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Name: Eveni Somoka Callsign: Valentyne Weapons: two semi-autos, one 15-inch fan, handmade explosives Personality: A bit reserved, tomboyish, very competitive, seductive. Gender: Female What do you look like: [URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=38]Valentyne[/URL] Any extra notes: She's a computer genius and a explosive tech. She uses her looks to deceive her opponents
OOC: Well this is a [i]nice[/i] turn of events...Le'aoni's unconcsious. I guess it's finally time to wake up... "What happened?" a female voice asked, groaning as she sat up. Brushing off the snow that clung to her dress. She stood slowly, staring at the brick wall that was in front of her. She shook her head, knocking some of the snow out. Groaning aloud, she stretched, surpressing a howl for the pain she felt. "What in the--" she began, remembering what happened. She growled, her eyes narrowing into slits. She balled her hands into fists, feeling rage. "That lowlife hybrid *****!" she screamed, grabbing her coat and putting it on. She threw her bag over her shoulder harshly, gritting her teeth in anger. As she ran, she only thought of one thing: [i]They will pay.[/i]
Le'aoni sighed, "Fine then...well, there's no reason for us sitting around here, is it?" she looked at them, picking up a small black bag. "'No time like the present', my mother always said." She threw the bag over her shoulder, "So, here's the plan." "Tis a plan now? Ah, Draculina, you are forgetting your place..." "...and you have yet to learn yours. Nonetheless, the plan is simple...even a simpleton like you should understand it." she replied, smirking evilly. "I will post myself up on some dark corner, pretending to be a local prostitute...which would be easy considering that I'm a temptress at heart..." "Ah," Warrington started, looking shockingly. "You have a heart?" Le'aoni waved him off, continuing, "If he's our man, he will try to attack me. I'll defend myself and you gentlemen will join the fight. Got it? Good. We shall leave as soon as I finish. I wouldn't dare ruin another dress like last night." she replied, not really giving anyone any time to say anything. She walked off, going into a small area so that she could dress. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "All done!" she spoke, tying up her black combat boots that she wore. She took one good look at herself, looking down at the boots and the black stocking that she wore...to the garder belt that held them into place and finally, the red halter dress, with a slit on each side, her cleavage showing nicely. She applied little makeup, staring at the white piece of paper in her hand. Walking out, she saw the gentlemen waiting by the doorway. She stopped at Warrington, unfolding the slip and sticking it directly in his face. "What's this, little Draculina?" She growled, "Don't call me that...my name is Le'aoni. And this, my wretched dear, is my drycleaning receipt. See that it be taken care of...since you ruined a perfectly good dress yesterday." she replied, walking out of the building...
Could you save me a spot as Harp?
Le'aoni groaned, trying to pull herself off the ground. She fell, reaching for the phone that laid in her pocket. Pressing a red button, she placed the phone to her ear. "Father, come and get me...I am unable to bring myself home." she spoke, knowing that he was on the other end. She hung up, slipping it back into the pocket as she laid on the ground. Looking to the side of her, she saw Reaper. "Thank you...whoever you are." Within 5 minutes, she could hear footsteps. Groaning, she was hoisted into someone's arms, her vision quite blurred. "Just get me home father...don't ask questions now." The fiqure nodded and walked away, not before looking at the person that had laid next to her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Well, Le'aoni...I must say, you look a dreadful mess." sitting up slowly, she focused her eyes on the voice. "Yes father...I know that. That thing of a man did this. Must you say things that are irrelavent?" "Well, I know something that isn't. You might want to sleep now to work the poison out of your system. Tomorrow, you have to meet up with that 'thing of a man' at the Isle Bistro around 10. You are to make some kind of peace with him...because both of our sides don't need you and him to be fighting and dueling every night when there are things to be done." She scoffed, pressing the button on the side, moving a bit as the bed went underground. [i]I'll be peaceful...but if he thinks that I will be this defenseless little lamb, he has another thing coming...[/i] she thought, drifting off to sleep...
