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Everything posted by Avalon

  1. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    Eris smiled, [i]Aww...so cute when he's asleep! Makes me want to pinch his face.[/i] She smirked evilly, her hand drawing close to his cheeks. She pinched them, laughing when he opened his eyes. "I thought you were going to sleep..." "I am but I just couldn't resist pinching your cheeks." she replied, stretching his face out a little while pinching him. She released him, brushing some strands of hair out of her face. "Go to sleep." she nodded, putting her arms around his neck, closing her eyes as she drifted to dreamland.
  2. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    After three games of Go Fish, Eris was becoming bored. "Hey, let's do something else...this is a bit tiresome." she spoke, putting the cards back into the card case. "I'll be back." she bounced off the sofa and headed to her room, coming back with two pillows and a cover. "What's that for?" Trent asked, looking at the things she brought. Eris laughed, "What do you think?" she plopped back down on the sofa, resting her head on Trent's shoulder. "I'm going to sleep out here with you...if you don't mind."
  3. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    Eris was shocked! [i]Did he just say that?![/i] she thought, feeling a smile creep across her features. Sighing deeply, she changed out of her clothes into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. She slipped on her blue fuzzy house shoes and headed to find him. Seeing Trent on the couch, she smiled happily. [i]Found him![/i] she thought, plopping down next to him. "Since you left, I decided to come and find you. Besides, I'm bored and am in need of company." she winked, looking at the TV. "What's on?" "Nothing really...you know how this TV works." she nodded, knowing what he meant. "Hmm, well then...I'm going back to my room...that is, if you don't have anything interesting to do..." she looked at him and sure enough, he was blushing a bit. She laughed, "I don't mean that, silly!" she replied, bopping him in the head with a pillow. Laughing a bit more, she pulled out a deck of cards in her pocket. "You up for a card game?"
  4. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    Eris folded her arms around her, "Maybe it is...cause I'm a girl and that makes me feel awkward." she sighed, taking her hair out of its ponytail. She frowned, hating the uncomfortable silence that was between them. She gritted her teeth, [i]What is he thinking about?[/i] she frown deepened as she thought the worst. [i]Another rejection...I can feel it.[/i] She had enough, "Look, Trent...what did you come to my room for? Just say what you have to say..." she got up and sat on her bed, turning her back to him.
  5. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    Eris glanced at Trent, [i]What's wrong with him?[/i] she thought, playing with a strand of her hair. [i]Hmm, whatever...his emotions change much too often for me to keep up with him. All I have to worry about is how I'm going to tell him this...[/i] Reaching the hideout, she slipped off her gloves. Everyone went straight to their rooms...and so was she... Someone cleared their throat, making her jump. "I'm all ears..." Eris froze, she knew that voice. "Trent not right now." "What's a better time than now?" she sighed. "Aren't you tired?" she asked, "Go get some rest." She saw him walk to the nearest chair. "I'm not...I'm anxious to hear what you have to say." Eris sighed again, this was going no where. "Well, let me dress your wounds then...and I'll talk." she spoke, getting out the First Aid kit. She silently cleaned and dressed his wounds, trying not to speak. She picked up the kit and proceeded to leave when she was pulled back. "Talk." She sighed heavily, pulling herself away from him. She was getting tired of this charade... "If you want the answer, Trent, I like you!" she paused, getting angry by the minute. "Is that what you wanted to hear?!" she was getting frustrated also. "I gotta go." She ran away from him, heading towards her room. Closing the door, she sunk to the floor...[i]Why didn't I just lie to him?[/i] she thought, placing her head on top of her knees.
  6. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    Eris smiled at Trent, "Never touch my laptop..." she trailed off, pushing it back in her bag. She kicked the body of one of the ninjas, "Serves you right...perverts!" Jericho laughed, "You offered yourself to them...who's gonna turn that down?" Eris smacked him on the head. "Maybe I should be calling you the pervert." Pulling her bag on her shoulders, she turned around--face to face with Trent. She jumped. "Don't scare me like that!" Trent smiled, "Sorry about that...but there's one thing that I wanted to know. Did you really mean what you said about liking me?" Eris turned around, she didn't want to answer that...not yet, anyway. "Well, let's go...gotta get that reward don't we?" she tried to run away but someone grasped onto the bag, stopping her from running. "Trent we don't have time for this...let go." "Not until I get my answer..." she looked at him. "We'll talk later, " she replied, taking off her bag. "Since you are quite fond of my bag, you hold it."
