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Everything posted by Avalon

  1. Nariko sighed again, feeling someone tap her. She turned around, seeing Aoi again. "Yes?" "Um, how about we go and train? There's nothing interesting to do here...bore." she looked at Aoi, smirking suddenly. "Alright...I guess what I have to do can wait." she replied, taking the Fight Club's bandana that she wrapped around her hand and tied it around her head, getting a few looks from the people gathered there. Seeing her group, she walked out of the arena, brushing past Michael roughly. Her smirk widened, her eyes glowing eerily with enjoyment as she walked out of the door. [i]He got the message....[/i] she thought, folding her arms. [i]Good...[/i]
  2. Nariko sighed, messaging the few remaining people on her team to meet. Hearing the door of the bathroom open, she pressed her ears to the door, listening to the girls gossip. [i] Hmm,[/i] she thought, listening contently to the girls. [i]Seems like Michael has a new girl on his team...sounds like a fiery one. Maybe I'll talk to him later...about this.[/i] Standing to her feet, she walked out of the bathroom, ignoring the looks on her girls' faces. Running a hand through her hair, she winked at a few of the boys in the hallway. [i]Ring Ring[/i]...she sighed annoyingly at her cell phone. "Hello?!" she yelled, waiting for someone to respond....and no one did. Just heavy breathing. She growled, hanging up the phone. "Baka." she muttered, opening the door. Seeing the light on, she took the small katana out of her hair, letting it fall down lightly over her shoulders. "Who's here?" She heard laughing, "Don't be alarmed, it's just me." Nariko sighed, tying her hair back up and sticking the pin inside. "Well, I thought I would have had to fight this early." she replied, opening up her locker. Something hanging in the corner caught her eye. "What's this?" Aoi asked, picking up the piece of fabric. Nariko snatched it from her hand, looking at her angrily. "Never touch that...ever again, understood?" Aoi rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Chief." Nariko suddenly smiled, hearing that word....for that word was the reason why she left the Fight Club. "Well, little Indian, let's go...I told the rest of the group to meet in the arena. I heard that most of the competition would be there...besides, I have to talk to someone important an---" Aoi nodded her head, "Yeah, yeah....you might as well say Michael. We all know that you kinda liked him ever since last year when you were on his team." Nariko's eyes narrowed in little slits, walking down the hall. "Know your place, Aoi. Just because you're older than me means nothing." Aoi sighed, walking into the arena. "Well, while you [i]talk[/i] to Mister Macho over there." she pointed towards him. "I'll be sizing up the competition." Nariko smiled slightly, staring at the red and black bandana around her arm. Then she stared at her clothes. [i] Figures...I still wear my colors...[/i] she sighed heavily, staring at Michael....then started to walk towards him.
  3. Nariko sighed, hopping off of her motorbike, throwing her bag of weapons on her back. "Well today's the day." she spoke, stretching her arms behind her back. Walking into the headquarters, she sighed, closing the door behind her. "Might as well change out of these clothes" and with that, she changed, putting on a red halter top and a pair of black short shorts. She tied up her black heels, sticking a few weapons into the side pockets. She laced her pocket knives inside of her shoestrings. "I need to talk to Michael before the fight...maybe." she replied to herself, tying her hair into a ponytail and placing on her black and red fingerless gloves. She applied her makeup, using one of her swords as a mirror. She placed a mini katana inside of her hair and clapped her hands, activating the special device planted on it. "Done!" Pressing the keypad on the machine, she heard it stop, seeing the occupant inside. "I thought it was you Zel...everyone's waiting for you." "Well, you know me...I'm always late." Nariko nodded, picking up her bag. "Come on...time to go." she replied, locking the door of headquarters. She walked down the hall with Zel, smirking at the students that were scattered over the hall. "Why are you always doing that?" "What?" "Smirking...it has Fight Club written over it." Nariko shook her head, unable to stop smirking. "Well, what can I say? It was a habit that I learned while being in Fight Club...don't like it, complain to Michael, not me..." she replied, winking at one of the dumbfounded boys leaning on a locker.