Le'aoni slumped to the ground, falling on her knees as she laughed. "Foolish man." she replied, pulling out a caplet from her bra. "Did you think that I would come here unprepared? If you did, you are sorely mistaken." She laughed, making her caplet fall out of her hand. Looking shockly, she tried to crawl over to were it laid...but was stopped by Warrington. "So, I guess this was to help you, eh Draculina?" he asked, crushing the caplet. "Ah, what a shame...look what I did." Le'aoni smiled instantly, seeing, in a blur, the blue liquid spreading over the snow. "Thank you poor mortal." she spoke, seeing the smoke that started to rise. It poured over Warrington, leaving him in a daze as well as her. "Yes, you created your own downfall." she replied, pulling out another caplet and broke it, drinking the contents inside. Her smile widened as she stood up for her spot on the ground, looking at the smoke that blanketed where Warrington stood. "See, you aren't the only one that knows a little something about chemicals, my dear." she spoke, walking over to the spot where he was, being careful to stay away from the smoke. "With your little gadgets...it's almost laughable." She pulled his collar, throwing him from the smoke. He hit the ground with a thud for the second time as she eyed him. "Yes...that's a little something that my father created. It paralyzes the nerves for atleast 5 minutes...but that's all I need to do my work." She smiled a bit, showing off her fangs. She sat on top of him, smirking happily. "Now don't worry, I won't bite you...that hard." she spoke, putting her face dangerously close to his. "You know, if you weren't dead set on killing us vamps, I wouldn't mind giving you the time of you life...oh well." she laughed, running a gloved finger down his face.
Le'aoni gritted her teeth in anger, closing her eyes. "You are the one who's the hypocrite, Brotherhood fiend." Warrington stared at her, "And how's this, little Draculina?" "You sit here and talk about how my kind has killed and maimed and tormented...what about your kind?" she spat, trying to move her arm a bit. "You do the same thing that we do...only to lower species. Animals, Plants...aren't they considered worth saving? No! You kill them to survive..just like we kill you. Have you ever thought about that, scum?" she yelled, her eyes glowing a deep gray. "What's this? It sounds your pleading for your life. I warned you and you didn't listened--" "I would never stoop low enough to beg for you humans. Never!" she screamed, her body slowly melting away, leaving her coat to remain where her body should have been. Warrington looked around, assuming that she was still there. "Ah, Draculina...you are beginning to try my patience--" "And you're getting on my nerves," she replied, "Brotherhood dog. " she spoke, walking slowly from the shadows. She held her hand, which was now gloved. "I promised my mother and my daughter that I wouldn't kill a mortal..unless they did something to me that I couldn't forgive." "Well, you're being the hypocrite again...you have killed countless innocents." Le'aoni smirked, "Is that right? Innocents, you say?" she asked, opening her umberella. "Rapists are innocents? Murderers are innocents? I don't think so. You don't know me, freak, so don't act like you do." she replied, throwing one of her fans, seeing him about to move, and grabbed him, falling on top of Warrington as they crashed onto the ground.
Le'aoni growled with anger, beating the ground she had fallen on, "Come back here and fight, you cowards! Brotherhood scum of the Earth, I say!" She yelled out, throwing herself on her mother's partially snow covered grave, anger wracking her whole being. She read her mother's tombstone again, stopping only when she saw her name. [i]Niai....died a long time ago. I'm alive. Niai was gave her body freely to men, I don't. Niai couldn't hate a living soul...I...[/i] she clenched snow in her palm. "I can't..." she whispered, kneeling on the ground. She took one last look at her mother's grave...and then stood up, brushing the snow from her body. She walked away, pulling the hood on her head. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slipping into the car, she picked up her cell phone...dialing a number. "Hello?" "Dor'mar, call the Lowendove brotherhood. Tell them that one of their kind fought with me and I want a rematch...tonight. Tell them that I'll be waiting at Firstone Downtown Park." "Le'aoni, what are you trying to do, get yourself killed or something?" "I'm already dead, what can he do to me? Besides, I have unfinished business with their agent." "But Le'aoni..." "Just do it!" Dor'mar sighed and caved. "Alright Le'aoni, but it's your call. And your father won't be pleased when he hears this." She scoffed, "Like I care about what my father has to say." she replied, hanging up. With her decision made, she drove to the meeting destination... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OOC: Metatron, just thought I would tell ya this...she represents the GVA, not the AVD. Ruby's and DBD's characters represent that organization... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Le'aoni looked up at the three figures, anger and hatred clouding her eyes. She stood up, grabbing her coat that she threw on the ground, dusting it off. "And now you want to talk, Brotherhood trash." she spat, slipping on her coat. Leaning on the side of the tombstone, her eyes narrowed even further, her mouth morphing into an angry smirk. "You bring your little ***** here to kill me...and then you have the audacity to let that [i]boy[/i] attack me? If I were in the right mind tonight..." "You would do nothing, wench." She hissed at his words, glaring at Warrington sharply, "You...you dared attacked me? I only came here to converse in peace...and to pay partonage to the dead..." "Dogs are not to be trusted." "Same goes for you Brotherhood ruffiens!" she yelled, trying to control her anger. She pressed her dress with her hands, standing up straight. Sir Lowendove eyed her, "Yes, we can stand here and immerse ourselves in useless namecalling...or we can talk about the reason we're here." Le'aoni sneered at him, taking out a small umberella to cover her from the fallen snow. "As you should know, we are all threatened by the "Anti-slayers". They kill your kind as well as ours." "And why should we help you scums," Warrington asked, looking at her. "It was your kind that created them...you should be the ones to destroy them." She growled, growing weary of his presence, and came to him, so closely that he was directly face to face with her. "And if they were only killing our kind, we would...but they're kill humans...our supply. Their people." she replied, her eyes glowing an eerie gray from anger. Narrowing her eyes, she looked at Sir Lowendove. "This will be only temporary...but I will not forget what you did to me on this day. My mother's birthday. You shall regret ever attacking me like that, you pitiful rodents." she spoke, backing away from Warrington slowly. Returning to the tombstone, she leaned on it, keeping her eyes locked on Warrington. [i]I shall tint the snow with his blood...that I will....[/i]
Le'aoni smirked, forcing herself downward until she hit the ground. She turned to roll...but something, more like someone, was on her arm, rendering her left side motionless. "Leaving so soon?" Warrington spoke, pressing his foot on her arm a bit harder. She winced, feeling every ounce of pain that he gave her. She narrowed her eyes, looking at the man that dared attack her. "Well, is that anyway to treat a lady, mortal?" she replied, bringing her leg up to kick him in his midsection. He simply moved, catching her leg and freeing her arm. "Is that the best you can do, you feeble vampira?" She growled, not liking the predicament that she was in. Looking on the ground, she stared at the fan that was by her. She threw it, making Warrington drop her to dodge the fan. It hit a tombstone, clattering as it did. Narrowing her eyes even further, she stood, looking at him angrily. "How dare you!" she spoke, brushing a loose strand from her face. She pressed a small button on her fan, making it spread into a round circle. "This was to be a peaceful day, mortal. You have ruined it...and your chances of living..." she trailed off, throwing the coat that she wore down on the ground... ....and charged Warrington.
OOC: OK, the moment you've been waiting for! Hopefully, I'm not doing it too soon... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hours later...8:00PM~~~~~~ [i]Ring ring ring...smash![/i] A groan was heard, followed by a slight mumbling. Le'aoni sighed, pressing the button on the side, stretching out as the bed rose. With a small yawn, she hopped up, walking slowly out of the door. "Hello daughter," her father spoke to her, seeing her come out of her room. "Why aren't you dressed?" She looked at him oddly, "Dressed? I have all the time in the world father! It isn't even close to 9." Now it was time for him to look strangely, "My dear, it's a little after 8:00. Now hurry! Get dressed!" Le'aoni looked at the clock and scoffed, "Like I said...I have all the time in the world." she replied, heading back to her room. She opened the bathroom door, eyeing the decor...and closed the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ahem...father, where is my coat?" Le'aoni spoke, seeing another person with him. "And who is this?" "Never you mind," he replied, seeing her attire. "Ah, the dress that I gave your mother...nice choice. And the coat is hanging up by the main entrance." She walked off, ignoring the amusing look in his guest's eye. Grabbing the coat, she threw it on, going into the garage. As she hopped into the car, she eyed the bouquet that sat in the passenger seat. [i]Red roses...her favorite.[/i] she thought, driving from the mansion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Here it is...[/i] Le'aoni thought, looking at the snow covered graves that littered the area. She picked up the flowers, exiting the car. She walked the aisles, looking for the grave. She turned to the left, seeing a small statue that topped a tombstone. "Mother." she spoke, seeing the snow-covered grave. She brushed off most of it with her fan, shaking it off unto the ground. She eyed the engravements on the tombstone: [i]Here lies Minako Nagayo. Loving and devoted mother to her daughter, Niai. May her blessed soul rest in peace.[/i] She gripped the flowers in her hand tight, remembering her past. Tossing the roses on the grave, she turned...coming face to face with a man.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: that's your cue! And, for imagination purposes, this is what she was dress in...*look at attachment*
Le'aoni sighed angrily, gripped the steering wheel hard as she drove around the corner into the garage. She growled, yanking the keys out and slamming the door loudly. Eyeing her watch, she ran into the house. [i] 6:02...I need to get to sleep.[/i] Running up the stairs, she heard the slam of her father's door, telling her that he was getting ready to sleep. She threw the coat on the couch and hurriedly stripped off her wear, putting on the nightgown that she had on before. Feeling dizzy, she jumped into the bed, pressing the button. As the bed sank, dove under the covers, wrapping herself in a bed of death. [i]Yes, tomorrow is always a day away...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Ok, hopefully tomorrow, we can everyone post at least once...and then I'll start the meeting...