  7. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    Eris looked at the Ninja's sword and then at Trent, [i]I knew we shouldn't have left him![/i] she thought, eyeing the blade. [i]And now look at us.[/i] She looked over at the ninjas. "Ha," one of them begun, "No wonder you're weak...you have a girl on your team." The ninja group laughed. "Hey little lady, aren't you supposed to be in the kitchen baking some cookies?" Another ninja spoke, "How about I let you do my laundry?" "Hey boss," a rather tall ninja asked, "How bout we get rid of him and take her? I wouldn't mind having her to myself." That did it. Eris starting shaking incontrollably. The group, along with Trent, forgot something...her bag was occupied with a laptop...and homemade explosives. And she was about to do something drastic--something that could possibly kill her. She looked at Trent, then the bag, and then at him again. He shook his head 'no'...he got her message. Well if he didn't want her to do that, he would surely regret what she was about to do. She looked at the group...she knew what she would have to do. Eris put on one of her sultry smiles for the ninjas, looking at the one who had the blade at Trent's neck. "You know, I wouldn't mind having one of you strong ninjas as a boyfriend...maybe more." she winked at the one that suggested the trade-in. Stepping up to him, she tucked her hair behind her ears. "What are you doing, Eris?" Rei asked. She simply swatted her hand behind her, smirking at the ninja. "How about I make you a deal, love." she spoke, trailing her hand across his shoulders. The ninja leaned in, "And what is that, little lady?" "Well, since my friends here are so [i]weak[/i], especially that boy there," she replied, pointing to Trent. "How about we do that switch-off thing?" The ninjas looked at each other, then to the assassin. He looked at the girl, "Hmm, and what do we get if we go through with this?" Eris smirked. "Do I even have to explain that?" the assassin took the hidden answer, seeing how the ninjas reacted to it. "Well, since you're willing, I wouldn't mind." Eris smirk widened, while her insides tighted. "But what do you want in return?" Eris put on the most cold face that she could muster up, "I want you to let these losers go. It makes no sense to kill them...they're so weak!" she grimaced for a second. "I don't understand why I even decided to make them my friends...and why I like him in the first place!" she pointed to Trent. "Let them go, they're no threat." The assassin thought for a second, then looked at the lady who was now by his side. "You wouldn't rather us kill them all? Rid the world of such a weakness?" "Unfortunately no...let them try if they want, just practice for you all. I'm sure your life gets boring sometimes...well, they're good entertainment." The assassin shook his head, "I still would rather kill them...and probably will." Eris smiled, grasping the assassin's shoulders. "Please? I'll make it worth your while..." she trailed off, turning away from him. He sighed, "Let him go." The ninja threw Trent to the group. "Now, me and the little lady here will be going...but if I see you all anymore, I will surely kill you all. You have anything to say to them before you leave?" Eris simply walked over to her bag, which was by Rei, and picked it up. She looked at the group, silently telling herself that she was doing this for them...but she shouldn't have. She looked at Trent, and placed her laptop nearest him. "Take this...something to remember me by..." and with that, she turned. But in her mind, she regretted even doing this. She would rather die by their side than switch off to the enemy's.
  8. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    Eris ran out of the room, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "Wait up!" she yelled, seeing them all gathered. She stopped when she reached them, seeing all of these faces etched in confusion. "What?" she asked, in question to their looks. Rei cleared his throat, "Well, it's just...we're shocked." now she was confused. "Hmm, how to say this...well, this is the first time we've seen you in a dress." Eris laughed, "Oh, that's why. Well, I thought that we could use some of my looks to get some answers...I did it yesterday." "You wore a dress? I could've swore I saw you in pants." Eris hit him on the head for so-called 'stupidity'. "No! I did wear pants...I just...never mind." she threw the bag to Trent and walked out of the house. Rei nudged Trent, "Told ya she liked you! Otherwise she wouldn't let you hold her precious bag." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: if you're wondering what she was wearing...no more! This is her outfit, including the gloves, shoes and socks.