  4. Isiona sighed, walking out of the bathroom. She now wore a red halter top and a blue jean skirt. "Tada! What do you think?" Paul looked at her, "It's nice." "[i]It's nice[/i]?!" she started, poking her finger into his chest. "That's all you have to say?" Paul nodded, and she huffed, folding her arms. She looked at the box, and reached for it. "Ah, no." Paul replied, taking the box. "Aren't you going to ask?" Isiona looked at him thoughtfully, then snatched the box from him. "Well, that wasn't very ladylike..." "Ha, who cares?" "Not me..." "Alright then." she replied, eating another donut. She sat on the counter, placing the box beside her and quietly ate.
  5. Isiona folded her arms, "Hey, we need to go back to the shop...I left a few weapons there, besides I have to clean up the mess." "What mess?" Paul spoke, looking at her confusingly. "You know, the blood..." he nodded, speeding off. Isiona laughed, placing the katanas back in her hair carefully. "Have I ever told you that you drive like a maniac?" "Of course you have--" "So when are you going to slow down?" Paul looked at her, "Never." and with that, he drove a bit faster, making Isiona laugh again.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ladyscorp2006 [/i] [B]i'm with avalon [/B][/QUOTE] Great... G.D. Ryoko can be in my club as well, if she wants...
  7. Isiona sighed, "Well, rather than sit here and argue about who's going to kill Clyde, why don't we make a wager?" "Well, I see you're still a gambler." Paul started, looking at her. "What's the stakes?" "Hmm, let's see. You want to kill Clyde, she wants to kill him also...well, I say..." she thought a minute. "Hmm, if you get to kill him, I'll give you $400...and if she kills him, you'll give me and her $200. If he kills both of you...I'll keep the money...how's that sound?" Paul laughed, "Like a bunch of crap." "Well," Isiona started, looking at him sharply. "I'm guessing you're afraid that you'll lose..." "No...it's just--" "[i]Just[/i] what, Paul?" He thought a moment. "Ok, I'm up for it!" Isiona laughed, taking the katanas out of her hair. "Then it's settled."
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ladyscorp2006 [/i] [B]Name: Niki Valentine Year: 2 Team:Sign me up for one... i don't care Label: Singer/loner Description: Has long hair black at the top an fades into a red. Has cold light brown eyes. Has red lipstick which she wears on the days she fights. Wears a black tank top and shorts. She has a light blue jacket which she only takes off during a serious fight. Bio: Even though she is in a group she is rarely seen with them. She has no friends an is thought to be the coldest girl in the year 4 class. Because of this she is always in a fight and has never lost yet. When she was little her mother and father died in a car accident when she was very young.she was sent to live with her aunt who left her to fend for herself. As a result she never learned what it was like to experience love and affection. She hated those who were happy and had all the things she never did. As a result she never had a single friend. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, you can be on my team!
  9. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    "What the--" Eris started, looking at the watch. "It's dead...cheap pieces of crap!" she replied, taking off the watch. Trent leaned onto Eris, "Come on, we don't wanna get caught, do we?" she growled then nodded, trying to rush up the stairs. "Slow down!" "[i]Slow down?![/i] This was your idea, Mr. I-can't-stand-hospitals-and-I-gotta-go!" she yelled, helping him up the stairs. She opened the door, coming face to face with the helicopter. "Yay!" she screamed, letting Irvine help Trent. She opened up the door and sat down on the seat.
  10. Name: Nariko Sorata Year: 2 Team: Goth Incorporated[The leader...I'll change the name later], Fight Club Label: Gothic Temptress Description: [url=http://members.tripodnet.nl/pablovdm/Pictures/3dgirl21.jpg]here...[/url] Bio: There's nothing fancy about her...except that her parents died in an airplane crash. After that, she was taken in by an enstanged aunt, who she detests and often gets into arguments with her. Her uncle taught her how to fight, just in case she needs it. However, her habits have gotten her into lots of trouble--mainly with the police. She has a bad attitude and is very tempermental. She uses her body to get what she wants and if she doesn't get it, well....
  11. Avalon