Let's see... KoRn: I love them! I've gotten every CD that they put out since Follow the Leader...and I must say, I'm quite satisfied. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slipknot: Err, I only really like one of their songs, Wait and Bleed. The other ones... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ System of a Down: Owned! I love them! I heard Chop Suey on the radio and I knew that I had to go out and buy that album. I bought Steal this Album, also. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marilyn Manson: I like him. Went to Ozzfest just to see him...and other bands, of course. But he rules! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Static X: Hmm, I only liked one of their songs, Cold. It's very...nice? Nothingface: Never heard of them...I'll look them up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Murderdolls: Again, never heard of them either...I'll look em up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NIN: Been listening to them since '89. Like them, love them, want more of them... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rob Zombie: I exceptionally like this artist. Expecially the song, Living Dead Girl. It's nice to listen to... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mudvayne: Umm...heard of them. Don't particularly like them... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Metallica: Ah! My favorite band! I've been listening to Metallica since...Goddess, I can't remember! I truly love these guys! I really like their new album, St. Anger. It's great!
I've read the first book and I really liked it! I had the 2nd one but some creep at school swiped it while I went to lunch...ah well, I'll buy another one at the local comic book store.
Le'aoni shrugged off the smirk, taking off her coat and handing it to the man. "And what did you want to talk about, Dom'ar. I haven't all night. As you can see, it's a bit after 4. " He nodded slightly, taking two glasses of wine over to where she sat. He handed her a glass, urging her to drink it. "Ah, you'll simply hurt my feelings, Niai. Drink up." she growled at the use of her real name, and, unladylikely, poured it in her mouth and swallowed. Within a second, her sense dulled...her eyes began to roll. "Like that, huh? Yes, I thought that it was sufficent for you...in order to hear the situation that you will have to be in tomorrow night." Le'aoni stared at him blankly, but of course she couldn't make any real movement. "Nothing to say? Well, I'll begin." he sat near her, brushing a piece of hair away from her face. "It seems like your father and the rest of the Guild elders have been talking to those Brotherhood sadists and Vampire Defense dense-brains. They all want to set some kind of temporary peace treaty until they're 'dealt' with the 'Anti-slayers'. " He softly touched her cheek, tracing his finger down towards her neck. "And that's where you come into play. You have been chosen to be the Guild's representative. Each group will bring a representative---either one or two---and talk about this. In order for this to work, darling..." he trailed off, getting to one of the buttons on her outfit. "You will have to work...er, together, I guess." Le'aoni's eyes rolled straight, grabbing his arm. "Never touch a lady unless they want to be touched. And about that, I understand. When and where?" Dom'ar sighed, breaking the grip which she applied. "Tomorrow...just after sunset. 9 o'clock. And where..." he cleared his throat. "134 E Commers Drive...." She looked at him, confusion read in her eyes. "Why there? Of all places..." "Your father requested that it be there. For it was appropiate...your mother's birthday is tomorrow, Niai..." She looked at him angrily...and slapped his face. "Never again...do not call me by my birth name! Niai died long ago, got that?" Grabbing her coat, she casted him a cold look. She closed the door harshly, getting into her car and driving off. [i]Tomorrow...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: That was a nice attempt to get the characters together, no?
