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Everything posted by Avalon

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]Nope, have a couple dentions tho for not wearing my I.D. (Don't see why we have to wear that piece of crap anyways). But I never went and they never said anything to me, so I'm happy. [/B][/QUOTE] At my old school we had to wear those. i got 45 detentions for not wearing them. and a couple of in suspensions too. i refuse to wear those things. I am a rebel and rebels don't wear ids
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B] [color=indigo]Anyways Panny,why do care what people say about him. If nothing that he has done has led you to believe he is messing around then don't be suspicious. A lot of times people slander others due to rejection and jealousy.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] that would be true...if he hadn't told me himself.
  3. I have twice...one in middle school(fighting, 5 days) and once in high school(cutting class, 10 days). Hey what can i say...i'm bad!:D
  4. I have twice...one in middle school(fighting, 5 days) and once in high school(cutting class, 10 days). Hey what can i say...i'm bad!:D
  5. I have 2 things that scared me the most: 1. When I saw the movie 'IT'. you know the clown killing people. *shudders* i still have nightmares. 2. When I saw my first porno, 'Where the boys aren't'. that scared the h-e-double hockey sticks out of me. i didn't know that *they* looked like that! And those women, god! They were all bended like rubber and stuff. Pure mortification!:nervous:
  6. That joke rocks!!!! Omg i can hardly contain myself. hey i got one. there weree 2 snails talking and they saw a car speed by. the first snaill said, "Wow! Did you see the escargot?" get it? es car go? Tough crowd
  7. Ok ppl this is my problem: I am dating one of my friends I met in summer school last year. We've been dating since Labor Day and it's been good...until now. We both live far away from eachother and I get to talk to him not that many times. Either he is gone working in the studio or working at Blockbuster. My problem is that in the past he was what we like to call a player or a pimp of some sort. I think he's cheating on me but it's not obvious. He might be...but then again. I want to talk to him but then he'll think i don't trust him. And a relationship is based on trust. What should I do?:bawl:
  8. Me, i don't really dream at all. or think. sleep is the only peace I have in this world. so everyday i run home...to sleep. Finally, peace from the hectic world called high school!
  9. God and I'm always complaining about the little things. This really has put my life back into prospective. Thanxs ~Mystical Pan~ 4 posting that up.
  10. Aww man. Of course i'll pray for her!
  11. Ok here's the list: 1) move out of mom's house 2) graduate high school(2 more years) 3) go to college; major in secondary education, foreign language 4) graduate from college 5) move to Japan and teach there for a while There it is! Oh and if that doesn't work, I'm interested in a career of journalism or acting. I'll probably end up being a author though!
  12. I fully understand where you're coming from. My mom does that everyday. We get into arguments all the time. Sometimes i think about suicide and stuff like that. She cusses at me and calls me a fat heifer everyday! But you know what, I don't listen to any of the bs because it's not true. And you don't either. F**k what your mom says about you. You are way better than her. Watch, one day she's gonna need you and you'll remember all about the past. I'll happen, beleive me. If you can't take her, just move out. I am in a year, I'll be 18. And I don't give a f**k what she says to stop me! I'm leaving and that's that!! You just remember, you're better than that, all of that! I hope you feel better. Good Luck with mom!:)
  13. Well I'm 100% black, and i come from the home of the Dirty South, Atlanta, Georgia! Yippee! Anyway, I would like to go to Japan because it is so cool over there!!!!! Oh and the boys are all right.
  14. To my knowledge, which is growing by the minute, i think he doesn't like Tenchi because he is seen like a mere earthing. He only wants the best for Aeka and Tenchi, in his eyes, is not the best:D
  15. i've been watching it for 8 months now. and i became addicted to it because my cousin Wesley tied me to a chair and forced me to watch Tree of Might. i started asking about it and now i know more about it than people who been watching it for 5 years. and i make stories about it on fanfiction.net:babble:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]it's obviously b/c he's the cutest...& he's got a real tragic hero thing goin' on (i'm talking about mirai trunks, here). [/B][/QUOTE] amen! you got that right! he is the cutest! what's not to like about him? he's the ideal man! i love him! i would marry him if i could. i can't help it, i'm obessed!!!!!!:love:
  17. [COLOR=blue]First of all, tell your friend that she doesn't need a man to validate her. instead of crying and hoping, she should go on with her life. i understand what she is going through though. i went on with my life and i'm very happier now[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=blue]God i wish that i was 21 or for that matter, 18. i'm 16 and my mom yells at me for the same reason! She says i'm a DBZ freak. what's wrong with that?![/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]The Sun-Shine State...*everyone runs for their handy-dandy "Guide to American State Nicknames" books*:laugh: [size=1]{Land of -ignorant- elderly and hispanic people..who cant punch voting ballots for sh!t}[/size]:)[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey!! You're right by me!!!
  20. [COLOR=blue]Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Home of the 'Dirty South'. God bless the US!! But when i get out of college, i'll be residing in Toyko, Japan.[/COLOR]
  21. Ok people... i have a BIG problem!!! Me and my mom fight every day. I don't get along with her very well. She's a very holier-than-thou person. She always have to have everything better than everyone else. the better and bigger house, the better car, stuff like that. and she's always comparing me to some one else just because i'm a bigger size than her. for example, she and i went shopping saturday. she saw some girls who looked sorta like her, in size i mean. She just kept talking about how if i would lose weight then i could wear those clothes or look like that. I'm getting mighty fed up with her attitude about that because that's what we always fight about. please give your thoughts about this and maybe they will help me.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]mirai no trunks is much cuter than present trunks.... [/B][/QUOTE] You are sooooo correct!!!!:love:
  23. [COLOR=blue]Who's cuter?? Mirai Trunks or Trunks? Because they don't look alike and i like Mirai Trunks better though[/COLOR] :love:
  24. :) [COLOR=red]I havn't celebrated halloween for 6 years and i'm finally going to do it!!! I'm so happy!!! I'm going as a witch with purple hair. Yah!!! Then i'll probably teepee this h@'s house i hate very much!!![/COLOR] :flaming:
  25. :( If you think that's bad, i was grounded for a year!!! and all over a failing test grade!!! and i pulled it up the next week. That year was bad!!! Terrible!!! So i understand. Sorry. :(
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