    Silent Gun

    Midi cleared her throat, handing the money for the drinks to the bartender. "Well, Teo...it was nice seeing you again." "Yeah," he started, "We should meet again...sometime soon, hopefully." she laughed, handing him a card. "Give me a call sometime...we'll meet up and have a couple of drinks, your treat of course." she replied, putting her purse on her shoulder. She kissed him on the cheek and proceded to leave. "How about you escort me to my car? Help a poor defenseless woman as myself..." "Defenseless?!" Teo replied, walking with her out of the bar. "You handled yourself quite well when you fought the quarterback of our football team!" She laughed, "He was being peverted. I had to do something!" she spoke, pulling her keys out of her purse. "Nice car you got here." "Thanks...I...bought it." she replied, wanting to get off the subject of the car. "Hmm, it must have cost you a lot of money for this...say $50,000?" Midi chuckled nervously, "Yeah...well, I have to go now. You know, gotta get my beauty sleep." he nodded, knowing that she was lying. "Ok, Midi...call you tomorrow, ok?" "Alright...see ya." she replied, cranking up her car and driving off. [i]That was close![/i] she thought, gripping the steering wheel.
  12. Avalon

    Silent Gun

    [i]Some minutes after midnight...[/i] "God, this itches!" Midi exclaimed, placing the wig she was wearing into a black bag. Laughing, she closed her car door, standing in front of a bar. "Hmm, Ole Faithful Whisky...it's been a while since I've been here." She walked in, paying close attention to her surroundings. Taking a seat, she ignored the people that stared at her. "What'll be, miss?" the bartender asked, a bit shocked at her hairdo. "A Long Island Iced Tea..." she looked around. "And a scotch on the rocks." the bartender nodded, seeing her place her head down on the countertop. She looked at the man sitting beside her then turned away. [i]He looks familar...[/i] she thought, seeing the two glasses placed in front of her. "Will that be all?" the bartender asked, seeing her drink the scotch in a hurry. "You have any asprin? Advil? Midol, perhaps?" The bartender laughed, "I have Advil, miss...but Midol? You might want to check with another female for that." she laughed with him, knowing that he got her joke. "Well, 3 Advs should suffice..." the bartender nodded. She sighed, again glancing at the man sitting at the bar with her. "Here you go." Midi popped them in her mouth and drank some of the iced tea that she ordered.
  13. Avalon

    Silent Gun

    Midi sighed, opening the door, seeing Noir waiting at the entrance. "Hello precious!" she spoke, picking up the cat and taking her to the computer room. "[i]Miss Midi, the rest of the refluxboxide is done...anything else you need[/i]" the computer spoke, its many screens blinking. "Nothing now...are the weapons finished being cleaned?" "[i]Yes, all polished and cleaned.[/i]" Midi smiled, taking the small bag of blue pills from the counter. "That is all, computer...you may shut down." and the computer obeyed as Midi walked back upstairs. "[i]You have 1 message, sent today at 1:30 PM[/i]" The answering machine spoke, making Midi laugh. "This is AD again. My contact shouldn't have gave you anything, little missy. Ah well, what's done is done, no? Well, Johnny Albert is attending a party which will be held at Shadows. That's all I know...but you get the job done and email me when he is dead." Midi laughed, "I think he doubts me, Noir." the cat meowed and she laughed again. [i]Hmm, Shadows...I must definately go shopping now..[/i] "I have to go again, Noir...but I'll be back, with food!" The cat meowed as she opened the door and left.
  14. Isiona entered out of the bathroom, "Hey gramps...how about we..." she trailed off, seeing the trail of blood leading to the back room. She ran into the work room, seeing the bloodied body of the old man. She growled, remembering the car that she had seen speeding away from the place. "Bastard," she yelled, putting her bag on her shoulder and hopping into her car, cranking it up and speeding off. "Ichi, lay down." she spoke, grabbing her gun. She cocked it, trying to steer also. She sped up, slightly catching up with the car. "Get a piece of this, you maniac!" she yelled, aiming her gun out of the window and shot at the car, hitting the back of it.
  15. Avalon