  9. Eclecis sighed deeply, waking up from her sleep. Squinting from the sunlight seeping in her room, she stumbled out of bed. "Everything in this room is perfect...except of that." Growling softly, she simply slipped on her amulet and grabbed her cape in her hand. "Well, I need to go and find some where to have some fun..." she trailed off, seeing the old man behind the booth. He cleared his throat, "Having a good time 'servicing' huh?" she simply shook her head, receiving a sigh from the old man. "I'm guessing you want to find some men in this town...am I right?" Elcecis looked at him, "Yeah, pretty much...so, you know of any places?" "Well, of course, my dear. I've lived in this town since I was a lad." he guided the woman to the door. "I'm going to give you a break...I heard about your past..." Elcecis growled, stepping away from him, "I don't need your pity, you old coot!" The old man laughed. "I'm not pitying you, dear...just helping, I guess." He told her of a place where most men liked to venture to...the marketplace. "Besides, I need you to pick up a few things," he spoke, giving her a long list of items. "Dear." He pushed her out of the door, smiling as she stumbled out. "Old man!"
  10. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    Eris sighed, this was confusing her. She was sure that she would get something more than what she received...but no! There had to be "holes" in their plan to make money. [i]Figures,[/i] she thought, folding her arms as she walked. Glancing at Trent for a second, she smiled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Banging on the door twice and then pausing, Eris waited for Rei to come and open it. "Who's there?" Eris sighed, "E-Ronda-I-Shonda and Tonda-Ronda-E-Nonda-Tonda." She shook her head, seeing the door open. "Back so soon?" Rei asked, looking at the two. "What happened?" "Well, I got the info on what happened...and the pattern also." Rei nodded, letting her sit. "Well, how about I let Trent do the honors? I've did enough work trying to get as much info as I could out of a poor little intern at the TV station." Rei laughed, "Are you sure that's the real reason?" Eris growled at him, standing up to leave. "I won't stand here and take this! I'm going to sleep..." she looked at the occupants of their hideout. "If anyone dares come in there, I won't hesitate in using these fans on you!" and with that, she turned to go off to sleep, mumbling insults about the men that she worked with.
  11. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    Eris sighed, [i]At least he didn't ask why I held his hand. That's right,[/i] she thought, glancing at him, [i]play dumb...don't ask questions.[/i] Spotting an young intern rushing to get coffee, she smirked. "You stay here...I'll get some answers out of him." she spoke, pointing the intern who just spilt the coffee that he was supposed. Eris walked up the unsuspecting intern, tapping him on the shoulder. "Excuse me," Eris spoke, her voice sounding sugary sweet. This startled the poor intern and he wasted another cup of coffee. Eris chuckled, [i]What a dolt![/i] The intern tried to smile, wiping up the spilt coffee. "Yes, how may I help you ma'am." [i]At least he's got manners...[/i] "Well, I was watching the news broadcast when my TV shot out." she spoke, brushing a few strands of his hair out of his face. The intern blushed, "I was just wondering...what exactly happened? I heard something about an attack...but the gosh-darn thing blanked out on me." The intern looked at her, "Ma'am, I can't tell that kind of stuff. I'm just working her for a short while...besides, I'm supposed to give this coffee to the news reporters..." he paused in speech, blushing furiously as her hand caressed his face. "Please?" she asked, "For me?" the intern chuckled nervously, then pulled her into a corner. "[i]You never heard this from me, ok?[/i]" he commanded, and began to tell her the events that happened that day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Finished!" she spoke, smiling quite happily at Trent. He looked confusingly at her, "Exactly what did you do to him? He's red as a tomato!" she simply winked at the redden intern, dragging Trent along. Bowing her head down, she spoke, "Nothing that he didn't want...[i]besides if I told you, that would spoil the surprise that I can give to you...[/i] she whispered the last part, hoping that he didn't hear her.
  12. Finally! A wrestling RPG! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Stephanie Marie McMahon Height: 5'9 Weight: 135 lbs Championships: Woman's championship (March 30, 2000 - August 21, 2000) Finisher: B****slap Status: *I think she's a heel, since she's mostly seen as "the bad guy" Class: *Wouldn't know myself... Style: *Again, clueless... Bio: No longer the manipulative bride of Triple H, Stephanie has begun a whole new chapter in her controversial career. She is now the General Manager of SmackDown!, waging war on a weekly basis with Raw GM Eric Bischoff in an attempt to make sure her show is the best in sports-entertainment. She once tried to put her father out of business by purchasing ECW and making it part of the Alliance, and paid the price by being forced off WWE television for many months. But now she's back, and ready to prove once and for all that she is WWE's dominant female.