2 hours later.... Le'aoni sighed, turning over in her nice undercovered bed. [i]Ring![/i] she heard the phone ring, growling at the interruption. She grabbed the phone and gripped it, placing it slightly on her right ear. "Yes?!" She heard a voice chuckle, "Love, is that any way to answer a call?" Le'aoni frowned deeply, familarizing herself with the voice. "...and you call me for what reason?" "Ah, you act like a human. Don't tell me that you were sleep, love. It's nearly 3!" "Yeah, I know of that. And I'm guessing you called me because you want to see me." "You guessed right, love. Come...let us enjoy each other's company for the night." She growled lightly, hanging up the phone. Pressing the button, she sat up, freeing the bed rise. She quickly changed back into her clothes, placing on her coat with care. Her father looked at her as she hurriedly walked down the stairs. "Where are you going? It's less than 3 hours before daylight." "Out." she replied, walking down another stairway. Entering the garage, she pressed a button on her keys, that she held in her hand. The car revved up, flashing the blue light underneath. She hopped into the black Jaguar, gripping the steering wheel as she backed up the car and drove. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Well, darling...so glad you could make it." a man replied, staring at Le'aoni enticingly. She smiled slightly, looking at his choice of clothes. His midnight black hair cascaded over his shoulders, his rich brown eyes bore deeply into hers. She stared at his satin red shirt, unbuttoned to show a little skin. She watched the way the snow clung to his leather pants, making them appear to be wet as they melted. "Are you going to stand there and stare...or are you going to invite me in?" the vampire smiled, showing his pearly white teeth. "Of course, Le'aoni...come in. Make yourself comfortable." he replied, ushering her into the mansion, smirking seductively....
Hmm, let's see... I know that Gregory Hines, rest his soul, was my 4th generation cousin. My 4th generation cousin in law is Gladys Knight. My 1st generation cousin is Raven Symone...and on my dad's side of the family, my 1st generation cousin is Lil Jon from Lil Jon and the Eastside boys...that's all I know.
Running quickly, Le'aoni tightened the coat around her. She stopped at her father's private haven, opening the latch. Smiling, she heard the door close with a thud. "Ah daughter...I thought that was you." she heard a voice below her. Looking down, she saw her father staring at her from the piano he was playing. She sighed, jumping over the post that led to the stairway. Dusting herself off, she nodded at her father, heading to bed. "No, child. Stay with me for a minute. Tell me: isn't life grand?" "Err," she started, looking at him oddly. "I guess it is, father. Good night." She waved him off, hearing the piano play again. She placed a hand on her head, [i]He's my father...deal with it.[/i] Opening the door, she threw her coat on the soft red sofa that occupied her room. She undressed, putting on a black nightgown and tied her hair into a loose ponytail. "Well, what an night!" she exclaimed, crawling into her red satin sheets that were on her bed. She pressed a small black button on the side, making the bed sink into the floor. The floorboards parted then shut, leaving her in complete darkness....
Walking quietly away from the scene, Le'aoni redid the buttons that were embedded on her suit. She tucked the fans back into the bottom pocket of her coat, smiling satifyingly. Turning the corner from the parking lot, she could hear the sound of battling somewhere close[i]Hmm, who's causing a ruckus this late at night...other than me?[/i] she thought, pulling the black hood snugly on her head. She neared the location, being careful to stay in the shadows. She heard shuffling, also the cries...of battling. [i]Hmm...what's this?[/i] Le'aoni thought, hiding behind a tree, still standing in the shadows. She looked on in awe, for she hadn't seen quite anything like this. Le'aoni looked at the man, taking in his features...and something that she distinctly smelled off him...fear. [i]Ah, so he's scared is he? I'm pretty sure he can take care of himself...[/i] she thought, still standing behind the tree...not caring if he saw her or not. She took pity on him, [i]He'll survive...hopefully.[/i]
[color=deeppink]Leaning on a opposite wall, Le'aoni stared at the people that occupied the room that she was in. Taking a sip of her Merlot, she lowered her eyes, spotting a group of 3 men sitting ajacent from her. She licked her lips, throwing her head back, letting her hair fall over her shoulders. She smirked, seeing the mens' grins widen at this action. Placing her goblet down, she proceded to walk over to where they were assembled...until someone grabbed her hand. "Daughter, what are you doing?" her father asked, pulling her away to dance. She smiled, "Well, look who decided to greet me with his presence. As for what I'm doing, that is no concern to you, is it?" her father sighed. "Nonetheless, you are my daughter--" Le'aoni snatched her hand away from his, "Yes, unfortunately I am...and don't worry, I won't run around and kill for fun...just for reason...good night." she replied, drinking the rest of her drink and grabbing her coat, throwing it on quickly. Once outside, she stood, letting the small flakes of snow fall on her. She sniffed the air. [i]Fresh spilt blood...odd.