    Silent Gun

    Midi sighed, yawning from sleep. Next to her, the phone flashed rapidly, stating that she had a message. "Oh boy, i hope it's the contact I sent for!" she pressed the button. "Midi, this is AD...I got your message, and here's mine. Meet me at Stogie's @ 1 PM, and my contact will give you the details and half of the payment." a raspy voice spoke, making her laugh a bit. "And if you arrive even a minute after 1, you'll get nothing..." Midi smiled, slipping on a red halter top and a short bluejean skirt, "No one threatens me." she replied, slipping on her red boots. The cat meowed, seeing her put on a blonde wig. "Stay here, Noir. Mommy'll be back soon." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You're late...5 minutes late." a man in black spoke to her, seeing her sit down. "Well, you're quite straightforward...so, where's the cash?" the man handed her over a black bag and a letter. "Hmm, how original." she spoke, seeing the man leave. She opened the envelope. [i]Dear Midi, I have hired you to kill this man, Johnny Albert. He was a dear friend to me, my family, and especially my business. We were partners, you see...and then he threw it all away. He squandered thousands of my dollars and has put them all in stocks. I would have done this myself..but, my hands are clean, no blood has ever tainted them. So I've hired you to do my bidding. Make it slow but make it clean...without a trace.[/i] "So, that's what he wants..." she replied, hopping into her car and driving off.
  16. Isiona groaned, squinting her eyes in reaction to the brightness of the sun. She looked at the clock, "Great, I'm late for work." she shouted, hopping out of bed and scrambling to put her clothes on. "Just great, Ichi!" she yelled again, poking herself in the eye whilst trying to put on her blue contacts. She popped on her blond wig and ran out of the door, Ichi, her pet cat, on her heels. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Late again, I see..." a gruff voice spoke, sitting behind a small counter. She slightly nodded her head, throwing her bag on the floor. "Any customers came?" she replied, getting a "no" out of the man. "Well, have you put any of the weapons that I've made on display?" again, the same answer. She growled, looking at the old man. "Well, no...but our regular showed up." "I see..." he nodded, heading to the work room. She simply sighed, going to the bathroom.
  17. Avalon

    Silent Gun

    Midora smiled, picking up Noir as she closed the door. In the other hand was a black bag, rounded off by an object. "Do you have what I asked?" the hooded man replied, sitting on the steps that led to her house. She laughed, "Of course I do...what about you?" he nodded, pulling the hood off of his head. "I want to see." she shrugged her shoulders, pulling the decapitated head of Armand out of the bag. "Nice job...the bastard got what he deserved." "Yes, and now for my troubles..." she trailed off, eyeing the suitcase. "Open it please." and he did just that, to reveal several rows of 20 dollar bills. "It's all there?" "No...that's just $1 million...but I have something that will compensate for the other half." he gave her a bag of diamonds. "And this beautiful sword from Japan...it costs $500,000, but you can sell it or keep it for your own." she eyed the sword and nodded. "I guess this will do...now we leave...and you never met me." he nodded, running away from her. Midi sighed, picking up the items. "Well, we'll have to visit one of the pawn shops tomorrow, Noir." and with that, she entered her house for a long-awaited sleep.
  18. Isiona sighed, stepping out of the shower. "How I abhor vampires!" she exclaimed, taking her katanas out of his body and rinsing them off. "Glad he's dead...i got all of the information I needed out of him." Slipping on her clothes, she sighed again...heavily. "I wish it was easier to kill these abominations!" She tied up her boots and closed up Timothy's bedroom door, sealing the room off with an garlic barrier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hopping out of the car she just stolen from him, she looked at her surroundings...she was back at the bar. Smirking, she walked though the door again, seeing a woman wink at her. Her smirked widened, [i]Another vamp..a quick kill will do for her.[/i] She walked towards her, smirking by the minute. "Hello there beautiful." she spoke, sitting next to her. "My, aren't you an exquisite piece of work." the vamp replied, sipping on a strong smelling alcoholic beverage. "What is something as beautiful as you doing in a place like this?" "Just looking for some fun...entertainment, perhaps." Isiona replied, grazing her hand on the side of the vamp's face. "Well then...fun is my specialty, beautiful." the vamp exclaimed, taking Isiona's hand and pulling her to the dance floor. She smiled, wrapping her arms around the vamp's neck, moving her body seductively to the beat. She turned her head, placing it into the crook of the vamp's neck, not wanting to look in its eyes...knowing the consequences if she did. The vamp chuckled, "A shy one, are you? Well, no need to be...Tami'll take good care of you." she lifted her head, taking her hand. "Let's leave this place, shall we?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After leaving the bar, she was led into a dark alleyway. "Where are we going?" The vamp replied to her question by slamming her head into the concrete. "Stupid human! You are a fool!" she spoke, throwing Isiona's head back by her hair. She sniffed her throat, "Ahh, you smell delicious, dear!" Isiona smirked, "Too bad you're not going to taste me." she pulled the small katana out of her hair, plunging it deep into the vamp's heart. "Dur't und ver lamente!" she screamed, activating the garlic seal on the katana. She laughed, looking at the remains of the vamp. "Well," she started, pulling out her katana. "Enough slaying for me...time to go home." She wiped the weapon off, placing it back into her hair and left.
  19. Avalon