  13. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    Eris looks at the TV, frustrated. "Of all the rotten luck!" she throws her bag to Trent, looking at Rei. "You guys try to figure something out...we'll find out what happened and whether there are some connections between this." She sighs, pulling on Trent's arm. "Come on ya big lug." Trent puts the back on right shoulder using the strap while letting Eris drag him. "But why do I have to go?" "Cause you're my age." she said matter-of-factly. "...and what's that gotta do with it?!" Eris growled, hearing Rei reply. "Nothing...she just likes you!" "I do not!" she responded, bending her head down to hide the blush from Trent while she still dragged him.
  14. Elcecis frowned, "You sure you haven't seen any knights around here boy?" she asked, looking at the young stable boy, who shook with fear. The little boy nodded, seeing the woman give up on her quest to find that knight that she had gave a room to...or any knight at that. "Well then, I shall be off..." she laughed, the little boy ran as fast as he could away from her. [i]Maybe I should scare little kids more often.[/i] she silently shook her head, she wasn't that mean. Eclecis began to walk off, regretting that she had ever left her workstation. Then she shook her head again, she needed to leave...she wanted to have some fun. "But no," she replied to herself, speaking out loud to no one in particular. "I had to go on and speak about me needing a job." she continued to scold herself until she reached the inn that she was supposed to be watching over. Quietly unlocking the door and opening it, she crept inside. Making her way to a room of her own, she picked up a set of keys. [i]12...that's me.[/i] She looked at the golden key with facsination, prancing down the hall to the last door. [i]That's me![/i] she thought, opening the door and closing it softly. "Thank goodness! I didn't think that I could keep on the amulet for this long of a time!" she exclaimed, taking off her cape and placing it on the small wooden chair that sat, pushed up, under a table. Taking the amulet off, she transformed back into her regular form and placed it into a box--which was kept hidden in the cuff of her cape. Brushing back her lightly shaded hair, she quickly reassembled it into a bun. "Ahh, finally--after all the traveling and working--I get to rest." And with that, she laid down in the soft bed and drifted off into dreamland.
  15. Avalon

    /Black Star\

    Eris sighed, "I'm pretty sure that they might have a list of this assassin's victims. Let's check it out." she sighed, her eyebrows scrunching together as she picked up black bag that was on the floor. Opening it, she pulled out a silver and pink laptop and placed it in front of her, resting on the table. She keyed a few commands in... "Argh! Work you!" she yelled at the laptop, clanging her hand on the flat monitor. Then the screen showed in big letters, NO CONNECTION! Eris growled, "Piece of crap!" she yelled, stomping her boots down on the floor harshly. Yelling incohently, she closed the laptop and shoved it into her bag. She looked at the men, who were slowly backing away from her--eyeing her fans that dangled in her right hand. She sighed, picking up the bag. "Well, I'm going to need one of you boys to help me, the lovely mistress of the Black Stars, find out about this supposed 'assassin'," she looked at every boy, measuring them up. She smiled, looking at the boy stand closest to her...Trent. "Well I guess you will have to do," she spoke, tapping him on the arm.
  16. OOC: Sorry for not posting a while...had to take care of some things.... IC: Eclecis sighed, [i]At least someone's having fun. Lucky me, I'm stuck sitting here...doing absolutely nothing.[/i] She sighed, leaning back into the solid chair that she was now occupying. Glancing at the door and back to the counter that she was behind, Eclecis wondered if she should leave to find any "business" or stay where she was and die of boredom. "Well, it's time to have a little fun, shall we Elcecis?" she spoke to herself out loud. "They can tend to themselves for all I care." she yelled, jumping out of the booth and dashing to the door, locking it behind her.
  17. Name: Eris Lerone Age: 18 Gender: Female Weapon: Her handmade explosives and two silver fans, which she carries. Description: see pic... Bio: Her father had dreams of going up into space...and he passed them down to Eris. On his deathbed, she promised him that she would go into space and see what he couldn't while he was living. She joined Rei and his group to achieve her father's dream...