[/i] she thought, but nothing was really odd in the world that she now lived in...and she knew that. Sighing, she walked further down the dark street, smiling as she heard the slight shuffling of feet. Reaching a small parking lot, she stopped, looking around as if she were lost. "Hmm, seems that you can't find your way around...how unfortunate." she heard a voice say, turning around to see the same group of men at the party of her father's. She smiled nervously, playing along with the unsuspecting prey. "Yes, it truly is. It's late and I really need to get home...would you all be true gentlemen and give me directions?" The men smirked deviously as one spoke up, "Well, madam...we're not really gentlemen, so directions will cost you." Le'aoni opened her purse, seeing them near her. "Oh no." one of them said, "we don't accept that kind of payment, woman." he grabbed her and shoved her to the wall that she was standing by. "But I know of one that's accepted everywhere." Le'aoni smirked inwardly, seeing one of them pin her arms above her head. He fumbled around with the buttons that were lined up covering her throat. She stood there immovable, letting him do whatever he wanted...until he reached her neck. The men looked at the two small incisors on the side of her neck, paling at the sight of it. They paled even lighter when they saw her eyes, which glowed an eerily ivory. She broke her hold on her arms, gripping his in return. "And you thought that I was unable to protect myself? You mere human." she replied, pressing her fingernails deep into his skin, eyeing the blood. She releashed him, throwing him harshly to the ground. She eyed his friends, licking the blood off her fingers. Turning to the other 2 men, she spoke. "Well, since you gentlemen were about to rape me, which I can't forgive mind you, I'll show you a little trick of mines." Taking out her fans, she smiled evilly, her eyes glowing gray, coloring in the pupil and iris. With a flinch of her eyelids, the man that she threw jumped up, taking the fans from her. The men looked at him and ran screaming. The first man smiled, mimicking the face of Le'aoni and threw the fans, which embedded each in the men backs. They fell, their eyes bulging at the sudden impact. He smiled, again mimicking Le'aoni, as he clapped his hands, retracting the fans from their backs towards Le'aoni, who caught them. She slightly pushed the man standing backwards, hearing the thud of his body crash on the ground. "And to think...I was once human."[/color]
Name: Le'aoni Nagayo Race: Vampire Gender: Female Age: 102 Height/WEight: 5'7/150lbs Appeaence: [url]http://www.freewebs.com/avalonskye/ladrinne.jpg[/url] Weapon: Besides vamp skills that she uses{i.e. hypnosis and temp. transparency}, she wields rather large silver bladed fans. Nationality: Japanese/English Attitude: Tempermental, seductive, brave, talkative, comedic, impatient Organization: Guild of Vampiric Alligance Bio: Born to a Japanese immigrant mother and a rich English scientist, Le'aoni grew up seldom seeing her "father". At age 7, she began working in the sweat shops with her mother and others, sowing and knitting fabrics together to make a living. She was satisfied with life, because she was so young, and she loved her mother dearly. When she turned 15, the workers' employer, who visited her mother daily, began to take a liking to Le'aoni. He sent her little tokens, like boxes of chocolates and extra bottles of milk in the morning. Soon he talked to her mother, who couldn't say no to him...for that would prove dangerous in the future. He cornered Le'aoni one evening after work and had his way with her. After that, she left her mother, being that the boss had her docked off to England, her father's homeland. Soon after, she worked in a bordello, often seeing the sweat-shop owner. One night, she just happened to see her father, who was one of her customers. She spoke to him in a darken alleyway, of her trials and tribulations of her life. He asked her if she would rather have a new life...and she said yes. From that day forward, she was a vampire, daughter and a successor to him.
My cousin is a street racer. She can drive pretty good, considering that she wins most of her races that she participates in. I've been in a car while she raced, and let me tell you---it was fun! She's taking me "under her wing" and going to give me one of her cars next year, so I might race then...might.
Name: Metsumi "Ice" Aoki Age: 21 Gender: Female Height, Weight: 5'8-130lbs Appearance: see pic Weapon: Tao magic and two silver fans Faction: The Empire Bio: Ice, as they call her, is a very talkative person. The 4th Devil, she uses the art of seduction to achieve her goals. Although her cohorts know exactly how she is, others seem not to take her seriously, which makes her extremely angry and unleashes her powers. Even though she is the most relaxed person of the bunch, she can be cold at times and seems to know more about her duties than everyone else.
"Actually, I'm right here." Nariko replied, stepping out from the shadows. "I have no use to talk to Michael right now...much less, flirt with him." Aoi looked at her, "So I take it that you heard what I said." "Everything." she replied, looking at her. "Come on, let's get out of here."
Sign Up Midnight Races(adult language/maybe content)
Avalon replied to Revelation's topic in Theater
Hmm, you might want to edit your post. Zane is supposed to be 23...and Asian, like Lina....