    Silent Gun

    In the midst of an lively bar, she watched him..her gray eyes glowing with excitement, her lips pursed into a smirk, her fingers drummed on the countertop of a table she was sitting by. She was waiting...for the man was on his way towards her. She pressed a small button on her hairbow, stopping the pheromone from spreading around the room...it had did its job. "Hello my dear...you must be new, for I haven't seen you here before." the man spoke, capturing her hand and lightly kissing it. "My name is Armand." [i]Oh please.[/i] "Nice to meet your aquaintance, Armand. I am Midi--" "Midi, such a beautiful name for a lovely person as yourself." he replied, draping his coat over his shoulder. "Thank you. Well, isn't it rather noisy in here...I would love to go somewhere else to [i]talk[/i]" she suggested, placing her arms around his neck in a gentle embrace, watching him. [i]Ha, he bought it![/i] she thought, seeing him smirk seductively, leading her outside towards his car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~40 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~ "Don't you think we're rushing it a bit, Armand?" she asked, seeing him struggle to open up the main door. "Well, it's a little bit too late for regrets darling." he replied, finally opening the door up. They stumbled inside, still caught up in a fury of touches and kisses. Midi sighed, diving under him. "Let me fix you a drink first, ok? That'll liven me up." he nodded, retreating to his room. She smiled evilly, [i]Sucker.[/i] She looked into the kitchen, finding the scotch and pouring two glasses. In one of the glasses, she mixed a powder into it, laughing slightly. Carrying the glasses upstairs to his room, she remembered what she had to do... [i]We need you to retrieve this man...Armand Reld. He raped my daughter, then left the country.[/i] the hooded man spoke, rage in his words. [i]Very well then...dead or alive?[/i] [i]If you bring him alive, I'll give you $1 million...but I rather for him to be dead, that's double...but I want his head![/i] She smiled, turning into his room...seeing the lights dimmed down low, candles lit. "You like darling?" he spoke, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Romantic...here, take this." she offered, giving him the "scotch", which he drunk. Then she threw him on the bed, laughing. She straddled his hips, looking into his eyes. "How do you feel darling?" she asked, brushing a few strands of hair out of his face. "A bit numb...what did you give me?" he replied, his voice going raspy. She laughed again, "Why scotch and a little secret of mine...oxypotin." he looked at her confusingly. "It's a sedative that makes your body's nervous system shut down, therefore rendering you motionless for at least an hour...but you'll be gone by then." With that, she pulled out a katana, which she kept in her bag. "You see, you did something unforgivable...something that can never be brought back. You, my dear Armand, rape a defenseless girl...and i was hired to get you, well your head anyway..." she smirked evilly, raising the katana... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Well, my work here is done." she replied, closing the trunk of Armand's car shut. After killing him, she raided his house for everything she could pawn off for money, including his car. Now she stood, explosive switch in hand, and proceeded to hop into the car. "Nice meeting you Armand, thanks for the gifts." she replied, driving off. "And the grand finale!" she pressed the switch, looking at the house explode in the rear view mirror. "Well, how about we go to your new home, Noir?" she spoke, talking to [i]her[/i] cat that she took from him. The cat meowed and she laughed, speeding down the highway.
  20. Isiona breathed deeply, knocking three times on a door of a dusty looking storage area. "Password?" she heard a gruff man reply to the taps. "Tomisk' par dur victorbon." the door opened, revealing a lively and secluded bar. She stepped in, putting on her teasing smirk, and walked up to the bartender. "What'll you have, darling?" she waved him off, looking at one of the elaborate men in the corner. She winked at the man, silently begging him to come over. "Oh you have your sights on him...Timothy Branoff." She again waved off the bartender, deciding to take matters into her own hands. Dropping the shrawl that was draped across her chest, she walked out of the bar and into a small dank alleyway. "Forgetting something?" a voice asked, making her turn around to be face to face with the man from the bar. She smiled seductively, walking around her in circles. "A beautiful woman like you shouldn't be out here at night...in all places at that." "Haven't you heard that beautiful, alluring things as such can be dangerous, Mr. Branoff?" He simply laughed, "Dangerous? Is that a warning miss?" she looked at him, seeing his car parked out front. "Never answer a question with a question, Timothy." stepping closer to him, "Just something to learn...well, It's late...I should be going...care to join me?" he simply laughed again, taking her hand in his and leading her towards the car.
  21. Avalon