  18. Elcecis sighed, "No wonder the old man left so early." She simply looked at the keys in her hand. [i]I need to find my boss...[/i] she thought, trailing off her thoughts as she saw the original tender by the door. "You wanna leave yet, dearie?" he spoke, mocking her voice horribly. "Yet? I've been ready to leave." looking at her bag on the ground, she sighed. "Besides I need to put up my things in a room of yours." the tender laughed, seeing her gather all of her things. "Well, you may retire to a room of your choice...however, you are not finished with your job." Elcecis growled, walking over to the man. "What do I have to do now?" The tender smiled, "I saw the man who left this bar walk towards the inn." his smile widened when he saw her facial features change drastically. "Get him a room...and be nice." That was it...she was mad. "If you think that I'm going to go over there and talk to him, you're delusional, old man." He laughed. "Just go," he replied, pushing her towards the inn. "Have fun!" She growled. Elcecis was beginning to hate this job...and it was her first day! She just sighed, making her way to the inn. Reaching her destination, she peeked inside, seeing the knight sitting on the waiting bench. She merely walked over to the assigning booth, taking a key one of the boxes that it was in. Looking over at the knight, she smiled. [i]Time to go to work...[/i] "I'm guessing you want a room, am I correct?" she asked, propping her elbows on the small counter. "Here's the key. Just come and get it." she smiled sweetly, hoping that the knight would get up.
  19. Elcecis sighed, opening her eyes, wondering why she and the young man that had given her a ride had stopped. "We're here, Elce." he spoke, hoisting her off the horse. He smiled, placing a couple of gold coins into her palm and closing it. "Thanks for bringing me here...and for the coins." she replied, taking the bag of her belonging from him. Smiling, she smoothed his blond hair behind his shoulders. "The ride was nothing, love," he spoke, hopping onto his horse. "The coins, however, are for your service. Good luck!" Elcecis rolled her eyes, seeing him ride off into the other direction from her. [i]That's how it always is, isn't it,[/i] she asked herself, looking at her surroundings. Elcecis sighed as she began to walk down the street, "Now what was it he said? 'The Cat's Cradle Inn'?" she laughed to herself, remembering that the man had "connections" in this town and had, by his "connectios", gotten her a job to be an assitant to the tender residing there. The tender would provide her a place to stay and money while she was there. [i]Finally,[/i] she exclaimed, seeing the sign after walking for a while. She stared at the tavern wearily. [i]Not what I would have desired...but I can only get what I can.[/i] She opened the tavern door, walking in quietly. She sat farthest away from the two customers, looking at the older man behind the bar. "Are you the tender?" she asked, letting her bag drop on the ground. The tender laughed heartily, "Is there anyone else behind this bar that I should be known of?" he looked around her to make emphasis. "I didn't think so. That would make me the tender then, dear lady." Elcecis frowned, [i]...and he's supposed to be over me?[/i] After a minute of glaring at him, she sighed. "Well then tender, that would make me your assitant." she smiled, placing her elbows on the counter. "Really?" he replied, smirking intensely at her. "I didn't think that I would have to be teaching a lady such as yourself the art of serving others." "You don't have to teach me anything, kind sir." she spoke, enlongating the end of her sentence harshly at him. "Just give me my job and I'll do it." With this the tender laughed, forgetting that he had customers. "Well, since you put it that way," he responded, throwing her a set of keys. "I'm leaving...you're in charge." He laughed, petting Elcecis on the head. "Make sure that you get paid for your servicing." and with that, he left the tavern. Elcecis growled, taking off her cape. Looking in front of her, she saw that he had customers still here. "What can I get you two sirs?"
