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Everything posted by Avalon

  1. good god in heaven...what are they doing?! I mean the movie was F***ing awesome but anime?!! That, my friends, is the demise, disgrace and end of all anime! It's too soon!! God help the children. *runs off screaming and yelling at kids* Run children run!!!!
  2. here's a few: Animerica.com J-pop.com Anipike.com or try search engines like Yahoo! and Google.
  3. I have, the edited and non-edited versions! it was quite boring to me...no plot.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gojay [/i] [B]:confused2:Let's see....... I'd say I like....Gohan's Saiyaman costume without the cape in SSJ2, or his mystic uniform while in SSJ2. :D [/B][/QUOTE] I should have known, Josh! You would pick Gohan. But as for me, I would say Future Trunks'. He's so dreamy!!! And that outfit makes him look hot!! :excited: :love:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] Well, as for the Saiya-jins and demi-SJ's, they have better longevity as it is because of their Saiya-jin bloodline. As for a Bulma, she does age. It just isn't very apparent, likely because she is suppose to be wearing make-up and the like. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with Justin and also the way ChiChi has her hair, in that bun, makes her look older because in GT, her hair is short and she has a bane, thus making her look younger.;)
  6. the fight with Cell...definately the fight with Cell
  7. happy b'day man! why i remembered when i turned 12...come to think of it, i'm quite happy I'm 16 and over with the pre-teen blues! well anyhoo, happy b'day 2 u!:cool:
  8. :blush: I'm very uncomfortable about nudity but yes, i do sleep in the nude sometimes, all the time in the summer. I just lock the door when my mom tries to come in.:)
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i] [B] I trust him....definetly but it's her who I don't trust!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] I understand completely but there's only one thing i have to say...do live with him? If you do, there's one way to explain how it's going to be...Jerry Springer.
  10. My name is Etarah and i just found out that my mom named me after Atari, the game station! Isn't that ironic? No wonder I love oriental things!
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by King Penn [/i] [B]I give you a thumbs up, two in fact! just look at my avatar! He had no right to do what he did, and got exactly what he deserved! you go girl! ps. you are a girl, right? lol [/B][/QUOTE] i guess your guess was right...i am a girl and proud of it!!!:angel:
  12. okay this is a true story: thursday i went on a interview for a job at McDonalds. the interview went well(to my knowledge) and he said he would call me back in two days. Saturday came and sure enough he did. But he started talking about how he didn't need anyone of my "stature" working there. I asked him what he meant and he told me that he "didn't want any big people working in his workplace." Well of course i was mad(more like enraged) and told my cousin, who worked at the place, and we went down to the job. When we arrived i started making noises about wanting to see the manager and finally he came. When he did, i know he regretted it because I cussed that man out. What was funny was that after it happened, everyone appluded, my cousin quit the job and when we went outside everyone honked at us in their own cheering way. As for the manager, he got fired for it! Ha! So was that wrong?
  13. Wow dude, I thought I had problems with my step-father! I'll pray for you, man, I know how it is! My mom was in this same situation with me and my dad. She won though, on account of being a lady. So I had to stay with her. Good luck, man! I'll say a few 'Hail Marys: for you!
  14. :D ha ha ha! gojay was right! that is funny! I'm going to die from laughing! someone call 911 i'm turning purple!
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Why does it matter if they are gay or straight? That doesn't change them one bit...Oh well anywayz....I just accepted it...one of my friends is a lesbian...its not that hard to accept...I mean its her choice...doesn't affect you so why should you care? [/B][/QUOTE] I agree! You should be friends with your friend regardless of their sexual preferences.
  16. Just to get a laugh out of somebody, i decided to post up some yo' mama jokes. not offensive to anyone. and not talking about anyone's mother. use these for situation: bullies, friends, anything: 1. yo mama so stupid, she thought Boyz II Men was a daycare center. 2. yo mama teeth so yellow, the doctor knocked them out and sold them as night-lights. 3. yo mama so stupid, she thought Fleetwood Mac was a new burger from McDonalds. 4. yo mama so stupid, the coach told her to get a quarterback and that's exactly what she did: she a quarter back. 5. yo mama so fat, she sat on a dollar and made 4 quarters. 6. yo mama so fat, we poured a half a cup of water in the bath tub and it overflowed. well that's all i know, i'll post up some more when i find some.
  17. Avalon

    favorite song

    My fave song would have 2 be Broken Home by Papa Roach and All Apologies by Nirvana. Kurt Cobain rules!
  18. just a lil more info and i'll know what 2 tell u. oh don't run away 2 see her
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantasy Freak [/i] [B]Alot of times at night,I tend to think about why people hate me,why i feel so unloved,why i am so emotional,why I am stil living,why people pick on me,why i get made fun of,why i have my feelings hurt all the time..stuff like that and then I start crying. [/B][/QUOTE] I do too man! you're not alone!
  20. What in the blue h-e-double hockey sticks is wrong with those people?!!! My mom is very religous and when she found out that my cousin was reading hp, she took the book from him and ripped every page!!!! She's so stupid!!! I beleive in witchcraft and i am friends of wiccans. i don't condone them on their situation but the fact is....hp books are lame!!! They suck to me! and i'm happy they are burning the book...but Star Wars is going too far! I love Star Wars. What's wrong with it? Stupid hypocritics!!! :mad:
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] I see your point. I feel like I wanted to hit my friends sometimes too. People like that aren't really your friends, they're just using you. Now, to be more positive, she's someone you'll always be around, so if she carries on, either: 1/ Beat her, so she won't do it again (Though you might be in trouble. If you care or not is your point of view); 2/ Create nasty rumours about her; 3/ Ignore her, and laugh when someone mentions it (It makes you feel better, and gives off a view of confidence, making people believe that she is lying, and they'll stop). Of course, what you do is your choice. These are just suggestions for the future [/B][/QUOTE] nice suggestions. i like your thinking.
  22. I had something happen to me like this 2 years ago. I thought we were friends and we were cool and she started spreading this horrendus rumors about me. i found out it was her and called her on it. she started talking about me being fat and ugly and about black people in a all white school( she's white too). i got tired of it and pulled her blonde bleached hair and slapped her around a couple of times. her friends tried to help her but i beat them up too. at the end, i didn't talk to her anymore. and she learned not to underestimate a black angry woman in America! :)
  23. last week was a bad week for me: 1. i missed the school bus 2. it was raining and i stood 2 close to the edge and a car passed and water splashed on me and soaked me head to toe. 3. i fell down a flight of stairs. 4. missed the bus again now don't tell me i didn't have a sucky day!
  24. It kinda sucks that i have a game character as a hero but Midori from Evil Zone is my hero. She's rough, tough, and she kicks a**! She the perfect persona of me!!!
  25. at Halloween, me and a couple of friends sneak out of the house and egg the police station right down the street. thing is, we never get caught because those cops stay patroling the other neighborhood! Ha ha! Take that!
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