    Silent Gun

    Name: Midora "Midi" Tamlore Age: 21 Gender: Female Description: see pic Weapon(s): assortment of weapons Occupation: Bounty Hunter
  22. Name: Isiona Monroe Alignment: Good Race: Human Gender: Female Weapons: besides sexual techniques, she uses round silver, encrypted blades and small katanas that are pinned in her hair. Age: 28 bio: One of the few survivors of a vampire hunter clan, Isiona stands alone, being that she couldn't bear to stay with the rest of the people alive, knowing one thing: her mother sold them out. Her beloved mother taught her how to use "sexual mediatation" to suck energy out of vampires--or any living creature, that is. When she was 18, her mother, one of the leaders of the clan, was supposed to kill one of the Elite Vamps that was near the small town that they inhabitated. However, that night changed--her mother called out the rest of the leaders and killed them. The clan blamed her and she was almost beat to death by some of the adults. They kicked her out, taking almost everything she had. By the next night, she had awaken, the town burned to a crisp..the children of the clan were the only ones left, but they feared her. She was the daughter of the one that did that, and she knew...beside her were her things and a note, written by her mother, asking her to join "them". She simply burned the letter, leaving the children to fend for themselves. From then on, she only had one thing to do: kill every vamp...especially her mother...and if anyone stopped her, she would kill them... description: see pic, but her wardrobe changes.
  23. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    "Well, I know one thing," Eris started, now staring at the nurse who entered the room. "Excuse me darlings, but it's dinnertime for the patients here, and he needs to rest, doctor's orders." the young nurse spoke, looking at the group. "One person can stay though." Everyone looked at Eris, "Well, I guess your the lucky lady then," the nurse replied to the stares, handing her a clipboard. "Fill these out for me darling...and you all, follow me." The rest of the group nodded, turning to leave. "Have fun you guys!" Jericho said, him and Rei laughing as they closed the door. Eris smiled, sitting down in the chair next to him. [i]I will,[/i] she thought, filling out the papers on the clipboard.
  24. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    Eris sighed, "You scared us all out there you know?" he nodded, pulling her on the bed a bit. She looked at him for a minute then brawled, placing her head on his chest. "You dummy!" she cried, letting all of the tears she had out. Trent reached out, pulling her head up to where he could see her. "Don't cry, Eris." he spoke, wiping her tears that settled on her cheeks. She smiled, tilting her face downward to his, kissing him deeply. She felt him trying to shift himself on the hospital bed, and touched his face to stop him. Then the door opened...
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