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SilpheedPilot [/i] [B]Is the Nova Sword to Mythical or can I use it? Its not TOO big I hope. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Hey, you can use it...[/color]
  21. Name: Elcecis De'vornye Race: Human Age: 25 Class: Mage Weapon: Besides her powers, her "Holy Staff of Mirange" is used as a way of refraining from using magic. Personality: Elcecis' personality is that of a teenage girl going into puberty: tempermental, confusing, and just drastically changes over a short period. But to the basics-besides being tempermental, she is quite fiery. Also, including that her personality can change in any minute, she is highly flirtatious...like I said, that of a teenage girl(well, at least the ones I see). However, she has a tough exterior--hardly allowing anyone to become close to her...even her so called "lovers" that she seduces. Description: Elcecis uses her powers to disguise herself while out and about in towns and villages...she never reveals her true identity and the ones that have seen her original form are deceased(no, she didn't kill them). Her disguised form: [img]http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Eris/pics/mna19.jpg[/img] her "true" form: [img]http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Eris/pics/mna32.jpg[/img] Bio: Born to a family of wealthy merchants, Elcecis was always showered with the finest of things. She was raised under the care of her parents, whose prestige was known in Mirange. At age 3, she, like the other children of the village, was off to school. The children laughed and teased her, telling her how "worthless" her value really was in their "innocent" eyes. After two years of those "unrelenting" taunts, her mother, with permission from the king-whom she advised, moved her into the palace. She then was tutored by a wise Mage named Asion, who wished to pass her knowledge to someone willing--and deserving of it. Elcecis practiced hard--almost nonstop--for 10 years, soaking up and learning everything that Asion had to teach her before she died. However, her last words before leaving were in warning to Elcecis, and she took them as such. During those past few years, a new king came to power--the former king's son. He, unlike his father was ruthless and coniving--willing to do whatever it took to get his way, no matter the consequences. He was also attracted to Elcecis, and would stop at nothing to get her hand in marriage. When word got to her of his interest, she refused, simply remarking, "Thy heart is of an untamed asp...thou must thinkest mad to desire me to have it." The simple words outraged the King, forcing his advisor-her mother-to persaude her "wretched offspring" to change her answer. Her mother pleaded her, fearing for her daughter's life, but to no avail. This went on for a month before the King became impatient. He called her to the throne, asking for her hand in marriage...and received the same answer. The King had something for her...he made her, the next day, watch her village burn to the ground and her parents were killed eariler in front of her eyes. A week passed and she was exiled and she roams, town to town, never staying in one place for very long. ...well, that was long!
  22. Elcecis looked at him shocked, her finger leaving his face--as if it were burned. [i]Maybe I shouldn't have done that...[/i] she thought, her hands clasped together in her lap. She sighed, scaring the poor man was something that she didn't want to do. Of course, she was attracted to him...but she didn't want to make him feel insecure, that wasn't the purpose. She sighed again, confused as to what she should do. She was confused. [i]That's a first.[/i]
  23. Elcecis smiled, [i]Ah, the basic conversational move. That's boring![/i] she heard in her mind, snapping her eyes wide open. Then she chuckling... [i]You keep forgetting...psychic element...you have it.[/i] she heard Anis sigh, [i]You could easily read this boy's thoughts...why do you put yourself through this knowing that you can put aside all this and find out exactly what he really wants...[/i] Elcecis frowned then dropped into a smile, remembering that she had company. "Well, I'm originally from Hawaii, but I now live in New York." she sighed, hearing Anis go on. [i]Puh, how can you seriously want this boy?[/i] he sighed, frustrated at her. [i]Sad...[/i] was all he escaped from his mind, mentally. She looked in the bushes, seeing him duck down. [i]Stay out of my mind![/i] she yelled, mentally sending him a blow. She smiled, turning back to the male that next to her. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, smiling happily. "Oh and my age...well, I'm 19. Pretty young huh?" she chuckled nervously, "I do look older and that's good, I guess." Then she smirked...she had an idea. "Well," she started, her finger touching his cheek, "it's only fair that you get to answer the questions you asked me...I have some other ones for you...but I'll get to that later." she smirked, trailing her finger downwards to his chin. [i]I still got it![/i]
  24. Avalon

    otaku prom

    Hey, I'm down! Hmm, I gotta find a date!
  25. Elcecis sighed, [i]Now...how am I going to do this?[/i] she thought, looking at Praetor stand up. [i]Well, I can always sit on my knees.[/i] Chuckling, she spread her coat onto the ground, and, without feeling exposed, she flopped on top of it. Sitting on her knees, she sighed, feeling the backs of her platforms press into her bottom. [i]This is rather uncomfortable...[/i] Squiming, she changed her position, letting left leg extend outward...and the right one followed suit, crossing at the ankles. She blinked suddenly, remembering Praetor's presence, and chuckled embarrassingly. "Sorry about that...you probably shouldn't have saw that," she spoke, her face red and blushing furiously. [i]Wasn't that the purpose?[/i] she screamed to herself. Elcecis simply shook her head, trying to shut up that voice which was getting annoying moment by moment.
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