the wrong way. Otherwise, she is nice and sweet. Weapons:AK-47s, explosives, dynamite, contact poison...stuff of that nature. Companions: Nefere: Komodo dragon Element: water and fire Main attack: Dragon rage Matia: King Cobra Element: wind and earth Main attack: Poison sting
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by asar [/i] [B] Hey Panny, thanks for staying around...:) [/B][/QUOTE] thanxs!!! :D ;)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KyJaUn~FuLlEr [/i] [B]DANG. u'v survived alot panny i mean dang overdoses and HANGINGS.how old r u n e way? and u say u gone through the whole 9 wut well... wut about the 10? :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] I'm 16(going on 17 in April!!!) the whole 10 huh?? *LOL* that's funny, for a serious matter!!!:laugh:
Whoa!!! This is like my third time seeing this and that scared the crap out of me....who would make sure a site?!!!!:eek:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]its a majestic wavy movement to the hands that takes alot to master and its also a dance style that you do to techno music ~learn the rave, just like me Jamvis [/B][/QUOTE] Ok....:rolleyes: :confused:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]who can Rave? i like to rave... infact im doing it right now... this is some good raving music [url]http://www.shoutcast.com/waradio.phtml?genre=Techno[/url] its great... try the first station! [/B][/QUOTE] what the heck is a rave????:confused:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]damn.... this sux.... i hate to hear things like that.... my friend hung himself abut 3 years ago. He was 13. :( And no one knows why he did it.. But I think people who commit suicide are weak stupid people.. and all they care about are themselves... selfish bastards.. they don't think about what other people will feel if they die.. It has to be the stupidest thing anyone could do!! :mad: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] That is true that suicidual people do not think very often about how ppl would react...but in a other view, suicidual ppl are not weak or stupid...they just haven't found peace and they think that they can find it in the afterlife or stuff like that. That's all...but ppl who try/tried to commit suicide(like me) are not selfish bastards!!!! We just have slight...problems. Please don't confuse the two...it's very offensive to me and other ppl who have tried these things...thank you!! :cool:
Aries and Debra Wilson from Mad TV!!! When they play those two fat women!!! They are so funny!!! Oh and Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker...can you say funny??:laugh: :laugh:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KyJaUn~FuLlEr [/i] [B]Hey guys i have tragic news today at my school this kid named well i might as well not mention it. But he hanged himself 2/13/02 just yesterday at 6:00 (eastern daylight) and well his mom abused him and then he got mad and commited a sucide not kidding.Everyone at school was crying and we all miss him and can everyone at otaku please include him in your prays today and hope he went to heaven which i doubt but please. In Memory of him OH DID I MENTION HE LOOKED LIKE HARRY POTTER? [/B][/QUOTE] I understand...and I'm sorry...just think, that could have been me a few years ago. Yes, I was suicidual and I'm not ashamed of telling that to anyone because it is a hard thing. Abuse and depression are hard things to overcome...but it is not hopeless. I understand that he probably thought that there was no way to reliquish his pain of his mom abusing him...some parents do that. My mom slaps me often over stupid things...some parents are just like that. I wish that I could have talked to this guy, try to help him with his problems at home, maybe it would have saved him...because during my so-called "recession" I had no one to talk to, no one to depend on. Maybe he didn't either. I understand that he probably thought that it was a last resort to things...I did too. But now, I just look back at those days and I'm happy to be still living...I am a survivor!!! I've survived overdoses, hangings, poisoning, the whole 9. So I think that somebody, meaning in Heaven, wanted me to stay here. But anyway, I will pray for his soul and his family...
It's been ok...for now! Me and Gojay exchanged gifts...I bought him a balloon and he bought me a coffee mug with candy. Now it's 3:56 and me and Gojay are in the library!!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantasy Freak [/i] [B]I wanna see that movie so bad!I am going to start reading the book.Who else wants to see it?Maybe I wll ask my friend who want to see it and if there is like one or tw who say yes.Talk my mom into taking u to see it as part of my B-day present cause my b-ay is February 21st and it comes out the 22nd.Hehe! [/B][/QUOTE] What??? It has a book!!!:o
Actually, you're quite good looking. Like the shirt too. Don't really like Tweety Bird that much.;)
I would have to say all of the Halloween movies, all of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, and all of the Child's Play movies!! Oh and The Craft and my all-time fave...the Rocky Horror Picture Show!!!!:laugh:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]Do you fall in love easily? Do you fall out of love easily? Whats the longest time youve ever dated someone? Whast the shortest time youve ever dated someone? How long do your average relationships last? For me..... 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. 14 hours ( Overnight ) 4. Over the summer. 5. Week or 2 [/B][/QUOTE] 1. Yes. 2. No(that sucks!) 3. 2 1/2 years(yes I do keep count!!) 4. 8 hours(boy dumped me cause I didn't want to be his quote, en quote, "cutty buddy") 5. It depends on who the person is... To sum it all up, my life/love life sucks!!!!!:bawl: :bawl:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][size=1]A teddy bear scented with my cologne, a card and a ring. That's what I've decided on. :)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] :bawl: that's so sweet!!! Why can't anyone get me anthing like that!!:bawl: But seriously, buy her some flowers(roses preferbly), a box of candy and like three teddy bears...then take her out to somewhere special for a candlelight dinner or something...hey it worked for my cousin!!!:D